Book Read Free

Hard Ball

Page 24

by Heather Stone

  “Damon, it’s Reed.”

  “Man, how is she? I’ve been a wreck over here.”

  “She’s doing all right. You’ll be able to see her tomorrow if you want.”

  “Of course I want to see her. I’m freaking out,” Damon barks.

  “I know. Listen, can you do me a favor and hold down the fort tonight? I need to take a personal day.”

  “You’re the boss. I’ve got everything under control over here. Some guy named Tanner called about an hour ago. He said he was returning your call.”

  Shit. I hope that’s all he said. I haven’t had a chance to tell anyone my plans. He was supposed to call my cell.

  Tanner is a guy I went to college with who just moved back to the area. I heard around town he was shopping buildings looking to start a new club. He needs to throw some of his money into some business venture, so I reached out to him about buying L.E.X. The place is a money horse, and it would be a waste to sell to anyone else. There is no need for Tanner to have competition when I just want out. He’s a decent guy and that’s what L.E.X. needs.

  Tanner will pay top dollar and the transaction will happen quickly and without hassle. The best part is that he has already agreed to keep all my staff. It’s a no-brainer. We just have some last-minute details to work out.

  “Anything else?” I ask, hoping for a big no.

  “That’s all. Oh, and Reed? Monica put in her resignation.”

  I laugh at the pure audacity of that girl. “She was fired, Damon. There is no resignation. Can you make sure that if anyone calls for a reference for that girl, you tell them to call me directly?”

  “Sure thing. Take it easy and kiss my girl for me.”

  I hang up completely wiped out. I’m so tired, but I have a lot of work to do.

  I pull up to the gated community of Long Cove. The attendant asks for my pass in which I advise him that I am here to see The Morgans.

  “Name please?”

  “Reed Lawson,” I say, knowing that my name is still on that list. Nobody ever updates their permanent visitor list unless there’s a stalking situation.

  “Have a good day, Mr. Lawson.”

  I drive up the road until I find 1680 Romalade Drive. It’s been some time since I’ve been here, and it was under very similar circumstances. This time, I plan to leave with a very different outcome.

  Mrs. Morgan answers the door with a look of shock marring her face. “Reed. What can I do for you?”

  “Hello, Marla. Can I come in?” My voice is not pleasant. This woman won’t even care what I have come for. She’s too concerned about herself to bother worrying about her children. As much as the cocaine killed Lexi, Marla and David Morgan had a hand in her demise.

  The lack of attention and support from them was one of the things that Lexi struggled with most. She was an insecure girl all because of their lack of attention to her.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I have arranged for Jace to be transported to an inpatient rehab facility upon discharge. Of course, this is all contingent upon his cooperation.”

  She just stares at me with a look of boredom.

  “That’s nice of you, Reed. Although, I doubt Jace will go willingly. Why would you want to waste your money on something so pointless? Jace will never give up his drugs.”

  The look of disgust must be evident on my face because she scoffs. “Come on, Reed. This is Jace we’re talking about. If his own sister’s death wasn’t enough to wake him up, he’s a lost cause,” she says flippantly.

  God, this wretched woman. I hate her. I can understand why Jace is so fucked up, and I can understand what Lexi was running from. But as much as I want to tell her to go fuck herself, it’s not worth it.

  “Well, I just thought you should know. I don’t want your help, but it would be nice if you could show your support for him if I can convince him to go.”

  “If is the key word. And IF we are around when the time comes, we’ll make an effort to be there, although we’re heading out to the Cayman Islands in two days.”

  I shake my head. Her son is lying in the hospital from a serious car accident and they are heading off for vacation. It’s sick. They are sick. I have nothing left to say, so I turn and walk out.


  I’m staring out the window, watching the rain trickle down the windowpane, when I hear a low cough reverberate around the room. Pulling my focus away from the outside, my vision sweeps over to the door where the sound is coming from. Leah stands there. Her body is stiff, unmoving, and I can see her chest vibrating through deep breaths.

  “Can I come in?” she asks. She doesn’t wait for me to answer as she inches her way in further into the room.

  “Hi.” My words come out sheepish. My teeth gnaw at my lower lip as I think of something to say... I don’t know where to start. We spoke earlier today but now, as every second passes, I’m at a loss for words.

  “I-I’m sorry.”

  I think I apologized before, but there are not enough ways to say sorry to make up for what I have done. For what I have put her though, for what I’ve put my parents through. Tears prick the backs of my eyelids and then slowly trail down my cheeks. My cold finger swipes across my face, wiping away the moisture that has collected.

  Leah takes a seat in the metal chair sitting adjacent to my bed and places her hand on my arm. “You okay, Bae? We need to tal—”

  I start to shake my head. Not wanting to talk about it.

  “Bailey.” Her voice comes out more forceful than before, and I know we have to do this. “I think you need to hear him out.”

  “I can’t…” Tears begin to come in earnest as I envision his body pressed against Monica.

  “Bailey, it’s not what you think.”

  “I know what I saw. I can’t look at him right now, let alone talk to him. I just can’t.”

  “Listen to me. I’m not one to defend Reed, but he explained what happened.”

  “He explained that he was about to have sex with Monica?” I bite out.

  “That’s not what happened. She came on to him. She ambushed him, Bae. You just walked in—”

  “I can’t believe you believed him. God, Leah. I saw her. I saw her naked!”

  Leah’s eyes widen, her surprise evident. Guess he forgot to mention that tiny piece of information.

  “Oh, did he not tell you that Monica the whore was butt ass naked while kissing him?”

  “No, Bailey. He told me he loves you and you misunderstood.”

  My heart starts to pound in my chest at her words. I shake off the feelings threatening to rise. “He doesn’t love me.” He doesn’t. “He cheated on me.” He did. I keep repeating those words in my head, trying to hold on to my anger. Anger is easier to handle. With anger, it’s easier to walk away, and I need to get as far away from Reed and his club as I can.

  “I think you should hear him out.”

  “No, absolutely not. I don’t care what you say. He doesn’t love me, so there’s no reason to see him.”

  “If he didn’t love you, if he didn’t care, why is he paying for your—” She stops herself mid-sentence, placing her hand across her mouth to silence her words.

  “Paying for my what?” Her hand quivers but she doesn’t speak. “My what, Leah?”

  She drops her hands, placing them on her hips, her chin turned up. “Your rehab, Bailey. Reed is paying for your rehab.”

  My stomach drops as I let out a soft gasp. “He’s-he’s paying for my rehab?” I stutter out, shock flying through me. I’m caught completely off guard by this. Why would he be doing that? Guilt? Was he paying because of guilt?

  “Why would he pay, Leah? Is it because he feels guilty?” I search her face for the answers I’m scared to find.

  “No. Trust me, I would never lie to you. I saw his face. I saw his eyes. He loves you. There was no lie.” Her voice fades into a hushed stillness. I can see unshed tears glisten in her eyes. “He loves you.”

  “He loves me?” I ask
softly, my voice rough with emotion.

  “Yeah.” She nods while grabbing my hand and giving me a tight sad smile. “He does.”

  “What do I do? Do I speak to him?” My eyes close and after taking a deep breath, I reopen them and look into Leah’s eyes. Her gaze is soft and full of emotion.

  “I think you need rest. To heal more. As much as I know you should talk to him, he’s not here right now. He left to take care of some things. Truth? I think you aren’t strong enough at this moment anyway. I think just before you’re discharged might be better. So I say you rest now. Clear your head a bit more and then you can say goodbye.”

  I can feel my heart break. It breaks into a million tiny pieces for everything I have done and for the pain I must have caused everyone. The familiar itch starts to spread through my limbs, and I realize Leah’s right. I’m not strong enough to see him today. I’m not sure when I will be. Right now I need to take care of me. I need to heal. When I’m ready, he will be there.

  “Okay. You’re right. I agree. When do I leave?”

  “As soon as the doctors say you’re free to go. Everything’s already been taken care of.” She squeezes my hand in hers. “We’ll get through this. Okay? Together. No more secrets. I love you and I’m here for you.”

  I smile a tight smile back and then close my eyes. I can do this.

  A knock at the door has my eyelids opening. My parents stand in the doorway looking like hell.

  “Hi, Mom, Dad,” I say weakly.

  My mother rushes to the side of my bed sobbing. Leah walks around placing her arms over our mom’s shoulders in comfort. “I-I was so scared. Why? Why would you do this, Bailey?”

  Alta Jameson is the strongest woman I know. Seeing her cry is breaking me even more. She’s never shown this much affection for me in all my years.

  “I-I’ve struggled with this for some time.” My words cause her to cry harder.

  “I don’t understand. How could we not know? How?”

  “It was hidden well. I moved away to hide all the trouble I was in. You were busy. You couldn’t have known.” I try to reassure her, but my words seem to only upset her more.

  “It’s my fault. I didn’t spend enough time with you. I was always working.” As she sobs into my sister’s shoulder, my dad joins them enveloping Leah and mom in an embrace.

  I study my father’s face, the lines of aging evident and deep. The harsh lines of years of hard work have me feeling ashamed. They weren’t purposefully ignoring me. They were trying to provide for me. Their jobs are demanding.

  “Dad. I’m sorry.” I whisper. He looks at me long and hard.

  “We’re sorry we failed you. We should’ve known what was going on. You are our number one priority along with your sister. We failed you.” His eyes well up and I can’t handle it.

  I place my hand on his arm squeezing lightly.

  “You worked hard to provide for us, Dad. I don’t blame you or mom. I just fell into the wrong crowd.”

  “But we should’ve noticed!” he bellows, causing my sister to lift her head and scowl at him.

  “Shhh…you’ll get us kicked out,” she scolds.

  “We should’ve known,” he repeats.

  “It’s over. I need you to be here for me and help me get better. That’s all I want.”

  “We’ll be here. We aren’t leaving you.” He promises. I take in my family. We’re broken and battered, but we’re a mighty force when we come together to fight for one another. I know I can get through anything with these three by my side. I smile at that realization.


  “She’s ready to see you,” Leah says through the phone.

  It’s been a week since I saw her lying in that hospital bed. Leah had asked that I give Bailey space, so I’ve stayed away. I’ve called every day for an update and today she’s finally ready. The doctors say she’s strong enough to be moved to the facility in Arizona for rehab.

  “Okay. Should I come to the hospital?”

  “No, she’s being discharged within the hour. Why don’t you come to my house and sit with her while I run out and get some last minute things for our trip?”

  “Just text me when you’re there, and I’ll head that way. I have some errands to run, but everything is set at Serenity Vista. You’ll have to sign her in and finish the paperwork, but all the financials have been taken care of. She should have the best of everything there.”

  “Thank you, Reed. Seriously. You don’t know how much this means to my family.” I hear her sniffles on the other line. The emotion in her voice is a testament to how much she loves Bailey. It makes me happy to know she has the support system she’s going to need to get better.

  “Anytime, Leah. Take care of her.”

  “Always.” I hear the phone click. No goodbyes necessary.

  I have grown to admire Leah in ways I never would have imagined. She’s a great sister and not a bad person. I think her dickhead fiancé brings out the worst in her. He never made it to the hospital. Fucking jackass couldn’t even support Leah during a family crisis.

  I swing by the club to quickly do some paperwork. We’re in the final closing stages for the club, and it’s time I start telling the employees what’s going down. Not that it fucking matters. They all have their jobs firmly secured.

  I get out of the car and start walking to the club when I hear a familiar voice behind me.

  “Reed. Do you have a minute?”

  I turn around to see Jace looking rueful. It’s a new look for him. The smugness that he typically wears like a second skin is nowhere to be found. Good. Maybe all the events that led to this moment were the wakeup call he needed.

  “Hey, man. How you doing?” I step forward and shake his hand.

  “I’ve been better. I’m getting ready to leave town.”

  “Is that so? Better be moving in the direction of Pennsylvania.” I got Jace into St. Joseph’s Institute in Pennsylvania. I couldn’t have him with Bailey. I think being with people you actually know prevents a person from being truthful and coming to term with their demons. They both need to take their own journey to recovery.

  “I am. I came here because I want to thank you. I’m paying you back.” He looks embarrassed.

  “I don’t want your money, Jace. I just want you to get your shit together. I’m doing this for Lexi and you.” I place my hand on his shoulder and give it a squeeze.

  He looks at the ground for a long moment. “The drugs help me forget.” I don’t say a word. He obviously needs to get this out. “She was the only person who really knew me. She was my only real family. The only one who gave a shit about me, and she’s gone. How do I go on after losing that?”

  “She wouldn’t want this. Lexi would never want you to repeat history. Your family did a number on her, too. Don’t let them destroy you like they did her. We may not be able to choose our family, but we can choose to go our separate ways. There’s nothing that says you’re stuck with the hand you’re dealt. Get up and walk the fuck away.”

  “I’m done with them. They couldn’t even be bothered enough to help me with discharge. Pathetic excuse for parents.” He looks up at me, resolve and determination written all over his face.

  They are. People like them shouldn’t be allowed to have kids.

  “I’m glad you’re going, man. Get better, and when you’re back in town, call me and we’ll have dinner.”

  “I’d like that. I’m sorry, Reed. For everything. I’m sorry I dragged that girl into my shit.”

  I just nod. I don’t have anything else to say to that. He extends his hand and we shake. I pull him into a side hug.

  “Good luck, buddy. See you on the flip side of sobriety.” I wink at him and head into the club.

  Three hours later, I got a text summoning me to Leah’s. I drove there with the frayed nerves paralyzing me. I don’t know what to say to Bailey. How will she look? Frail? Ghostly? Or will she be my Bailey?

  I rap on the door twice before it swings open rev
ealing a very eager looking Leah. “What took you so long?” she questions.

  “I got here as soon as I could. Go do your errands. Where is she?”

  “She’s in the far room watching Netflix. She’s good, Reed. You don’t have to look so nervous.” She chuckles and I scoff.

  “I’m not nervous.”

  She gives me the “oh really” look.

  “Okay. I’m petrified, but don’t say a word.”

  She laughs lightly. “Just be honest with her. Tell her how you feel. She needs to hear how scared you were. She needs to know you’re angry, because Reed, you have every right to be. I’m angry. Her actions affected all of us, but you finding her like that? I can’t imagine what that’s done to you.” She shakes off the images that I’m sure are filtering through her mind.

  “Go. You have stuff to do, and I can’t keep delaying the inevitable.”

  She pats me on the shoulder and walks out throwing, “Good luck,” over her shoulder.

  I walk slowly down the hallway. When I come to the opening to the family room, I silently peer around the corner to see Bailey sitting peacefully, watching some God-awful vampire show. She looks good all things considered. I take a moment to watch her. She doesn’t know I’m here, and it allows me a few seconds to just see her. This very second, she’s the girl I feel in love with and she’s alive.

  Thank God she’s alive.

  She throws her head back and laughs at something that was said on the show, but I have no clue what it was. My entire focus is on her and her alone. God, she’s gorgeous. Breathtakingly fucking beautiful. I want to wrap her in my arms and take her out of here. I want to forget all the shit and just go live, but I can’t. We can’t go back. Everything is different now. This is the sad reality I have watching the woman I love. The first woman I have ever truly loved.

  But I can’t have her.

  I came here tonight not knowing what I was going to say, but right now it’s clear. I’m here to let her go. They say if you love something, set it free, right? I guess that fucking saying is about to have a whole new meaning for me and it’s already breaking me.


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