Simon Bolivar
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14. Barreiro to Sámano, 13, 23 March 1819, Alberto Lee López, ed., Los Ejércitos del Rey, 2 vols (Bogotá, 1989), II, 7–8,29–32; Santander to Bolívar, 29 April, 5 May 1819, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, I, 83–9.
15. Angostura Address, 15 February 1819, Obras completas, III, 695–6.
16. Earle, Spain and the Independence of Colombia, 133, and the same author’s ‘Popular Participation in the Wars of Independence in New Granada’, Anthony McFarlane and Eduardo Posada–Carbó, eds, Independence and Revolution in Spanish America: Perspectives and Problems (ILAS, London, 1999), 87–101.
17. Bolívar to Páez, Angostura, 19 August 1818, O’Leary, Memorias, XVI, 86; to Granadinos, 15 August 1818, ibid., XVI, 84.
18. o’Leary, Narración, I, 543.
19. o’Leary, ‘Detached Recollections’, 40, who does not give a date for this incident in the llanos.
20. Bolívar to Santander, Cañafistola, 20 May 1819, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, I, 92; Morillo to Secretary of War, Calabozo, 12 May 1819, Rodríguez Villa, Pablo Morillo, II, 401, IV, 25–32.
21. o’Leary, ‘Detached Recollections’, 20–1, 54–5; Narración, I, 546–51.
22. Bolívar to Páez, Arauca, 4 and 5 June 1819, o’Leary, Memorias, XVI, 391–6; Páez to Bolívar, 24 May, 15, 28 June, 21 July 1819, ibid., II, 28–35.
23. o’Leary, Narración, I, 555.
24. Bolívar to Vice–President Paya, 30 June 1819, o’Leary, Memorias, XVI, 406.
25. Vowell, Campaigns and Cruises in Venezuela and New Grenada, I, 163.
26. Bolívar to Zea, Bolívar to Páez, 30 June 1819, to the inhabitants of New Granada, Paya, 30 June 1819, o’Leary, Memorias, XVI, 404–7.
27. Francisco de Paula Santander, Escritos autobiográficos 1820–1840, ed. Guillermo Hernández de Alba (Bogotá, 1988), 7.
28. o’Leary, Narración, I, 572.
29. Lambert, Voluntarios británicos e irlandeses en la gesta bolivariana, I, 32.
30. o’Leary, Narración, I, 576–9; Soublette, Boletín del Ejército Libertador, 8 August 1819, o’Leary, Memorias, XVI, 429–30.
31. Earle, Spain and the Independence of Colombia, 136–7.
32. Boletín del Ejército Libertador, 11 August 1819, o’Leary, Memorias, XVI, 431.
33. Rodríguez Villa, Pablo Morillo, IV, 70–1.
34. Bolívar to Santander, 8 November 1819, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, I, 204.
35. Bolívar, Proclamation, Santa Fe, 26 August 1819, o’Leary, Memorias, XVI, 576.
36. o’Leary, Narración, II, 8.
37. o’Leary, ‘Detached Recollections’, 12.
38. Santander to Bolívar, 17 October 1819, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, I, 156.
39. o’Leary, Narración, I,584–8; Santander to Bolívar, 17 October 1819, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, I, 154–8.
40. Bolívar to Santander, Pamplona, 26 October 1819, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, I, 176–8; Zea to Bolívar, St Thomas, 30 March 1820, o’Leary, Memorias, IX, 255.
41. Santander, Escritos autobiográficos, 15.
42. o’Leary, Narración, I, 552–5.
43. Bolívar to Santander, 30 May, 22 July 1820, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, II, 167–9, 244.
44. Correo del Orinoco, 11 December 1819.
45. Bolívar to congress, Angostura, 14 December 1819, o’Leary, Memorias, XVI, 565, XXVIII, 18.
46. Santander to Bolívar, 15 February 1820, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, II, 10–15.
47. o’Leary, Narración, II, 32–6.
48. Bolívar to Santander, 1 June 1820, Carrera Damas, Simón Bolívar Fundamental, I, 170.
49. Bolívar to Santander, 19 June, 1 August 1820, Santander to Bolívar, 13 August 1820, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, II, 188, 259, 270–1.
50. See Chapter 7.
51. o’Leary,‘Detached Recollections’, 12.
52. Morillo to minister of war, 30 September 1819, Rodríguez Villa, Pablo Morillo, IV, 70.
53. Bolívar to Gabriel de Torres, Turbaco, 29 August 1820, o’Leary, Narración, II, 44; Bolívar to Soublette, Rosario, 19 June 1820, o’Leary, Memorias, XXIX, 162.
54. Lecuna, Crónica razonada, II, 463–6; o’Leary, Narración, II, 58.
55. Bolívar to Morillo, 30 November 1820, o’Leary, Memorias, XXIX, 177; Peru de Lacroix, Diario de Bucaramanga, 121–2.
56. Relación de la entrevista de Santa Ana, Rodríguez Villa, Pablo Morillo, IV, 320–3.
57. o’Leary, Narración, I, 4.
58. Bolívar to Santander, 29 November 1820, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, III, 71–4.
59. Resumen sucinto de la vida del General Sucre, 1825, Archivo de Sucre (Caracas, 1973), I, xli.
60. Sucre to Bolívar, 17 October 1817, ibid,. I, 12.
61. o’Leary, Narración, II, 68.
62. Briceño Méndez to Sucre, Bogotá, 21 January 1821, Bolívar, Instrucciones, 21 January 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XVIII, 30–5.
63. o’Leary, Narración, II, 68–9.
64. Bolívar to La Torre, 19 February 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XVIII, 77–80.
65. Proclamation, 17 April 1821, Simón Bolívar, Proclamas y Discursos delLibertador, 256–7.
66. Bolívar to Santander, Valencia, 25 June 1821, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, III, 115–17.
67. Bolívar to Gual, Guanare, 24 May 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XXIX, 207.
68. o’Leary, Narración, II, 81–3; see also Briceño Méndez, Caracas, 30 June, 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XVIII, 350–5; Lecuna, Crónica Reservada, III, 39–56.
69. Carabobo 24 June 1821: Some Accounts Written in English, ed. Eric Lambert (Caracas, 1974), 25.
70. La Torre, Puerto Cabello, 6 July 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XVIII, 368.
71. Lambert, ‘Los legionarios británicos’, 369.
72. o’Leary, Narración, II, 94; elsewhere, o’Leary says that he does not know the exact number but that they were not less than a hundred, ‘Detached Recollections’, 51.
73. Bolívar to Santander, 10 July 1821, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, III, 119–20.
74. On land policy see Chapter 7.
75. Bolívar to vice–president, Valencia, 16 July 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XVIII, 390–1.
Chapter 7
1. Bolívar to Nariño, 21 April 1821, Carrera Damas, Simón Bolívar Fundamental, I, 187.
2. Bolívar to Santander, San Carlos, 13 June 1821, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, III, 113–14.
3. o’Leary, Narración, II, 99–104.
4. Bolívar to Azuola, 9 March 1821, to Peñalver, 21 April 1821, Carrera Damas, Simón Bolívar Fundamental, I, 184–5.
5. Bolívar to Gual, Maracaibo, 16 September 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XXIX, 219–20.
6. Bolívar to president of congress of Colombia, 1 October, Speech to congress, 3 October 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XVIII, 540–3.
7. Cochrane, Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colombia, II, 42; John Miller, ed., Memoirs of General Miller in the Service of the Republic of Peru, 2 vols (2nd edn, London, 1829), II, 285.
8. Some sources indicate a lower post–war figure. See John V Lombardi, People and Places in Colonial Venezuela, 132; Miguel Izard, Series estadísticas para la historia de Venezuela (Mérida, 1970), 9, and the same author’s El Miedo a la Revolución: La lucha por la libertad en Venezuela (1777–1830), 45–7.
9. o’Leary, ‘Detached Recollections’, 37–8.
10. Sutherland to Bidwell, Maracaibo, 28 July 1827, National Archives, PRO, FO 18/41.
11. Ker Porter, 15 January 1832, Sir Robert Ker Porter’s Caracas Diary, 1825–1842, ed. Walter Dupouy, (Caracas, 1966), 597.
12. Andrés Level de Goda, ‘Antapodosis’, BOLANH, 16 (1933), 631.
13. J. A. Polanco Páez to Páez, 8 January 1826, AGN, Intendencia de Venezuela, vol. cclxxxvi.
14. Páez, Autobiografía, I, 464.
15. Ker Porter, 21 March, 5 April 1827, 16 December 1830, Caracas Diary, 229, 233, 517.
16. Reglamento para Hacendados y criadores del Llano, 25 August 1828, Universidad Central de Ve
nezuela, Materiales para el estudio de la cuestión agraria en Venezuela (1800–1830), vol. I (Caracas, 1964), 511–16.
17. Decretos del Libertador, I, 55–6; John V. Lombardi, The Decline and Abolition of Negro Slavery in Venezuela, 1820–1854 (Westport, 1971), 41–6. On Bolívar’s earlier efforts on behalf of the slaves, see Chapter 5.
18. Bolívar to Santander, 10 May, 30 May 1820, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, II, 137, 167–8.
19. Correo del Orinoco, 5 February 1820.
20. Santander to Bolívar, 2 April 1820, Bolívar to Santander, 18 April 1820, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, II, 64, 85–6.
21. Harold H. Bierck, ‘The Struggle for Abolition in Gran Colombia’, HAHR, 33 (1953), 365–86; Lombardi, Decline and Abolition of Negro Slavery in Venezuela, 48–50.
22. o’Leary, Narración, II, 102–3.
23. Decretos del Libertador, II, 345–52; Sutherland to Bidwell, 18 December 1827, National Archives, PRO, FO 18/46.
24. Message to congress of Bolivia, 25 May 1826, Obras completas, III, 768–9.
25. Bolívar to Santander, Zumbique, 29 December 1821, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, III, 178.
26. Juan Paz del Castillo, Memoria sobre el estado político y militar del Ecuador, Quito, 6 September 1825, o’Leary, Memorias, XXIII, 309.
27. Decrees of 20 May 1820 and 12 February 1821, Decretos del Libertador, I,194–7,227–30.
28. Actas del Congreso de Cúcuta 1821, Biblioteca de la Presidencia de la República, 3 vols (Bogotá, 1989), III, 201–3.
29. Timothy E. Anna, The Fall of the Royal Government in Peru (Lincoln, Nebraska, 1979), 62–3.
30. Decrees of 8 April, 4 July 1825, Decretos del Libertador, I, 295–6, 410–11.
31. Decree of 4 July 1825, Decretos del Libertador, I, 407–8.
32. Decree of 15 October 1828, Decretos del Libertador, III, 171–8.
33. Bolívar to Santander, 28 June 1825, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, V, 1.
34. Decrees, 3 September, 10 October 1817, Escritos, XI, 75–7, 219–21; Materiales para el estudio de la cuestión agraria, I, 201–2, 204–5; Bolívar to Zaraza, 11 October 1817, Escritos, XI, 227.
35. Angostura Address, Obras completas, III, 694.
36. Bolívar to Land Commission, 3 December 1817, Materiales para el estudio de la cuestión agraria, I, 211; Parra–Pérez, Mariño y la independencia de Venezuela, III, 225.
37. Soublette to Minister of Finance, 5 October 1821, Materiales para el estudio de la cuestión agraria, I, 311.
38. Briceño Méndez to Gual, 17 July 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XVIII, 393–5. See also Francisco Miguel López, Contribución al estudio de la ley de haberes militares y sus repercusiones (Caracas, 1987), 16–36.
39. Bolívar to Santander, 30 May 1820, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, II, 168; Bolívar to Gual, 24 May 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XXIX, 207.
40. Briceño Méndez to Gual, 20 July 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XVIII, 399.
41. Decree, 18 January 1821, Decretos del Libertador, I, 222–3.
42. Páez to Santander, February–March 1825, Materiales para el estudio de la cuestión agraria, I, 421–2; David Bushnell, The Santander Regime in Gran Colombia (Newark, Delaware, 1954), 281; Izard, La lucha por la libertad en Venezuela, 158–63.
43. Antonio M. Briceño to Senate, Bogotá, 30 March 1825, in Bushnell, Santander Regime, 279.
44. Briceño Méndez to Gual, 17 July 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XVIII, 39.
45. El Venezolano, Caracas, 2 September 1822, Materiales para el estudio de la cuestión agraria, I, 327.
46. Peru de Lacroix, Diario de Bucaramanga, 112–13.
47. On the economic impact of the war, see Hermes Tovar Pinzón, ‘La lenta ruptura con el pasado colonial, 87–117; Anthony McFarlane, ‘Economía política y política económica en Colombia, 1819–1850’, Antonio Annino, ed., America Latina: Dallo Stato Coloniale allo Stato Nazione, 2 vols (Milan, 1987), I, 187–208; Earle, Spain and the Independence of Colombia, 92–104.
48. Miguel Izard, ‘Período de la Independencia y la Gran Colombia, 1810–1830’, Política y Economía en Venezuela 1810–1976 (Fundación John Boulton, Caracas, 1976), 1–31.
49. Tupper to Canning, La Guaira, 21 February 1824, British Consular Reports on the Trade and Politics of Latin America 1824–1826, ed. R.A. Humphreys (London, 1940), 275.
50. Hamilton, Travels through the Interior Provinces of Colombia, I, 244–5.
51. Ricketts to Canning, 27 December 1826, British Consular Reports, 101–206.
52. Ibid., 195.
53. Captain Basil Hall, Extracts from a Journal written on the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico in the years 1820, 1821, 1822, 2 vols (3rd edn, Edinburgh, 1824), I, 268.
54. Jamaica Letter, Escritos, VIII, 233–4.
55. Decree, Lima, 12 January 1824, Decretos del Libertador, I, 283; Watts to Canning, Cartagena, 9 May 1824, British Consular Reports, 258.
56. Cochrane, Journal of a Residence and Travel in Colombia, II, 44–5.
57. Hamilton, Travels through the Interior Provinces of Colombia, I, 74.
58. Hamilton to Planta, 7 March 1825, National Archives, PRO, FO 18/3.
59. Decree, Quito, 25 June 1822, Decretos del Libertador, I, 260–1; Wood to Canning, 28 February 1826, British Consular Reports, 226–7.
60. Tupper to Canning, La Guaira, 21 Feb. 1824, British Consular Reports, 275–7.
61. Decree, Coro, 20 December 1826, Decretos del Libertador, II, 68.
62. Decrees, Cuzco, 5 July 1825, Decretos del Libertador, I, 413–15.
63. Decree of 23 December 1828, Decretos del Libertador, III, 270.
64. Revenga to Director General de Rentas, José Rafael Revenga, La hacienda pública de Venezuela en 1828–1830 (Caracas, 1953), 218.
65. Anthony McFarlane, Colombia before Independence: Economy, Society, and Politics under Bourbon Rule (Cambridge, 1993), 347–52.
66. Frank Griffith Dawson, The First Latin American Debt Crisis: The City of London and the 1822–25 Loan Bubble (New Haven, 1990), 34–7, 56–9, 75–6, 249.
67. Tovar, ‘La lenta ruptura con el pasado colonial’, 116.
68. Hamilton, Travels through the Interior Provinces of Colombia, II, 4.
69. Ibid., I, 34, 259–60.
70. Luis Ospina Vásquez, Industria y protección en Colombia 1810–1930 (Medellín, 1955), 132–5.
71. Revenga, 5 May, 7 August 1829, Hacienda pública de Venezuela, 95–6, 203.
72. Bolívar to Santander, 28 June, 10 July 1825, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, V, 1–4, 8–9.
73. Bolívar to Sucre, 22 January 1826, Obras completas, II, 296–7.
74. Bolívar to Santander, Potosí, 21 October 1825, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, V, 86.
75. Bolívar to Páez, Bogotá, 16 August 1828, Obras completas, II, 945.
76. Charles Milner Ricketts to Canning, Lima, 27 December 1826, British Consular Reports, 145.
Chapter 8
1. Proclamation to the people of Colombia, 21 July 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, III, 457.
2. Bolívar to Santander, Tocuyo, 16 August 1821, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, III, 132.
3. O’Leary, Narración, II, 118.
4. See Chapter 6.
5. For an interesting though not entirely accurate account of royalist resistance in Pasto by the British consul in Guayaquil, see ‘History of events in Pasto’, Henry Wood to Canning, Popayán, 30 June 1825, National Archives, PRO, FO 18/21.
6. Earle, Spain and the Independence of Colombia, 47–54.
7. O’Leary, Narración, II, 122–3; Hamilton, Travels through the Interior Provinces of Colombia, II, 44–5.
8. Bolívar to Santander, Popayán, 29 January 1822, Santander to Bolívar, 30 January 1822, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, III, 194–8, 203–4.
9. Proclamation, 18 February 1822, o’Leary, Memorias, XIX, 187.
10. Salom, Boletín del Ejército Libertador, 8 April 1822, Bolívar to Col. Lara, Cariaco, 15 April 1822, o’Leary, Memorias, XIX, 236–40, 251.
11. B
olívar to bishop of Popayán, 10 June 1822, Carrera Damas, Simón Bolívar Fundamental, I, 214.
12. Sucre, Documentos relativos a la campaña del sur, Quito, 28 May 1822, o’Leary, Memorias, XIX, 290–2.
13. Bolívar to Santander, Pasto, 9 June 1822, Cartas Santander–Bolívar, III, 225–8.
14. Escritos, XXIII, 233–4. The first known copy of the document is dated 13 October 1822, and the first publication 1833; the original has not been found. See Pedro Grases, Estudios Bolivarianos (Obras, IV, Barcelona, 1981), 367–86,666. Polanco Alcántara, Simón Bolívar, 649–54, presents the event as a possibility. For a sceptical view of the document’s authenticity, see Gerhard Masur, Simón Bolívar (Albuquerque, 1948) 463, n. 45.
15. Bolívar to Olmedo, Cali, 2 January 1822, Obras completas, I, 612–13.
16. Decree, 13 July 1822, o’Leary, Memorias, XIX, 333–4, Narración, II, 148–51, ‘Detached Recollections’, 31–3.
17. See John Lynch, San Martín: Argentine Patriot, American Liberator (ILAS, London, 2001), 2–4.
18. Bolívar to San Martín, Trujillo, 23 August 1821, o’Leary, Memorias, XXIX, 214.
19. Bolívar to San Martín, Quito, 17 June 1822, o’Leary, Memorias, XIX, 307; Bolívar to San Martín, 22 June 1822, Cartas del Libertador, III, 50–2.
20. San Martín to Bolívar, Lima, 13 July 1822, o’Leary, Memorias, XIX, 335–6.
21. On the Guayaquil interview, one of the most controversial and least documented events of the War of Independence, see Vicente Lecuna, La entrevista de Guayaquil, 2 vols (4th edn, Caracas, 1962–3); and Gerhard Masur, ‘The Conference of Guayaquil’, HAHR, 31 (1951), 189–229, the most convincing interpretation.
22. J.G. Pérez to Gual, Guayaquil, 29 July 1822, Obras completas, I, 655–9.
23. San Martín to William Miller, Brussels, April 1827, Lecuna, La entrevista de Guayaquil, II, 467.
24. San Martín to Bolívar, 29 August 1822, a letter whose authenticity is disputed. See A. J. Pérez Amuchástegui, La ‘carta de Lafond’ y la perceptiva historiográfica (Córdoba, 1962), 141–50, and Ideología y acción de San Martín (Buenos Aires, 1966), 55–7.
25. San Martín to Guido, 18 December 1826, 21 June 1827, Museo Mitre, Documentos del Archivo de San Martín, 12 vols (Buenos Aires, 1910–11), VI, 504, 529.