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Fangs and All

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by Stormy Glenn

  Fangs & All

  Garret Kane loves his bar. It’s his baby. When Samuel Harden walks through the door and applies for a job as a bouncer, Kane is pretty sure the man is a good fit for the position. One look at Samuel and Kane is positive the gorgeous mountain of a man is perfect for another position—specifically one in Kane’s bed.

  Samuel has a few surprises of his own—mainly the fact that not only does he have fangs and drink blood, but he is in another coven’s territory without permission. As Kane expresses his interest in Samuel, he’s drawn into a world he never even knew existed, one filled with danger and betrayal. Only by making a deal with a man that seems like the devil himself can Kane save Samuel from a fate worse than death. But the cost of that deal might be more than a mere human can survive.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 46,302 words


  Stormy Glenn



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove


  Copyright © 2012 by Stormy Glenn

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-027-8

  First E-book Publication: December 2012

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher



  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter 1

  “Yo, Kane, there’s some guy out here asking about a bouncer job.”

  Kane rolled his head, hearing a distinct popping sound as his neck realigned itself. He rubbed the nape of his neck trying to massage away the rest of the tension gathering there. Sometimes he hated owning a bar.

  Nights like tonight were a perfect example. It seemed like almost every worker he employed tried to call in sick just before shift started, his weekly alcohol delivery was over two hours late, and the doors on the bar were due to open in less than forty-five minutes.

  And now someone wanted a job?

  “Yo, Kane,” the voice shouted again, “what do you want me to tell this guy?”

  Kane opened his mouth to shout back an angry retort, catching himself just in time. He snapped his mouth closed and pushed his hand through his thick curls, tugging a little at the ends as if he could pull his worries away with his fingers.

  He stared down at the pile of bills and paperwork on his desk and shook his head. His mind just wasn’t in it. The bar was due to open soon, and he needed to collect himself before that happened or he’d end up decking the first drunk bastard that looked at him wrong.


  Stormy Glenn

  Kane tossed his pen down on the desk and stood. He’d better find out who wanted to see him before business started or he’d never get the chance. He made his way out to the main room, his eyes immediately scanning the room and assessing the shape of things.

  Doors still closed?


  Room clean and organized?


  Gorgeous muscle-bound sex god in tight jeans?


  Kane’s eyes snapped back to the bar. His cock hardened and throbbed against the confines of his black jeans faster than it ever had in his life as he took in the tall, striking figure standing by the bar counter.

  Hot damn!

  Breathtaking didn’t even begin to describe the man. He stood several inches over the other men in the room, making him easily seen by Kane. The muscles rippling under the man’s tight, white cotton shirt quickened Kane’s pulse. His powerful body moved with a sensual gracefulness Kane wouldn’t have expected in a man his size.

  And if his pants hugged his ass any tighter the guy would lose consciousness from lack of oxygen to his brain. But, damn, the ass was the tightest rounded ass Kane ever saw. Kane really liked fucking asses like that.

  If he added in the shoulders that seemed as wide as a barn and the thick, bulging muscles, Kane knew he was looking at the man of his dreams. And he hadn’t even looked above the man’s collar yet.

  When he did, Kane was beyond stunned. He didn’t figure a man that had the body of a Greek God could have a face of an angel. His lips were firm and sensual, his smooth tanned skin stretched over high cheekbones.

  A lock of dishwater-blond hair fell over his forehead, his light hair a deep contrast to his tanned skin. Kane thumped his hard cock then

  Fangs & All


  walked across the room, his sights set on the man staring back at him with moss-green eyes.

  He was so fucked.

  And if he was lucky, so was the man he had in his sights.

  “Garret Kane, what can I do for you?” I have a few ideas I could suggest.

  “My name is Samuel Harden. I’m looking for work,” the man said, his voice low and smooth and just husky enough to send shivers of delight down Kane’s spine. “I have experience as a bouncer, beer bartender, and prep cook. Do you have any positions available?”

  Kane muffled a groan by biting his lip. This was just too easy. He flexed his fingers to keep from reaching for Samuel. He wanted to drag the massive man back to his offi
ce, bend him over his desk, and find out how many positions they could discover together.

  Samuel’s eyes narrowed in on the lip caught between Kane’s teeth. A light flush filled his face, and his eyes seem to widen just a fraction before they darted away. Kane smirked, raising an eyebrow at him.

  “I may have a few…uh…positions you might be interested in,”

  Kane drawled. He couldn’t believe the crap that came out of his mouth. That was the worst pick up line he’d ever heard.

  “Uh, thank you, sir.”


  Just damn!

  Kane breathed deeply then instantly wished he hadn’t. The strong scent of male sweat and arousal filled his nostrils. There seemed to be an underlying scent that curled right around Kane’s cock and drove him insane. He’d never smelled anything so sweet and yet masculine in his life. He could bottle the stuff and make millions—if he were willing to share.

  He wasn’t.

  “Why don’t you come back to my office and we can talk.” It was a statement, not a question. Kane didn’t ask questions. He was too


  Stormy Glenn

  used to giving orders and being instantly obeyed. Maybe it had gone to his head, but he wasn’t about to change that now, not even for a man that looked like sex on a stick.

  Kane turned on his heel and walked back toward his office. The sweet masculine scent that followed closely behind him told Kane that the gorgeous man followed. He waited until Samuel walked in then shut the door before walking around to his side of the desk to sit down.

  “Take a load off, Samuel.”

  Samuel sat. Kane noted that his eyes seemed to rest on him then dart wildly around the room then come back to rest on him again. It intrigued Kane. Samuel intrigued Kane, right down to his boot-clad feet.

  Kane stretched his legs out under the desk and crossed them, mirroring that action with his hands. “Tell me about yourself, Samuel,” he said. “Why are you looking for a job, and why choose my bar to come looking?”

  “I just need a job, Mr. Kane.”

  “Kane will do, Samuel.”

  Samuel’s face flushed again. Kane found it an interesting response for a man of Samuel’s size. He carried himself with a commanding air of self-confidence but blushed so prettily. Kane wondered just how far the blush reached. He damn sure wanted to find out.

  Kane couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this taken with someone, especially someone he’d just met. Granted, he could usually tell within a few moments of meeting someone if he was interested in them, but he didn’t ever remember being entranced at first sight.

  “Oh, yeah, and please, call me Samuel.”

  “How old are you, Samuel?”

  The man’s eyes narrowed, his dark blond eyebrows scrunching together. “Old enough.”

  “I need to know that you’re old enough to tend bar, let alone be inside of one.”

  Fangs & All


  Damn! There he went again. Samuel’s face flushed bright red as he leaned forward, dug his wallet out of his back pocket, and pulled his driver’s license out. He held it out to Kane.

  “I’m twenty-four, sir.”

  Kane took the license, looking it over carefully before handing it back. So the man was a few years younger than him. Okay, several years younger than Kane’s thirty-eight, but he wasn’t jailbait. Kane handed the license back and watched Samuel put it away.

  “This is a bar, Samuel,” Kane said at the disgruntled look Samuel shot him before sitting back down. “It’s also my livelihood.”

  Samuel’s head fell forward. “I’m sorry, sir.”

  “No need to apologize, Samuel.” Kane wasn’t about to apologize to the man for protecting what was his. “I hope you understand why I had to ask. I put too many years into this place to not verify the age of my employees.”

  “Employees?” Samuel said a little breathlessly. “Then I got the job?”

  There was too much desperation in Samuel’s moss-green eyes for Kane to turn him down. There was a story with this guy, and Kane wanted to know what it was before he hired him. He didn’t want trouble following.

  Kane folded his hands together and watched Samuel for a few moments before answering. “I’m considering it, Samuel, but I still want to know why you’re looking for a job in my bar.”

  Samuel shrugged. “I figured a bar is a bar, right? You pour drinks, operate the cash register, and clean up at the end of the night.”

  “With most bars that may be true.” Kane regarded Samuel for another moment. “Samuel, do you know what kind of bar this is?”

  Samuel frowned.

  “It’s a roadhouse, Samuel. We get everything from farm boys wanting to sew their wild oats to bikers looking for a fight. You’ll be pouring drinks, but you’ll also be dodging them. And nine times out of ten when you clean up at the end of the night you’re going to be


  Stormy Glenn

  cleaning up alcohol, blood, cum, and puke. Do you think you can handle that?”

  Samuel instantly snickered. “Yes, sir.”

  “If you work the door, every lot lizard and barfly within fifty miles will be hitting on you trying to get inside. They’ll try to bribe you with crack, weed, dick, and pussy—whatever they think might get you to let them through the door.” Kane leaned back in his chair, tapping his finger lightly on the desktop. “Prep cook isn’t much of an issue because we only serve burgers and fries here. They come one way—my way—and we don’t do special orders, ever.”

  Samuel chuckled and nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “And you really need to stop the sir thing, Samuel, at least while we’re around other people. When we’re alone, you can call me sir all you want. Otherwise, call me Kane.”

  Kane could see the man’s shock in the way his eyes widened and his jaw dropped open briefly before an adorable blush tinged his cheeks and he snapped his mouth shut. Kane was beginning to see a pattern, though, in the way Samuel’s face flushed. It happened every time Kane mentioned something remotely sexual.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Yep, this man intrigued Kane right down to his toes.


  “Why are you looking for work, Samuel? I’d think a man of your stature could find work anywhere, certainly in a bar in a better neighborhood.” Samuel’s head fell again. Only this time, he seemed a little pale instead of flushed. Kane learned forward in concern.


  “I was fired, okay?” Samuel looked up, that desperate look Kane first saw in his eyes back in their gleaming depths. “I worked at this bar over on the East side for three years. I never missed a day of work or called in sick. They were even training me to be the night manager.

  Then some asshole made an issue of my sexu—someone said something to my boss and they fired me.”

  Fangs & All


  Shock caused Kane’s eyebrows to shoot up his forehead. “You got fired because you’re gay?”

  Samuel’s entire body seemed to shudder as he suddenly jumped to his feet. He cast one long, anger-filled glare at Kane then started for the door without saying a word.

  Kane jumped to his feet ready to chase after the man when a thought struck him. He could tell from the stiff posture of Samuel’s shoulders that the man was waiting for Kane to start in on him. Kane also knew he didn’t have a single gay vibe in his body. People were constantly surprised when they discovered he preferred men. Maybe Samuel didn’t know either.

  “Samuel,” he said in the sternest tone he could possibly muster,

  “sit down. I don’t believe we’re done with our conversation, unless, of course, you don’t want the job.”

  Samuel’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he spun around. “You would still hire me knowing I’m gay?”

  “I’m no hypocrite, Samuel.”

  Samuel’s jaw dropped. “You’re gay?”

  “If the strong desire to bend you over my desk and fuck yo
u until you can’t walk means that I’m gay, then yes, I’m gay.” Kane smirked.

  “Surprisingly, I’ve been that way since I was fifteen and discovered Billy Swanson jacking off in the barn back home in Nebraska.”

  Samuel’s green eyes grew so round that they dominated his face.

  “You—you want to fuck me?”

  Could the man not see his own appeal?

  Kane walked around his desk, never taking his eyes off of Samuel until he stood directly in front of him, so close their chests nearly touched. Their noses probably would have nearly touched, too, if Samuel didn’t stand several inches above Kane. As it was, he was just the right height to see Samuel’s Adam’s apple bob as the man swallowed.

  “You seem surprised, Samuel.”


  Stormy Glenn

  “Yeah, I guess I am,” Samuel said. His mouth curved into an unconscious smile. “You’re really gay?”

  “I’d like the chance to prove it to you, but I guess you’re more interested in a job.”

  Samuel’s eyes darted away from Kane’s, his face burning bright.

  He bent his head slightly forward as if he were inspecting his feet. “I don’t suppose I could try both?” he murmured.

  Kane felt an uncharacteristic desire to dance around the room.

  Holding onto his dignity by a thread, he reached up and brushed his hand across the side of Samuel’s face until the man raised his eyes to meet his.

  “Hell, Samuel, I own the damn place.” Kane let Samuel see the grin on his face. He heard Samuel inhale when his desire showed through. “I imagine I can do just about any damn thing I want to.”

  Samuel peered down at him intently. The air around them seemed electrified, arousal surrounding them. If Kane had been a cat, he would be purring right about now. As it was, he wanted to rub his body all over Samuel until he was saturated in the man’s sweet smell.

  Samuel’s broad shoulders heaved as he breathed. His closeness was so male, so bracing it sent shivers of pleasure throughout Kane’s body. He leaned forward and buried his face against the corded muscles of Samuel’s chest then inhaled deeply, groaning.

  “You smell really fucking good, Samuel.”


  Kane tilted his head back and grinned up at Samuel. “Yeah.”


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