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Page 25

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  I did not answer. Just pecked both her cheeks, and kept my lips lingering on her chin.

  With our faces connected, fingers joined and my lips pressed on her chin, I felt heavenly calm. We stood like that fanned in each other’s breaths for a few minutes. Suddenly there came voices from the floor below and our moment broke.

  “It’s time for the lecture to begin. I must go now. Bye.” Sani extracted her hand from my grip and turned to leave. Her mention about class reminded me of that fool.

  Pushing her back to the wall, I caged her with my hands.

  Just the early morning rays of sun lightening her in that darkened stone stair wall, made her look even more desirable, that I kind of forgot what I was about to say.

  “Aariz?” She whispered with a nervous hitch.

  “You brought him up again to tease me.” I scoffed, “You think I was jealous of seeing him around you?” I shook my head, “I was not jealous. I hated it, because I know his intentions.” Sani cupped my cheek starting to say something, but I kissed her palm, and went on annoyed, “I won’t tolerate him. Remember this; your affection towards me can have no partners. I won’t share you. And you don’t get to bring him up when you are with me.”

  She chuckled, “You’re really cute.”

  “And serious.” I said meaningfully, “I’m possessive about what’s mine Sani. Deal with it.”

  Her mouth hung open.

  “I just try not to straighten him and also stop myself from coming close to you, because you are a student here and I don’t wanna make things difficult for you.” Leaning in, I whispered, “Otherwise, I don’t give a crap about rules.” I smirked reminding her, “Just like I did not care before making you sit on my lap in my office.”

  “I was hoping we could pretend it never happened.” She squeaked wide-eyed.

  “But it so did. And it will again.”

  Her mouth was still half way open in bewilderment.

  Biting on her lips softly, I pushed myself back. Winking at her now shocked face, I stated, “Close your mouth or I’ll have to with mine. College or no college.”

  She snapped it close before running away with a hot blush evident on her face, leaving me to stare after her longingly.


  “Where had you been?” Rose made a face when I met her outside the classroom.

  She must have been waiting for me. I guess I was not giving my friends much time since I started going out with Aariz.

  “Nowhere. Just roaming you know.” I smiled at her, feeling bad I couldn’t tell her I had been upstairs for a little rendezvous with Aariz before lectures started.

  My smile fell when Rose just rolled her eyes as if not buying it, her face did not reflect any playfulness. As if she knew, I was lying.

  “What...?” I chuckled trying to light up her mood.

  She shook her head scoffing at me, “You were off to some corridor so you could see Professor Aariz teach, weren’t you?”

  She wiggled her eyebrows, but her face bore the superiority complex I had seen on her so many times before. It had always been when I scored better than she did in something. Later it would go away and she would be back to her normal friendly self. But this time...And from what I had been observing from a month or so, she often got that look mixed with hints of being betrayed by me. But why? Was I missing something?

  She went on chuckling slightly,

  “I know you have been doing that for months now. You sometimes double take and go around the corner just to pass the corridor, while staring at him curiously through the classroom windows when he teaches.”

  I used to do that initially when I was trying to figure out my feelings, trying to understand why his presence affects me so much. It was a long time ago. And for whatever reason, she shouldn’t have said it even if she noticed. Friends don't do that. She had to know, this was like making fun of me.

  “I don't do that.” I tried to laugh it off.

  Rose laughed too in a friendly way, but her face reflected some kind vehemence, as if she couldn’t stand me anymore.

  Giving me that disapproving look, she continued, “You so do! You’re obsessed with him. Jokes apart Sani, if I can see it, don't you think he must have noticed it too? And he might be laughing behind your back for this fan-girling thing you have got going. Just because you are good in International politics...”

  And Contemporary politics, American Politics and can give a tough feministic argument, can actually speak up and have a view point in classroom unlike her...Just saying.

  “ come prepared in class and give answers. It does not mean you have to go behind him all the time in his office on pretext of project discussions, while actually asking for help with studies!”

  I knew she sometimes behaved like a competitive bitch and did not like it when I did better in exams, but that did not mean she could look down upon me that way. Friend or not, I was no one's charity case. Not even Aariz's. I earned my place. Always!

  I reminded her that in no uncertain terms, while still keeping half a smile on,

  “Oh hello there! I don't need help. Why would I? I prepare my own notes and you know that. If you are lacking behind, you can...”

  She did not let me finish and went all hyper, “How can you say I haven’t been preparing for exams?!”

  From your look? From your performance in class? List was endless. But fighting wanted the last thing I wanted, so I let it go.

  Taking a deep breath I asked,

  “Where is this conversation going actually?”

  “That you are being obvious and you are my friend, so I don't want him to laugh behind your back. Because he will Sani, if he hasn’t been already. He would when he finally notices you.” Rose said in sympathetic tones.

  That was it. She had done it now. She was not just looking down upon me. But was staring as if I was not worth shit and she had to bear with me anyway, because she was such a good friend!

  With a bitter smile, I stated testily,

  “Thank you for your concern. But I think your mind is going one track and that too with the speed of being months late. First of all, had I been that desperate in Prof Aariz's eyes, then he would have pointed it out and given me a piece of mind privately or in front of the whole class, which we normally call as insulting. You can be sure of that with his take no prisoners kind of attitude. He has a presence in class, which demands respect and attention. He does not fool around. So he would not let me tarnish that image of his, don't you think? Yes he used to joke and tease me when he was new here, but doesn’t he do the same with many other guys in our class, when he is in a mood of being friendly?”

  “But not with other girls.” Rose pointed out in acidic tone.

  God...Do I need to spell it to her? Fine!

  I did not sugar-coat, as I retorted,

  “Because they don't participate in class as much as I do. So they don't have the correspondence with him, as much as I have and maybe that’s why he likes me as a student. Secondly, about your concern of my safety, he is not a pervert or a bad guy from the novels, who takes advantage of little girls. If you missed it, I'm not little. Nor am I a coward who can't stand up for herself. If he had ever even given a wrong look, I would have taken some action against him or gone off to a better college instead of fighting or waiting to be hit on. You know I don't take shit from anyone. Besides, your concern for me shouldn’t be there anymore, as he does not talk that much with me in class now.” I nodded sarcastically, “But of course, you are worried because you think I'm desperate. Yup.”

  She looked conflicted, so I pressed on more firmly with no chance of a crossfire,

  “About partiality, remember what I said just now about him having a life of his own, unlike so many in this world who only poke into other people’s.” I meant it as a hit on her but of course, she was too slow to realize that.

  I went on,

  “He does not give a crap about the students outside the classroom. We have all seen it. So there you
have your answer as to why would he bother helping me. But still as for your accusations, don't you think, me going to his office for assignment work or getting my notes corrected might be due to the fact that I work my ass off every day, because I want to top this year? I can't just be a graduate. I have to be the first in class. I don't need his help nor has he offered. Just you pointing it out, looks like you have given it a thought, meaning you need it yourself.”

  She opened her mouth to oppose that, but I beat her to it saying in a softened manner,

  “You could have just asked me for help instead of stretching all this out of proportion. You have really hurt me today.”

  Rose looked apologetic and struggled to accept it.

  “You can't question my brains or my integrity when I haven’t ever questioned yours.” Scoffing I added,

  “There has never been much to question about in your case anyway.” I was talking about her brain and obviously, she did not get my dig.

  She instantly clasped my hands and gave me a puppy look mouthing, sorry.

  “I was just worried for you as a friend Sani. But you took this too far and wrongly.” Rose sighed at me.

  I took it far?!

  I was outraged, but before I could say anything, Aariz arrived from behind us. Apparently, it was time for the lecture to begin and everyone else had already gone in the classroom.

  “Everything all right ladies?” Aariz smiled giving me a curiously questioning look.

  Perhaps he saw something on my face.

  I smiled at him nodding slightly, as Rose couldn’t see the exchange, having had turned around completely to face Aariz, thus making me stand behind her.

  He tried to pass us and go inside, gesturing us to do the same since we were blocking the doorway. I moved, but Rose did not.

  Rather she let out an overly happy giggle,

  “Of course Prof Aariz we are good. You look really nice today by the way.”

  I stopped in my tracks as she then brushed at his shirtsleeve saying in a soft tone,

  “This colour really becomes of you. Is it your favourite?”

  Aariz gulped, moving his hand away and said hurriedly,

  “No I hate it! But it was a gift. And I was in a rush this morning so I wore it. Waste not, want not, you see.” He chuckled nervously, while giving me a look of discomfort as if saying, ‘Get me out of this. Please.’

  “What’s your favourite colour then?” Rose gave him a sweet smile.

  As if, they were so close.

  Aariz smiled slightly at her, before giving me a onceover with admiration in his eyes and said,

  “Sparkling navy and black.”

  Just like that, my heart soared. Knowing he meant the colour of my eyes, and the black top I was wearing.

  My sadness due to Rose’s words flew out of the window when Aariz gestured her to move into the class and passed me the slightest of the winks. Coming behind me to enter the classroom, he gave a lingering push at the small of my back, making me shiver in this cosy intimacy.

  During classes, I avoided Rose, though she tried talking to me many times. But I was not ready to forgive her. I knew I would eventually, just not yet. Besides, it wasn’t like Rose fell over herself for my forgiveness anyway. She never cared much when she was in the wrong.

  So it was quite a surprise to me when along with few of us who went to Aariz’s office to show the status of our group assignment later in the day, Rose came too, although she was not in our group. And of course she did not bother to give any explanation as to why was she joining us, even when Sahil asked her. I did not care either way.

  We reached Aariz's office. He was alone in there. I sat down looking through a few presentation slides I had prepared on my laptop, while Sahil and others showed Aariz the first draft of the assignment we had made. They were just about finished as Aariz pointed out a few things that we must include in it, when Rose pushed them aside, literally jumping on her heels like a kid, saying,

  “My turn now. My turn.”

  Aariz gave me an exasperated look, then turned to Rose with what seemed to be a forced smile and sighed heavily,

  “What is it I can help you with?”

  She placed a few papers in front of him and instead of taking a seat, she bent herself on his desk to point out what she had written, as if he couldn’t see it, or she couldn’t show it by sitting across the desk at a considerable distance from him.

  She just had to lean on the table and how much ever I did not wish to think like that, I couldn’t stop from feeling that she was trying to give him a peek down her shirt. At her cleavage.

  I was right to think so as Aariz instantly leaned his head backward, staring at the ceiling, while she spoke,

  “Prof Aariz what do you think about this?”

  “First of all take a seat and stop breathing in my face.” Aariz's voice came biting, as if he was angry and grinding his teeth.

  Sahil and a few others sniggered.

  Rose sat back with a put out expression and Aariz finally faced the front. I kept my focus on my laptop, my expression neutral. Glancing at them from the corner of my eyes, I wondered if Aariz would have been this uncomfortable had I not been in the room, or he would have enjoyed the view.

  I guess not. The poor guy would have thrown her out had I not been in the room.

  “It’s fine. Show me when you make notes for exams.” Aariz told her coldly. Not ready to meet her eyes.

  “But these are for exams only.” Rose said in a low embarrassed voice, and I felt pity for her.

  Aariz stared at her as if she had grown two heads.

  Then taking a deep breath, I guess to hold back a snap, he muttered,

  “These are copied from the textbook. Each and everything. If you all had to do just that to score good grades, I would have said so.”

  Catching my eye, Aariz gave me a swift apologetic look before turning to her, and stretching his hand towards all of us,

  “Why do you think they all prepare notes?!”

  Rose groaned like a teenager,

  “I just don't understand why we have International Politics and American Politics as two different papers! It’s so confusing to understand both when they overlap. Since a lot of things from American politics come under International as well.”

  “I can't do anything about it. You’ll have to complain to the university administration or the authors of those books.” Aariz said carelessly while working on his laptop, thus hinting her to leave.

  Does Rose ever gets a hint?

  This time I did not even try to look at my work.

  Rose clasped his wrist over the laptop,

  “Please, I just don't understand.”

  Aariz glared at her shocked, roughly taking his hand away,

  “These copied down notes are from the topic I taught you all long back, in detail. Even quizzed the class about it. I can't go back to it again now.”

  With that, Aariz stood up.

  But Rose just smiled brightly and turned around in her chair touching his arm,

  “No, I understand. Therefore, you can just teach me now. I still have a few hours to kill.”

  Why does she has to be so touchy feely?

  Aariz jerked her hand away making everyone stunned, and hold back their laughter.

  In a measured voice that felt like he was trying not to explode, he stated,

  “I will take lectures in the classroom only. I can't help every weak student personally. I don't have the time. So just, try paying attention in class. I can promise that during revisions I will be going through every important topic again. Still if you fail, it’s none of my concerns.”

  Saying so, he opened the door and gestured her out,

  “You can leave now. I have to discuss their presentations.”

  Thoroughly miffed and embarrassed, Rose left with her head down.

  He turned toward us and everyone scrambled to leave for lunch.

  “Hurry up Sani. I have to go for practice.” Sahil g
rumbled as I stood up too, jotting down in my book a few pointers, that Aariz had given us to be included in the assignment.

  “You can go. I'll...” I muttered but did not finish, as Sahil kept his hand over mine, on the pretext of showing me what all was remaining to note down.

  I immediately slapped his hand away, cringing from the small touch.

  “I can manage. Thank you.” I told him sharply.

  Sahil just shrugged turning towards the door,

  “Fine. Share them with us later.”

  “You can't let him touch you like that.” came Aariz's angry voice the moment we were alone.

  I did not move from my spot at the corner of the room. I kept writing down and simultaneously noting things on my laptop.

  Not getting any answer from me, Aariz urged in a strangled tone,


  I sighed tiredly, and looked at him,

  “Did you expect me to cut his hand off? Sorry, I'm not barbaric. I slapped it away.”

  Aariz nodded tauntingly,

  “Yeah, because that’s just so civil.”

  I again continued my work, only to stop midway when Aariz said,

  “I know you mean it was barbaric of me to jerk Rose like that. But she was coming on to me!”

  I stared at him not breaking a smile. I was suddenly more upset. All the events since morning from Rose’s allegations of me being obvious in front of Aariz, to her flirting with him, had me thinking if there was any truth in her words, and how fresh I was to all these feelings and stuff.

  I came out of my reverie when Aariz went on softly,

  “Hey, I'm sorry. I did not mean it as disrespect to all the girls. It’s just she who I...”

  He must have seen the look on my face and thought I was upset on behalf of my friend.

  I gave Aariz a small smile and turned towards my work. But I couldn’t concentrate due to a sinking feeling in my heart. Few moments later, my any remaining focus just disappeared as a shiver ran down my spine, feeling manly heat on my back. I knew it was Aariz's chest.

  As he then kept both his hands on mine over the laptop, and nuzzled my hair, murmuring softly in them,


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