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Thirsty (Satan's Fools MC Book 2)

Page 10

by Needa Warrant

  Whistler saw True come in and Raven behind him. He pushed LaDonna aside. “What’s up big bro?” He slurred.

  True was bigger than Whistler and his answer was a punch to his head. His brother staggered for a moment and toppled to the floor. Raven was rolling him over and securing his arms. “True, I’m going to pull my truck over to the side door. He’s a heavy fucker. I’ll tie his feet together too, just in case he wakes up on the ride to his house. I don’t need any busted windows. Hogtying him seems like a good idea, in fact.”

  LaDonna was screaming and True turned to her and told her to shut the fuck up. He couldn’t help but notice how much makeup she had on and how badly her boob job was. “Who the hell are you and how did you get into the clubhouse?”

  “I came for a job tending bar, I’ve been around bikers all my adult life and your brother seems to like me.” LaDonna retorted.

  True didn’t like LaDonna at all. He had not put up an ad for a bartender either. “Yeah well, get lost. I don’t need any help and unless you’re invited by a member or we know you, stay the fuck away from this place. You come back it better be with a member, understand me?”

  LaDonna opened her wide mouth to reply but Gonna stepped in and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the club and toward the parking lot. She was arguing with him all the way to her car.

  It took the four bikers to get Whistler into Raven’s backseat. True wasn’t sure how they’d get him into the cell, but that was where he was going. Raven probably had a plan, he’d been using the cell for a long time. He got into the passenger side of the truck and leaned out the window. “I meant what I said, if this place doesn’t look great tonight, I’ll be pulling patches.”

  Raven finished tying Whistler’s legs together with the zip ties and got into the driver’s seat. He didn’t say anything until they passed through the gates. “Was the chick with the lopsided boobs a Filthy Fiend bitch you think? I never saw anything like that before and I hope I never do. Ugly as hell! She had to be going on fifty trying to look thirty-five. I don’t trust that one, call it gut instinct but that bitch is trouble.”

  True groaned, “I don’t want her to be near here, she seemed clean but I never put out any word I was hiring. She could be or maybe she’s trying to make money to get those boobs fixed. Enough about her, I wanna know how we’re getting him into the basement. Fucker weighs a ton.”

  Raven laughed, “At the end of the garage is a hatch, its wide enough for him and I’ll find something for him to land on. It’s near the cell door. Christ True, I used to do this shit alone. You afraid you’ll strain yourself?”

  True was pissed off his nice day had been ruined. “You still got a garage door opener for his place?”

  Raven nodded affirmatory. They didn’t talk much until they had pulled the truck into the garage. Whistler was groaning and True was ready to knock him out again.

  “I’ll go down and find something for him to fall on. I’ll bring the soda and I’ll put the mat on the bunk. You giving him his cell phone? If we aren’t around and I’m not hanging out here, he needs a way to connect to us.”

  True saw the sense in that and nodded. He was so angry at Whistler; he didn’t feel like talking. He sat there as Raven opened the hatch and went into the house. Raven was full of surprises and he was being nicer to Whistler than his brother had been to him when Morgana had locked Raven in the cell. He was back in a few minutes and together they pulled and pushed Whistler toward the hole in the garage floor. It took some time to get him to the hole and Whistler had to be given another punch. Raven went down to make sure he landed as True pushed him down through the hatch. True went through the house and met Raven in the basement. Together they got Whistler in the cell and on to the bunk. Raven brought a pail for Whistler to puke in and put the soda on the floor next to the bunk. They left half the lights on and locked the cell door.

  “You ever miss not having that cell?” True wondered aloud.

  “Who says I don’t have something like it out on the farm? Do I enjoy what I do? Hell yeah! I owed Whistler for not warning me what Morgana had planned for me, but I gotta say it made me a different man. As for what I do, you ever have a better SAA, True?” Raven asked.

  “Nah, and yeah I know you could go national but Morgana would have a fit. Might find yourself in a hole she dug if you were to take up that offer, bro.” True couldn’t help but grin.

  “I told ya, this pregnancy, I want to be right beside her so you better get some new SAA’s, True.”

  They pulled up to the farm, shocked to see Lana had Caesar petting his horses. True’s cell went off and it was another unwelcome call. The farmer was dropping off his five bulls and would be at the lower pasture in a half an hour. True cursed as he hung up the cell. “Motherfucker, my bulls are arriving and I gotta get my guys down to the lower pasture. Think you can talk to Ram while I get them settled?”

  “No problem, Ram and I get along. I don’t know why you want to have bulls. I know you say they’re gonna make you money but don’t ever ask me to help you with them. I draw the line at that.” Raven parked the truck and watched True get into the farm truck with a few of his hired hands. They were their prospects, and they got into the bed of the truck along with some bales of hay. True and his farm kinda cracked him up. He was so serious about it that Raven never teased him, as so many of the brothers did. He did take a moment to watch Lana with Caesar though. She looked happier than she’d been in a long time. He wondered exactly what Caesar was doing with her and hoped he was serious about her. They made a good-looking couple and Raven hoped Caesar wasn’t looking for a quick fuck.


  Lana was running out of animals to show Caesar, so far he’d seemed interested in the farm and horses.

  “You staying in that huge motor coach?” She finally asked him.

  “I wasn’t sure what Ram had planned for me until he picked me up. I haven’t really looked around it, do you want to go inside?” Caesar asked.

  “Caesar, I can’t. I’m sure there are rules against me socializing with you and I can’t afford to lose my job.” She wasn’t going to be tempted by this man no matter how interesting he was.

  “Doctor North, I mean Lana. It seems so odd to call you by your first name. It’s a beautiful name too. I maxed out so I could see you. We’re on your brother’s farm. Who is going to know if you come in and see the place?” Caesar was serious and Lana smiled.

  “I’m really not comfortable going inside just yet. Maybe another time. I come here to ride Peaches sometimes. I love to ride horses, have you ever ridden?” She was changing the subject smoothly.

  Caesar looked horrified. “Hell no. I’m happy on my steel horses. Is that a huge pig over there?” He pointed to Piggy who was rooting in her pen.

  “That’s Piggy, I’m not sure if True will keep her as a pet, I hope so. Pigs are extremely smart you know. I’ll make a deal with you. The day you ride one of the older horses, I will step inside your motor coach.” Lana was no fool.

  “How about we talk over dinner about this deal? I’m dying for a steak and lobster tail.” He looked at her hopefully. “I’d love dinner with a beautiful woman after all those years in that shithole. Say yes Lana, please?”

  She laughed and gave in. “Are you asking me out on a date? Or is everyone coming too?”

  “Rush and Attitude will be coming to watch out for the Filthy Fiends, but it would be just us. Do you know of a good place for steak and tails?”

  “As a matter of fact I do but I need to go home and get changed. By the way, my full name is Alanna -Lee and True loves to use it. Do you want me to come back here and pick you up after I shower and change?” She looked at him coyly.

  “That would be fine unless you want to go on one of my bikes. My corvette should be here soon.” Caesar impulsively leaned in and brushed her lips with his own warm lips and they both felt a tingle.

  Lana pulled away quickly, “I should be back in less than two hours. That’s my mustang so y
ou will know when I’m back. Now I have to say my good-byes, why don’t you go check out your new home?” She didn’t wait for him to answer but left him beside the motor coach and walked away toward the picnic tables.

  Caesar watched as she kissed each of the women and their children good-bye. She didn’t even notice him as she pulled away in her Mustang. He didn’t feel like talking to anyone and went inside to check out his motor coach. He had known it wasn’t going to be easy to get Lana to see him but he thought dinner was a great start. He’d even ride a damn horse if he had too.


  Lana drove home with her heart racing. She’d let Caesar get under her skin too fast. Dating him wasn’t a good idea at all. However, she was lonely and he treated her as if she was special. She didn’t care so much about her job suddenly, not like she had before. She could open a practice and still help people. All kinds of people, and not hear the grim stories she heard day after day from the inmates. She would like to work with children and maybe abused women. Everyone thought she had squandered her inheritance, but she only let them think as they pleased. She had invested it and now it had a nice sum that she could use to do a lot of good things with, like maybe starting her own practice.

  She pulled up her driveway and sat in her car for a few minutes thinking. She knew Caesar in some ways so it would be interesting to see him in a social setting. He was the type of man she preferred. Classy, but a bad boy, older and hot as hell looking. As she exited her car she wondered if True and Whistler would give her a hard time about him. Or would Caesar be the one man to stand up to her older brothers? She smiled at the thought of Caesar standing up to True and began to giggle out loud. The laughter bubbled out of her and she was sure her neighbors would think she was crazy if she didn’t get into her house fast. She needed to pick out a sexy shirt and a tight pair of jeans. She planned to rock the national chapter Satan’s Fools MC vice president’s world tonight. And she was not going to be fucking Caesar Russo anytime soon.


  Caesar looked at the motor coach and shook his head. Ram loved to buy outrageous toys, but he supposed this would come in handy on trips to Sturgis or wherever they wanted to go. The way it expanded made it very large and roomy inside and the furniture was covered in a deep, dark burgundy leather. All the comforts of home were at his fingertips. He moved down to the bedroom and saw a large bed, it had to be a king size. Everything in this room was done in shades of earth tone colors. It was very calming and he liked it a lot. He looked in the closet and saw there were clothes for him and his colors.

  On the dresser was a large brown sealed envelope, he walked over and picked it up. There was a note with Ram’s scrawled printing on it. Bro, there’s some talk about Lana so I had some research done on her. I didn’t read it but maybe you should. Your choice, R.

  Caesar tossed it down and wondered why the hell Ram would bother checking up on Lana. He’d heard stories about her too, but he didn’t give a shit. The doctor he’d seen had cared about him and the other inmates. He had a past and she had a past so she was no virgin. Was this some kind of warning about her from Ram, he wondered. If so, he didn’t like it. Ram and him always talked shit straight out. He’d kept things cool in jail and he’d saved Ram’s ass countless times. He sat on the edge of the bed and thought about his life. Was he out of the loop now? Maybe Ram had someone he considered a better vice president. He’d seen shit go down like this before. Big welcome home and then the get the fuck lost bullshit, we’ve moved on and we don’t need you. He shoved the envelope in the dresser drawer and walked out of the room. Sitting on the couch were Rush and Attitude. Both were drinking beer and speaking quietly. His shadow alerted them to his presence.

  Caesar went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and sat down watching them both. “So what fool decided to buy this thing?” He motioned to the motor coach with one hand.

  Attitude and Rush both laughed and Caesar joined in.

  “It was a good deal, guy owed us a lot of money and couldn’t pay, but he had ordered this and paid with our cash. So we had him sign it over. When Ram heard you wanna hook up with the lovely Lana, he figured it was a good thing we had got it.” Rush explained.

  “So is everything going as it should be or am I gonna have to fight to get my seat back?” Caesar watched his SAA’s carefully. He’d known them for many a year and he knew every tell each man had.

  “You gotta be kidding us... You think we’d have let anyone close to your seat, Caesar? We ran everything like you did and it’s all good.” Attitude looked a bit hurt.

  Caesar stood up, “I don’t know about the drinking and partying I used to do. I wanna get a woman and have a few kids. Have some of the normal shit in life. Rush, you manage to have both, you get where I’m going with this?”

  “Yeah Caesar, I get it and it can be done, but I took up with a club chick. I’ve seen it work and seen it go real bad, at least Lana knows the life.” Rush chugged down the beer. “Does this mean we can’t drink?”

  “No, I just want to stay away from shit for a while. It’s different in prison. You don’t feel the same when you get out. I’ve had some fuckers telling me what the fuck to do twenty-four seven for over five years. It ain’t gonna always be easy to be around me probably. At least that’s what I was told in jail. So, bear with my moods as I get used to living free again.”

  Attitude stood up and grabbed Caesar in a hug. “We figured that and we’ll try to make things go as easy as possible for you. Bro, you need to shower and get into your clothes. You don’t look like you. I got a present for you.” He reached around behind his back and handed Caesar a Ruger LCRx .38 Special handgun. “I figured you’d feel naked without a gun. Rush and me got other toys in our trailer but decided this one would fit all of your needs.”

  Caesar looked at the gun in his hand and felt a lot happier. “Thanks, it sure is good to be outta that hell hole and holding this lil beauty. I’m taking Lana to dinner so you two better get ready to eat steak and tails. One thing bothers me though. Why would Ram have a background search done on her? Either of you hear any shit on her?”

  Rush shook his head, “I only know she was an in for us in jail and she’s True’s sister.”

  Attitude sat back down. “She’s no angel, but she’s had it kinda hard just being True’s and Whistler’s sister. I know she was involved with a few of our bro’s. Rigger, who is down in Southern State, he went in and was supposed to do a few years. Killed some Fiends and is doing life. I forget the biker that got killed in an accident. If she makes you happy Caesar what the hell does her past matter?”

  “It doesn’t, I’m not happy he did any research on her. I figure she’ll tell me what I need to know about herself if she feels I should know. As far as I’m concerned her past is none of my business, our future is what matters.’ He shook his head, “If there is even one. That shower got hot water and towels?”

  Rush replied, “Sure does. Its fully stocked with everything you love to eat, and your clothes. Hell, Ram even made sure you got a variety of condoms. Welcome back VP. We missed you.”

  Caesar turned around, “Missed you two assholes too. Now go look at least decent enough so I can get a good meal and have a good time. Dinner’s on me but don’t try to pick up any chicks. I’d like to impress Lana.”

  As he got into the shower he could still hear his friends laughing. Damn the hot water felt good and real soap was mighty fine on his skin. The shampoo actually lathered and he let the hot water pound down on him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  True watched the five bulls roam in the pasture. He knew one was the older dominant one and would make sure there were few problems. He’d always wanted to have a real farm and when Lana had been hanging around those cowboys he’d gotten the idea to get some bulls and cows.

  People wanted everything organic now and he saw a way to make money and be happy. He came from farmers and he was proud of that fact. He motioned to the twin prospects Cain and Abel. “I want
you two down here watching the bulls. I’ll send over a few guys to spell you in a few hours. Don’t bother the bulls either. Rover will bring you sandwiches and a few beers.”

  Cain scuffed the ground. “True, we need to get our bikes. Give us a ride back, you know whoever spells us will make us walk all the way back to your place. We’ll both be wanting to go home as soon as we get replaced.”

  True was about to get nasty, but he could see the twin brothers were tired. “Hop in the back of the truck, may as well see how the bulls react to motorcycles. Just try not to frighten them.” He drove them back to his house.

  The twins grabbed a few bottles of beer and got on their bikes and headed back to the bulls.

  Ram was talking to Raven and Morgana at a picnic table. He stood up as True walked over.

  “Shit True, I’d never would have taken you for a farmer, but I guess we’ll be getting deals on meat?” He joked.

  True was tired too. “When I build up a herd yeah. You staying here or locally? I have room, just need to tell the ol’ lady.”

  Ram chuckled, “I have a room and a very pretty honey waiting for me. Been a long day for us. We’ll meet up at the clubhouse tomorrow afternoon? Maybe around two?”

  “Sounds good to me. Been some Fiends around here so make sure you’re covered well Ram. They’d love to get your ass.” True hoped Ram would heed his warning.

  Ram motioned to the bikers that had come with him, “Been dealing with them Filthy Fiends a fucking long time. I’m sure they know Caesar is out and I’m around. You make sure your sister keeps her mouth shut about this club.”

  True’s famous temper rose to the surface. “Both of my sisters have been our ‘in’ for years into that prison. Why the hell would you doubt Lana?” Raven put his hand on True’s arm to calm him down.

  Ram looked at him, “Just making sure she knows how serious it is to be on her guard. Sorry if I offended you, Morgana. Didn’t mean nothing by it.” He walked away to leave and True was glad to see the last of him and his boys.


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