Book Read Free

Hard Ball

Page 9

by Heather Stone


  This is heaven. Her tight warm pussy is all around me. I could spend the rest of my life inside her and never tire of it. Moving my hips, I retract my cock. Her sweet cunt starts to contract, begging me not to leave, desperate for me to fill her again. So I oblige, slamming back in, then slowly retreating yet again.

  I watch as my dick enters her.

  I listen to the slap of our skin.

  As my body keeps the rhythm, I can feel her walls squeeze me, letting me know of her impending release. My pace picks up and I move my hand back up to stroke her clit. She cries out and starts to tremble all around me. I let out a primal moan and thrust once, twice, and on the third push of my cock, I let loose, coating her with my seed.

  We lay together for a while, both of us trying to catch our breath. The seconds pass and finally I look into her eyes. She smiles at me, and that smile is everything.



  Two weeks later . . .


  I’m coming down with something just when it’s time to ramp up rehab. I wipe the taste of bile away from my mouth and sit back on my heels.

  “You okay, baby?” Cole calls from the bed, worry laced in his husky voice.

  “Fine. I think I have a stomach bug,” I groan. “Nothing I can do about it.”

  “You should go get checked out. I want you to see my dad, but if you caught something, it’s probably not a good idea.” His voice is gentle and concerned.

  I stand, already feeling better. Head over to the sink and brush my teeth. Maybe I’m hungry. I haven’t had anything to eat. I walk back into the room to see Cole lying in all his naked glory atop the sheets. My tongue darts out, swiping at my bottom lip. It’s an innate move whenever Cole is near. He’s too delicious not to crave.

  “You want some?” he says, flexing his dick. I chuckle at the show of bravado. His impressive cock is making my pussy pulse, definitely wanting more, but knowing there are other issues that need to be taken care of.

  “I need food.”

  “Let’s get you fed, then.” He hops off the bed like his dick isn’t erect and ready to go. His phone rings then and I have to chuckle watching his naked ass saunter over to pick it up.

  “Hey, Mom. How’s Dad?” Cole says. “Yeah, I want to see him.” His eyes find mine. “She’s here.” He smiles, drawing out a responding one of my own. “She isn’t feeling well, so I think it’ll just be me. I’ll get organized and head that way. See you in a few. Love you too.” He disconnects, throwing the phone onto the bed.

  “Go get ready,” I say. “I’m just going to grab a yogurt and banana and head to the clinic down the street. I want to see your pops.”

  Cole pulls me against his firm chest.

  “I want you to see him too. He loves you, you know?”

  I nod. “I love him, too. I’ve been so angry with him and your mom. I just wish they would’ve been honest.” I frown, wanting to cry. These damn tears are starting to piss me off. I’m not the crying type of girl.

  “Me too, baby.” He kisses my forehead. “I’ll be back later.”

  Throwing on a robe, I walk to the kitchen to grab some food. Soon, Cole walks through dressed in a gray quarter-sleeve Henley tee and a pair of black Hurley shorts. I drool. He’s that gorgeous.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart, you’ll have all the Cole cock you can handle later.”

  I raise my brow. “‘Cole cock’? Are you serious?”

  “You know it, baby.”

  “You’ve clearly forgotten I’m not your jersey-chasing floozy.”

  He laughs. “That you are not.” He comes over and plants a kiss on my lips. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too. Now go.” I point toward the door, hurrying him out. If he stays I might be forced to drag him back to bed and show him just how much I love every inch of him.

  I watch as he retreats through the door. A feeling of complete and utter contentment flows through my body. I could get used to this. Us. Living together. He’s quickly become my everything. He always has meant the world to me, but this is different. This isn’t insta-love; we’ve loved each other for years in another sense. It’s just grown into a fierce, passionate sexual love.

  My mouth curls around my spoon as I lick the peach yogurt clean off until not a drop is left. The food has made me feel better, but I want to see Mr. Callahan and I have to make sure I’m not coming down with something.

  On the drive to the clinic I phone my mother. It’s been a while since I’ve spoken to her and I can imagine she’s angry with me for that.

  “Makenzie Marie Anderson, where have you been?” My mother’s scold causes me to cringe. “I have been calling you for weeks.”

  “Sorry, Mom. I’ve been working.”

  “You aren’t working. You’re shacking up with Cole. Don’t forget your momma is smarter than you think.” The smile in her voice has me breathing a sigh of relief.

  “I’m not shacking up with Cole, Mom. I’m living with him while I help with his therapy.” She clucks her tongue. Such a typical Catherine Anderson thing to do. “I love him.” She chuckles.

  “Finally admitting it, eh?”

  “You knew?”

  “Honey, everybody but you two knew. It was inevitable.”

  “I’m scared. I was dating a great guy and I gave it all up to pursue this thing with Cole. What if it doesn’t work? What if we end up hating each other?” The questions come spewing out like word vomit. All my pent-up fears come right out of me. “I couldn’t bear it, Momma.”

  “Makenzie Marie, that’s love. It’s supposed to be scary. You’re leaping off a cliff hoping he’ll catch you at the bottom. In some cases, he does. In others, he doesn’t. You don’t jump unless it’s the crazy, stupid, butterfly-inducing love. That love…it’s worth the risk.”

  I take in her words.

  Crazy? Check.

  Stupid? Check.

  Butterfly inducing? Check.

  It’s all there and more.

  “You keep forgetting you two have known each other forever. You both have flaws and the other knew full well what they were going into. You’ve skipped over half the stuff that ends most relationships. If you two can love each other despite all of those negatives, I’d say you have a good shot.”

  “Hey. I don’t have a bunch of negatives.”

  “You can go ahead and put whining onto your list of negatives.”

  “You’re right. I love him despite everything I know about him. I might even love him more because he’s different when he’s with me. He’s the same old Cole I’ve always known, but the way he is with me, Momma?” I sigh. “It’s different.”

  “How so?”

  “He’s sweeter, kinder, careful. Cole is gentle with me, protective but not overbearing. Unless you count the time he threw me over his shoulder and marched me away from his teammate.”

  “He didn’t.”

  “Oh, he did.”

  “Makenzie Marie, that boy is a Neanderthal.” She laughs.

  “My sentiments exactly.” We both have a good chuckle about that.

  “Momma, I have to go. I’m headed to the clinic to be checked for a stomach bug.”

  “You feeling sick?” She questions with a hint of something I can’t place.

  “I was before, but I’m feeling better now. I just need to be sure before I head over to see Wade.”

  “You know about him, then?”

  “Yeah. I’m not even going to ask why you didn’t say anything.”

  “Wasn’t my place, baby girl.”

  “I figured that’s what you’d say. Things would’ve been so much easier if we’d known.”

  “We all told him that, but Wade Callahan is a stubborn-ass man.”

  I snort. “Runs in the family.”

  “I would say.” She sighs. “Go get yourself checked out and let the Callahan’s know we’re here if they need anything.”

  “Will do, Momma. Love you.”

��Love you too, baby girl.”

  Disconnecting, I look at the building in front of me. “Clinic Open,” the sign says. I don’t know why, but an anxious feeling courses through my body.



  “I’m not okay with this.” My voice rises, causing my mother to flinch. “Sorry,” I mumble.

  “We knew you would fight us on this, but it needs to happen.” My dad looks to my mom and smiles. “Your money never should’ve been an option for us. We took advantage and for that I’ll always be sorry.”

  “If I knew what was going on, you wouldn’t have had a choice. I make enough money, Dad.”

  He shakes his head. “Not the point. We’re supposed to take care of you.”

  My hand slams down on the table in front of me.

  “No. Not when it comes to your health. I’ve lost out on the last year with you and I’m not letting you decide the next year for me. You’re going,” I say. “And you’re using all the money I have until a goddamn cure is found.”

  “Cole. The treatments aren’t helping. If anything, they’re making your father weaker.” A tear slips down my mom’s face and my heart breaks. “Whatever time I have left with him, I want it to be good memories, not spent in a hospital with him sick.” She begins to cry harder.

  “Mom.” My voice cracks as I look at my father, weak and tired. Wade Callahan has never looked so exhausted. “Dad. Please,” I beg. “Don’t do this. Don’t give up.”

  His shallow eyes hold none of the light they used to. His cheeks are sunken in and his skin is a sickly yellow. He’s dying right before my eyes and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it. I want to scream. I want to pound my fist into something over and over again. I want to cry. My father, my hero, is dying.

  “There’s nothing they can do, son. We’ve tried it all.” Despite his ominous words, he smiles. “I’ll die a happy man seeing what a great player you’ve become.” I sag into my chair defeated, deflated, and completely heartbroken.

  My father, the man who taught me how to throw a baseball, taught me how to fish, be a man, never give up…is throwing in the towel on life. It’s not right. He needs to fight.

  I shake my head. “I just can’t accept it.”

  My dad rises his hand to stop me.

  “You have to,” he pleads. “I want what’s left of this life to be what I want it to be. I want to spend as much time with your momma as I can. I want to watch as many of your games as I can.”

  He takes a deep breath. “The only thing I need in these final days is my family. I’ll die a happy man knowing things were back to normal for us all.”

  Pondering his words, I give myself time to think by covering my face with my hands. The tears want to flow, but I refuse to let them. I need to be strong for my dad. He seems resolved to his fate and resolute in his decision to go out on top.

  Typical. Stubborn-ass Wade.

  “How can you ask me to give up?” I whisper.

  “It’s not giving up, it’s being realistic. I know what’s coming and I want to face it my way. I just ask that you support my final decision.”

  I stand and walk to my dad, holding him in a gentle embrace. Scared to hurt him. “I love you, Pops.”

  “I love you too, son.”

  We stay in that embrace for several minutes, knowing it’s the beginning of the end. Eventually, I give my acceptance of his decision. I don’t like it, but it’s his to make. It makes me think of my own life. If I were at the end, I wouldn’t want to be hooked up to machines and in and out of surgery, chemo, or radiation. I would want to be out living life alongside Makenzie.”

  My Makenzie.

  My dad loosens his grip, stepping back. “Where’s Tiny?” Dad asks, referring to Makenzie. He has always called her that. It’s ironic because although she’s thin, she’s tall. I wouldn’t exactly call her tiny. I guess that’s what happens when you’ve grown up with people. You remember things about them the rest of us don’t. My parents were practically second parents to Makenzie and hers were the same to me. I suppose at some point, Makenzie was tiny and my dad’s memory was of her at that point. It warms my heart. My future is connected deeply with my past.

  I look at the clock and frown. “Good question.” I should’ve heard from her by now. “She wasn’t feeling well. Said she was going to hit the clinic to make sure she doesn’t have anything contagious. She wanted to see you.”

  He smiles.

  “You’ll never know how happy I am to hear you two finally got your heads out of your asses.”

  “Is that so?” I quirk a brow.

  “Damn straight. Everyone but you two knew you’d end up together. It was obvious years ago that you were in love with her.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Noted,” I say. “I better give her a call.” Hugging my dad once more, I say, “Love you, Dad.”



  “Oh God, no!” My voice reverberated off the sterile walls of the clinic. “Please check again,” I beg the nurse who’s looking at me, vaguely alarmed.

  “Ms. Anderson, the results won’t change. You’re going to be a mommy.” She attempts a smile.

  What the hell is wrong with this woman? Mommy? Is she serious?

  “I can’t be pregnant. I’m not even married.”

  “Not everyone is married when they conceive,” she volunteers. “My parents had me in high school.”

  I can feel my eyes widen in an “Areyoufuckingnuts” sort of way. I finish it off with a crooked smile that has to look more like a grimace.

  “Well, anyway, these tests are very accurate. You’ll want to see the receptionist on your way out to schedule your seven-week checkup.” The nurse hugs her clipboard and retreats toward the door. “Oh…and I’d suggest starting out with a prenatal exam, since you’re looking kind of pale. They can help.” She winks and I scowl, sending her packing.

  Baby, mommy, prenatals, more doctors, my head is spinning and I feel like I could puke again. This isn’t something I was prepared for. Stomach flu? I’d take that over this. A baby isn’t a toy to play with for a few days until you get bored. It’s forever. It’s a little person I’m responsible for nurturing and teaching to grow into a responsible adult. I’m still not a respectable adult. How the hell can I train another human to be?

  The panic continues. I begin a series of deep breaths, hoping it’ll calm me down. All I need is to faint and be stuck within these suffocating walls.

  My phone vibrates. Grabbing it, I take a deep breath at the name on the screen.


  Cole: Babe, where are you? Everything okay?

  No, everything is not okay. He’s going to freak. If there is one person less ready to have a baby in this world, it’s Cole Callahan.

  Me: Fine. Be home soon.

  I quickly reply, knowing full well if I don’t, he’ll be scouring the area until he finds me.

  Cole: Cool. Do you want spaghetti tonight?

  My hand flies to my mouth to stifle the gag. The thought of spaghetti is twisting my stomach into knots. It sounds awful and it pisses me off. I love spaghetti. Like LOVE it.

  Me: Ummm…I’m not really hungry. I think I’ll just grab some sushi and fruit.

  Cole: Count me out on that shit. I’ll throw in a pizza.

  I cringe at the thought. Something tells me Italian and I are not going to be friends for a while.

  Me: Whatever you want.

  Cole: Only you, baby. In my bed. All night. I need you. It was a rough day.

  That right there would be the very reason we’re in this predicament. And rough? He hasn’t even begun to understand the term.

  Me: See you soon. Love you.

  The entire way home I’m tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. My mind plays over the events of today. The anxiety leading to my appointment comes to mind and I’m hit with the realization that I knew something wasn’t right. My body was telling me that something more than the stomach bug was going on.<
br />
  What in the hell am I going to say to Cole?

  He’s been so good about jumping into a relationship with me. He wants this to work out just as much as I do. Will the news of the baby change everything? Am I really ready to be a mother? The questions plague my already fragile nerves. Pulling into the complex’s parking lot, I shut off the car and stare out the front window. People meander around, but it’s the woman with the little blond boy that has my attention.

  He smiles up at her like she’s his world, dimples exploding on either side of his cheeks before he breaks out into a fit of giggles at whatever the woman says. Her hands run through his golden locks, causing him to bat her fingers away. She laughs at this. The look in her eyes is pure joy. This little boy means everything to her. She grabs his hand and they walk off, away from me and my prying eyes.

  I feel the smile on my own face at their exchange. The adoration between the two has my heart swelling. That’s what it could be like. I only experienced a voyeur’s view, but just that glimpse has me craving more. I’ve never really liked or disliked kids, but the thought of having my own was definitely not even a blip on my radar. Until now.

  My hand goes to my belly, still flat and unchanged. Except everything has changed. I’m going to be a mother. I have a child growing inside my body. A baby who depends on me to help him or her grow. It’s a scary, yet wonderful feeling.

  With a newfound resolve, I throw open the door and make my way to my man. Cole deserves to know. I can only hope he’ll share my hopes for our future as parents.

  “Cole?” I call out to the quiet condo.

  “In here, baby,” he calls from the dining area.

  I kick off my shoes and head in his direction. As much as I am coming to terms with the news, I’m not exactly jumping to tell Cole. I have no idea how he’s going to take the news and the thought is terrifying.

  As I round the corner my breath catches. The room is dimly lit with candelabras placed in the center of a beautifully set table. White linens and what appears to be fine china are set for two. A bottle of champagne is set off to the side along with two chafing dishes covered by ornate lids. Where he got all of this is beyond me. It’s elegant and romantic.


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