Book Read Free

Hard Ball

Page 22

by Heather Stone


  After Bailey skips out on me to go shopping, I ponder what my mom said the other night at dinner. What could she possibly be hiding? The whole thing is so strange. It’s completely shocking in the best way possible, but I want to get know the rest, so I jump out of bed and into the shower. I can still smell Bailey’s pussy all over me. I could sit in her scent all day, but my mother would not appreciate it. They seem to have gotten off to a good start. No reason to mess up a good thing.

  When I pulled into my parents’ driveway an hour later, I notice two things right away. My dad’s BMW is sitting in the driveway, which is strange because typically he’d be on the golf course on a Saturday or out of town. No fail. Secondly, there is an attractive younger woman sitting in the passenger seat who is not my mother.

  It’s no secret that my father is a philanderer, but he has never blatantly rubbed it in my mom’s face. This is downright tasteless. I’ve gone from zero to fucking pissed in less than .01 seconds. He better hope he manages to sneak by me because I want blood. Luckily for him, he doesn’t even see me and remains in the car.

  I tear out of my car stalking toward the front door without even a second glance at that woman. I yank open the front door with a jerk and yell for my mom. Barreling down the hallway, ripping open door after door, I continue to call for my mother. I see her frazzled face as she turns the corner hauling ass in my direction, clearly concerned.

  “What in God’s name, Reed? We could hear you all the way on the other end of the house. What’s the matter?” She looks horrified, if not dumbstruck.

  “What the hell is Dad doing here with another woman?” I’m seething.

  Her face softens and she pats my hand. “Oh, come now. That’s only Sarah, his financial advisor. She accompanies him on most golf outings.” She rolls her eyes. “Nothing new there.”

  “Golf outings, my ass,” I say under my breath, but my mom throws a stern look my way. “I don’t care who she is. It’s disrespectful to bring his whores here.”

  “Reed, calm down. Nothing is going on between those two. Sarah is actually a very nice girl. In fact, I think she’d run in the opposite direction from your father if she could. She’s very young and bright. She’s just doing what’s expected of her by him. I’m quite fond of her. You can relax.”

  “Why is he even here? He hasn’t been around the past several times I’ve stopped in. I thought we were finally rid of him.” She frowns.

  “Despite any issues your father and I have you should respect him.”

  I scoff. “I can’t respect someone who has given me every reason to be disrespectful towards them.”

  “Please don’t carry this hate for him on my behalf. I allow most of what occurs in this house.” She lowers her head looking ashamed.

  That may be the case, but my mother shouldn’t have to allow that sort of behavior. He’s an adult and knows right from wrong. He’s a world-class prick, and most days I cringe knowing I’m his offspring.

  “I just don’t get why you stay with him.”

  She laughs. “Where would I go, huh? Would I come live with you? Your father isn’t giving up his sprawling estate, and I organize charities. This world would not be kind to me if I tried to start over. I came to terms with my fate a long time ago, Reed, and I wouldn’t change a second because I had you.”

  For the first time in maybe my whole life, looking at my mom feels comforting. This is what a mother is supposed to be. Why wasn’t it always like this?

  “Why, Mother? Why the coldness all those years?”

  She sighs, resigned to have this conversation. She knows I won’t back down until I have the answers.

  “For many years, I tried to build my own empire. I worked so hard to network and build a brand in myself so that eventually, when I had the resources, I could take you and we could leave. I tried to get out from under your father’s thumb, but I failed.”

  “I can understand that, Mother, but where did it all go wrong? Between you and dad I mean.”

  “I know you think you know what my life has been, but there are a lot of things you don’t know. Your grandma and grandpa were not my birth parents.” My mouth drops open and creases form between my brows. My mother continues.

  “My birth parents were druggies. I was placed in foster care at the age of five, and that’s when your grandma found me and took me in. They couldn’t conceive on their own. I don’t remember much from those first five years, but what I do remember, no child should ever have to live through. Your grandparents saved me in so many ways. They gave me things I would’ve never experienced. They were great people.”

  I have so many questions, but I can tell she isn’t finished.

  “I met your father through the typical social channels. I always knew I wanted to marry someone like your grandfather—strong, hardworking, loving. I got the first two. I thought your father loved me, but soon after we married, the charade dropped, and it became obvious I was just another step to his world dominance. Ha. My trust was very large, and it helped to get his empire started as opposed to mine. I was a fool. His family had money, but nothing like mine. He wiped my trust clean, and made sure I wouldn’t receive a dime of his as part of our prenuptial agreement.”

  I hate my father and all that he stands for. What’s he’s done to my mother is unforgivable.

  “I don’t want you to worry about me, Reed. I’ll be fine. We have a gala to get ready for.” She smiles. “I want you to have something.” She walks out of the room and returns shortly.

  “Here, open it.”

  I open a box to find a man’s ring with my grandfather’s family crest emblazoned on top. “What’s this for?”

  “It was your grandfather’s. You remind me a lot of him. He was a reckless young man who grew into a strong, powerful, loving man. He may not have been our blood, but he was every bit my father from the day he adopted me. Seeing you with Bailey made me happy because I can see that you’re finally happy. I want you to have this and give it to her when you’re ready.”

  Is it that obvious? Can everyone see what this girl is doing to me? I don’t like feeling vulnerable, and that’s exactly what I feel right now.

  “You’re more like him than you are your father. Stay that way, Reed. Promise me you won’t lose that kindness I see in you. Take care of Bailey, too. I can tell she’s had a rough go of things, but she’s a good girl.”

  I don’t even realize it until the first tear slides down my cheek, but my mother’s praise means more to me than anything in this world.


  As I descend the stairs that night I watch Reed take me in. His eyes go wide and sweep from my head to my toes. As I move closer his breath hitches and his Adam’s apple bobs. Leaning toward me, his lips brush lightly against mine.

  “You are breathtaking, Bailey. I’ve never—” He chokes up and I smile at his reaction. “I’ve never been prouder to have a woman on my arm.” I peck his cheek eliciting a smile from him. “You ready?” he asks, his words tickling my mouth. It feels like the soft petals of a flower and I lean into him once more, never wanting to break away. A laugh escapes me at the sensation.

  “Come on, we’re late.” He grins.

  He pulls away and my mouth immediately misses him. Our fingers entwine and we walk into Cipriani on 42nd Street. As we make our way inside, I can’t muffle the gasp that leaves my body. The room is breathtaking. Large marble columns rise toward the soaring ceilings as delicate trees of orchard branches climb out from the tables lit only by candlelight. I’ve never seen anything so magnificent in my life. A waiter with a tray of tall flutes of champagne walks past us, and Reed lifts an eyebrow to me. I nod my head and he grabs two. One drink won’t hurt.

  “Thank you.” I beam up at him, and he smiles down at me. He looks so incredibly handsome in his slim cut black tuxedo I can barely stop staring at him. He must know it too, because his lip quirks up and he leans in.

  “I can’t wait to get out of here and see what
you have on under that dress.”

  Not much.

  As I sip my champagne, Reed trails his hands up and down my skin, sending shivers and goose bumps all over me. He lifts his eyebrow with a smirk.


  “Hardly,” I choke out, my eyes dilating.

  “Let’s find my mother, dance a little, and then get the fuck out of here. It’s been way too long since I’ve been inside you.”

  And God had it. It feels like an eternity since this morning.

  I nod as he takes my glass from my hand and places it on an empty tray as another waiter passes. The dance floor is alive and vibrant, a twelve-piece orchestra playing on the stage. On the edge of the dance floor, I see Cynthia. She looks lovely with her chestnut hair pulled back into a chignon, and sparkles of diamonds across her neck reflecting glimmers of light. She throws her head back in laughter and my own smile comes. She truly is a remarkable lady.

  “There she is, Reed,” I say pointing over in her direction and we walk across the dance floor, weaving our way through dancing guests.

  “Reed, darling,” she says as she places a kiss on his cheek then beams up at me.

  “Mother,” he responds.

  “Bailey, such a pleasure to have you here tonight. You look stunning. I can see why my son is so smitten.”

  My face heats, and I’m sure I’m blushing. “Thank you so much for having me, Mrs. Lawson. This is magnificent. I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life.”

  “Cynthia, dear. And I’m so happy you think so. This event means so much to me.” We all stand silently for a minute, taking in the activity around us before I feel Reed’s hand make contact with the small of my back again. I love and hate this dress. Every time he touches me, I want to beg him to have me right here on the dance floor. Seeing as that’s not an option…

  I hate the dress.

  “Please excuse me. I see someone I need to speak to. Take Bailey for a dance, Reed. Enjoy yourself.” I watch as she gracefully glides away and I turn to Reed.

  “So are you going to take me dancing, or what?” I wink at him.

  The corners of his eyes crinkle as his mouth curves into a wicked smirk. “You sure you want to dance, Bailey? I can think of something better to do.” His pupils are huge as he speaks, and I’m sure that if I gave him the word, he would whisk me right out of here without a backward glance. But being here, looking at the dance floor, I want to dance with him.

  More than anything.

  “No way, Reed. I want to see all the moves you have.”

  With that, he pulls me along with him onto the dance floor. When his hands wrap around me, an electrifying shudder reverberates throughout my body. We sway together in perfect synchrony, so close it’s as if we’ve fused our bodies together. Soft fingers tilt my chin up until our eyes meet. He gleams brilliantly at me, shimmering flashes of an azure fire. I’m completely entranced by him.

  He studies me closely. His steady gaze is bearing into me as he tilts his head down to capture my mouth. The kiss is gentle, but it’s the way he looks at me that’s different. Like we’ve crossed an invisible line and neither one of us are turning back. Pulling away, he whispers against my lips,

  “You’re delicious,” then he reclaims my mouth again. Shivers of emotions radiate through me. I’m falling for this man and fast.

  “Well, well, well. Reed, what do we got here? Who is this divine creature?” Pulling away from Reed, I look up to see the asshole from the VIP suite at L.E.X. He’s scowling at me, scrutinizing my every move. My posture tightens, and suddenly I feel like I’m back in the bar and I don’t belong here. Crossing my arms in front of my body, I turn closer into Reed’s arms. He squeezes me into him protectively and the muscles in my back loosen.

  “Jace, this is my girlfriend, Bailey.” His words are curt as he places a gentle kiss on my forehead. Jace’s eyes widen as his brow knits together.

  “Really, Reed? A cocktail waitress? I know you have no standards, but isn’t even that beneath you?” His eyes bore into me, anger glowing from them. Then he lifts his hand and swipes at his nose. Narrowing my eyes, I can see a slight film of white residue surrounding his nostril. He’s high as a kite, that much is obvious.

  “Let’s go.” Reed takes my hand in his and turns to Jace. “I’ll talk to you when you’re not fucked up out of your mind.” Then he pulls us away.

  He continues to drag me with him until we’re in a dimly lit alcove behind a marble column. Reed is taking deep ragged breaths, his body shaking from the effort and the anger rolling off him in waves.

  Gently, my fingers caress his. “It’s okay, Reed. I know he was high.”

  “It’s not okay. His fucking sister…”

  I lean up and place a soft kiss on his lips. “Not everyone wants to be saved, Reed.”

  His mouth opens against mine, his tongue seeking entry. When he pulls back, he smirks.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You’re good for me, Bae. You calm me. You make me less angry. You make me happy.”

  “I-You make—”

  He stops me mid-sentence, silencing me with an earth shattering kiss. When he finally pulls back, I stand there in utter euphoria. I don’t want to ever come down from this high. This feeling, whatever it is, is more potent than any drug.

  He grabs my hand and tilts his chin up, motioning in the direction of the dance floor. “Let’s not let Jace ruin our night. I believe my girl wanted to see my moves.”

  We head back out and continue to dance the night away. We must have been twirling around the floor for some time before we both realized we needed a break.

  “I’ll go grab us some waters if you want to go have a seat.”

  I send a grateful smile his way. I am parched. I watch him as he gracefully weaves through the throngs of people, artfully dodging the many people eagerly vying for his attention. Heading back to our table, I take a seat, sighing at the relief my feet feel from finally being off of them.

  “He’s in love with you.”

  I turn in my seat to see Cynthia beaming down at me. Her words have my whole body ramrod straight and my heart stopping. I just stare at her, speechless.

  “Oh, come now, dear. You look as though you don’t believe it’s possible.”

  My eyes widen and I shake my head in disbelief. “We’ve only been dating for a few weeks.” I stand unable to remain seated, my entire body alive with the prospect of Reed loving me. “It just seems awful early for him to have such serious feelings.”

  “Nonsense. When you know, you know. I can tell you feel the same.” She winks at me. I’m giddy with the prospect until I turn to see Reed looking crestfallen.

  He walks up to me, grabbing my elbow lightly. “Excuse us, Mom. I need to speak with Bailey.” She nods her understanding and walks away.

  “Baby, I am so sorry but I just got a call from the club. The fire alarms are going off and the fire department is on their way. I have to meet them over there.”

  “Oh no, did you talk to Damon? Is everything okay?”

  “I don’t know, but I have to go. Why don’t you stay here and I’ll hurry back?”

  I lean down to grab my purse from the chair beside of me.

  “No, I want to come with you. If there’s a problem, I want to be with you. And if there isn’t, then we can go back to my bed.” I smile to ease the tension.

  “I like the sound of that.”

  He walks us briskly to his mother where he tells her what’s going on and says a quick good-bye, kissing her goodnight. I give her a quick hug and we are out the door. My feet hurt, and I am praying to the Gods above that this emergency is a false alarm and we can get back to my place.

  When we pull up to the club, everything seems to be okay.

  “Why don’t you run in and check things out? I’m going to send my sister a quick update on the night. If there’s a serious issue, just text me and I’ll come in.”

  “I can’t wait to get this dress off. Someone’s head
is going to roll for ruining this night.”

  He kisses me once more before getting out and disappearing into L.E.X.


  “Dude, what took you so fucking long?” Damon is behind the bar wiping down bottles.

  “I was at a gala that my mother is throwing. What the fuck is happening here that I had to leave?” I’m livid that this shit couldn’t be dealt with without me.

  “The fire department came, checked everything out and shut the alarm off. Some idiot was smoking in the bathroom and it set off the alarms.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You called me out here for that? What the hell do I pay you to run the club for?”

  Damon throws his hands up in the air. “I didn’t call you, man. I said we could handle it. Monica said you insisted on coming. I thought you’d be here way before this or I would’ve called you and told you not to bother.”

  Fucking Monica. She called me and said Damon had instructed her to. My jaw clenches.

  “What did they say?”


  “The fire department.” It’s taking all my control to rein in my temper. Incompetent asshats.

  “They fined the club for the smoking. The fine and paperwork is in your office.”

  I huff out in frustration and stalk to my office. I’m grabbing this shit and getting back to Bailey. We’re going to forget this entire night once my cock is buried in her warm pussy.

  I throw my office door open and stop dead in my tracks. Sitting on my desk in nothing but thigh highs and fuck-me heels is Monica.

  What. The. Fuck?

  “Where have you been? I’ve been sitting here waiting forever, lover.” Monica’s whiney voice grates on my already fragile nerves. Once upon a time, this scene would have been enough to make my cock throb. Tonight, I just want her the fuck out of my office.

  “Monica, get the fuck off of my desk and get dressed.” I go to grab her clothes off of the floor, and the next thing I know she has her legs wrapped around my head. I drop to my knees in front of my desk with this skank’s legs literally chocking me, her bare pussy staring me in the face.


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