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Worlds Apart (Warriors of Risnar)

Page 9

by Tracy St. John

  Anneliese ducked her head, beaming. “Charmer.”

  “Not at all. I’m glad we’re nearly there. I was beginning to fear that once I had you ready for exploration, it would be time to dress you and take you home.”

  Her laughter lit the night. “If I’m allowed to stay here, I’ll have to fetch a change of clothes. In that case, I’ll wear nothing but elastic, and as little as possible. I promise.”

  Nex took a deep breath as he eyed the final article of clothing. It looked like an easier piece to get off, thank the All-Spirit. He’d had complicated scientific tasks that hadn’t posed as many problems as Anneliese’s garments.

  She leaned on her elbows with a sly smile, lifting her hips to make removal simpler. “Ready for your look at alien naughty bits?”

  “Is it really naughty?” Nex snickered at the idea of a misbehaving pussy.

  “For the right man, yes.”

  When Jeannie had been discovered by Kren and his partner Arga, she’d had no clothing. Nex had perceived the blatant manner in which Earthling women’s sexual parts were constantly available. His breath still stopped when he exposed Anneliese to his scrutiny.

  In Cadi’s bright blue gleam, Anneliese’s injuries were laid bare. Her left leg was streaked with stripes of varying widths and lengths...shiny scars. Nex’s throat closed. She’d endured so much hurt.

  His pity didn’t last long. Her thighs curved beautifully and flowed to a triangle of glossy black curls. The lips of her womanhood gleamed wet as a sexually ready Risnarish female would be. Nex blinked. Anneliese was wet already? Without having been explored and handled in the way she responded to best?

  Surprise gave way to excitement. His groin throbbed, making it difficult to think. Heat pooled there, swelling in response to her readiness for pleasure.

  With me. She wants me. Despite my clumsy efforts.

  “What do you think?” she asked, her voice unsure.

  Nex dragged his gaze up her body, taking in her hips, the perfect cradle for a man to lie upon. He continued up, imagining his lips caressing the slightly rounded belly between the indented curves of her waist, finding her yielding there. Then up and over those enchanting globes of her breasts with their dusky peaks, begging for him to stroke them with his tongue. And up the slender column of her throat, where her pulse beat fast like some caged thing trying to escape. Finally he looked into her face, long with high cheekbones and deep, dark eyes.

  “My people used to believe in gods and goddesses rather than an encompassing All-Spirit,” he whispered. “If we still worshipped those deities, I’d be certain you were one of them.”

  “That’s not a terribly scientific comment, Doctor.” Her voice had gone husky with emotion.

  “I don’t feel scientific at this moment. I feel—I feel—” He struggled to finish the sentence, but he had no words for the devouring need that rose within him. He could only say, “I feel.”

  He didn’t wait for Anneliese to respond. Nex bent over her, pressing her down to the ground with his body as he kissed her with all the passion that had risen within him.

  She felt magnificent beneath him, her breasts cushioning the harder planes of his chest. He gloried in that unaccustomed pleasure, that yielding he’d never known before. Meanwhile, he tasted her now-familiar flavor. He twined his tongue about hers, sucking it gently into his mouth. The next moment, he pressed it aside to dive deeply into the warmth.

  Nex forced himself to pull away. He was delighted at how Anneliese’s eyes had glazed. Her fingers tangled in his mane, and a scent of mixed salt and sweet rose from her body.

  He extricated her grip from his neck and pressed her hands to the ground on either side of her head. “Close your eyes. It will enhance your ability to focus on the sensations.”

  She looked at him with that dazed expression, as if not fully comprehending what he said. Nex repeated his command, and her eyes sank closed.

  Nex rubbed his nose and chin against Anneliese’s cheek, exulting in the silkiness of her skin. He nuzzled her ear, noting how her breath fluttered as his lips brushed over the tiny oval cup. He licked the whorls with a delicate touch, and she moved ever-so-slightly beneath him. He sucked her earlobe. When a tiny sound escaped her, between a moan and a sigh, he nipped the lobe. She inhaled sharply.

  Her other ear was just as sensitive, as was the velvety hollow of her throat where her pulse beat quickly. Nex stroked and mouthed the divots where her shoulder met her torso, and she arched a little, pushing her breasts with their stiff points against him.

  Her breasts. Nex could hardly contain himself as he kissed across her upper chest, slowly making his way down to them with an anticipation that bordered on religious zeal.

  * * *

  Anneliese felt so alive that it was almost painful. Nex’s slow seduction made her feel as if her brain were coming unhinged. His warm breath set each hair on her body on end. She discerned every nuance of his lips as they skated along the surface of her breast where it rose toward the tightened nipple. The coarser friction of his tongue abraded excitingly, awakening nerves she hadn’t suspected existed. Anneliese could barely breathe from the exquisite power of his touch.

  His hands on her waist held her lightly, as carefully as he might hold an infant. Nevertheless, power thrummed from them, as if he held back monumental strength in his handling of her. Anneliese had the somehow thrilling idea that Nex could crush her bones like eggshells. Why that should excite her, she couldn’t imagine.

  His weight on her was intense. Anneliese had been impressed with how tall the Risnarish were, but she hadn’t fully appreciated how powerful Nex’s build was until he was on top of her, pinning her to the fragrant ground.

  Everything about the situation overwhelmed her senses. As profound as it was, it was not enough. Awakened to everything touch could be, her greedy flesh begged for more. Her body demanded it be allowed to glut itself on the feelings Nex awoke.

  His investigation of her body was thorough, eliciting responses from Anneliese she’d not imagined possible. Before, she’d regarded her ears as ticklish. Apparently, they also connected straight to her groin, Nex’s attention to them making her glow deep in the pit of her stomach. She’d never anticipated the hollow of her throat or the valleys between shoulders and chest held countless pleasurable impulses. It was ludicrous Anneliese would find any touch in those places exciting, but Nex’s mouth on her made her pussy throb in reaction.

  Now he was kissing and licking and mouthing over her breast, marking a warm path to the hard peak waiting with anticipation. Anneliese was sensitive there. Her breath stilled as Nex neared that point, her body going tense as the wet trail came to the verge of her areola.

  Nex did not tease. His mouth closed on the fervent flesh. A sweet, melting sensation permeated Anneliese’s breast for an instant, then consuming need leapt to life lower down. Her head fell back and a cry broke from her throat.

  Nex’s hand slid up from her waist to cup her breast, holding and squeezing so as to feed more completely on the flesh. His passionate, wet kisses overwhelmed Anneliese. Her hands tangled in his mane again, holding him close so that he might not escape.

  He released her anyway, his lips pulling off her engorged nipple with a distinct pop. He gazed into her face, his eyes taking on a bluish cast from the massive hanging Cadi. “Anneliese.”


  “You’re not doing as I’ve asked. Keep your eyes closed. And hands on the ground where I put them before.”

  Oh yeah. She wasn’t supposed to touch, just enjoy. A part of her rebelled, however. Why couldn’t she return any of what Nex was giving? Was this some sort of control thing?

  “Anneliese, let me do this. It’s important to me.”

  “Yeah, well, touching you is important to me. I want to take a turn.”

  “But this is how it’s done. I prove myself to you, show you
I’m worthy to be your lover. I can’t do that if you’re distracted with trying to please me.”

  Anneliese stared at him. Worthy to be her lover? Prove himself to her? Didn’t he realize they wouldn’t have gotten this far without him already having done some portion of that?

  Unless he’s playing some kind of game to stay on top.

  “Anneliese, please. You can trust me. I swear it.”

  It was the tone and his expression that stopped her from challenging him. Nex’s sweet face and voice, filled with confusion.

  You can trust me. Was that what this was about? He needed her to show a gesture of faith by letting him take the lead?

  * * *

  What am I even arguing about this for? It feels amazing. He’s doing everything right.

  When was she ever going to get a chance with a guy who wanted to do all the work, anyway? Still, another deep breath was needed before Anneliese could close her eyes and release her clutch on his brushy hair. “Sorry. I’m used to doing a lot more than lying still.”

  “Just try to let yourself go. I want to discover everything you enjoy, and you have to trust me for that.”

  Let herself go. Yeah. Right. Easier said than done.

  Nonetheless, it was wondrous when Nex’s mouth circled her other nipple and drew gently as his tongue stroked over it. Intense and electric. Anneliese’s hands clenched into fists as jolts zapped straight to her pussy.

  Nex must have enjoyed her reactions. Or maybe it was the unaccustomed pillowy fullness of breasts. Either way, he spent extra time with them, moving back and forth as if he couldn’t decide which he liked better. Conscious thought fizzled and faded as he tested her reactions to everything from featherlight kisses to gently stinging nips and slaps.

  Everything felt incredible. Anneliese writhed beneath him as he tormented her in the most delightful ways imaginable. No one had subjected her to such meticulous breast play before. Nex handled her until she was almost desperate to have him plunge inside her pussy and fuck her until she came screaming. Because each touch transmitted directly from tits to clit, Anneliese swore they were somehow connected.

  She moaned in disagreement when he moved down, leaving the pulsing mounds. “Hush,” he soothed. “You will not be left wanting.”

  He kissed down her stomach, setting off the butterflies nesting within. Flashes of heat that sent thrills through Anneliese’s body warmed her from head to toe. She trembled violently when he teased her belly button with the tip of his tongue. Of all places to find arousing...her navel? Yet the response was definite. Nex was teaching her things about her own body that she’d never suspected.

  Down lower still. He was homing in on where she wanted him most. With that talented mouth, she’d probably rocket straight to Earth the instant he put it on her.

  Nex inhaled deeply. She could hear the smile in his voice when he said, “You smell divine. You feel astounding too. I told you that you reminded me of a goddess. It’s the perfect description for you.”

  “I’m no goddess,” she protested, her voice going high as he rubbed her inner thighs, parting them wider, opening her. “I’m nothing special at all. Just a grouchy Earth girl who—oh my God!”

  Her denial ended in a shocked whisper as Nex sucked her clit hard, drawing it into his mouth and flicking the tip with his tongue. He released her with a chuckle.

  “Easy, my divine Anneliese. Relax while I worship you.”

  She forgot she should want to resist, that she should be arguing to touch back, to return the care he gave. She could barely think at all with his tongue lapping at her pussy, tasting her with gentle attention. Why was it so intense? Was it because of all the play leading up to this moment? The prolonged anticipation?

  Nex kissed her clit, and she cried out as the profound thunderclap of sensation shook her bones. The questions shattered under the force of it, leaving her writhing as he laved her entire pussy with more demand.

  Between laps, he whispered, “Right there. That’s where you like it. So sweet. So beautiful.”

  He was growing more ardent by the second, kissing and licking and sucking until Anneliese was certain the paroxysms of passion would turn her inside out.

  “You taste amazing. Does my tongue feel good on you, tasting all your secrets?”

  He was driving her crazy, and she couldn’t stand it. She grabbed his mane again, one second trying to pull him away before she disintegrated, the next pulling him in closer to chase ecstasy.

  With a low, and somehow evil laugh, Nex grabbed her hands and pulled. A part of Anneliese remembered she didn’t want to hurt him, and her hands sprang open to release the desperate clutch. He pinned her hands over her head and crouched over her, grinning with delight.

  “We agreed you’d accept my way of doing things. I suppose I’m going to have to insist on it since you are proving to be unwilling to honor that agreement.”

  “Oh yeah? And just how do you plan on that?” Anneliese challenged. She was curious what he might come up with.

  She got her answer when fingers and thumbs curled around her ankles, holding those down as well. Her first instinct was that someone else had come along and wanted to join the party, uninvited. She opened her mouth to yell. Just in time to keep from shouting, she remembered the Risnarish ability to sprout extra appendages. Nex, with his crazy alien body, had transformed his feet into hands.

  It occurred to Anneliese just how vulnerable she was. It should have terrified her. Instead, a stab of poignant need made her weaker than before. She felt unable—and unwilling—to resist. Especially when he looked at her with such caring.

  “Let’s return to this exploration,” Nex said. “No more misbehaving, unless you need me to stop.”

  “Need—need you to stop?” The comment distracted her from the issue of being held down and the fearsome eagerness it had awoken in her. What the hell was he talking about?

  “If your leg begins to hurt. Or any reason at all, even those not physical.”

  Of course. Between the trauma of war and the Monsudan abductions, he worried she might get scared.

  On one hand, Anneliese bristled that he’d call her strength into question. The only thing that worried her was how her body welcomed his erotic control. On the other—well, his sweet concern could melt even iron. She softened to him for a moment.

  “Thank you for thinking of it, Nex.” Needing to reward him, she wriggled beneath him. “Okay, now that you’ve got me where you want me, what are you going to do with me? Or will you finally let me do something to show my appreciation instead?”

  “Silly woman. However, you do pose a very interesting question. What am I going to do with you? How about this?”

  A touch similar to that of his mouth and tongue, though not wet, quested between her legs once more. He hovered over her, watching her.

  Not his mouth. Not his tongue.

  “My tail,” he informed her before lowering his talented mouth to her breasts.

  Anneliese didn’t know if she should be appalled by having her pussy “fingered” by his tail. Moments later, the question no longer mattered. Pinned down with Nex’s weight over her, she had no choice but to succumb to his gorgeous assault on her breasts and womanhood. He did things with his tail that were every bit as incredible as his tongue. It investigated all the secret folds and nooks. It spread her wet reaction, moving easily as it rubbed friction exactly where it was needed. When the intensity overwhelmed her, Anneliese couldn’t so much as twitch away to regain the control she instinctively reached for. Nex held her in place, forcing her to accept the cataclysm stampeding toward her, watching her every reaction with wide eyes.

  Churning heat. A molten stream, racing deep within her. He was driving her to exaltation, the likes of which she was sure she’d never experienced before. She was pinned, couldn’t make him stop, didn’t want him to stop. She had no choice b
ut to accept the pleasure sweeping over her. She strangled on a scream as it burst forth, drowning her. Consuming her on the surges of a fierce tide.

  Nex brought her to ecstasy again and again. He drew shattering convulsions from her until she was left gasping and trembling beneath him. As the spasms gentled, he didn’t let up, not until the final tiny ripple of bliss bled from her body and she was lax on the ground.

  Drained of all strength, Anneliese stared up at blue Cadi floating above the spectacular glowing flowers that surrounded her. They trilled heavenly tunes as their blooms nodded in the gentle air currents, and their perfume was sweeter than anything Anneliese had scented before. It had to be a dream. A fantasy. Or paradise, perhaps. Had she died and not realized it? Certainly the striped alien angel rising from her and smiling with his silver-blue eyes shining could not be real. Nothing mortal could have done the things he’d just done to her.

  He kissed her lips. The pressure reassured her this was indeed real. Nothing in Anneliese’s life had ever been so genuine. She kissed him back, her freed arms at last allowed to wrap around his neck, his mane rough and prickling against her arms.

  They were that way for a while, kissing and simply being together, which was somehow as incredible as the orgasm Nex had given her. Anneliese’s entire being hummed with joy.

  And they hadn’t even had intercourse. Realizing that nearly blew her circuits.

  At length, Nex sat up and pulled her so that she sat on his crossed legs. He smoothed her hair, dropping tiny kisses on her face. “You are more beautiful than ever when you find release,” he told her.

  Anneliese’s buttock was against his groin, and she felt a slight hardness, a bit of a throbbing sensation there. It was Nex’s turn to be indulged. “Do I get to be on top now?”

  “Not this time. Our first encounter is completed.”

  Anneliese stared at him. Despite that constant pulsing that said Nex was aroused, his striped face remained peaceful. Pleased. Every bit as tranquil as Ms. Serenity Salno herself. “But you didn’ deserve a turn.” Boy, did Nex deserve a turn. Hell, he deserved a parade and a medal for how good he’d made her feel.


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