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Page 32

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  I was in a serious tether, wanting to get out of this confusion as fast as I could. I knew what would give me relief from this restlessness and I was going to ask Aariz to help me in it.

  I knocked and a voice called me in.

  As I entered, Aariz left his work and got up. Taking my hands in his, he walked backward and sat on the edge of the table beside his laptop making me stand between his legs.

  But I had no time to lose myself in this romance.

  “We need a plan of action. Quick!” I knew my face and voice were panic-stricken.

  “Ohkay!” Aariz looked amused.

  He wasn’t getting it, was he?

  “Don't take this so lightly. We need to face this heads-on guns blazing!” I warned him seriously.

  Aariz raised his eyebrows inclining his head back and nodded at me.

  “Ooh! Now I get it. But where will you take me?” Aariz asked in conspiratorial whisper.

  “What?!” I was the confused one now.

  He clasped my shoulders almost shaking me, “Yeah, look you are not ready to tell your parents or my Granny about us. So I wanna know where am I running away with you? God forbid if you leave me half way high and dry with nowhere to go, then what will happen to my dear little heart?!” Aariz widened his eyes dramatically.

  What the hell is he on about?

  “Why will I take you anywhere at all?” I scrunched my eyebrows in utter curiosity.

  Aariz threw his hands in the air giving me a stunned look,

  “Meaning you will leave me here all alone?! You won't take me along?! You will ditch me!”

  Why is he behaving like a dumped wife?

  “Where am I going myself? And what do you mean by running?!” Next moment, looking at the smile playing on his lips, I slapped his chest, scowling, “You think this is funny?”

  He just shook his head.

  Calming down I mused thoughtfully,

  “On second thoughts, it’s not a bad idea. This way we won't have to worry about telling our families at all. We can just...Go!” Then frowning at my own idea, I shook my head sternly at him, “Nope. Never! I'm not eloping with you.”

  “Got it.” Aariz nodded, pulling me more between his legs keeping his hands on my waist,

  “What’s this thing you wanted a plan of action for? Tell me.” He murmured kissing my wrist.

  “Oh yes! We have to tell Zee everything about us. He is getting suspicious! So we need a plan about how to deal with him. I’m afraid to tell him directly.” I pouted, “I hate lying to him. It’s making me restless, as if I’m betraying him.”

  “Me too. But I was quiet because you had been insisting not to tell.” Aariz said softly. As I felt even more guilty, he cupped my face, pressing our foreheads, saying,

  “Don't worry we’ll speak to Zidaan today itself.” Before I could grin, he added, “On one condition that is, you will have come to my house in a couple of days. I'm not saying we will tell my Granny everything, but at least come and meet her as my friend. And you can see my house as well...hmm? Say when are you coming?”

  “First, promise you will be the one talking to Zee about this. Not me.” I stared at him with scared hopeful expressions.

  “I promise, I will face his fire, take the bullet for you my love. Everything! Happy?”

  I yayed and jumped in glee. Aariz caught me in his arms,

  “What about your end of the deal?”

  “I will come to meet your Granny...Someday.” I said sheepishly, unable to meet his eyes.

  But he wasn’t angry.

  “Someday?!” laughed Aariz shaking his head and took me in a bone crushing hug, murmuring on my skin about loving the stubborn me. Thus enveloping me into a much needed warm and a place to relax.

  But like everything else, the soothe didn’t last either and I became anxious when hours later I received a text from a different unknown number this time saying,

  ‘Didn’t I tell you to stay away from him?'

  Whoever was playing this, it did not feel funny to me anymore.

  40- Telling Zee


  “Zidaan, we both wanna tell you something.” I started as Goli slithered closer to me on the couch in his cabin.

  I could already feel her hand trembling over mine, as she clutched me tight.

  Zidaan's gaze lingered at it for a few seconds, before he nodded,

  “I'm sure you do. Shoot.”

  “The thing is that we...” But I was cut off midsentence by Goli, who said hurriedly, “We are in love!” Then as if feeling the need to clarify, she added, “With each other!”

  She looked even more scared now, unable to meet Zidaan's eyes after the spill.

  When Goli didn’t recieve any yell from him as she had been expecting, she turned towards me with renewed confidence, boasting a reluctant victorious smile, “See, I told him! And you were scared for no reason. After all why would Zee be angry about it?!”

  When the hell was I scared?

  Then looking at Zidaan, she stammered,

  “ are not angry, right? We were about to tell you anyway, that we are in love and... Yeah, only that we are in a relationship with each other. I'm not hiding anything else.”

  She held her hands up defensively. Then glancing at me as I tried to bite back my laughter at Zidaan's stern expression, I knew was fake, Goli got even more frightened.

  “Aariz also wanted to tell you the same thing that...uh...We...We are in love...Yeah!” Goli kept on rambling in nervousness.

  Wrapping my arm around her to calm her down, I told Zidaan calmly,

  “She is right. We have fallen for each other. It hasn’t been long. Trust me, you are the first person to know this.”

  Goli nodded vigorously.

  Zidaan remained silent making Goli whisper to me fearfully,

  “Why is he not yelling? Will he just throw me out? You promised to yell back. Please start yelling so he would follow suit. This is my favourite dress. It will get dirty if he...”

  I don't think I had ever tried so hard not to laugh.

  I saw a smile was starting to creep on his lips. Of course, he heard her.

  Jokes apart, I needed to remember something. So meaningfully, I added, “After all you are the reason we are together. You introduced us in that party.”

  Zidaan gave me an understanding look, before turning towards my Goli, saying a little too seriously,

  “I knew, Sani.”

  Just the three words, made her gasp in shock.

  “What?! You knew?! How?! You are lying!” Fired Goli.

  Frankly, I felt the same. How did he know she had reciprocated my feelings?

  “Nope. I didn’t actually knew, but I had seen the sparks between you two whenever I met you guys in past several days. So I had a fair idea. It’s good. I'm happy.” Zidaan smirked. A wicked smile playing on his lips.

  He stood up to hug me and pat on my back. While, Goli opened and closed her mouth a few times as if not knowing what to say.

  Finally, she came up with just one line, “Don't you dare tell anyone, Zee-the-I- had-seen-spark-Sherlock Holmes!”

  Zidaan and I shared a look, over her utter fearful expression.

  “No worries. I won't tell your family anything. I think you should do the honours. But just remember, you will have to make words Sani. Just opening and closing your mouth won't do the trick. They won't understand. You see, not everyone is as smart as I am.” Zidaan winked at her.

  And she jumped up irritated,

  “You! You are!”

  “Oh how the mighty has fallen. Poor Sani needs my help!” Zidaan's voice was triumphant and his smile gloating, which made Goli move to strangle him.

  But I caught her in time.

  She looked so cutely annoyed that I couldn’t take it anymore and broke out into peals of laughter, high fiving Zidaan.

  “Huh?! You are also taking Zee-smart-in his-own-tiny-mind's side?!” Goli flared at me.

  Now I coul
dn't afford her going off me! Can I?

  “Of course not sweetheart. Don't take him seriously. He is just jealous of you. As now, all my time is yours. I'm all yours. C'mon, let’s go.” I quickly wrapped my arm around her, moving towards the door, while passing Zidaan a pleading yet stern look to cut it out.

  He did. Until Goli showed him her tongue, when I had made her sit in the car as he followed us out.

  And that was it for him.

  In a loud stage whisper, Zidaan said,

  “I hope you know Aariz is lying and he really was on my side!”

  Goli stared at me furiously.

  “No Sweetheart. He is just joking. You know I'm always on your side. I love you Goli.” I spoke in a voice used to cajole children.

  Wrapping an arm around her, I started the car before he could something else and I’d had to face a breakup!

  We were driving away with the cool evening air adding to the romance, when I kissed her hand musing happily, “I hope you remember your end of the deal. We have told Zidaan, now you’ll have to come meet Granny. As you know, I stay in his neighbourhood, but you had refused, so I did not take you there today. But when are you gonna visit? Please tell me, I'm eager.”

  “Actually thinking.” Goli fumbled keeping her glance on her lap.

  I gave her a scrutinizing look,

  “You had no plans to come right?”

  She looked at me guilty and I got my confirmation, “That’s so unfair Goli. You had promised!”

  Exhaling I went on, “Now you will have to come...soon! I don't know anything.” I know I was being a child but I couldn’t help it.

  “I'm afraid to meet your Granny.” Goli confessed meekly.

  That had me rolling my eyes,

  “Oh please! She is not going to eat you Gol's. And for your sake I promise, I will introduce you as a friend. We won't tell her anything.” I retorted and pulled breaks with a jerk as we reached her house.

  “Sorry...?” She pouted, melting my heart considerably.

  “It’s okay.” I said stiffly, not looking at her. Knowing I would completely be coaxed then.

  Before getting down from the car, Goli just gave me a side hug whispering another sorry on my cheek with a peck, while I did not attempt to touch her, though I wanted to grab her to myself.

  41-Storm of Trouble?


  I couldn’t sleep all night knowing Aariz was upset with me. He had even refused to have our usual night chat. I couldn’t think how do I make him understand, that I was afraid to meet his Granny because then this thing we had, would become real...The bubble of our love would enlarge, or most definitely would break, as families would be involved. My family. And they would never agree. I was in freaking college after all!

  So it took me a hell lot of efforts that included cheesy apologies on my part, loving kisses, emotional waterworks, about how my parents would take me out of college, and downright threats to stop being angry on me and just give me some time to gather courage or else I would never meet his Granny...Someday...Soon!

  As a result, things were rosy again and currently we were having one of our usual nighttime chats.

  ‘I'm missing you Goli. We didn’t get to meet today.’ texted Aariz.

  ‘We met in college. Like every day.’ I replied smiling at his cuteness.

  ‘But we didn’t meet outside today!’

  ‘I had told you there were guests at home. I was busy. I'm sorry.’

  ‘It’s okay. I wish you were here right now. Staying in my house.’ I knew Aariz had curled his lips in grumpiness.

  ‘In your dreams!’ I laughed while texting.

  ‘It will happen in reality. As soon as we have your family on our side, you’ll be with me all the time. I won't let you go anywhere then.’ came his immediate answer and I could feel Aariz grinning cockily.

  ‘Long way to go for that.’ I rolled my eyes, while blushing, though Aariz couldn’t see me.

  ‘Yes, you’re right. But now what to do? I want you now!’

  Want you? Seriously? My face was on fire reading that. With trembling hands I typed him a reply,

  ‘Just go to sleep. I love you. Muwaaahhh!’

  ‘See, you have no problem in always texting me I love you's. But in person you barely ever say the words. I can count on one hand the number of times you have said I love you.’

  ‘I say when I want to Aaru. Now shut up and sleep. Goodnight. Love you soooo muchhh!’

  ‘Alright...You should sleep too with these last words- I love you Goli! Muwaaaaaaaaaaaah ;)’

  ‘Now if I send you a longer kiss- Muwaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! Our chatting will go on all night like the previous nights. Good night, for final!’ I shook my head, smiling goofily as I sent the text.

  But before I could recieve Aariz's reply, I was startled by the thunder and lightning outside. It was raining heavily. Just then, my phone rang. It was an unknown number calling.

  I answered the call,

  ‘Hello, whose this?’

  ‘Hey, is it Sani I'm talking too?’ came a woman’s cold voice.

  I became anxious, though I couldn’t match up the voice as previous call had come so many days ago and from a different number.

  Apprehensively I asked,

  ‘Yes. And you are?’

  ‘Sani, I have just called you to say that you’re the most shameless girl there can be, if you have known everything and still roam around with Aariz. But if you don't know anything, then it’s obvious he is the only cheater and I pity you.’ said the woman acidly.

  Somewhat startled hearing the words shameless and cheater, I snapped in terse tones,

  ‘How dare you use such words about us?! Who the hell are you and where did you get my number from? What are you talking about?’

  ‘I saw you with Aariz the other day. So I found out your name. All I'm asking is do you know he is engaged to someone and still you are in a relationship with him or are you unaware and he is the only one at fault here.’

  For a few seconds on hearing her, I went completely silent. I couldn’t understand if I heard it right, was it just my imagination.

  They say,

  What’s broken can be mended...

  What’s ripped can be stitched...

  ‘He is what?’ I asked trying hard to keep my heart beating at a normal pace.

  ‘He is engaged.’ The woman replied in matter of fact tones.

  ‘You are joking.’ I spoke my mind with an unnaturally dry laugh bubbling out of me at such a sick joke.

  ‘Excuse me! Did you just laugh?!’ The woman sounded hesitant, then went on, ‘I'm guessing you didn’t know about it. It’s my advice as a girl to another, stay away from him Sani. It’s clear he has cheated his fiancée and you at the same time.’ She tried to appear sympathetic, but her voice came out gloating, as if enjoying my unawareness.

  But when my heart glues back,

  Will it beat the same way for you as soil beats for rain...Sea beats for shore?

  For a few seconds I couldn’t find my voice or my breath.

  Then somewhat unsteadily I asked,

  ‘Who are you? What’s your name?’

  But there was no response from the other end. The woman had disconnected the phone. I didn’t realize it in my numb state. I desperately waited for an answer, still holding the phone to my ear.

  ‘Hello? Who are you? What’s your name? Hello?’

  I was unable to believe the fact that some unknown person gave me the worst news of my life and had just gone quiet without answering me.

  As if, my life was a joke. Anyone could just say anything and leave.

  Will it feel the same way for you as light feels for darkness...Earth feels for heaven?

  A few minutes later, I came back to my senses and realized that the woman had already kept the phone down. Immediately, I redialled her number. But it went unanswered. I tried again and again but no one picked up.

  Throwing the phone on bed, I stood up. The wo
rds, ‘Aariz is engaged!’ ‘Aariz is a cheater!’ ‘Cheated you!’ ‘Shameless girl!’ kept ringing in my head.

  It was raining heavily outside. The storm had started. The loud sounds of thunder made me tremble, along with the fear of her words being true.

  Will the storm wait for lightening,

  Or is it too late...?

  Author’s note

  Will Aariz and his Goli’s love survive this Storm? Or, the Storm will destroy everything in its path... Find out in my next book, lightening from the Storm series.

  Special thanks to my best friend, my person Aya Mohsen. Without you, the editing of this book wouldn’t have been such a smooth ride.




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