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Page 5

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  It hit me. Obviously, Zee would never do that. God no!

  “We spent a lot of time with Aariz tonight. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. More than all of us, you and he got along well. Seeing both of you, nobody could have guessed you people met for the first time tonight. Then why do you think he was making fun of you? Insulting you?” Umber clasped my hands, locking eyes with me.

  Weakly I muttered,

  “He laughed and...”

  She did not let me finish, and said pointedly,

  “You said he was smiling amusedly. There is a big difference between laughing at someone and smiling at his or her antics. He might be staring at you in adoration for all we know.”

  An involuntary blush crept on my face and I turned my eyes away from hers.

  I knew she was right and it had crossed my mind too. The fact was, I had not felt so offended by him on the thought that he made fun of me. In fact, it was because...well, I liked him.

  For the first time in life, I really noticed a guy. I liked Aariz more than I should, and that pissed me off. Which I took on him, so that either he does something bad and puts me off liking him even in the slightest, or my heart stops thinking about him due to my forced anger.

  This thought had me stunned. Like the guy? Seriously, Sani?! You like Aariz. As in, like like? Love kind of like! That too, just after meeting him for the first time tonight?!

  I wished someone would shake the red, girly, perky feelings out of my heart, because I believed love at first sight was the stuff of dreams. Actually, the conspiracy of writers, who by showing us rainbows of happily ever after, from stories of love at first-sight made us believe in fairytales and crap. Made us dream of falling in love on just meeting someone. So that they can sell their novels and movies, we would crave for, to dream more such nonsense!

  But I am smart. I can’t fall for someone just because he looked steamy and yum. Just because, he had his drowning deep stare focused on me. Just because his winks and chuckles made me sigh...Quite literally! Still, I do not know the guy. ‘I cannot fall for him!’ I should be repeating this enough times to myself. Then I would believe it. Yeah...I am just so smart, while he is an idiot to laugh at me and ruin his chance on a hot catch like me. Hah!

  Shortly, Zee arrived with the car and I decided to forget the whole thing off. It was not as if I was going to meet Aariz again.

  Successfully I had closed the topic and pushed it off my mind, until Umber came to my house the next day for a casual visit.

  “It was so great meeting up with everyone last night, wasn’t it?” She gushed as we discussed the party, sitting in my bedroom.

  “Yes. I had a blast! It was fun.” I responded agreeably.

  “About that, we have thought of something.” Umber said in awkward stumbling tones, making me feel something was fishy.

  I urged her to go on, and she murmured not quite meeting my eyes,

  “We...uh...all of us actually. We have decided that from now on whenever we all meet, we'll invite Aariz as well.”

  “What?!” I gaped at her, completely stumped.

  It made her confident and she went on selling the idea,

  “What’s wrong in it? In such a short while, he became a part of our group. It was because of him that we were able to windup Zidaan, which we have never been successful at before.”

  Chewing the inside of my cheek, I tried hard to come up with a possible argument, but could not think of anything.

  Giving up, I nodded,

  “True. But, wouldn’t it be wierd having him between us cousins? Won't he feel odd as well?”

  “Zee is not all of yours cousin, just mine. Yet he hangs out with us all the time.” Umber shrugged smiling at me relaxed.

  “It’s different. Zee is our friend.” I said earnestly.

  “I know. And I’m saying Aariz can be too.” She chuckled, “It wasn’t wierd last night. So why would it be next time? Don't worry. Anyway, it’s not mine, but everyone's idea. None of them thought it’d be awkward at all.”

  Smirking at me, Umber's smile turned mischievous as she added,

  “Coming that from you is odd actually. Seeing, you were the one except Zidaan, with whom Aariz was most comfortably chatty. His eyes were on you the whole time.”

  It made me blush. Remembering my mantra—‘I can't fall for him. I do not know the guy!’ I stuffed down the little flutter that had started in my heart on hearing her words.

  I made an annoyed face, trying to get practical here and stated firmly,

  “I did not notice anything like that. Because I don't give a damn about him! Umber, are you failing to realize we don't know the guy at all! Why are we discussing him? Why will I think about him? He is not a part of my life. We have our own topics to talk about, right? So let’s just do that please.”

  She dissolved into peals of laughter, while nodding at me, but unable to stop. It took quite a few minutes for her laughter to die down. After which, she was in full flow to tease me by resuming the topic named, ‘Aariz’. Thankfully, my glare made her think otherwise.

  She left an hour later, having messed up with my head, which had been successful in forgetting about him. Now I just could not. I needed to remember it was the writers’ conspiracy.

  Well, why were the writers of the world conspiring against me?

  Oh, God I forgot! How will I forget Aariz now?!

  5-Love/Alive Again


  One night ago, night of the party-

  “Sani...” I tested it on my tongue.

  ‘Nice name. How can I ever forget? It has been on my mind since a long time now...too long.’ I smiled to myself.

  Meeting Sani in the party was beyond anything I could have expected. I had always wondered what I would do when we talk for the first time, when her focus would be on me alone. Never thought it would be this fun. We got along like a house on fire. We did not even need words. We just jelled up!

  Then later what happened to her, that she did not even say goodbye to me properly?

  I kept pondering, as I lied on my bed, after shrugging off my suit jacket. I had not even bothered to change. I was too engrossed in Sani’s thoughts.

  Just then, a sudden realization occurred, making me punch my forehead over my foolishness-

  Ohh no... Damn it! When Zidaan was telling me how much Sani loves ice cream and is a complete child in that matter, I could not stop staring at her while listening to him, although, I know almost everything about her. Still like a starving man, I craved to hear more...Know her better. Hence, when she had glanced at us, held my eyes, I could not stop smiling, being mesmerised by her. Though, I remember now, her oceanic navy blue orbs had welled up. They showed hurt. Meaning, she misunderstood something about me and felt bad.

  Ohh God! Now I’ll have to meet her and apologize. Tonight we had met co-incidentally. When will I get to see her again? Shit! Zidaan would not help me. And he should not of course. She is young and excessively innocent. He is right in his protectiveness for her, being her close friend.

  It’s just that, right? Friendship?

  I hope it is. I couldn’t help but notice tonight, Sani was the only one who calls him Zee. They share a deep bond and...

  No, I shouldn’t ever think like that. Who better than me knows how close and pure their relationship is. Yes.

  A smile came on my lips as visions of her from the party came back to me and I lazily drowned in her thoughts.

  Too soon Aariz. First, you’ll have to find out if there is a man in her life, and who is it? It’s not Zidaan, it must be someone else.

  I just hoped there was no one.

  Yeah, my instincts might be right. She might be single.

  Nonetheless, it was an interesting first meet Sani.

  With that thought, I went to sleep with a slight smile stuck on my face, thinking about her.

  Two nights later-

  In a dimly lit room, I sat working on my laptop, shaking my head every few minutes.

; Finally giving up, I turned away. It had been two days since the party, and I could not get her out of my mind. A girl dressed in a black floor length gown, which made her navy blue-dreamlike-orbs, pop out on her creamy white complexion.

  I had my eyes on her even before I met her. I understood I was right in thinking it was Sani that afternoon on Zidaan's terrace. I finally had her in front of my eyes in that party.

  Even now, her face did not go away from my eyes. Was it just because she was beautiful? Sure, her facial features were those like delicate cut glass, yet soft and enchanting. Her black dress looked perfect on her curvy, hourglass figure, making her fair skin gleam and those full lips could tempt fantasies out of thin air. She was hooking me in desire.

  I felt the main reason she was still ruling my mind was because she had such an open laugh with nothing hidden behind the surface. Her infectious smile filled me with warmth, every time I stared at her from around the hall. Because, that’s what I was doing. I had my eyes on her all through the night.

  Then I lost sight of her during dinner, but later thankfully, I met Zidaan, who introduced her as his friend.

  Taking me in on the group she was part off, he had done a great deal of favour on me. As within seconds, I was tongue-tied. Quite literally! With her beauty and her nature which was out in the open to see from her caring talks with her family and friends. Her opinionated self could not fail anyone from paying attention to what she had to say. Her crinkling laughter and interestingly adorable attitude charmed its way in my heart along with her physical looks, that I had not stopped noticing. She cracked jokes with a straight face, while her eyes danced with mirth and she looked cute doing that.


  Had I uttered her name this way in front of her, then instead of Zidaan, she would have fought with me!

  While arguing with him, her face had turned all red due to anger and her nose had scrunched. At least once, I should have uttered her name this way, if for nothing else, then to see her cute angry little expressions. Well, she really was interesting.

  ‘Anyway, now what is the point in thinking, if I would have done this and that? It is too late. All I can do now is regret.’ I told myself firmly.

  Next morning bright and early, the cold air cracked with my yell,

  “This is getting too much!”

  “What is too much?” Granny asked, rushing towards me as I sat at the dining table.

  “I’m getting late and you are continuously bringing breakfast.” I threw my hands up in frustration.

  “Then you should run your mouth fast.” Grandma said tartly in obvious tones.

  “You mean this breakfast is not much. Instead I'm eating ‘slow’?” I raised my eyebrows giving her a, ‘you have got to be kidding me’ kind of look.

  “If you care so much about getting late, why did you stay up half the night, tearing your eyes in front of the laptop?” asked Granny with her hands on her hips, giving me a formidable look.

  She looked somewhat funny with her tiny portly self, trying to tower over me.

  Before I could say a word, she continued, “Don't deny it now. Because I had seen, your bedroom light was on until late last night. You were again working on that godforsaken evil box of a laptop, weren’t you? Why do you work so much? Why don't you just relax?!”

  ‘Work only I couldn’t do.’ I mumbled to myself, while saying aloud,

  “I mean yeah, I had some work.”

  I abruptly stopped myself short, before blurting out where my mind actually was last night. Thinking about a certain someone, had ruined my concentration.

  Gran would never believe it was the same me, who had forgotten to be happy. But, it was a fact. Since that party, I had felt more alive than ever before. It was as if I had been in suffocation earlier and now I was breathing cool breeze again. I had no nightmares or anything since the party. I was smiling and living...Really living. I was happy.

  6-Mr Whatever


  One night ago-

  Two days had passed since the party and I was thinking about Aariz non-stop. Therefore, on the third night, I decided not to really make an effort and promised myself not to spare him a single thought. And I did keep up with my decision, until one-thirty in the night when suddenly_

  ‘He was smiling/laughing...Whatever the hell it was. It was he! It was Aariz, along with Zee, Ibbi, and Umber.’

  “Huh!” I woke up with a start.

  I saw Aariz in my dream! I guessed it was still okay, as along with him I also saw Zee, Umber, and Ibbi. It means, I was thinking about the party and not just about Aariz. That means progress!

  ‘Anyway, he just looks handsome and is friendly. I do not know what kind of person he is. Besides, why do I care? I have a lot to think about in life than him and his smile!’ Giving this pep talk to myself, I pressed my head on the pillow trying to sleep...Trying to forget about Aariz completely.

  And, I did forget about him by the time the sun peeked out through the silky blue curtains of my window, flowing around the dazzling yellow walls of my bedroom.

  Stepping down the bed, I went to the small balcony/terrace attached to my room, the sliding door of which I mostly left open. We lived in a cute two-storey house. I being the youngest member of the family had the smallest bedroom, but also the only one with a balcony/terrace. Therefore, I couldn’t have been more thankful.

  The morning felt excessively stunning, with the dripping of slight rains just the way I love it.

  Whatever was wrong with the climate to be in such a jolly mood making me as always wish to scoop up into the blanket!

  Shivering slightly after the shower, I changed into my favourite black overalls- black skinny jeans, black top with see-through long sleeves, paired with my blood-red boots. After all, I had to do something of my liking to force myself out of the house. I left my wet hair open, to dry out in the air and pinned my hair-clip on the strap of my bag for later. Applying some mascara and my favourite nude lip-gloss, I had just about tiptoed into the living room when a voice startled the life out of me.

  “Sani, dear you are leaving without having breakfast?!” my Dad, Dr. Ayan Shaad, the hotshot Cardio surgeon, said disapprovingly from behind me.

  I turned around with a genuine helpless expression,

  “Look at the time Dad. It’s six, which for me isn’t even morning yet.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us last night that you have early lectures today? Your Mom would have been up, to make something for you.” Dad smiled at me in loving concern, while I just stared at the floor in guilt and mumbled,

  “You know I don't like you guys fussing over me, just because my Professor is too much of a pain, to call us at this godforsaken hour.”

  I glanced up to find Dad shaking his head, giving me a look, and thus forcing me to explain I was not really out of line here,

  “C'mon! He is older than you are. He should be in his bed snoring. Rather than making us, run for the train.”

  Dad chuckled and I assured him saying,

  “I will be fine. I’ll have something from the food court later.”

  Dad shook his head and drew himself to his full height, which is quite a lot. Since my father is tall, little portly around the stomach (thanks to Mom’s fabulous cooking). His honey brown eyes reflect his sweetness. Still, he could seem intimidating when he wanted to be and scare anyone off by his dominant personality. At least those who did not know what a softy he is on the inside.

  He turned around as if on a purpose, going towards the kitchen while saying over his shoulder,

  “I’ll cook something for you right away.”

  “I’ll miss my class Dad.” I urged.

  But will he listen?

  Before I knew it, he had a bowl of steaming instant noodles ready for me, with a mug of chocolate milk. I gauged on it happily.

  I thanked him, smiling gratefully,

  “This was heaven and now I'm going.” I moved out of the house, while completing the sentence
in my mind, ‘ hell. God I wanna sleep.’

  Tapping my foot all the way in the train, at the music coming from the ear plugs in my grey denim cross-bag that contained my phone, laptop and books, highly improved my mood.

  As I entered the hustle and bustle of college compass, cold air blew mildly, birds chirped away happily, making me dearly wish to sleep right away, even standing if someone asked. Please at least someone ask me...Please!

  The next moment, birds freaking flew as if disappeared with the sudden gust of wind and the slight rains turned so torrential as if beginning of a storm!

  God seems to be in a mood...

  I hurried towards the majestic looking Mass-Media section, one of the old stone structured beautiful buildings of my college. Every stream and professional course in my university had classes in magnificent buildings and parts that resembled the subject matter. Like the Mass, Media and Communications building was engraved in stone from staircases to walls, resembling some castle from a movie set, while business students studied in hip corporate style once, and Arts was full of drawings and paintings on the walls, artistic crap everywhere. Oh yeah, Hill-Stone was a big ass university, and only the lucky, smart once like me were fortunate enough to grab a seat there.

  Before you wonder why I was not living in the dorms like my many classmates, let me tell you, first, they did not let us stay in the dorms if our permanent address was so near to the college. I know...wierd rules. Secondly, my Dad thought he was making a big sacrifice as it is by letting his only daughter go away from his sight for hours due to classes. He couldn’t even imagine her altogether gone! Besides, why would I live in the dorms when I had a perfectly good house in the same city?

  My classroom for final year Political Journalism was located on the first floor of Mass, Media and Communications section. It was one of the most popular courses offered in Hill Stone.

  Hurrying up the slippery stone steps, I reached the first floor corridor and was just about to enter the class when,

  “You look” muttered Aya, with a bitchy malicious smile on.


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