Book Read Free

Deadly Christmas

Page 16

by Lily Harper Hart

  James tried to jerk his head away, but it felt too heavy.

  “I’m sorry,” Mandy said. “I didn’t know another way. Now, I know you’re worked up about what happened in the hot tub last night.”

  “You remember that?” James’ eyes filled with tears.

  “I never forgot,” Mandy said, her thumb working against his cheek. “You need to listen to me. You didn’t hurt me. I am embarrassed about the way I whined and carried on. I knew you were trying to take care of me.”

  James closed his eyes, horrified.

  “Look at me!”

  James reluctantly opened his soulful chocolate eyes and stared at his wife. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so … sorry.” He sobbed openly.

  “Oh, stop this, James,” Mandy whispered, her eyes swimming with tears. “You did what you had to do to take care of me. I don’t blame you. I am mortified that I was so weak and you’re blaming yourself for this.”

  “Baby … .” James weakly clung to consciousness.

  “I’ll be right here when you wake up,” Mandy promised. “I love you more than anything. You did what was right. You didn’t hurt me. I, on the other hand, willfully drugged you. Think how much fun that will be to argue about when you wake up.”

  James managed a half-hearted chuckle. “I love you.”

  “I love you,” Mandy said, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. “Now, listen to my heart for a change. Let it protect you while you sleep. I’m going to be right here when you wake up.”

  “Mandy.” It was the final word James managed before slipping under.

  Mandy watched him for a few moments, rubbing his neck and brushing occasional kisses against his forehead. When she was sure he was out, she turned her attention back to the television.

  “This movie would be so much better if they had a mechanical shark, like in Jaws,” she muttered.


  Grady brought Mandy a fresh glass of green tea a few hours later. He opted to remain hidden from James when he was up and about earlier. He watched from the other room while Mandy deftly drugged James and told him the things he desperately needed to hear.

  Then, for three hours straight, he checked on Mandy regularly as James snored on her chest and she watched shark movie after shark movie and marked things in catalogs for perusal later.

  “Do you need me to change movies yet?” Grady asked, settling in the chair next to her. “Which one is this?”

  “This is Bait,” Mandy explained. “It’s set in Australia after a tsunami washes great white sharks into an underground mall.”

  “Oh, well, that sounds like an Oscar winner right there,” Grady teased. “Oh, man, tell me that shark doesn’t eat the dog.”

  Mandy snorted. “See, you’re already hooked.”

  “I don’t even like tiny rat dogs like that,” Grady said. “I hate when animals die in movies, though.”

  “Have you ever noticed that it’s rare for animals to die in horror movies?”

  Grady nodded.

  “Michael Myers is the only slasher movie killer who takes out dogs.”

  Grady searched his memory. “He killed several of them, didn’t he?”

  “Even Jason, who is supposed to be a zombie in the later movies, didn’t kill dogs.”

  “That’s a great knowledge base you have there,” Grady teased. “It should get you far in life.”

  Mandy wrinkled her nose, making a face as she regarded Grady. They’d known each other since childhood. They were comfortable together in ways that James could never understand – or share. She loved James from the start. She loved Grady, too, although he was almost as much her brother as he was James and Ally’s.

  “How come you’re here, Grady?” Mandy asked, keeping her voice low so she wouldn’t wake James. “I know Peter’s men are outside. No one will get in here, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Grady ran a hand through his shoulder-length hair and shifted in the chair. “He needs sleep and he needs to know you’re protected while he sleeps. For some reason … I don’t know what it is … I feel like I need to be here with the two of you.”

  “And that doesn’t bother Sophie?”

  “Sophie is at work,” Grady replied. “Journalists do not get weeks off for the holidays.”

  “I guess I never thought about that,” Mandy mused. “That must make things rough.”

  “Actually, Sophie is not the type of person who can sit around and do nothing,” Grady replied. “She likes being busy. She likes digging into the things. She loves being in the middle of the action.”

  “Is that ever going to bug you?”

  Grady furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”

  “Are you ever going to want her to quit her job down the road?” Mandy asked. “If you think that’s a possibility, you should tell her now.”

  “Is this about James wanting you to quit your job?”

  “He told you about that?” Mandy knew she shouldn’t be surprised, but she was.

  “I think your situation is different from Sophie’s situation,” Grady clarified. “Sophie is doing what she really loves to do. I would never want to take that from her. I do wish she would use all of her vacation days every year, but we’re working on that.

  “What you and James are fighting about is different,” he continued. “You don’t particularly like your job. You don’t hate it, mind you, but it’s not your dream job. Your dream job is sitting in that studio out back.”

  “Except I don’t make money from that.”

  “Honey, I don’t mean to insult you, but you barely make money from the job you do have,” Grady said. “For the amount of work you do – and the unending load of crap you put up with – you should be paid a million dollars a year.”

  “I’m not sure how the county would fit that into their budget,” Mandy deadpanned.

  “You know what I mean,” Grady said. “You don’t love your job. You do love painting. You do love your husband. More out-of-state jobs will be popping up. James’ dream is to be able to take you with him on those jobs.”

  “I know,” Mandy said. “Part of me wants to give him what he wants. I want to fire off a resignation letter right now. The other part feels that I should be contributing to this household – even if James laughs behind my back every time he balances our accounts.”

  “James never laughs,” Grady said. “Don’t be so dramatic.”

  Mandy frowned. “I … .”

  “Shut up,” Grady instructed, wagging a finger to silence her. “James has big fantasies for the two of you. He wants to travel all over the globe. He can’t do that if you’re tied to a desk at the courthouse. He could do that with an artist who can take off on a whim.”

  “I haven’t made a dime off my paintings.”

  “You should’ve charged Ally for that painting you did where she looks like a princess and Jake looks whipped,” Grady suggested, smirking at the memory. “I love that painting. I want a copy for my wallet.”

  “You like to needle people,” Mandy countered, wrinkling her nose. “You know that, right?”

  “It’s Middle Brother Syndrome.”

  “Finn is a middle brother, too, and he doesn’t act like that,” Mandy pointed out.

  “Finn has a mellower personality than I do.”

  “You all are … variations … on one another,” Mandy corrected. “You, James, and Ally are fiery. Ally, James, and Finn are nurturers. You, Ally, and Finn are artistic on some levels. James and Finn are organized. You all mesh, though.”

  “Do you ever wish you weren’t an only child?” Grady asked. “You spent days on end at our house when you were a kid. That was before you had a crush on James, so you had to have other reasons.”

  “I liked the bustle of your house,” Mandy said, her expression thoughtful. “Don’t kid yourself, though. I always had a crush on James.”

  Grady snorted. “He liked to take care of you even then,” he said. “I remember the day you and Ally
were screwing around in the garage and you fell off the skateboard and skinned your knee. You were ten I think, which made him fourteen. Even then he kissed your boo-boo and made it feel better.”

  “Yeah, his kisses were a little different back then, though.”

  “I should hope so,” Grady said, laughing at the thought. “He would still be in prison if he played that differently.”

  “We both know he never looked at me that way until I walked into your office that day,” Mandy said.

  “Did you understand the way he was looking at you then?”

  “No. I … wanted him to be looking at me that way. I didn’t think it was possible, though.”

  “He didn’t think it was possible either,” Grady said. “I knew. Something … shifted … inside of him when he caught sight of you. It was like puzzle pieces magically sliding into place.”

  “He wasn’t ready,” Mandy said. “Sometimes I wonder if I forced him into things too soon.”

  “Would you trade the life you have?”

  “Not for anything.”

  “Then you didn’t force him into anything,” Grady said. “He couldn’t stay away from you and after that first night … well … he panicked. He got himself together pretty quickly after that. He never looked back.”

  “I’m so glad you brought up that right before Christmas,” James grumbled, shifting his head on Mandy’s chest so he could study her face. “I drooled on your chest.”

  Mandy giggled. “I guess we’re even now, huh? How did you sleep?”


  “How do you feel?”

  “Better,” James said, his voice soft.

  “You look better,” Grady said. “How long were you listening to us?”

  “Not long,” James said, resting his head back on Mandy’s chest and tightening his arms around her waist. “I woke up when you brought up that time I kissed Mandy’s knee when she was a kid. I forgot about that.”

  “You doted on her even then,” Grady pointed out.

  “She was so cute,” James said, losing himself in the memory. “Her hair was pulled back, but she and Ally played so hard some of it came loose. Her face was red because she was embarrassed, and I remember thinking that her laugh was amazing when I kissed her knee.”

  “You were a charmer even at fourteen,” Grady teased.

  “I can’t believe you remember that,” Mandy said.

  “I remember it all, baby,” James replied. “I wasn’t in love with you then because it would have been creepy and wrong, but I’ve loved you in some fashion since the day I met you.”

  “I think you’re just saying that to get lucky,” Mandy said, pinching his muscled rear end as he shifted to get more comfortable next to her.

  “I’m already lucky,” James murmured, burying his face in the hollow between Mandy’s neck and shoulder. “I know that for certain every time I touch you.”

  “Oh, man, if this is about to get dirty you need to tell me now,” Grady said. “I can’t watch this. I’ll be scarred for life.”

  James scowled and reluctantly pulled his head back. “Do you have to be such a pain?”

  “Hey, I’ve been watching your house all afternoon,” Grady shot back. “I’ve been trying to do the right thing by you.”

  “Don’t even think of fighting,” Mandy ordered. “I know you two like to play games, but now isn’t the time.”

  “I’m sorry,” James grumbled.

  “I’m sorry, too,” Grady said. “I’m traumatized by the thought of seeing you two naked and rolling around together.”

  “That did it,” James said, moving to get off the couch.

  “Start running now, Grady,” Mandy ordered. “If he catches you there’s a legitimate chance he’s going to kill you.” She externally sighed, but inside her heart was glowing. If James felt good enough to chase his brother, that meant the initial crisis had passed.

  Now they just had to fixate on the next one: Where was Ryan hiding and what were his plans now?

  SVEN hopped out of the nondescript sedan parked across the street from Mandy and James’ house and cut off the man trying to open the front door before he even registered the burly security guard’s presence.

  “What the … ?”

  “What is your business here?” Sven asked, his eyes dark as they looked the stranger up and down.

  “I’m here to talk to the owner of the house!”

  “They are not receiving visitors today,” Sven said, grabbing the man’s arm firmly in case he tried to make a break for it. He knew this wasn’t the man who broke in, attacked James, and chased Mandy the day before, but he was in no mood for games. “If you wish to do business with Hardy Brothers Security, you may do so at the office. This is private property.”

  The man yanked his arm away from Sven, angrily looking the beefy security specialist up and down. “Do you know who I am?”

  “Do you know who I am?” Sven challenged.

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m a man who doesn’t want to be trifled with today,” Sven said. “Those people inside have been through enough today. Hell, they’ve been through enough for two lifetimes. They’re sleeping. Leave them alone.”

  “I don’t have to listen to you,” the stranger said. “I am Art Carmichael. I have a sterling reputation and deserve respect. I have no idea who you are, but you appear to be a garden-variety thug.”

  “Looks can be deceiving,” Sven said, studying Art with renewed interest. “You’re the father of the man who attacked the Hardys yesterday.”

  “How do you know that?” Art asked, miffed.

  “What’s going on?” A blond woman exited the town car. Sven noticed her when he moved to intercept Art. She wasn’t a threat, so he opted to ignore her.

  “That is my wife, Ava,” Art said, lifting his index finger so he could wave it in Sven’s face. “Don’t even think of touching her.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Sven replied dryly. “I have an aversion to fake substances. I’m not sure any of her is real.”

  “Hey,” Ava snarled, her hands landing on her hips. “Don’t you dare insult me you … gutter guy.”

  “She’s obviously a whiz with language, too,” Sven said. “I understand you’re a client of Hardy Brothers Security. I’ve been led to believe you had nothing to do with the attack on the Hardys, although my employer is still reassuring himself that is true.”

  “Who is your employer?” Ava asked, curious.

  “That doesn’t really matter,” Sven said. “I am here to make sure no one gets in that house. The Hardys both need rest. You don’t look like you’re going to let them rest.”

  “I want to talk to James,” Art seethed. “I don’t believe for a second that my son would ever hurt anyone.”

  “Your son has a record,” Sven replied, nonplussed. “He’s also known to frequent prostitutes and bath houses. He’s a lowlife.”

  “I … how … who are you?” Art was beside himself.

  Thankfully for him, Grady picked that moment to walk out the front door, pulling up short as the scene unfolded.

  “What’s going on?”

  “This man was trying to gain entrance to the house,” Sven said. “Per Peter’s orders, no one was to approach the house.”

  “I’m not just anyone,” Art snapped.

  Grady glanced at him. “I’m not sure now is a good time, Art,” he said. “James is still recovering from being tasered and Mandy was out in the cold for a long time. They’re … recuperating.”

  “I need to speak to James,” Art insisted. “I cannot believe my son would do what he’s being accused of.”

  Grady pursed his lips, shifting his gaze to Sven as he bought time to consider his response.

  “I don’t like him,” Sven said. “I don’t think you should let him in.”

  “No one asked you,” Art said. “Who is this thug?”

  “He’s a family friend,” Grady said, smirking at Art’s discomfort. The more time he s
pent with the man the more he disliked him.

  “It is freezing out here,” Ava said. “Are you going to let us into this … house … or let us freeze to death?”

  The way she said “house” made Grady think she was rolling some nasty thoughts around in her head.

  “I’m going to take you in, but you have to agree to some rules,” Grady said.

  “Rules?” Art arched an eyebrow, disbelief practically rolling off of him. “Are you actually going to set rules for … me?”

  “Mandy and James are tired and recovering,” Grady said. “They’ve had a rough twenty-four hours. If you want to talk to James, I guess I can allow that. James is going to want to start searching for your son first thing in the morning. You two probably have a lot to talk about.”

  “Ryan wouldn’t do this!”

  Grady ignored him and turned his attention to Ava. “You’re not to say one nasty thing,” he said. “You’re not to be obnoxious … or make faces … or be the generally miserable person we all know you are.”

  “That is insulting,” Ava hissed.

  “That doesn’t mean it’s not the truth,” Grady replied, tugging on his limited patience to remain calm. “My brother and his wife have been through a lot. You are going to respect them in their home or you’re not going inside. Are we clear?”

  “I … .” Ava didn’t get a chance to say something nasty because Art silenced her with a hand on her arm.

  “We understand,” Art said. “We promise to be on our best behavior … although I’ve never been treated this way in my entire life.”

  “You’ll live,” Grady said, pushing the door open. “Welcome to my brother’s home … and don’t think for a second I won’t kick you out if either of you break the rules. I’ve just about had it with the whole lot of you.”


  “You’re too weak to be doing this,” Mandy said, giggling as James slipped his hand beneath her shirt. “You’re supposed to be resting.”

  “I am resting,” James said, kissing her breast through the thin fabric that separated them. She was still wearing her T-shirt – sans bra – but he could feel her getting turned on by the game thanks to the rigid set of her nipples. “This is the most relaxed I’ve felt in twenty-four hours.”


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