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Storm Page 30

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  “High talks coming for you! Should I say thank you for this little mercy? Maybe go down on my knees or kiss those lips that showered such words? Hmm?”

  I leaned forward, winking at her as I said in a husky tone,

  “I don't mind. At all.”

  Sanu's face flushed in an instant, yet she tried to appear all put together.

  “Hmph! Anyway, I don't like Haadi either.” She crossed her arms, puffing her cheeks, looking the other way.

  As if suddenly remembering something, she sharply turned to me, saying in a curt voice,

  “And why am I telling you this? You refused to even look at me due to that anger up your ass and now you are doing this all friendly bitching about...”

  I blanched in outrageousness,

  “I did look at you! Even touched you.” I leaned into her smirking, “Did you forget the ice cream? Maybe from now on I shouldn’t get you any. I will think of something else since you don't like it.”

  Sani scowled giving me a look of betrayal, “About Haadi, frankly he is too boring for me to spare a thought on. For his irritating existence, you’ll have to complain God or his parents who gave birth to him. It’s not my fault. He is a God made burden on me. So like it or not, we have to grind our teeth and suffer. Just don't ever talk about denying me ice cre...”

  I smiled in awe and amusement, making Sani stomp her foot and curl her lips at me in irritation,


  She moved to stand a little outside the back door. I laughed forgetting all about my annoyance on Haadi, and just remained silent, observing her antics as she stared at the sky, probably complaining to God about me. I was trying to hear some tid-bits of her loud self talks with God, like always, when Haadi tried to gain attention in a loud carrying voice,

  “I'm so tired. What do we have for lunch here Umber?”

  Umber looked at him in mocking admiration saying,

  “Hello! Am I the chef or your pretend mommy? I did not recieve the memo.”

  Haadi was bewildered.

  Ibbi explained to him,

  “She feels nauseous due to travelling. Stay away from her temper.”

  Haadi just rolled his eyes and started moving in circles with hands in the air. Full drama.

  “Forget about lunch or cooking, I can eat raw right now. I haven’t had any breakfast!” Haadi whined to no one in particular.

  And his eyes fell on her,

  “Sani get me something please.”

  Sani marched towards him flabbergasted,

  “Breathe! You have just arrived.”

  “I'm serious. I did not have anything other than coffee at home and we did not even stop on the way to grab breakfast!”

  “And that’s my fault because?” Sani scoffed, but still sighing heavily, she turned towards the refrigerator.

  She opened it ajar to show him,

  “See, its empty. And before you complain, don't forget we have came here uninvited and without notice.”

  “You mean there is nothing in this shack?!” He yelled going furiously at Sani.

  My blood boiled and I was about to go and straighten him but Aaira came in between, glaring at Haadi,

  “It’s a house. Not a shack.”

  Sani thankfully stepped away and came towards me at the back door.

  Haadi chuckled bitterly,

  “Yeah, right. A house, which will crumble to the ground, with just one big storm!”

  He turned to stare at us and scoffed, “And it will fall on Sani's head first. Beware. The threshold does not look strong to me.”

  “Stop right there! Mind your tongue, will you?” I grunted, wishing to punch him.

  Humza came forward, pressing hard on Haadi's shoulder,

  “It’s our family in this house, you are envisioning devastation off. Don't even joke about such things and it’s my last warning to you.”

  Humza being the eldest of the lot simply earned the respect and Haadi did look intimidated by him as he mumbled fumingly, “I was just kidding. Besides, there is no food in this place. We might die of starvation anyway.”

  I couldn’t believe this guy. He was desperate for picking a fight. I had never seen a person who begged so much for attention.

  Zidaan, who had been quiet until now, walked forward and snapped cuttingly, “Sorry. They did not know you were about to come or else the sharks from the ocean would have surely prepared something. Seeing, as you look like their forgotten brother.”

  “What the hell do you mean?!” Haadi acted as if ready to launch himself on Zidaan, but Humza was still grabbing him and warned in no uncertain terms, “Enough! If you are hungry before we had even begun to enjoy, you can go bring the food. But don't order anyone here. If all this is beneath you, I think you have never been to a picnic before. Feel free to go home. Now!”

  Seeing the tempers running high, Sani squealed gliding towards Humza, while getting out her wallet,

  “Give me some change. I will go get junk for all of us from those stalls at the beach. I just saw it from the back door. Trust me it tastes like a treat in this weather. I'm saying it from experience.” She said the last sentence glancing at me quickly, probably remembering our first date. She tried to hide her blush when I met her gaze head on.

  I understood she just wanted to appease everyone.

  “No no! I have the money. I just need some change.” Sani denied when Humza handed her some cash without exchange.

  “Keep it.” Humza smiled at her fondly, while his wife Aaira, giggled saying, “We will robe you later, if you are that eager to get rid of it.”

  “Go on now. And don't forget to count the number of people before you bring food. Otherwise, surely you’ll forget me.” Humza chuckled, gently pushing at her back.

  Sani nodded thoughtfully and stated in a serious tone, “I really would have forgotten. But I won't now, since it’s your money. We will owe you every tasty bit of that junk.”

  No one could hold back their laughter, as Sani flew out, taking Umber along.

  Everyone dispersed to get relaxed and I stood at my spot gazing at her having ice pops with Umber, and giggling like the happiest person on the planet.

  “Why are you looking at Sani?!” came a stern voice from beside me.

  It was Haadi.

  I spared him with half a smile, “You would know if I was...hmm? If you were doing the same.”

  “I?! I'm her family friend...”

  I stopped him midsentence, giving him a no-non sense look, “Please don't spoil the name of that relation.”

  He walked away fuming in anger.

  I thought for a moment, and then followed, making him stop in his tracks.

  Giving him a friendly understanding smile, I patted his forearm, “It’s not wrong to have a crush on someone. But we shouldn’t when there is no way of it getting reciprocated the same way. Preserve your feelings for someone who would love you back, and anybody with two working eyeballs and a brain would say Sani does not feel that way for you.”

  Haadi became infuriated, “I never said I like her.”

  “Yeah...” I sighed shaking my head and holding back an eye roll.

  “Mind your own life. You have got nothing to do in ours.” Haadi spat, walking away with a purposeful push on my arm.

  I didn’t react. Maybe I should have.

  Because a minute later, when he was out of earshot, my tigress came flaring at me,

  “Why would you do that?!”

  I crossed my arms, looking at her sternly, having had enough of this, “And what exactly did I do?”

  “You humiliated Haadi. Just because you thought, he likes...”

  I spoke over her adamantly, “He really does. It’s not just me who thinks so.”

  She stepped forward trying to be eye to eye with me, “What if he doesn’t?!”

  “So?” I scoffed in obvious tones, “He won't mind my words.” I leaned in, about to peck her, but she stumbled back, shocked.

  I went on a little seriousl
y, “But if he does like you, I have done my part by warning him to save his heart from breaking. It was a fair thing to do. After all, he will be sorry when it won’t be reciprocated from your side.” I levelled her with a confident yet dangerously firm look, “It won't be reciprocated. I know.”

  Sani started screeching with a dirty face,

  “Stop it please! I can't even imagine. Eww!”

  Laughter bubbled out of me before I could stop it and Sani became angrier, hitting on my chest, crying in miffed tones, “Anyway, why are you concerned about any of it? Who are you? You made it quite clear that you are done with me without even hearing me out. My love was nothing to you.”

  “That’s not true.” I grabbed her hands, “I had come to listen. But you started with stubbornness that, you will not stop talking to them. Whether I like it or not. You didn’t care.”

  Sani blinked back her tears and stated in a cracked voice, “If that’s what you prefer to think. Fine. Leave me alone.”

  She started marching back into the house, when Ibbi came out as if on a purpose, everyone else just right behind him.

  Seeing us, Ibbi stretched his hand pointedly, “We know what you have done Sani. Unimaginable and so unexpected from you, really.”

  What the hell?

  Immediately, I pulled Sani on my side. They could think what they wanted to.

  She readily held my hand gazing at them all then at me fearfully, murmuring in hopeful tones,

  “What’s the punch line of this joke?”

  “Aaru! Say something please. Explain to me. I'm really not getting this joke. They can’t possibly know about us. This has to be a joke, right?” Sanu started squeezing and shaking my arm hurriedly as Ibbi came closer.

  How does she expect me to think anything when it’s the first time since that phone call, she had to my face called me by that name.

  I was too dazed to even make sense of everyone surrounding us amused. They were actually giving us thankful admiring looks.

  “No!” Sanu squeaked, “I mean, but how?!" Ibbi was way too fogged in happiness, to realize her condition that was on the verge of crying, “I mean, shit!” Then giving me a quick glance as if to gather her strength, Sani took a deep breath and forced a smile his way, trying to be nice and curious, “I mean”

  Ibbi was eager to elaborate,

  “You got my outing going! You are making it a success. Because you got us rid of Haadi.”

  Sanu audibly exhaled a sigh of relief.

  Ibbi went on,

  “Whatever act you pulled to kick him out, I don't care. You did the right thing. I'm a fan!”

  Sanu looked funny with the smug smile growing on her face, which she was trying to fight off, staring at me continuously with utmost guilt, because Ibbi was drastically thanking the wrong person, that was her. Also she seemed a little pissed at me for being right, which she was unable to admit it to my smug and thoroughly amused gaze on her, that I did not even try to hide.

  “And the tasty dripping of, we-are-about-to-have-fun-and-there-is-no-Haadi kind of mouth-watering food you have got for us, has given a real kick to this holiday.”

  Now Sanu too was beaming and glowing in happiness. Until Ibbi continued to say, “So much variety of junk and also you kept the ice pops in the fridge! You just thought of everything. Hats off to you!”

  Sanu's face instantly flushed. She peeked at me from under her lashes a little fearfully, a lot shyly, at the intensity with which I was staring at her.

  “Wherever you got this brilliant creative idea of treat from...It is just s...” Ibbi was still going on.

  Hearing him, Sani's mouth fell open, while I couldn’t stop laughing.

  She crossed her arms tightly, with miffed expression on her face, saying testily,

  “You don't have to sound so freaking surprised!”

  “Of course! Your choice is always good. You are an angel and I love you. Truly.” Ibbi went back hurriedly.

  Annoyed, she was about to launch herself on me, when Zidaan came towards us and threw his arm casually over her shoulders,

  “You can breathe freely again Sani. Your admirer has gone.”

  “Admirer? What do you mean?” Sanu gaped at him astonished.

  “Haadi's gone now. So forget it.” Zidaan winked, turning to leave.

  Again making her cutely guilt ridden and unable to meet my eyes.

  Showing some mercy on her, I did not once say, ‘I told you so!’

  We went inside to devour the junk food she had brought. Most everyone had already eaten and gone out on the beach after singing praises of her.

  Only the two of us remained in the house.

  Sani took out the ice pops for both of us from the fridge. Offering me one, she came to stand close beside me at the door. We hadn’t bothered with the cleaning of house yet, so there was no place to sit.

  “This is heaven.” Sani sighed with her eyes closed and a serene smile lingering on her face.

  I nodded, “It really was that day. But now...I don't know. Something's missing.”

  Leaning in closer, I sucked on the ice pop near her lips murmuring in satisfaction, “Now it’s perfect!”

  Sani's eyes went wide as our now erratic breathes fanned each other’s faces.

  I leaned in more, whispering,

  “Actually you’re right, it’s heavenly.”

  She stood still, holding the ice pop to her mouth, stunned. I sucked it again, almost touching her cheek in with my mouth in the process, before melting away with a smirk,

  “I never knew you loved it so much that day.”

  Her bewildered and red-hot look told me, she knew exactly what I meant.

  Hours later, in the afternoon we were all gathered on the beach for a game of volleyball and apparently all of Sani's distance and blush for me, had flown with the wind as she hopped, making funny faces at me, while catcalling, “Shout now! Shout! C'mon, shout now!”

  We being in opposing teams in the game, she had hit the the ball with such enthusiasm, that I had just stood there staring in daze, unable to take my eyes off her. And her ball had hit me on the side of my head.

  So now, her aforementioned teasing and provocations were on, as she descriptively told Zidaan all about my thrashing of Sahil during the college trip.

  Soon the game wrapped up and everyone dispersed off.

  I caught her against the net, before she could leave too.

  “Aariz...” Sani breathed out nervously.

  “Umhmm...I prefer you calling me something else.

  Her eyelashes slanted down to her cheeks out of shyness.

  “So...You were trying to provoke me. You want me to get mad at you?” I touched her collarbone tracing it all the way to her shoulder. Her skin warmed under my fingers, “Want me to let out the steam, so you could do the same? Hmm?”

  Sanu did not meet my eyes, but I could feel her shiver, as she breathlessly answered,

  “I hit the ball by mistake. Yes. But I teased you to just make you realize, you weren’t fair that day to Sahil.”

  “He had hurt you.” I stated pressing myself on her.

  She looked up stunned, finding my face on hers, as she whispered,

  “I would have hurt you too by mistake today. You didn’t yell at me.”

  “Because I love you...unlike him. There is a world of difference.”

  Sani tried hard not to look into my eyes, when I swiped my hand over the slope of her neck saying casually, but with a lot meaning,

  “And I would to love to let off the steam with you. We won't need to be mad over something just for that.”

  “I didn’t mean...”

  I behaved like I did not hear her and went on to trace the length of her collarbone, caressing its dip with my thumb, “I can come close to you nonetheless.” Peering deep into her eyes, I asked as if to confirm, “I can, right? And so can you? Come close...?”

  Sani looked at me square in the eye, with confusion and an ocean of emotions swimming i
n them at my words. I took my hands off her, giving her the space to think and decide, but I did not step away.

  She went cutely thoughtful, as if going over and over what to respond as she absentmindedly chewed on her lips, giving me bewildered and terrified looks, while trying to make a decision.

  I couldn’t hold back having a little fun on her utter serious thinking and pulled on her lower lip with my fingers, getting it rid of her teeth.

  Her mouth now turned round due to shock, making me amused. But I did not smile, rather kept on looking at her heatedly as I asked,

  “If you chew it all, what would remain for me to have later?”

  I heard Sani's sharp intake of breath. But before I could get her to speak, our moment broke with a loud yell coming from Zidaan,

  “Sani where are you?! First, you spoil the name of my chosen beach-house, making it seem like a piece of crap by suggesting we go to the mall. And now, when I'm salivating for lunch. You have vanished to the God forsaken beach-side junk again!”

  Sani looked around trying to see if he was anywhere close. But I made no attempt to let her get away from the trap between me and the net.

  “Mall?” I asked calmly.

  She nodded, visibly relaxed now,

  “Umber does not like such trips and food. She isn’t feeling so well. That’s why I said we will have lunch outside, and hang around in the mall where she can eat what she likes and enjoy.”

  I smiled at her genuine sweetness,

  “Nice...And what about us? We have to let off the steam, remember?” I winked.

  She moved her face away from me, muttering sadly,

  “What about us? You don't even trust me. Did not wanna hear me out completely. I hadn’t finished my sentence that day, but you just left.”

  I made her look at me and said firmly

  “I do trust you completely. After all, I love you! And we'll talk.” I caressed her cheek with my face, loosing myself in her, as I added softly,

  “Because I can't stay away from you anymore. I don't want to.”

  Sani pushed me away on reflex, as the air rang with a frustrated Zidaan's shouting, “! Where are you? And bring my buddy Aariz as well, when you get your ass down here. You both better not have drowned yourself in the sea before I have had lunch in my stomach. Or else I'm not gonna save you. Mind it!”


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