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Necessary Evil

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by Janelle Taylor

  Table of Contents

  Necessary Evil

  Necessary Evil | By | Janelle Taylor

  Necessary Evil | By | Janelle Taylor | Published on Smashwords by Janelle Taylor

  Smashwords eBook Edition Copyright and License Notes


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Coming soon: Unnecessary Evil | from | New York Times Bestselling Author – Janelle Taylor | 1974

  Coming soon: Dangerous Deceptions | from | New York Times Bestselling Author – Janelle Taylor

  New York Times bestselling author Janelle Taylor turns up the heat and pours on the suspense no matter what she writes. Celebrated for her tremendous talent and limitless imagination, Janelle Taylor has created more than two dozen breathtaking novels of romance and adventure. Here's what her fans and the reviewers are saying:

  Ms. Taylor wrote a wonderful and very descriptive book. She held nothing back from her descriptions of battles, rapes, beatings, and love. Ecstasy Series

  Janelle Taylor is a fabulous author who creates memorable characters you remember even long after the book is finished. Moondust and Madness

  A phenomenal story—even for those who don't particularly care for the sci-fi kind of fantasy romance. I found this book ten years ago, and like the other reviewer, I've never forgotten it. I was actually able to find it on this website because I still remembered the names of the characters! You will not be disappointed. Stardust and Shadows

  I can see why this book made the NYTimes bestseller list and won so many awards. Kiss of the Christmas Wind

  Ms. Taylor has an astute imagination and her stories are sharp and clever and Wild Is My Love is no exception.

  Her love scenes are some of the most well written that I have ever read, and the emotions of the characters are raw and real. Was sorry to see this one end! Wild is My Love

  I have never written a review before, but I felt I just had to for this one. I have a very busy lifestyle, but try to fit reading in when possible (ya know - trying to show the kids a good past time activity). But this one floored me. For the first time ever, I COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN! I've always heard people say that, but geesh, I thought they must just have too much time on their hands. Now I know what they mean!Get the book! I can't think of anyone that wouldn't be touched by this. Can't Stop Loving You - romantic suspense

  Bestselling author Janelle Taylor's novels of romantic suspense deliver it all—desire, deception, and thrilling danger. In Haunting Olivia, a magazine editor travels to her childhood home in Maine—and into a labyrinth of deception and fear. .

  This is a fascinating complex romantic mystery with a touch of the paranormal. Haunting Olivia

  This is one of the best books I've ever read. It's a pager turner full of suspense and surprises. Couldn't stop reading it until I finished it. One Janelle Taylor's best. Haunting Olivia

  And now Janelle Taylor will take you into the darkest regions of revenge. When justice really becomes blind, the Avenger steps in and becomes a Necessary Evil!

  Necessary Evil


  Janelle Taylor

  Necessary Evil


  Janelle Taylor

  Published on Smashwords by Janelle Taylor

  Copyright © 2012 eBook edition Janelle Taylor

  Smashwords eBook Edition Copyright and License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  All Rights Reserved. This eBook may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the author.

  All of the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. They are product of the author's imagination and used fictitiously

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  Friday, April 20, 1990

  Upon regaining consciousness, Ted Silverman’s head throbbed, worst headache he’d ever had. He felt weird and stiff, and couldn’t move. As he tried to rub his dry eyes, his cloudy wits cleared fast. He realized he was stark naked, trussed up like a chicken, and blindfolded. Panic and fear snaked down his spine, and he shuddered. Sweat drenched his vulnerable body. He struggled in vain against tight ropes that secured his arms and legs spread eagle across a bed. He was certain this was not a dream or delusion. What the. . . .

  “Good, you’re awake,” the unfamiliar voice whispered from behind him. “Now our party can begin. You ready for some fun and games?”

  Ted didn’t know what kind of sick joke was being played on him or by whom, but he didn’t like it. Fury and cockiness surged through him. He grit his teeth and growled, “I’m gonna beat the crap outta you as soon as my hands are free! You’re gonna be sorry for pulling this stupid stunt, you asshole! Who the fuck are you? Who sent you to screw with my head?”

  Anger and insolence pervaded his helpless body until he heard the intimidating voice again.

  “It’s a party, Ted, and you’re the guest of honor. You didn’t really think you’d get away with your foul crimes, did you? Yeah, I guess you did, since the courts turned you loose. But thwarted Justice has a friend on her side: me. If her eyes are blind, mine can see. If her hands are full, mine are free. Yep, Lady Justice sent me to find you. I punish those who escape her grasp.”

  Ted yanked against the ropes again, resolved to get free and take his revenge. He snarled like a rabid animal and snapped, “You son of a bitch, let me go! I’m gonna kill you, mother fucker!” The voice’s previous and next whispers reached his frenetic brain and sent a chill of alarm and disbelief racing through his body at break-neck speed.

  “It’s you who’s going to die, Ted. Tonight. But later. Much later. First, we’re going to have some fun.”

  When gloved fingers brushed his bare buttocks, Ted cringed and vowed, “Touch me, you pervert, and I’ll cut off your hand and cock!” He wriggled for freedom against bonds that sliced into his wrists and ankles, causing blood to ooze from self-inflicted tears and cuts. He knew he was powerless, in big trouble. His mind screamed profanities at his captor. He opened his mouth—now cotton dry with terror—to yell for help, but his own dirty sock was stuffed into it and locked into place with something tied around his head.

  Ted couldn’t see. He couldn’t speak. He could hardly breathe, as the sock cut off too much oxygen to his frantic brain. I’m hallucinating. This can’t be happening to me! That shit Jackson gave me musta been laced with something bad. He’s gonna be dead meat when I get loose, just like this crazy asshole! Ted jerked as he remembered he had done th
e bomb this morning and realized all he should have left from it were the shakes and a craving for more.

  “I’d love to hear you scream, Ted, just as I know Karen screamed. But you didn’t listen to her pleas any more than I’m going to listen to yours. Besides, we wouldn’t want neighbors to spoil our party, now would we?”

  No, Ted’s brain argued, this can’t be happening! Who the hell is Karen? My bitch’s name is Judy. If she set this up, I’ll beat the crap outta her again and—Pain shot through his prone body and he arched in agony. His back felt as if it were on fire. What the hell was that thug doing to him? He tried again to scream, curse, or threaten his attacker, but all he heard were his nasal grunts and guttural groans.

  “Does it hurt, Ted? Did Karen scream when you poured scalding wax on her? No louder than you’d like to scream, I bet. But it doesn’t really burn, does it? It feels good, doesn’t it?” the ominous voice taunted.

  Who the hell was Karen? Did Judy think he was cheating on her? What was that whore’s name he’d screwed yesterday while Judy was at work? Marley, wasn’t it? So who and what the hell was this reckless fool ranting about? “Karen”. . . “Courts turned you loose”. . . “Thwarted justice”. . . Realization sank in as horror filled his stomach and churned it into boiling acid. Karen was that slut who had accused him of raping her two years ago! She’d gone to the police all high and mighty, crying and swearing she’d been a virgin and he’d forced her to have sex. Bullshit! She’d asked for it! He tried to motion to his attacker to reveal Karen had wanted him to fuck her; that’s why she’d been wearing that short skirt and letting those long tan legs drive him crazy. She wanted—Damn, his back was on fucking fire and his bowels were threatening to let loose any second now!

  Hot wax dripped searing agony over Ted’s back, buttocks, and legs while the sinister voice razzed, “She was so young, Ted. Why would she want to have sex with an old grease ball like you? Then again, why would you want to have sex with me? It’s the same thing, you know. But you didn’t just rape her, did you? You wanted to have some fun first, just like we’re doing. I’m having fun, Ted, are you? Surely you’re enjoying this and wanting it as much as Karen did. That’s what you told everybody.”

  When he got out of this trap, Ted swore, he was going to torture and kill this motherfucker. His body stilled when he felt gloved hands on the back of his aching skull. The tight strip around his head and over his mouth was loosened. Good. He was going to tell this bastard that he had made a deadly mistake. Somebody grabbed his hair and yanked his head backward, forcing open his mouth. The stifling sock was jerked out. Before he could moisten his tongue and throat to yell curses and threats, a repugnant object was thrust so far into his mouth that he gagged and was about to clamp down on it.

  “Bite me, you vile scum, and you’ll lose all your remaining teeth. I’ve got a hammer in my hand that will smash your feeble brains to pulp after I’m done with my dental work. Oooh. . . your lips and tongue feel good, Ted. You like sucking cock? I suggest you give me a good blowjob, so I don’t have anything left to shoot up your ass. Yeah, nurse on it good, Ted. Come on, just like Karen was forced to suck your filthy dick. Make me come, Ted. I know you can do it, boy.”

  Ted was choking, could hardly breathe, even through his nose. His terror had increased as full reality set in: this was no practical joke or simple payback for anything he’d done to anybody. He was in deep shit. Big trouble. He shuddered at the hideousness of the nightmare he was trapped in, scared stiff, forced to do this unspeakable act. He knew he would be beaten and killed if he refused to obey orders. His jaw hurt and his cracked lips bled from stretching them around the slippery monster in his mouth. It was almost suffocating him, along with the aversion that filled his throat with vomit. I’m going to kill this son of a bitch! If it’s the last thing I ever do, I’m going to slice him up and let him bleed to death while I stomp on him and laugh my head off, he told himself to keep his mind off of the indignity he was experiencing. He concentrated on seeing red blood spilling from the bastard’s body so he wouldn’t have to imagine his naked body lying tied across the bed with a large prick thrusting in and out of his mouth. He heard the ominous Voice again.

  “Ted, you’re not going to make me come like that. You’d better show me how much you’re enjoying this, just like you warned Karen to do.”

  Ted felt a body pressed against his head as his defiler leaned over to touch his bare ass. He cringed and trembled and gagged as his nose and mouth were obstructed.

  “Shellac my rod better or you’ll force me to fuck you in the butt. Maybe that’s what you really want me to do. Is it, Ted? Of course it is; that’s what you did to Karen.”

  Ted felt the large object begin to slide past his lips. No! He couldn’t take that huge snake up his ass. It’d tear him apart. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! His mind shouted the litany over and over as tears of defeat soaked his blindfold. He shook his head to answer the homo beast and began to nurse vigorously on the soon-to-be-dead stranger’s prick. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you’re dead meat, you bastard!

  “That’s more like it, Ted. See, isn’t this fun? I bet Karen liked doing this, too. Did it bring tears to her eyes? That’s just from the sheer enjoyment you’re experiencing, isn’t it? Oh, yeah. You’re a good cocksucker, Ted. Where did you learn to do this so well?”

  Ted nearly retched as warm fluid filled his mouth and ran down his throat and chin. Before he could spit it out, the dirty sock was poked in his mouth and the band was secured around his head again. His lips were cut and bruised from the brutal abuse his mouth had taken. Thank God, it was over. He heard the voice’s body move away.

  “Swallow, Ted, or you’ll choke and our party isn’t over yet. Swallow,” the voice commanded again from the other side of the bed.

  Damn you, damn you, damn you. He was gonna die and he needed to barf. He was gonna strangle either on this mother fucker’s cum or his own puke. His stomach rolled and reversed as he tried to— Aaaah, fuck that hurt! The searing pain on his back forced his throat to convulse and reflexively swallow as the torture began anew.

  “You didn’t really think that was enough for a big dick like mine, did you, Ted? Even your small worm needed more from Karen. Wait til your buddies find out what a good cocksucker you are. You’ll be in great demand.”

  No, no, no! No one must ever find out about this, and they wouldn’t because he was going to kill this son of a bitch soon. Ted felt tears run past the saturated blindfold and down his face. He couldn’t stop them. Please don’t kill me, he thought, as Death loomed over him in the whispered voice that tormented him and claimed his soul. It was all that Karen bitch’s fault. When this was over, he was going to kill her, too. This time she wouldn’t live to spread lies about him; he’d fuck her and beat her til she died. He tasted vomit and semen in his mouth, but bitter fear was the strongest flavor. Agony assaulted his back, buttocks and legs as the hot wax continued to drop.

  “Yeah, now I’m ready. My cock’s so hard for you, Ted. But you ain’t got no pussy and your lazy mouth bores me. What do you think I should do, Ted? Let’s see, what did you do next to sweet and innocent Karen? Oh, yes, I remember now.”

  Please stop. Please don’t do this. Ted wanted to scream, beg and die as he felt gloved hands tease over his vulnerable buttocks. Terror and humiliation gripped him. He knew what was going to happen and tightened his muscles as if that action could stop the impending invasion.

  “Good boy, make it tight for me. This is gonna feel great. You don’t need any wetness, do ya? Just me, huh? Oh, Ted, you really want this, don’t you? You’re just shaking your head no ‘cause you’re supposed to, right? I bet Karen said no too, but she didn’t mean it any more than you do, right?”

  Two hands grabbed his taut flesh and forced his cheeks apart. He felt the head of the large penis press against his resistant anus. It won’t fit. Shit is supposed to come out of there; nothing is supposed to go in. It wasn’t made for that! Oh God, please don’t let
me die. He heard what he thought was a small child whimpering and realized it was him. Intense pain shot through his rectum and groin, traveling up his wax-splattered back to his neck and brain, which told him praying was futile.

  “Ted, you’re so tight. I bet you thought it wouldn’t fit, but luck is with you today. Just like it was with Karen that day nearly two years ago. She didn’t need any lubrication either, did she? You have a virgin ass, don’t you, Ted? Karen did, too. She was saving herself for when she got married. You must have been saving yourself for me. How sweet, your cherry for Karen’s cherry; that sounds like an even swap to me.”

  Ted couldn’t focus on the words; he only knew the intimidating voice continued to taunt him. The torment was so enormous he felt it in every pore of his body. Fear. Pain. Humiliation. Pain. Sick. Pain. Those feelings flooded his body as more vomit threatened to erupt into his acid burned throat. He tasted the saltiness of it mixed with that of the tears and with the metallic blood from the rips on his mouth. He was going to kill them both: this bastard and that whore Karen would die!

  The horrendous experience seemed to go on forever. Damn, how long could this motherfucker hold out? Please come and get this hell over with. He helplessly rocked with the rhythm of the mammoth prick that continued to punish him. He wouldn’t be able to sit down for a whole month. He was sure he wouldn’t be able to take a good crap for longer than that. Shitfire, please let it end.

  “Ted, you’re the best. I don’t want to stop, it feels so good. Mmmmm, such a snug ass, too. But all good things must come to an end.”

  Ted felt warm ooze spew inside of him and flow out onto his balls to drip on the bed as the pain eased with the huge invasion completed. His sphincter muscles continued to spasm from the final assault. It was over. He had survived the fierce onslaught. Ferocious anger returned on the heels of relief and swept through his aching body like a raging storm. Now, he was going to get free and show this queer what an ass fucking felt like. He might even bring over a few friends to share in the fun before he slit the bastard’s throat.


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