Book Read Free

Necessary Evil

Page 22

by Janelle Taylor

  “No problem. Just catch this maniac for me, okay?”

  “I know this challenges you as much as it does me and I appreciate all of your hard work. I’m going to get him, Henri. Mark my words on that one.”

  Monday afternoon, July 16th

  “What do you cops want now? I did everything the police and the district attorney told me to do and those creeps still walked! I didn’t have anything to do with them being murdered, but they deserved to be punished for what they did to me, and probably to other women. I don’t know anything, except what’s been reported in the news. But if I did, I surely wouldn’t tell you,” Paula finished in an exasperated and bitter tone.

  Dan noticed that her long brown hair was pulled back too tightly into a ponytail, making her look harsh for her twenty-two years. Her cheeks were fiery red on an otherwise pale face. Her gaze was chilled and narrowed. Her hands trembled with what Dan assumed were rage and embarrassment.

  “I’m sorry we have to bring up this matter again, Ms. Jones, but we have to speak with you about it. This criminal has been killing alleged rapists so far, but we don’t know if or when his agenda might change.” Dan wondered how many times he had uttered those words lately. He was tired of constantly explaining his reason for searching for a ruthless serial killer whose crimes were against the law just as the other men’s were. “We have to stop this man before anyone else, especially an innocent person, is tortured and killed. You wouldn’t want a falsely accused man to experience such a horrible ordeal, would you? We need your help to catch him.”

  “You want me to help you stop the Avenger? Why didn’t you punish Otis and Leon if you’re so hell bent on stopping evil? You just don’t like the bad publicity this case is getting in the newspapers and on TV, Lieutenant, and you want your crappy job performance taken off the front pages and air waves! I’ll tell you what: I’ll help you as much as the law helped me: none. So get out of my apartment before those nosey reporters follow you here and badger and shame me again. If you want to ask me any more questions, you can contact my attorney. I don’t have to talk to you. I’m not a suspect.”

  “You’re right, Ms. Jones, you aren’t a suspect. I understand your anger and resentment, but my partner and I didn’t handle your case. I wish Tanner and Cantrell had been found guilty and sentenced, but they weren’t, I’m sorry to say, and it wasn’t our fault. I read your file, so I can assure you the officers who investigated your charges and the District Attorney who prosecuted your case did all they could to bring these men to justice; there just wasn’t enough evidence against them to obtain a conviction. All we want to know is if you can think of anyone who would want to hurt these men.”

  “I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who’d have liked to beat the crap out of these assholes. But I don’t know of anyone personally who would do something like that for me. You see, after the trial, my ever-social father didn’t like the gossip he was getting from some of his country club friends and clients. Oh, the embarrassment and scandal I caused him by making it with two black men and then crying rape. He claims not to have a daughter any more and refuses to take my calls. He won’t even allow my mother to contact me. And she’s following his orders! My family disowned me completely after that happened. Even most of my friends couldn’t find the courage to face me any more because they weren’t sure what to believe after those men’s lawyer chewed me up and those savages were exonerated. So I’ve lost almost everyone. I’m lucky I have a trust fund from my grandmother because I doubt anyone would hire me. My life as I knew it is gone. So, I wouldn’t help you even if I could. I hope the Avenger escapes you forever. I hope more people join him and get rid of all these animals that you can’t. Now leave. Not another word. Go. And don’t call or come back.”

  Dan and Mory walked out the front door, past a furious Paula. They didn’t miss the heart-rending sounds of her sobs as she slammed the door behind them.

  “Damnit, Dan, doesn’t this brute realize he’s hurting these women again by dredging up the past? Why doesn’t he just kill those bastards? Why copy their cases and expose the victim’s identities?”

  “I bet my last dollar he has a reason, a motive behind what he’s doing. This isn’t random and he isn’t crazy. This comes from hatred and revenge. We just have to find out who the real perp and victim were. Maybe the Avenger was a victim. Maybe he’s leading us astray by making us focus on female rape cases. Right now, I want to focus on something better.”

  “Like your date with Andi?”

  Dan nodded.

  Monday night, July 16th

  Dan arrived at Andrea’s condo to find a fragrant dinner waiting for him. It was arranged on a cloth-covered table in mauve. The glow of various sized and shaped candles lit the area. This aroma tantalized his nostrils with seemingly the same scent of her perfume. It was as if the enticing smell of her filled the air and encased him in her heady essence, as if he was inhaling her life force. She was dressed in thin ivory silk lounging pajamas, which didn’t conceal her nakedness from beneath the gossamer material. The meal was delicious, but he couldn’t exactly remember what they ate or drank. His attention was focused on the captivating woman nearby. Her blond hair seemingly flowed over her head and teased around her sheer covered shoulders. Her skin and features were perfect. Her green gaze was soft and alluring. He envied every dainty bite and drop of liquid that traveled between her lush lips, past white teeth, and down the length of a kiss inviting neck. His hungry gaze feasted on her, while standing and when seated; his eyes roved the brown peaks he could see through her flimsy top and the dark triangle below.

  “Finish your wine while I prepare your next surprise, I’ll return for you shortly. Just relax; no clean up to spoil the mood I’m setting.”

  Dan was speechless, mesmerized, highly aroused, and obedient.

  Soon, he was led to the bathroom, where a large tub full of bubbles topped warm water and glasses of pale gold champagne awaited them. The same soft and romantic music filled this candle lit room.

  “You’ve had a hard week, Mallory, so you can use a little unwinding and pampering,” Andrea murmured. She stripped naked, undressed him, then stepped into the tub. She smiled as she invited him to follow. After they were settled with her between his outstretched legs, she turned the Jacuzzi jets on low. She handed him a glass of champagne and leaned back against him. She liked how the foamy water swirled around them and playfully tickled her bare feet. She teased her eager fingers over his left leg, relishing the feel of his muscled leg and dancing hairs. She liked how her body felt nestled against his magnificent physique. He was handsome, irresistible. His erection at her back revealed he desired her as much as she craved him.

  As they sipped and relaxed, Dan seized her wet hand on his thigh and playfully nibbled on one finger. “I’m glad you don’t have sharp nails to claw me with, woman.”

  “Squared tips are easier to type with: Cindi taught me that. But they’ll carve up a man’s back and chest just as easily as rounded tips if he drives her crazy enough,” she jested seductively, raking four blunt fingernails down his squared jawline. She dreamily trailed her left index finger over his sensual lips.

  A quiver ran through Dan’s responsive body, but his wits deserted him. “I hope that bastard doesn’t realize he has a hole in his glove. Maybe next time he’ll leave a fingerprint instead of just a nail cut,” he murmured, after he suckled it and she laughed and freed it.

  “Get your mind off of work, Mallory, and back to where I had it. I missed you this weekend. I’m concentrating on us. You do the same, Lieutenant, or you’re fired.”

  Dan grinned and pulled her closer to him. His hands traveled her soapy torso, then focused on her breasts and between her thighs. He heard her moan as she shifted her head so their mouths could mesh in greedy kisses. He felt her quiver with delight. Damn, she was beautiful. He turned her so his lips could capture a warm, brown peak and tease it with his tongue. He groaned in delight as her hand grasped his erection an
d massaged it from tip to base, gently, erotically. He lifted her out of the tub when he could stand denial no longer. He laid her on a large bath towel she had spread on the floor as if knowing this moment would arrive. As his throbbing shaft entered her, his hunger and joy erased all thoughts of the Avenger, of everything except pleasing his woman and himself.

  His thrusts ranged from slow and easy to swift and forceful, and she matched his pace. Her legs were locked around him using her ankles. Their hands roamed each other’s writhing body. Their lips and tongues mingled until they gasped for air between kisses. When she uttered sounds of ecstatic pleasure, he knew she was in the throes of a climax. He released the difficult reins of self-control and followed her lead. They moved in blissful unison until sated and near breathless.

  They lay entwined for a short time, long enough for respiration to return to normal, and for action weakened bodies to regain their strength. Each wondered what this powerful and special experience meant to the other and their relationship. Each was wary of forging a romantic or sexual bond with anyone at this time. Yet, no matter their hesitation or reasons, it seemed to be happening of its own volition.

  As Dan kissed her forehead, she laughed and said, “This floor is hard as a rock. We’re going to be stiff and sore if we don’t get up now. Let’s rinse off and go snuggle on the sofa with the rest of that champagne.”

  “You’re right, Andi. That was awesome sex, but I guess we’re getting too old for doing it on the floor. At least without some soft carpet under us. When you promise a man a surprise, you really mean it. Everything’s been wonderful.”

  “Yes, it was. Thanks for the best time I’ve had in ages. Now get in that tub while we can still move.”

  Dan pulled Andrea to her feet and followed her back into the tub, chuckling as he stepped into the tepid water and rinsed off the fresh sweat. As he dried himself, Andrea rinsed her still flushed body and face. After they were dry, both put on clean clothes and went to the kitchen. Dan poured them the rest of the champagne before they sat down on the sofa to talk and relax.

  “After pounding the pavement all day, I was in bad shape, woman. Damn, it gets hot and sticky here in July. I came from up north. I’m used to ice and snow, not long heat waves and high humidity. Some years, from what I’ve seen and heard, there isn’t even a good cold snap down here.” Dan smiled as Andrea sat her glass on the end table, then cuddled to his side. “You really know how to take care of a man. I can’t imagine why one hasn’t snatched you up yet.”

  “Until now, Dan. I haven’t met one I wanted to be around very long.”

  “Good, because you’re spoiling me. I’ve been married to my job for a long time, but I’m starting to get used to good times and good feelings.”

  “It’s just the summer heat bringing out the animal in you.”

  “You’re an expert on men’s needs and wants.” Dan nestled her closer.

  “I don’t see how, because I haven’t had much experience in that area.”

  “Neither have I, Andi, but we’re certainly learning.”

  “I’m glad it’s working out.”

  “Me, too. I guess it’s a good thing neither of us is stuck in our ways.”

  Andrea’s gaze met his. “I don’t think that’s it. We just haven’t tried to change or control or smother each other.”

  “I guess that means we’re compatible.” Dan almost held his breath as he awaited her reaction and reply.

  “I think so. Are you planning on staying in Georgia?”

  “Why would you ask that?” He tried not to sound, feel, or look tense.

  “You seem to like the North best. I thought you might transfer back there one day. Why did you move to Georgia? Where did you live up there?”

  “New York. As for moving, I guess I just needed a change,” he said. The problems and perils he had faced in New York—and still existed—had to be kept a secret, even from her, at least for now. He hoped Andrea wouldn’t be dragged into his past. He also hoped she didn’t discover his deception before he was in a position to explain it to her. If Starr kept his mouth shut and those gangsters stayed on their northern turf and ignorant of his whereabouts, he and his secret were safe until that matter could be resolved, which was taking too damn long! “Mory was the one who encouraged me to come here, but I haven’t made a final decision about my future. Does it matter?”

  “I’m a Georgia girl through and through. I love visiting New York, but I never want to live there. I can endure ice, sleet and snow only for so long before I’m ready for the warmth of the South.”

  “Are you telling me something?”

  “Yep. If you want to continue being spoiled, Mallory, you have to stay here.”

  “I might have to,” he replied somewhat distracted as she nibbled on his ear.

  Andrea halted and asked, “Why is that?”

  “Because you’re here and Georgia suits me better these days.”

  “It would suit you better if you broke this case, wouldn’t it?”

  “You’re right about that, Andi. This Avenger has me stumped.” Dan related what the medical examiner had told him and what he’d learned. “The strange thing is that I almost feel as if that bastard can get inside my head. It’s like he’s always one step ahead of me and I can’t catch up with him no matter how hard and fast I run. The minute I leave town, he changes his established schedule and strikes again.”

  “Maybe he knows how smart you are, so he wants someone else to investigate the crime scene and miss a clue you might notice.”

  “Hell, Andi, he never leaves any! At least not any that makes a trail I can follow. Damn, that bastard is smart.”

  “How long will you and Mory stay on the case? Will another team be assigned to it if you two don’t crack it soon?”

  “The Captain knows nobody can do more than us. What we need is a break, some tiny slip to point us in the right direction.”

  “I suppose you realize the public doesn’t appear to be scared to walk the streets right now. Usually when there’s talk of a serial killer, people tend to go in early and lock up at night. There’s talk about this Avenger everywhere I go. He’s become like a Billy the Kid or Robin Hood, a hero.”

  Dan told her about his conversation with James Starr last night. “Did you work on the Paula Jones case?” He watched her nod and her expression sadden.

  “I remember her. It was a horrible case, Dan. She went through hell. I hated to see James Starr write about her and dredge up those old hurts. Ever since her attackers got off, she’s been terrified they’ll get at her again, or someone else in the black community will take her on for racist revenge. In time, I think those two might have come back for her again, to get revenge for what she put them through. Maybe she can get on with her life now that it’s finally over.”

  Andrea took a sip of her champagne, then said, “I don’t think people realize what torment these women go through when their attackers are freed. Paula came to the office several times since her assault and begged us to find a way to imprison them. She told us she slept with a gun, had an alarm system installed, and sat up many nights afraid to go to bed. She had bars put on her windows, took karate lessons, and lost thirty pounds from anxiety and depression. She was beautiful, Dan, with a figure to stop men in their tracks. Was that the same woman you talked to? No. She’s thin and pale now, like a walking ghost. Every time she came to the office, my heart bled for her, so did Ray’s. But there was nothing we could do legally to help her.”

  “Being in homicide, I haven’t worked many rape cases, but I’m learning about them fast. Reading a report or hearing about it on the news doesn’t tell half of the story. You’re right, Andi, it must be hell on those women and their families to watch those men escape justice. Paula told me today her own father and mother had disowned her.”

  “I’m not surprised. Her father wasn’t supportive during the trial, and her mother seemed afraid to cross him. He wanted us to settle the case out of court, so his friends a
nd clients wouldn’t learn what had happened to his daughter. I can’t imagine being that self-centered when your own child is involved. Once the trial was underway and the defense got a hold of Paula, well, he was mortified. After her testimony, he never showed up again.”

  “How do you think the public will respond when we catch this Avenger and put a stop to his crimes? Put him on trial and in prison?”

  “That’s your job, Dan, so you have no choice. The public will be reminded this man is a murderer and what he’s done was wrong. Why don’t you work on the Captain again about the stakeouts? You know what kind of targets he selects. Why not use that knowledge to your advantage? Think like he does: choose the worst offenders and observe them. I’m helping you all I can with suspicious names and records.”

  “I’ve looked through police files for the last two to three years because he’s been concentrating on cases during that time. Do you realize how many rapes there’ve been during that short period?”

  “Too many. So far, the Avenger selected those that involve heinous torture, but there’s a surprisingly large amount of them to pick from. And we live in a small town. I can’t imagine what those numbers are for a larger area like Atlanta or New York.”

  Dan shook his head. “I’m not sure I’d want to know. I thought Friday night held a special significance for the Avenger. Maybe I was wrong, because he changed strike nights.”

  “Maybe he attacks them on the same night of the week or the same month and day as his victims assaulted the women. I can check out that theory for you. I’ll add the weekday to the list I’m compiling for you for future references. Your files already have the dates.”

  “You could be right, Andi, and that would narrow down dates for stakeouts if the Captain changes his mind about them. Considering how many cases and possible victims we have on file, I can understand why Bolton thinks we don’t have the manpower or funds to attempt to trap the Avenger.”

  “You could pick the top ten or even the top five worst cases to use. That’s a start. What else can you do?’


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