Worlds Apart (Warriors of Risnar)
Page 14
Anneliese sighed and rubbed her stomach as she leaned against the side of the pool. “I adore Risnarish food. All we need to do is import some potatoes, cheese curds, and the makings of gravy so I can have poutine, and I’ll be satisfied. Oh, and some soap. I could really use that wash. Do you actually bathe out here?”
Nex chuckled and reached for a tile along the edge of the pool. He flipped it back, displaying the controls. “Quite often. I enjoy this method much better than the shower when I have an hour for it.”
A roiling sound emitted from the spouts near the bottom of the pool, signaling cleanser was being added. Anneliese looked about with surprise as the water began to churn. “Oh wow. It’s a whirlpool. Hey, we’ve got suds.”
Nex moved over to kneel facing her with his knees bracketing her thighs. He carefully settled enough of his weight to pin them down, making sure not to put pressure on her knees.
She gave him a naughty grin, bringing up her hands to lightly push against his chest. “Feeling tough, are you? Do you plan on being controlling again? Maybe I’d prefer to be in charge this time.”
Nex smirked at the challenge. “Would you, now? Good luck with that.”
He grabbed her wrists, grew a tail, and used it to wrap them up, holding her hostage. She strained and discovered she couldn’t pull loose. “Hey! No fair with the extra appendages. I cry foul.”
Nex rubbed his hands together in anticipation, demonstrating how they were free to touch her. “Sure about that? Think about all I can do to you right now.”
She licked her lips, her eyes lighting up. “You got to take the lead last time. I thought it was my turn. Turnaround is fair play, and all that.”
“Play? As in a game? Okay, we will play Wash the Earthling. Don’t worry, I will be very thorough. I will see to it every inch of you is clean.”
Anneliese’s scowl was halfhearted. “That’s not a game. If it was, I’d be an active participant.”
“But you will be. You get to moan from the many pleasures you win from me. Here, I’ll demonstrate.”
With that, Nex got to work bathing his lovely prisoner. After a few moments of him massaging her scalp with soapy water, Anneliese’s eyes fluttered under his gentle ministrations, signaling her enjoyment. She sighed with relaxation as he moved down to her neck, prodding tight muscles to ease.
“I’ll get you for this. Evil, evil man.” She moaned as he moved down to her shoulders.
Nex chuckled. He had a lot more wickedness in store for her.
* * *
Anneliese hid that her will clamored to assert itself. That part of her, the part that insisted she didn’t need someone to take care of her needs, railed against Nex holding her captive so that he could make her feel the amazing things he did. She held it off with the thought that any number of women would give anything to receive this kind of attention from a lover.
Fortunately, Nex was damned talented at what he did. The pleasure of his touch overrode her iron instinct that not only gave no quarter, but refused to take it as well. Besides, he wanted to satisfy her. Who was she to deny him?
I don’t need him, her usual resolve snarled.
No, but I want him, the rest insisted. That part held control.
His magic hands, with fingers coming and going as the situation warranted, slid down to her breasts. Excitement surged, making her arch into his touch. She gazed up at him as he soaped the mounds, bringing her nipples to stiff points. He stared into her eyes, watching her as he tested the suppleness of her flesh.
He whispered. “I never knew a woman could feel this way. It excites me, Anneliese.”
He rose up to show her. His hips cleared the sudsy water, and her eyes rounded at the sight of a long, thick, striped shaft swelling from his groin.
“Nex,” Anneliese whispered. “Yes.”
He smiled and sank down again, once more immobilizing her thighs with the gentle pressure of his weight. “Perhaps we’ll move ahead a little farther than I normally would. I might concede to you touching me—if you let me pleasure you the way I wish.”
“You ask for a lot,” she retorted. The need to be in control warred with an unexpected surge of desire. Her pussy clenched hard. Passion rendered her voice breathier than usual.
“I didn’t ask,” Nex said.
Her sex spasmed again. His wicked gaze, that naughty smile as he showed her a strength to match hers—it was exciting enough to shock her. She liked it.
“My sweet, easygoing scientist has an unexpected edge,” she whispered.
“My instincts tell me you might appreciate that. Not on the battleground—but here? Like this?”
Anneliese was afraid to overthink it. Besides, Nex was waiting for her permission, a fact her unbending will appreciated.
“Keep going. I’ll let you know if I change my mind.”
His searing kiss left her breathless, as did the pinches to her nipples. His fingers, clamping hot vises, stopped just shy of pain. They exerted powerful pressure that sent molten streams of want straight to her clit.
Overwhelmed by the sensation, Anneliese pulled against his tail, still imprisoning her wrists. She couldn’t break free. She was helpless as his tongue plundered her mouth, as his fingers squeezed her nipples, as he made her hot and desperate and pathetically eager for more.
Alarms were going off in her head. Almost as quickly, the heightening desire consumed them, turned anxiety into an ingredient of the need rampaging through her. That apprehension increased her cravings, rendered them headier, more tantalizing. She moaned into Nex’s mouth, a pleading sound unlike any she’d uttered before.
Anneliese cried out again, this time in loss, when his hands slid from her breasts to her waist and he ended the kiss. “Don’t stop,” she begged, ignoring the thread of disbelief that she, she, would give herself over to anyone in such a way.
Nex smiled and lifted his weight from her legs again. He lifted her to rub her buttocks, massaging them with the same rough care he’d given her breasts. New arousal flared to life.
Lovers had grabbed her ass before. There had been a few playful swats once in a while. She knew how good a woman’s ass looked to men, and how much she enjoyed gazing at that particular body part on the opposite sex. Yet, no one had ever lavished prolonged physical attention on her curves. Certainly she’d not been massaged as Nex did.
It felt amazing. Better than it had any right to. For heaven’s sake, was everyone’s butt an erogenous zone? If so, why hadn’t Anneliese heard of it? Because having hers handled was almost as incredible as having her breasts sucked.
“You’re killing me.” She groaned. “How do you do this to me?”
“Do what?” he teased. “I’m only washing you clean.”
“Don’t play innocent with me. You know damned well what you’re doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the women at your temple in Hahz held bidding wars for your services.”
He laughed. “I’m glad you are not disappointed.”
“Only that I don’t get to wash you in return. It’s not fair.”
“I’ll let you. But you’ll have to climax for me first.”
With that warning, he abandoned her ass. Anneliese’s disappointment was instantly mitigated as his hand moved to the front, diving between her legs to find her pussy.
“Excellent, my warrior woman,” he praised when he discovered how wet her inner folds were. She writhed, crying out as he played over silken flesh with what felt like dozens of fingers. “That’s it. Give yourself to the pleasure I offer.”
As if Anneliese had a choice. While he used one hand on her pussy, the other grasped her breast, toying with it the way he’d learned she enjoyed it. He kissed her face whenever her tossing head let him.
“Do you have the same inner place our women do?” Nex asked. He didn’t wait for her to figure out what he was talking about, a smart th
ing since her brain was shorting out under his erotic assault.
One, then a second finger pressed inside. All the air rushed from her lungs. He was within her. Nex was inside her. Perhaps not how Anneliese wanted, but it was profound to have a part of his body joining with hers. It satisfied a craving, an emptiness she’d not been aware of until that moment.
The fingers reached, probed, rubbed as if searching inside her sheath. Anneliese abruptly learned to breathe again when friction from Nex’s inquisitive touch found a spot that drove her right to the brink of climax. She cried out, jerking helplessly against the grip holding her prisoner.
“There you are. Now you will come for me.” He stroked harder against the inner place. A gentle stroke grazed her clit.
Anneliese ignited. Her pussy clenched in tides of pleasure, waves that rolled within over and over as Nex teased, drawing orgasm from her. Her vision filled with starbursts, black starbursts surrounded by shimmering silver. Meanwhile, the caresses inside and out continued to play her, coaxing every spasm free. He shattered her with slow convulsions of pleasure, each one enduring a glorious eternity.
“Oh, you sadistic creature.” She sighed when the pulses at last eased to blissful ripples. “It’s not fair that you can bring me harder with your hands than any human man’s cock has.”
“Imagine what I could do with my cock?” He grinned.
The man was far too pleased with himself. “Imagining is apparently the closest I’ll ever get to that,” she grouched.
Nex lifted his ass off her legs and moved to lounge next to her. “You came for me as I wished. If you want to explore me, I’ll let you. But no intercourse. It’s still too soon.”
“With you, it will never be too soon,” Anneliese said. When he narrowed his eyes at her, she sighed and gave up. “Fine. We’ll do it your no-fun Risnarish way. I’m not a rapist.”
“No fun? You did not just have fun? I would challenge that.” His teasing grin verged on smug.
“Full of yourself, aren’t you?” Anneliese got up on her knees to face him. “Fine. You’re incredible. It’s just that I want all of you, and it drives me insane I can’t have you.”
Nex looked at her, his gaze serious. “I also crave to join with you in truth. I do, Anneliese. But I want our time to be special, a culmination of sharing all we can with each other. Not some quick race to physical gratification. Not a mere explosion that feels nice for a short while but then fades into emptiness. Something memorable.”
Anneliese considered him. He had a point. She’d felt the very thing he’d spoken of, that sad void that came after sex with someone who was there to chase completion and little else. Until now, she’d not known how to put that sense of missing something into words.
The strange prolonged foreplay of Nex’s did make what they shared more important. More profound. Anneliese had the feeling that when they did “join,” as Nex put it, it would be a big deal.
She wanted that. If it was worth the wait, she was willing to try for it.
“You said I could wash you,” she said. “And I can give you a happy ending with my hands, as you did for me?”
Nex nodded, licking his lips and looking her over avidly. “Since it’s meaningful to you, yes. You may help me achieve orgasm.”
Anneliese grinned. “Strap yourself in, big man. I’ve got a few tricks of my own to show you.”
In spite of her warning, she hesitated before beginning. Human men, at least the ones she had been with, had been so easy to satisfy. Kiss them, grab their junk for a few pulls, give that a lick, hop on and ride...they rarely required any more than that. Or had it just been her selfishness that kept her from giving them more? Had she afforded them any of the attention that she’d missed in sexual encounters...attention that Nex had shocked and gratified her with?
I’ve been as bad as they have, she realized. It was not a welcome notion.
Thinking of the ways Nex had awakened her, Anneliese set about exploring him with the same thoroughness. She played with his pointed foxlike ears, giggling at how they wiggled.
“Ticklish, huh?”
“Be nice.” His warning lost its power, spoken through snickers.
Anneliese traced his brow bone, but he had no eyebrows to raise, lower, or arch. She’d learned to gauge his emotions by how his ears moved. It was surprising how it felt like second nature to do so already.
His brushy zebra mane was coarse, and Anneliese enjoyed the roughness as she shampooed it for him. She traced the stripes on his face, noting how they accentuated his cheekbones and jawline. He gazed at her as she investigated, his expression blissful. Adoring. Without words, he told her how happy she was making him.
As she worked her way down, she paid attention to how his stripes emphasized the muscles of his arms, chest, and abdomen. His legs were beneath the sudsy, churning water, but she’d already seen how the brown bands accentuated the strong calf muscles and bulging thighs. She could picture them perfectly as she rubbed over the relaxing tendons, making Nex sigh with contentment.
Anneliese had skipped over Nex’s groin, moving from the ridged plain of his abdominals to his toeless feet and moving back up those magnificent legs. She wanted to save the best for last. With a naughty grin, she massaged his inner thighs, slowly inching toward what she hoped would be just as hard and powerful. Nex snickered at her impudent smirk, but his chest was rising and falling faster, and his eight-pointed pupils were growing bigger, eclipsing the silver of his irises. The tension in his jaw was obvious.
Anneliese was delighted to return some of the torment he’d visited on her. Almost there...
The huge flared head of an olive and brown-striped cock broke the surface of the roiling water. Since Anneliese was aware of how deep the pool was, she had a good idea of how long Nex’s shaft had grown. Her first instinct was to scream and run for cover.
She shoved away the shock—but not the cock—and gave him her best don’t-fuck-with-me glare. “Seriously? Do you think I’m going to do anything for you when you’re that ridiculously big?”
Nex laughed, his mouth wide as he enjoyed his joke. “But Anneliese, I’m so eager now. It’s all your doing.”
“Mmm-hmm. This isn’t Yankee Stadium, and you’re not swinging for the fences. No, I know you don’t get what I’m saying. Put it away anyhow, slugger.”
Humming “Take Me Out to the Ballpark,” she waited for him to behave. Nex kept snickering at his not-so-little prank. His striped bat disappeared beneath the water.
“That’s better,” Anneliese said. “You men. It doesn’t matter what galaxy you come from. You’re all the same.”
“I just wanted to make sure you knew where to find it. You’ve been so determined to do something with it that I believed it best to—oh, yes, you’ve got it.” His voice ended on a wheeze.
She had it, all right. A big, hard handful. He was slippery in the sudsy water. Anneliese slid closer so she could kiss him while moving her hand over his more manageable length. How could she convince Nex he’d feel better in something besides her palm?
He sighed. “This is amazing. I suppose there is something to be said for advancing the schedule a little.”
“Schedule,” Anneliese snorted. “That’s hardly romantic. How about spontaneity?”
“What did you have in mind?”
“Maybe some special kisses in special places?” She licked her lips and gazed at the spot where he’d grown big enough to scare her moments ago. “Sit up on the ledge and I’ll show you what I mean.”
“I know what you mean. We should maybe rinse first.” Nex reached over to the control panel and the jets stopped churning the water. The level abruptly dropped, draining within seconds. Then clear water rose up for them to rinse in, but not before Anneliese got a look at what she was handling. Nex had shrunk within the realm of reason, perfect, in fact. Anneliese hoped he was serious about l
etting her do more than use her hands.
She released him to dunk herself and rinse thoroughly. She came up, water streaming. Anneliese didn’t have a trice to blink the wet out of her eyes when she was seized from behind. An instant later, she was bent over the edge of the pool with a hand pinning her by the neck, down on the fragrant grass beyond the lip of the edge.
“Hey! What the hell?” she yelled.
“Spontaneity,” came Nex’s amused voice. “Wasn’t that what you wanted? Oh, and special kisses in special places?”
Anneliese had her mouth open, ready for a loud and profane protest when wet pressure probed between her pussy lips. She was loud, but it wasn’t an objection she voiced. Not with his mouth on her, doing the things it did. Not with his tongue searching out every crevice to taste. Not with his lips closing on her clit and tugging it gently.
Special kisses indeed. So special her eyes rolled and she clutched handfuls of grass to tear out. Splashes sounded behind her. She was kicking in helpless reaction as Nex feasted on her softest flesh.
He was tireless, refusing to let up until her sex clenched in warning. Anneliese pounded the ground as all the pleasure coalesced into a bright pinpoint.
“Nex, please! Nex!”
He sucked her clit into his mouth and whipped his tongue back and forth over it. The pinpoint flared, blinding her as it burst into a firestorm through her. Flashes blazed, one after another, coaxed by Nex’s relentless prodding. He didn’t stop until he’d pulled the final flicker of pleasure from her and she lay limp and wasted.
Nex heaved himself out of the pool and sat on the edge. He picked up Anneliese, chuckling over her unintended imitation of a limp noodle. Speaking of such, she noted his formerly eager groin had returned to its sexless state, woefully inoffensive as he settled her on his lap.
At her glare, he nodded. “I enjoyed it. We both got what we needed.”
“But not entirely what I wanted. You don’t fight fair.”
“I never claimed I would.” Nex beamed. Pleased as punch with himself, damn him. “You are lovely when you surrender. Admit it; there are advantages to losing a fight.”