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Page 23

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  “Dressing up nice, are we?” Mom gave me a once over, standing at my bedroom door with one hand on her hip. Eyebrows raised in admiration.

  I gulped hard.

  Would it rise more than eyebrows if I ask her to dish out in detail if I look any good? Could she just define nice?

  “You look beautiful.” Mom smiled bright.


  She nodded chuckling, “Of course! But where are you off too?”

  Now this was tricky. I couldn’t obviously tell her where, because for starters, I did not know it myself. He had kept it a surprise. Even if I knew, I would die before I told Mom. So what were my options here? I could tell I was going to Umber's. But if I got late, Mom might call and I couldn’t ask Umber to lie, because she would want to know ‘who is the guy?’

  It’s all Aariz's fault. I don’t know where I’m going and for how long. He is such an idiot. He didn’t realize I would need to make an excuse?!

  Taking a deep breath, I decided to keep it vague and closed for any loopholes.

  “I need a few private girly things you know.” I shrugged.

  Mom nodded understandably with a sweet smile.

  Yeah, let her think I'm off to lingerie shopping for all I care.

  “And I might sling off to Umber's later on. Or get stuck checking out ice-cream flavours.” I said cheekily.

  I had to be on the safe side in case Aariz's surprise dragged and I got left, wandering around the city in his search.

  “Just checking?” Mom winked playfully.

  I grinned.

  All right, I might have really considered forcing him to take me ice cream eating. After his going out ends, of course.

  I went to the living room followed by Mom, when Grandpa raised his head from the book he was reading and smiled at me,

  “Darling you look wonderful. Where are you going?”

  “Shall I join you? I'm bored. I’ll take you shopping.” Dad said with eagerness as he switched off the television he was watching.


  “I will come too. It will be fun.” Grandpa piped in.

  Of course, one retired surgeon, and another on his day off were looking for fun, on the day I had no time!

  God! Why do all the men in my life suddenly want my time and attention? And why does it kill me to say no to any of them? Shit!

  Mom hurried forward saying,

  “She will go alone today. She just needs to buy something I have asked her to.”

  Mom tried to say something to Dad through her eyes, who immediately nodded in understanding.

  “Alright then, go on.” Grandpa patted me, as Dad said good-naturedly,

  “But tomorrow you’ll come with us.”

  I promised them I would and calmly trailed out of the house with rising heartbeat and trembling steps.

  I reached at exactly the right time in front of the clothing boutique, where Aariz had asked me to wait. And it suddenly struck to me as it does at times when one is feeling too self-conscious. My top's neckline was quite deep! It was actually a string to tie as a bow or just a knot at the front. I hoped it did not make me look slutty. I guess I was over-thinking. It was all right, given that this was a...whatever this was we were doing. It had to be all right. Even if it wasn’t, I couldn’t do anything about it now!

  Otherwise, I thought I looked fine in black skinny jeans and a black scarf around my neck, my open tresses flowing carelessly in the wind.

  For the hundredth time I wondered if I looked more than alright?! It was my very first date after all!

  ‘Nope! It’s not a date. We are just going out somewhere nice. He has not told me which place though. We are just going to spend some time together...alone. And that’s it. Not a date. Yeah!’ Reassuring myself, I took a deep breath. Yet a small voice in the back of my mind kept nagging, ‘That’s exactly the definition of date!’

  A few minutes later, Mr Tall, Hot and Handsome aka Aariz Deewan arrived wearing a short-sleeved cream coloured shirt and brown jeans, looking just as nervous as I felt, and oh so delicious!

  I could just stand there and stare at him...All freaking day. I seriously would have, if I wasn’t trying to appear all smart and ready to take the world by the storm, yet an elegant kind of women. Not a girl. Mind you! I was going for the mature thingy.

  “Hey! I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.” Aariz moved a hand through his hair.

  Is he nervous?

  “Actually, the traffic was a complete disaster.” Aariz looked me over and gulped, “So” He mumbled with such a cute smile, that it made me feel like I have just died and born again.

  Well, dramatics aside, this cuteness really was doing something funny to my heart.

  My classmates would never believe their Prof Aariz was mumbling!

  What has happened to him today?

  “No need for sorry. I came here just five minutes.” I smiled graciously, while thinking ‘I have been waiting since past half an hour watching the world move. This kind-of-date thingy better be good mister.’

  In all honesty, I did not mind waiting in the slightest when Aariz was in question.

  “Oh that’s good then.” Aariz smiled brightly in relief.

  Then as if realizing it was too bright a smile, he faltered rubbing a hand on his face, mumbling again, “I mean, still I should have arrived first, since I had called you here...uh...Shall we go?”

  I nodded, and Aariz led me towards his car.

  “Believe me, I'm not usually late. Especially if there is a girl waiting. I would never make a lady wait.” Aariz explained earnestly.

  Just as I opened my mouth to say, it is all right. Aariz hurriedly went on as if he owed me something,

  “Not that I have any other lady in my life, waiting or already in. No one. It’s just you. I promise.”


  Oh, Man! He is definitely nervous.

  Wow! I suddenly felt all-powerful. Nobody had ever tried to beg me for mercy on his or her self-proclaimed crimes like Aariz currently was. I mean, c'mon, the guy's stormy eyes looked actually pleading!

  And more of a shocker was- The Aariz Deewan, who since after our confession of feelings had been all touchy feely, always finding excuses to hold me, hadn’t even tried to place a finger on me yet. Oh no, he was even walking by maintaining a safe distance. Fisting or pushing his hand away whenever it was near to brush mine until now.

  Whoa! Seriously, why was Aariz behaving like we were alone for the first time?! As if I would ditch him if he did not behave.

  Not even trying to hide my laugh I sat inside the car while Aariz chuckled nervously, shaking his head and again moving a self-conscious hand over his shirt and his face, as he sighed heavily closing his eyes, before shutting the door.

  33- Dazed


  After driving for a while, Aariz pulled the car over, saying,

  “This is our destination.”

  My first thought was ‘Wow! This looks fun already!’

  Beautiful seashore...Nice!

  “C'mon Sani, shall we?” Aariz grinned, clicking his fingers in front of my face to bring me out of the trance.

  I eagerly nodded and off we were, walking on the beach. At least trying to... Since I had no idea we were coming on a beach, I had worn heels and was having some difficulty walking through the sand in them.

  “So what would you like to have? Hotdogs, burger, ice-cream, ice pops,

  grilled sandwich?” Aariz listed the food items as he took me near the stalls.

  “Ice pop!” I squealed in excitement and then realized how childlike I sounded.

  Correcting myself hastily with a slight smile, I added,

  “No, I mean anything is fine.”

  ‘Act like a classy lady Sani. Not a freaking young girl!’ I just had to remember this.

  Aariz looked anxious,

  “But dar...uh...Sani.” Aariz gulped and I stared at him tentatively.

  Was he about to say da
rling, while he was behaving so formally in this date thingy? No, it must be some other slip of tongue. Yeah, I dare not entertain such thoughts.

  My reverie broke as he continued sweetly,

  “You can have ice-cream. Triple flavoured if you like. I know you love ice creams and they have some of the wonderful flavours here. Ice pop is good, but really very...uh...” he stared at me pleadingly, as if expecting me to understand.

  “Cheap?” I giggled.

  He nodded with a sheepish smile.

  “Oh don't worry. Price does not matter to me. We can have ice cream later. It’s been a long time since I have had an ice pop.” I winked at him, “Nothing like a good old ice pop to remind you of your childhood, right?”

  “Absolutely.” Aariz grinned, giving me a little bow.

  He immediately made his way towards the ice pop stall and of course, I followed.

  Propping his elbow on the stall counter and another hand on his hip Aariz gave me a devilish smile, drawling,

  “Ma'am which pop eh? You fancy lemon, black-current, orange, or is it som thin cocky cocktail ma'am fancies?”

  Aariz's perfect imitation of the stall guy's voice had me impressed and laughing all at the same time. Aariz chuckled too; beaming in happiness and thus both of ours nervousness disappeared from that point on.

  “Blackcurrant!” I said with relish as if I could already taste it.

  Aariz asked for two blackcurrant pops.

  I felt guilty in case he was having the cheap stick just to keep me company. In a soft voice I offered,

  “You can have an ice-cream, you know. You don't have to...”

  “But I want to.” The spark in his eyes when he said it dazzled me.

  We both took our pops and continued our stroll along the shore. It was now even more difficult for me to handle my scarf and my flowing hair in the wind with one hand, while holding the ice pop with another and walk through the sand in heels!

  So when I was about to fall for the third time, Aariz caught my hand that was not holding the icy sweet and tried to appear as if it was completely natural to hold my hand.

  Well, who was I to make it awkward then? Besides, who doesn’t like a firm manly grip of a certain someone who acquires your every thought and fantasy day and night? In addition, by taking my hand in his, he had unintentionally brought me closer to his side. It felt warm and nice, I must say. I did not mind the bitchy heels anymore!

  “You said it brings back childhood memories, which is true. you remember much of your childhood?” Aariz asked interestedly, while his fingers caressed the inside of my palm.

  Is it my imagination or his thumb really is tracing circles on my wrist, oh so slowly?

  Clearing my throat so as not to sound breathless, I answered,

  “Just blurs from the really early years. Though, school time memories are quite clear in my head. I remember once when Ibbi was playing...”

  I started recalling to him the time years ago when I had thrown water on Ibbi and a few cousins in the garden, when they had refused to include me in their game of ball.

  By the end of it, we were both in fits of laughter.

  Sometime later my chuckles died down and I saw Aariz staring at me intensely with a soft smile playing on his lips,

  “You look stunning. I was going to say this when I came to pick you. But I thought you already know, since you always look great. But right now at this moment, you are taking my breath away.”

  “Thanks.” I whispered blushing.

  Why am I whispering?

  Aariz just smiled in response. His hold on my hand more firm now. He had almost pulled my whole arm under his. His short-sleeved shirt did not help much, as it caused goose bumps to appear on my bare arm.

  I knew with this speed, my face would be the same crimson shade like that of my shirt.

  For the entire evening after that, Aariz kept his hold intact on me.

  We came to a halt and were just staring at the sea waves when Aariz asked thoughtfully,

  “How’s college? I mean your studies for finals going on all right?”

  As if, he does not know anything about it. Did he forget he is my Professor?!

  On the other hand, maybe we were pretending to be a normal couple.

  Therefore, I played along graciously,

  “Just about perfect.”

  He moved a hand over his face, again getting nervous I guess,

  “If you have any problems in studies, you can tell me. I will help. I mean, outside the classes...”

  Wowie! That would be awesome!

  “Thanks Prof Aariz!” I blurted in excitement.


  While Aariz kept fumbling with his words, not daring to meet my eyes,

  “Informally we can stud...” He did not finish as it suddenly occurred to him what I had blurted.

  He stared in shock at my dumbstruck expression.

  “Sorry.” I muttered timidly, looking anywhere but at him.

  Distractedly I waved my hand towards the water where people were enjoying,

  “Uh...Shall we go there?”

  He pushed our conjoined hands slightly to my back, thus dragging me closer in the process.

  “Not yet.” Aariz said quietly, forcing me to meet his eyes.

  I glanced up at him. He cocked his face and went on in a heated yet quiet tone,

  “Why did you say sorry Sani?”

  “I...I should have called you...” just Aariz.

  I trembled shyly, unable to complete it.

  He seemed to have guessed, as he nodded appreciatively with a meaningful smile murmuring,

  “Yes you should.”

  “Let’s feed you.” Aariz said with a smirk.

  I did not dare look at him anymore. Blushing uncontrollably.

  Without notice, Aariz pulled our clasped hands with a jerk towards him, making the side of my body hit his chest, as he trailed us back towards the stalls. With my hand gently twisted on my back, conjoined in his, he acted normal as we walked.

  Like we were not in an almost side hug!

  “This is quite far from your house. You might have not been here before, right?” Aariz's eyes looked so hopeful, as if I would respond in negative.

  Sorry dear boy...I hate to break your heart. But I would look like a prat in front of you, if I lie that I have never been on this beach while living in this city.

  Biting back an apologetic smile, I answered,

  “Yes, twice.”

  ‘I have been here several times. But that would be too much information for you love!’

  Aariz's face fell and I did the immediate damage control saying,

  “But it was a long time ago. It’s been a while since I have been to any of the beaches.” I sighed dreamily for added effect but it wasn’t fake, as I really did love it here and told him so, honestly,

  “The air feels so cool and fresh here and the sound of tides crashing...It’s just perfect! Isn’t it?”

  That did it. His face adorned a childlike delightful smile. I would have hugged him and kissed him even, if he had still been sad. Though I guess he would have minded that, thinking I'm trying to take advantage of him.

  Slow down Sani, you guys have been together since merely a few days now. Let the poor soul relax!

  Aariz then made me eat burger, ice cream, and every possible item I could stuff in my mouth. More than talking, we spent our time watching each other eat, laughing as Aariz imitated every vendor, or just walked in peaceful silence, stealing glances at each other.

  Finally, with the view of sunset in front of us, we made our way towards water. After all one shouldn’t be on the beach and not go into water. Aariz handed me an ice pop. He had one for himself too. Stating we needed to have it while we enjoyed in water.

  Licking on the icy goodness, we folded our jeans to our calves and stepped into the seawater.

  Aariz made sure to grip my free hand firmly in his as we looked at the setting sun, while gloating on our lemon
pops. We were giggling and laughing like kids as the waves under our feet made us sway. It also made Aariz slightly loose his balance and his lemon pop to fall in the water.

  Giggling heartily at his expression, I without thinking offered him mine.

  My smile vanished the next moment realizing I had sucked on the pop already. Offering him my half-eaten was way too couply!

  Aariz's gaze turned smouldering on my offer as he locked eyes with me. Before I could force a laugh or say something and take back my outstretched hand that held the ice pop, Aariz caught my wrist and stepped closer. Holding my gaze, he brought my hand up to his lips and licked on the lemony sweetness.

  He could have just taken it off my hand. But why would he leave the chance to tease.

  He kept sucking on it and my breath hitched. Quite literally! But it was nothing to the next moment when he stepped even more closer into my space and pushed the pop towards my mouth, still holding my wrist.

  Aariz nodded at it with a slight carefree smile, forcing me to suck on it too.

  He could have left my hand. After all, I was holding the pop. But he did not. Instead, he leaned in, to suck on it from his side. My breathing went abnormal and I could see his chest heaving deeply as well.

  Aariz left my free hand that he had clutched in his all this time, and curled his palm around my waist as he kept licking and sucking on the ice pop, nudging me with his intense eyes to do the same when I stopped my lips from moving on the ice.

  The ice pop's size kept melting in our mouths oh so slowly, dragging this foreplay deliciously.

  Foreplay?! Where did that come from? Oh God!

  Aariz seemed to be enjoying this heated icy game thoroughly. I could see the teasing smile playing on his lips and also the mirth dancing in his eyes as he winked at me every now and then around our lickings of the pop.

  Our eye lock broke and I flew back startled with the loud cheer of kids around, when a huge wave started to erupt in the sea.

  Aariz chuckled at my stunned expression and threw the pop in water, on which I had long loosened my hold.

  Aariz's eyes sparkled with enormous meaning that I shivered to decipher.

  For a moment, he stood still and I remained in his daze. Then out of nowhere, my face was splashed with water and the air around me rang with Aariz's such full open laughter, that I had never heard before. I felt surprised not due to his continuous splashing of water on me but due to his boyish charm, his teasing eyebrows that wiggled playfully as he laughed hard bending to throw water all over me.


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