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Welcome to the Cameo Hotel

Page 17

by K. I. Lynn

  She smiled at me. “Good answer. Okay, so let’s see. You have a BA in accounting and an MBA, but you’ve never worked in finance or accounting?”

  I nodded. “That’s correct. In order to be able to go to school and have a place to live, I had to keep a job that paid more. Most of what I was finding in my field was unpaid full-time internships. I know this hurts my experience.”

  “Some things experience can’t teach you. Like sensibility. You took the economically rational route. I see that as a path.” She looked back down to the stack of papers in front of her. “I see here you work at the Cameo Hotel. Tell me about that,” Julianne requested.

  I squirmed in my seat, my lips forming a thin line. “Well, as of a few days ago, I am no longer employed with the Cameo Hotel.”

  Her brows shot up in surprise. “Okay, could you please elaborate for me?”

  “I was . . . let go.”

  She nodded. “Fired?”

  “Fired,” I relented.

  “All right,” she began, giving a small sigh before leaning forward, her arms crossing on the table. “By the look on your face, I have to hear this story.”

  “My boyfriend was a guest there.”

  Her brow scrunched. “So?”

  “Well, he’d been staying there for a while, and that is where I met him,” I explained. “Fraternization between current guests and employees is prohibited.”

  “Fraternization, huh?” She smirked at me. “Well, that’s not an issue here unless one of the parties is a direct superior.”

  I laughed with her, partially at my secret.

  “Besides your relationship with a guest, tell me what you did.”

  I went into my past with the hotel, my grades, my work ethic, and so many more questions. Before I knew it, an hour had passed.

  “Oh, shoot, it’s already two,” Julianne said suddenly. “I am so sorry. I’m going to have to cut this short, though it was actually quite long.”

  “No problem.” I was a bit stunned by the abruptness.

  “I really am sorry.” She stood and grabbed a stack of files and waved at me to follow her. “I have a financial meeting with the vice president in two minutes, and he really doesn’t appreciate lateness.”

  “I completely understand.” She had no idea how much I understood how demanding Gavin was.

  We walked back through the cube farm to the elevators. “Thank you so much for coming today. I really enjoyed talking with you, Emma.”

  “Thank you so much for seeing me today.”

  “Oh, one last thing. I’m looking to have all the interviews done by the end of the week.”

  “Hopefully I’ll hear from you.”

  I decided I wasn’t going to tell Gavin about the interview. If I got the position, it was going to be because I earned it.

  An hour after I returned home, I heard the key in the door before it popped open. Voices flooded up from down the stairs. Mrs. Carrow was once again complaining. I jumped up to meet Gavin at the doorway.

  “I don’t care, woman! Go back into your home,” Gavin grumbled as he stepped in.

  A giggled slipped out. “Hey, love stud.”

  Gavin’s frown twitched up into a lopsided smile. “I’m about to throw you on that bed and show you my studliness.”

  “Just to rile her up more?” I asked as I stood and wrapped my arms around his shoulders to pull him closer. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine, igniting the fire that burned every time he was close.

  “How was your day?” I asked as I reluctantly pulled away.

  “Productive. Yours? Any new interviews?”

  “No. I did apply for a few more positions,” I lied as I heaved a sigh. It was a small lie, just until I heard something. “I stayed at the hotel because it paid the bills, but it may have hurt me in the long run.”

  “Emma, all you have to do is—”

  I pressed his lips shut with my fingers. “Don’t finish that sentence. I love you, Gavin, but I need to do this on my own.”

  He leaned forward and pushed his lips that were still trapped by my fingers against my own. It made me laugh and let go.

  “I love that you are independent, even though it drives me crazy sometimes.”

  “What? You want to swoop in and save me?” I asked.

  “Yes.” He nodded. “Isn’t that what all knights do? Save the damsel in distress?”

  I shook my head. “You get brownie points for the sentiment.”

  “I think I can deal with that, but can I add something to it?”

  I tilted my head. “What?”

  His eyes locked onto mine. “If you don’t find anything by the time we move out of here, you let me help.”

  We still had a month, and it worried me that I might not be able to do it on my own with the previous experience requirement many companies were looking for. It was hard to do, but with a sigh, I agreed.


  “I just want you happy, baby.” He ran his hands up and down my back as he held me close. “And every day you’re stuck in this tiny apartment, I see you get more and more down.”

  “I know. It doesn’t help that I’ve got some weird depression from being fired. I’ve never been fired before, and it hurts more than I thought it would.” It stung a lot, even though I knew I broke the rules and that what they did was what they should have done.

  “You gave them many good years. Put up with assholes like me. Then you had to go and fall for my nefarious advances.”

  I quirked a brow at him. “Nefarious?”

  “Yes. Didn’t you know it was all some evil plot to get some extra-special, happy-ending service? I was just going to leave after that,” he joked.

  I smacked his chest and glared at him. “Not funny.”

  “No, but that is what the men who fired you thought. And instead, here I am, sharing this tiny, dingy apartment with you instead of living the life of luxury, having fun making their lives miserable.”

  “You’re horrible.”

  “I get what I want,” he said. It took no effort for those few words to exude every bit of confidence the man had.

  I tilted my head as I looked up at him. “What if I didn’t fall for you? I mean, you were very mean to me.”

  “You would have, because you can’t help it.”

  “Why is that?”

  The back of his fingers lightly caressed my cheek. “Because soulmates are drawn to each other. We may fight against it, try and disbelieve it, but you can’t win against it.”

  “Soulmates? You think?”

  “I know.”

  His lips were soft against mine, sensual. There was no rush when his lips parted, his tongue lapping against mine. Low moans, slow gropes, and his hard length pressed against me.

  “You know,” I said as I pulled back. “I love the take-your-time sex, but I have to admit, sometimes I miss the quickies.”

  “The quickies?”

  I pinched my bottom lip between my teeth while I ran his tie between my fingers. “When I would come into your room and you would bend me over and fuck me like your life depended on it.”

  “Are you suggesting I’ve gone soft?”

  “Soft? Not at all.” I shook my head and looked up at him through my lashes.

  His eyes darkened as his hands moved to my waist. “According to your neighbor, I’ve been fucking you pretty hard.”

  “And you do. But there’s a difference between taking our time and the desperation you had to get inside me.”

  “Ms. Addison, do you not feel desired? Is that what you’re saying?”

  I shook my head. “What I’m saying, Mr. Grayson, is I want you to bend me over the couch, pull my pants down, pull your cock out, and fuck me.”

  A growl left him as he spun me around. He pushed hard on my back, forcing me over with one hand while the other yanked at my waistband.

  It was exactly what I wanted, what I needed. That primal energy.

barely heard his zipper before he slammed into me, filling me.

  I cried out, my eyes rolling back as every nerve exploded. He pulled out, then thrust back in, bottoming out. Another loud moan crawled out of me. Only two thrusts, and I was on edge.

  His hand wound in my hair, then pulled back, his breath hot against my ear. “Is this what you wanted, Emma?”

  “Yes,” I cried as he pulled out again and began a hard, steady pace.

  Every thought left me, consumed by the pleasure of each thrust. I was lost, completely drunk on him.

  “Fuck, baby,” he groaned. “So tight, so fucking wet.”

  Every muscle tightened with each hit, and a whimpering sound filled my ears, turning into a high-pitched cry. I was shaking, spasms wracking my body, and I was barely able to hold myself up as my orgasm washed through me.

  “Baby . . . fuck, baby.” He continued on as I rode it out, my walls pulsing around him. “Shit,” he hissed. He released my hair and pulled out.

  Grunts and groans filled the air, sending shivers through me. Warm droplets fell against my skin, a few shooting up into my hair.

  Harsh breaths sounded behind me, but I didn’t have the strength to look back at him. The sudden sting of his hand against my ass made me jump.

  “Feel better?”

  A smile formed on my face as I nodded. “Yes, sir. Very much.”

  The weekend came and went, and I continued on my furniture quest. By Wednesday I was losing hope that Cates would call back, but at just after five, my phone rang.




  “Hi, this is Amy from Cates.”

  My heart slammed in my chest, eyes wide. “Hi, Amy!” I said a little too cheerfully.

  “I am calling because you made a good impression on Julianne, and she would like you to come join her team.”

  It felt like I was on cloud nine. I was so excited that tears pooled in my eyes.

  “Oh my God, that is so great.”

  “It pays sixty-five thousand dollars a year, with full benefits after thirty days, including two weeks of vacation.”

  I nearly choked, frozen as the amount sunk in. In my position at the hotel, I made pretty good money, but I could actually do things with the extra fifteen grand Cates paid.


  “Yes. Here. Sorry. Where do I sign?”

  There was a chuckle on the other line. “Can you come down Friday afternoon to fill out some paperwork? She’d like you to start on Monday, if that’s possible.”

  “Definitely. I would love to start Monday. Thank you so much, Amy.”

  “Welcome to the Cates Corporation. See you soon!”

  “Thank you!” My hands were shaking as I hit the button to end the call.

  I had a job. I had a job at Gavin’s company, and I had done it without his help.

  I began bounding around the room, unable to contain my jubilation. The handle to the door jiggled, and in stepped Gavin.

  “Baby, I’m home,” he called out. His eyes widened when he took me in his sight. “Hello, madwoman, have you seen my girlfriend around? Looks a bit like you, only she’s been a bit sulky lately.”

  “I got a job!” I cried out.

  A smile broke out on his face as he rushed forward and scooped me up in his arms, his lips crashing to mine. “I’m so happy for you, baby. Where at?”

  I bit my lip and studied his expression, a bit unsure of his reaction. “Cates Corporation.”

  He blinked at me for a moment. “You applied at Cates?” he asked. I nodded in response. His expression became somewhat hurt. “You applied at Cates and didn’t tell me? Why?”

  I sighed. “Because I know how you are, Gavin. You like to throw your weight around, and I wanted to get this job because I deserved it, not because I’m the vice president’s girlfriend.”

  He mulled that over for a moment and nodded. “Solid point. I can very much understand and appreciate that.”

  My brow hitched. “You do, do you?”

  “You worked hard for it. You deserve it.” He leaned down to press his lips to mine. “And you are correct in thinking that I would have thrown my weight around if you had told me.”

  “I’m getting to understand you a great deal, Mr. Grayson.”

  “How should we celebrate this momentous occasion?”

  “Ninety Nine?”

  He shook his head. “You love that place.”

  “Duh! Buffalo dip.”

  He nodded. “Buffalo dip.”

  “I’ve been craving it for a week.”

  We moved into the bedroom to change clothes. Another reason to go to Ninety Nine was Gavin in jeans. It was a place we could relax.

  “Can we . . . keep us on the down low for a few weeks?” I asked as I stripped out of my shorts and tank.

  He quirked a brow. “The ‘down low,’ Emma? Why ever for?”

  “I want to come across as a credible hire.”

  With his suit hung up, he worked on undoing the buttons. It made me wish I’d asked for a strip tease.

  “But I didn’t help,” he argued.

  “I know that, you know that, but they don’t know that.”

  “Then tell them.”

  I shook my head. “They won’t believe me.”

  “I’m tired of creeping around, hiding my love for you,” he said with a sigh.

  After pulling on some jeans, I stepped over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Just a few weeks to prove myself. Please, Gavin?” I begged, reaching up to kiss down the length of his jaw.

  He let out a hum in response. “A few weeks. Then I’m sending out a company announcement.”

  I sat back with wide eyes. No, he wouldn’t.

  His face was completely serious before a smile cracked, breaking out into full out laughing. I swatted his arm. “Not funny!”

  “So funny.”

  I shook my head. “Not.”




  “No, no, no!” I cried.

  Suddenly he grabbed my waist and backed me up until I fell onto the bed with him hovering above me, pinning my arms above my head.

  I gasped at the look in his eyes, my whole body lighting up, bursting into flames. “Hello, Mr. Grayson.”

  “Emma, you’re being naughty.”

  I smiled. “Yes, sir.”

  He dipped down and took my exposed nipple into his mouth. I drew in a breath, my back arching.

  “Naughty girls get punished.”

  I moaned. “Yes, sir.”

  My stomach chose that moment to rumble, breaking up our sexually charged moment.

  A huge sigh left him. “But first, food.”

  With great reluctance, he pulled away and we continued getting dressed. I couldn’t help loving the routine we’d fallen into as a couple.

  Even though the space was tight, I loved living with him.

  On Saturday morning I sat at the table with a notebook, coffee, and a plate of eggs with turkey bacon. I’d already checked my bank account, and my last check was in. It was for a whole pay period, but still, it was all the money I had for probably another month, and I had to make it stretch.

  “What are you doing?” Gavin asked when he saw me. He headed straight for the coffee pot and the plate I’d made for him.

  How did he still look so incredibly hot wearing pajama bottoms and an undershirt? Even his hair was a mess, and all I wanted to do was jump him.

  I cleared my throat and took another sip from my mug. “With my first day on Monday, I need to make sure I’m ready.”

  “Ready how?”

  I tapped the pen on the paper. “That’s what the list is for. I need clothes, maybe some shoes.” I wracked my brain, trying to figure out what I needed.

  Five items made up the list: slacks, light sweaters, dress shirts, cardigan, heels?

  Heels were questionable. I had a few pairs, but they had some good miles on them than
ks to the hotel. They weren’t in bad shape, but they were definitely beginning to show their age.

  A few hours later we found ourselves in the women’s department of Macy’s. While I was happily plucking possibilities from racks, Gavin was grumbling.

  “Why are we at the clearance rack?” Gavin asked.

  “Because you can find great things at a great price,” I said as I pulled two shirts from the rack and threw them over my arm.

  “Don’t worry about the price.”

  “Yes. You may have paid the rent, but Friday was my last check and that’s all I have for probably four more weeks.”

  The dress code for my position was business casual and didn’t require the skirt suits I wore at the hotel. Thus, I was having a major wardrobe emergency.

  “Ooh, cardigan.” It would probably be chilly at times and for seven dollars, it would help.

  “I’m going to pay for your clothes,” Gavin said. “You don’t have to resign yourself to clearance.”

  I shook my head as I moved to a rack full of pants. “I’m not resigning myself to anything. There is nothing wrong with any of this stuff. It’s a great deal. And no, you’re not paying.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “No.” I locked eyes with him. His jaw was locked.


  If I continued on, we were going to blow up into a full-fledged argument over something stupid. Him paying half was a compromise we both could live with.

  “Half,” I agreed.

  “I never give in to anyone.”

  “You just did to me. Even if it was a compromise.”

  “Do I get a reward?”

  “Maybe if you’re good, we can come to an arrangement in the dressing room,” I said with a wink.

  His brow shot up, and he gave an approving nod.

  I took a deep breath as I looked in the mirror. Time was running low, and I was getting nervous.

  “How do I look?” I asked as I stepped out of the bathroom. Gavin was still working his cuff links when he looked up.

  A smile grew on his face. “Beautiful, as always, and perfect for your first day.”

  “Thank you.” I reached up and gave him a peck on the lips, careful not to mess up my lipstick. “And thank you for your help shopping.”

  “You’re more than welcome, though I wish you’d have let me buy you more.”


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