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Deadly Christmas

Page 14

by Lily Harper Hart

  Mandy carefully climbed beneath the tree, being careful to wipe away any lingering traces as she moved through the area, and then she huddled against the trunk and crossed her arms over her chest to offer herself a modicum of warmth.

  Ryan continued to stumble around, screaming about money, retribution, and getting what was his. Mandy tried to ignore his voice, and because the icy wind was freezing her brain, it wasn’t as hard as she anticipated.

  Mandy didn’t know what else to do, so she waited. It didn’t take long for the cold to overwhelm her.


  James howled for his wife as he trudged through the woods that surrounded the house. He hadn’t seen a lot through the second-floor window, but he had seen his wife make her escape as she booked into the woods.

  “You need to rest,” Grady snapped, grabbing James’ arm as he listed to the side. “You were tasered, man. You’re barely standing. I’ll look for her. You need to go back to the house.”

  “Are you joking?” James was incredulous. “My wife is out here somewhere. I’m not leaving these godforsaken trees until I have her!”

  Grady licked his lips, a difficult truth on the tip of his tongue. “We don’t know that Ryan didn’t take Mandy,” he said.

  “He didn’t. She got away.”

  “You said she wasn’t wearing a coat,” Grady said, choosing his words carefully. “I … she could be unconscious because of the cold.”

  “That’s why I need to find her.”

  “James, you’re hurt,” Grady said. “Let me find Mandy. The police have four officers out here, too. It’s not a lot of woods. We’ll find her if she’s out here. I promise.”

  “Shut up, Grady,” James snapped, refusing to feel sorry about the hurt look that flickered across his brother’s face. “I am not leaving without my wife.”

  “James … .” The voice was barely a whisper on the biting wind.



  The answering voice was weak, and Jams swiveled quickly, scanning the dense underbrush for a hint of movement. “Did you hear that?”

  “Yeah, it wasn’t just in your head,” Grady said, pushing forward. Knowing James had limited movement because of the taser blast, he slammed a tree branch out of the way and almost cried out in relief when he saw a mass of blond hair. Mandy was curled up in a ball, her skin frigid to the touch as Grady reached for.

  “Oh, holy hell, kid,” Grady muttered. “You’re freezing.” He hooked his hands under Mandy’s legs, cringing as she whimpered. The cold amplified every touch and hurt. There was nothing Grady could do about that, though.

  “We’ve found her!” Grady yelled, climbing up the slight incline and heading in James’ direction. “Do you want to take her to the house or hospital?”

  “Give her to me.” James held out his arms expectantly.

  “I’ve got her.”

  “Give her to me,” James repeated.

  “James, you can barely stand,” Grady hissed. “Do you want to drop her?”

  “Give me my baby,” James said, his eyes filling with tears.

  The tears were something Grady couldn’t take. He handed Mandy’s shaking body over to James and then moved ahead of him so he could pick the safest route for his brother to get Mandy back to the house.

  “Hey, baby,” James said, kissing her forehead. “God … you’re so cold.”

  “What happened to the guy?” Mandy was out of it, her eyes closed.

  “I don’t know,” James said. “He’s gone, though. You’re safe. I promise.”

  “I … it hurts.”

  “I know,” James said, walking through the gate Grady held open and striding into his yard. “It’s okay.”

  “Is she all right?” Ally asked, breaking into a run and racing toward her brother. Jake was right behind her.

  “She’s freezing,” Grady replied. “She didn’t have a coat on and she was out in this cold for more than an hour. With the wind chill, it’s less than ten degrees. I think we should take her to the hospital.”

  “No hospital,” Mandy whimpered.

  James was caught. “Baby … .”

  “No hospital.”

  James glanced around, frustrated. Then his eyes landed on the easiest solution. He moved toward the hot tub with clear purpose. “That will warm her up.”

  “That’s actually a good idea,” Grady said, moving to his side. “That’s going to do just as good of a job as they have at the hospital. “I’ll get the top off.”

  “I’ll help,” Jake said, moving with Grady.

  Ally remained with James. “Are you okay?”

  “She’s fine,” James snapped.

  “I was talking about you.”

  “I’m … it’s okay, Ally,” James said. “Everything is okay.”

  Ally wisely refrained from pushing him further. Once Jake and Grady had the weatherproof cover off the hot tub, James immediately moved to climb in.


  James glanced at Ally. “What?”

  “You have to take that jacket off,” Ally instructed. “Mandy bought it for you. It will crush her if you ruin it in the hot tub.”

  “I don’t care about the jacket,” James snarled. “My wife is freezing to death.”

  “Hand her to Jake,” Ally ordered, pointing. “It will take you two seconds to take that jacket and your boots off. Mandy would be crushed if you ruined that coat. She had it specially made.”

  James wanted to throttle his sister, but he wanted Mandy in the warm water more. “Fine.” He cautiously handed Mandy over to Jake, frowning as the usually taciturn man pressed her close.

  “Holy crap,” Jake said. “She’s shaking.”

  “Let me get her shoes,” Ally said, grimacing at the mewling noises Mandy made as Ally lovingly removed her tennis shoes.

  James kicked off his boots and whipped off his coat, tossing it at Ally’s head and then immediately reached for Mandy again. “Give her to me.”

  Jake didn’t bother arguing.

  Once James had Mandy back in his arms he didn’t hesitate. He climbed straight into the hot tub, falling to his knees so he could submerge Mandy up to her neck in the steaming water. Her reaction wasn’t what he expected.

  “Ow!” Mandy screamed, her head jerking back as she tried to claw her way out of James’ arms. James held her steady, refusing to let her escape the water – which he was convinced would be her salvation.

  “What is wrong with her?” Ally asked, frightened.

  “She’s got borderline hypothermia,” Jake explained. “Her body’s core temperature has dropped, which is a concern. She’s reacting because her skin feels like it’s on fire because of the heat. After being exposed to the cold for so long … .”

  “Get her out!” Ally screeched. “Can’t you see she’s in pain?”

  “Take Ally in the house,” James ordered, turning Mandy’s body so he could press her chest into his. He hoisted her up so he could rest her chin on his shoulder and then proceeded to rock her as she fought his embrace. “Get her out of here!”

  Jake grabbed Ally by the waist, lifting her so he could wrangle her into the house. Ally was tiny, but the task proved monumental. “Stop it, Ally!”

  “She’s being hurt!”

  “Grady!” Jake called for help.

  Grady cast one more dubious look at Mandy and James and then grabbed his sister’s other arm so he could help Jake drag her into the house.

  James impassively watched the scene, tears forming as broken sobs escaped Mandy’s mouth. “I’m so sorry, baby,” James said, holding her close. “This is the fastest way. I’m so sorry.”

  Finally, Mandy’s body went limp in his arms. James shifted them so he could sit on the bench, his drenched jeans making it hard for him to move. He slouched low on the bench, making sure every part of Mandy that could be covered was. Then he let her rest on top of him as he continued to offer her a nonstop stream of apologies.

  She was beyond
hearing him, though.

  “YOU’VE been out here for almost forty-five minutes,” Grady said, braving James’ wrath and returning to the hot tub. “I think you can take her out now.”

  James rubbed Mandy’s back as she slept, her chin resting on his shoulder. “I hurt her.”

  “You did what you had to do,” Grady countered. “She’s okay now. It was only for a few seconds.”

  “I need to get her out of this tub and in dry clothes,” James said. “She needs to be kept warm all night.”

  “Okay,” Grady said. “Hand her to me and I’ll carry her inside.”

  James ignored him. “I need Ally and Jake.”

  “We’re here,” Ally said, appearing out of the darkness. She didn’t look happy with any of the men in her general vicinity, but she was putting it aside for the time being to help Mandy.

  “Ally, I need you to go up to our bedroom,” James said. “Get a pair of those thick and fuzzy sleep pants in the dresser. Then get one of the sweatshirts from my closet. Get her a really thick pair of socks.”

  “I’ll get you clothes to change into, too.”

  “I don’t care about that.”

  Ally rolled her eyes. “We need to get Mandy out of those clothes while she’s still in the hot tub,” she said. “That means you’re going to need my help to dress her out here, and then you’re going to let Jake carry her into the house.”

  “I … .”

  “Shut up,” Ally ordered. “While Jake is carrying her into the house, Grady is going to help you get dressed. I know darned well you’re hurting under your shirt. Don’t bother denying it. The faster you let Grady help you, the faster you can go inside and hover over Mandy.”

  James scowled.

  “Don’t you even think of arguing with me,” Ally snapped. “I’m going to get the clothes and towels. Make Grady and Jake turn around while you undress Mandy. She would be horrified to think anyone but you or me saw her naked.”

  James watched Ally huffily stalk toward the house. “She’s pissed.”

  “You have no idea,” Jake said.

  “I … I’ll apologize for having her dragged away later,” James said. “Jake, I need you to go into Mandy’s office. There’s one of those little floor heaters under her desk. Take it downstairs and set up a bed in front of the fireplace. Wait … has someone started a fire?”

  “Finn did,” Grady replied. “Emma is making a pot of warm soup. Even if Mandy can’t eat it now, she should be able to enjoy it tomorrow.”

  James nodded as he watched Jake disappear in the direction of the house. “Turn around.”

  Grady did as James ordered, his eyes fixing on the rest of their family as they buzzed on the other side of the sliding glass doors. “She’s going to be okay.”

  “I hurt her.” James’ voice cracked.

  “James, you didn’t hurt her,” Grady said. “You … did what you had to do to make sure she didn’t get hypothermia and lose a finger or a toe. She’s going to be fine – and keep all her digits – because you thought fast.”

  “She was crying.”

  “You’re exhausted,” Grady said. “Once we get you guys settled in front of the fireplace, things will be better. I promise.” He glanced at the pavement by his feet as Mandy’s sopping jeans landed next to his boots. “I’m going to hang this stuff up in the saloon.”

  James wordlessly nodded as Grady disappeared. By the time Ally was back downstairs, she had two piles of clothes and she was motioning for James to lift Mandy out of the water. “Hand her to me.”

  “Where is Jake?”

  “Waiting for me to yell to him,” Ally snapped. “Give her to me!”

  James pushed Mandy out of the water, internally sighing as she groggily let Ally dry her naked body and then dress her. Ally was quick and efficient, taking James by surprise. “Jake!”

  Jake jogged out of the house, stopping long enough to give James a cursory nod before scooping Mandy up and immediately turning back to the house.

  “Hurry up,” Ally ordered. “We’ll have her in front of the fireplace with the heater pointed at her head to dry her hair. Don’t take forever.”

  James scowled as he watched her go. “She’s a pain in the ass.”

  Grady, returning from hanging Mandy’s close over the barstools in the saloon, smirked. “Get naked, bro,” he said. “Hand me your clothes so I can hang them up. I have a feeling you’ll already be in the house by the time I’m done.”

  “I need to be with her.”

  “Then be with her,” Grady said, accepting the jeans James shoved his direction. “Don’t forget to take care of yourself while you’re doting on her. You both need to be healthy if you want a Merry Christmas.”

  “I just want to hold her,” James said. “I … I just want to hold her.”

  “So, go hold her.”


  Mandy was a sweaty mess when she woke up the next morning.

  “Why is it so freaking hot?”

  James stirred beneath her, groaning as his back protested a night sleeping on the floor. It took him a moment to get his bearings, and when he did he almost flipped Mandy off of him in his haste to study her.

  “How do you feel, baby?” he asked, grabbing her chin and tilting her head to the side.

  “I … .” Mandy bit her bottom lip, confused. “Did we have sex on the living room floor?” She shifted so she could look down at their bodies. “Yeah, I don’t think that’s what happened. We wouldn’t have this many clothes on if we had sex.”

  “We didn’t have sex, baby,” James said, pushing her wild hair away from her face. Despite his best efforts, sleeping on it wet did her no favors during the night. “What do you remember?”

  “I … I didn’t get drunk, did I?”

  “No, baby,” James replied. “Try to think. What’s the last thing you remember?”

  “I … .” Mandy pressed her eyes shut, racking her brain. Her eyes flashed open again, James’ favorite color in the world coming alive in the depths of her eyes a few moments later. “Oh!”

  “There you go,” James said, rubbing her back. “What happened after you ran from the guesthouse? I lost sight of you.”

  “I saw a car on the road on the other side of the field,” Mandy explained, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “I was trying to decide if I could make it across the field or not. The snow was deep and if a car wasn’t coming … .”

  “You were worried Ryan would grab you,” James finished. “What made you decide to hide under the tree?”

  “I was hoping he would get frustrated and go,” Mandy said. “It was colder than I realized, though. I didn’t have a coat. I … I think I fell asleep.”

  James swallowed hard, cupping the back of his wife’s head. “You did. Do you remember me finding you?”

  “I … Grady was with you I think,” Mandy said, screwing her face up. “Everything is a blur. I think I remember Ally screaming and being dragged away. That was a probably a dream, though.”

  James didn’t respond. He didn’t want to upset her after the rough night she had. “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to try and eat something for me, would you?”

  Mandy wrinkled her nose. “I’m not sure how hungry I am.”

  “It’s been almost twenty-four hours since you ate anything,” James said. “We had breakfast yesterday and I was planning on making you earn your lunch before … .”

  “I’m okay, James,” Mandy said, kissing his chin. “I guess this is something you can add to your funny little list about the trouble I manage to find.”

  “Well, baby, I’m not sure how fair that is,” James said. “It was my fault the trouble chased you this time.”

  “Oh, whatever,” Mandy said. “There’s no reason to take this all on yourself. I’m fine. You’re fine. I’m willing to try eating breakfast. I don’t want to dwell on this.”

  James opened his mouth, an apology for the hurt he caused her on the tip of his tongue. He snapped it shut instead.
“I’m not sure we’re alone,” he said, helping Mandy to her feet before joining her on his own set of wobbly legs. “I think I might be too old to sleep on the floor.”

  Mandy smirked, the expression lighting up her face. If James didn’t know better, he would think nothing out of the ordinary happened the previous day. Unfortunately for him, he was well aware of what his distraction almost cost them. “Why were we sleeping on the floor?”

  “I had to keep you warm,” James replied. “I … .”

  “Oh, that explains the heater and the fireplace,” Mandy said. “I guess that’s why I’m wearing three layers of clothes, too, huh?”


  “We can take a hot shower when breakfast is over with,” Mandy said, shuffling toward the door. “I feel a little sweaty in this outfit.”

  “Baby … .”

  Mandy didn’t linger, instead moving through the living room doorway and heading toward the kitchen. James followed her, not surprised to find Ally, Jake, and Grady standing behind the counter when they arrived.

  “Hey, kid,” Grady said, looking Mandy up and down. “Other than your wild hair, you’re looking fairly decent.”

  “Her hair is fine,” Ally snapped. “You try sleeping on wet hair and see how great your precious do looks in the morning.”

  Mandy wrinkled her forehead as she tried to force herself to remember the previous evening. “How did my hair get wet?”

  Grady and James exchanged a look, and Grady could read the terror on his brother’s face. “What do you want for breakfast, kid?”

  “Yes, I’m cooking whatever you want,” Ally said. “I was thinking of making blueberry pancakes for James because he deserves his favorite breakfast after getting tasered. I know pancakes aren’t your favorite, though. Do you want eggs and hash browns or an omelet?”

  Mandy swiveled quickly, fixing James with a harsh look. “Tasered? Are you hurt?”

  “I’m fine, baby.”


  “I … .”


  James sighed and pushed up the arm of his shirt, revealing the angry red spot where the taser made contact. Mandy reached out as if to touch it and then drew her hand back.


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