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It Takes Special Forces [Love on the Rocks 9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Ford?” Cobra asked.

  “I would say a number of things. Maybe the coming up from behind, and scenarios of a weapon being used, grappling on the ground, learning to get out from a position of being raped,” he said, and his eyes widened. Ford sat forward.

  “You don’t think she was sexually assaulted, do you?” Max asked.

  “Fuck,” Turbo said and looked pissed.

  “She’s a tiny thing, so sweet and feminine. Hell, the average size man could do her harm, but men our sizes. Shit, we scared her,” Ford stated.

  “The only way to know is to ask her,” Cobra said to them.

  “She told me she was going to go for a run Sunday morning and then go to the beach. I tried offering for her to come to our beach and hang out, and joked about it including lunch, thinking we could spend some more time with her. She declined,” Turbo told them.

  “Of course she did. That’s too intimate of a setting and secluded, too. A public place would make her feel more at ease if she has been a victim of an assault of any kind,” Ford told them.

  “What do we do? I like her. I want to get to know her and thinking about all this shit makes me feel protective of her. If we could get Essie to let her guard down just a bit, then maybe we all could show her that we’ll protect Essie and care for her,” Max said to them.

  “We need to confirm something right now. Are we agreeing to pursue her as our woman? As a serious commitment, all of us?” Cobra asked and looked at each of them, and then at Slayer.

  “I’m in a hundred percent,” Ford said.

  “Me, too,” Turbo added.

  “Definitely,” Max said.

  “I’m in,” Cobra said, and they all looked at Slayer.

  “Slayer, if you want to be part of this like I believe you do, it means making those changes you’ve been avoiding us talking about,” Cobra said to him.

  “You’d all be good for her,” Slayer said.

  “You would be good for her, too. You already are from what we all witnessed back there in the parking lot. Slayer. You met her separately from us at Helen’s house and immediately were taken by her. This shit is special. Look at Magnum and his brothers with Precious. Hell, look at the James brothers and Rose,” Cobra said to him.

  “I’ve got my issues, though,” Slayer said.

  “Don’t we all,” Max told him and held his gaze.

  Cobra leaned closer.

  “You are a brother to us, not just a cousin. You’re blood, have been a part of this family right here for years. We do everything together. We’ve shared women together, and you damn well know why it felt right and good.” Slayer exhaled and turned away as if he didn’t want to face that weakness.

  “We all felt it, all needed that. To let down our guards so fully that we could let go and know our brothers had our backs. Why do you think ménage relationships are so rampant among soldiers and troops? It’s because we’re conditioned to be so fucking strong and have Teflon over our hearts that we have to constantly be on guard. But not in the bedroom when we make love to a woman and let it all out. We can let down those shields and just let go,” Cobra said to them and they all mumbled in agreement except Slayer.

  “We let go, and we fucked those women.”

  “At the time that was what we needed, Slayer,” Turbo told him.

  “What if I need to let go like that and I accidentally hurt Essie?” he confessed. Cobra swallowed hard.

  “That’s why we’ll be there initially. This isn’t a woman we just want to fuck. It’s a woman who has touched us already and we haven’t even felt her up,” Cobra stated and winked.

  “Speak for yourself. I copped a feel and, fuck, she is more than a handful up top,” Turbo said to them and they chuckled.

  “Hey, seriously, she’s perfect. Probably too fucking perfect for the likes of us, but who the hell can argue with chemistry, and the intense attraction we obviously feel for her.”

  “Does anyone think maybe she doesn’t have much experience with men, maybe not any, or what she does have was why she has panic attacks?” Max asked.

  “Shit,” Turbo said and then took a slug of beer.

  “She is gorgeous, and has that virginal look about her that’s more than just youthfulness,” Ford added.

  “A virgin?” Slayer whispered, and he looked fierce.

  “Holy fuck,” Turbo stated and released a sigh.

  “Let’s not make assumptions. Let’s do what we do best and make a plan of action,” Cobra said to them.

  “What do you have in mind?” Ford asked.

  “Shock and awe, brothers. Shock and awe,” he said seriously, and they all nodded in agreement and began to discuss their plan of attack.

  “We’re soldiers, and we want Essie to be our woman. She’s scared, hesitant, and we need to turn up the charm, let down our guard enough to let her know who each of us are,” Cobra told them.

  “Sounds like we have to act like a bunch of fucking pussies,” Turbo stated. They chuckled.

  “I’ll do it. She’s worth it. I never felt like this about any woman in my life, and I’m hoping she’s the one,” Max said.

  “Then start tossing out ideas because if she’s the one and she continues to be resistant, then we’re going to need backup,” Cobra stated, and they chuckled and then began to plan how they could win Essie’s trust and her heart. They never failed a mission and they sure as shit weren’t going to start failing now.

  Chapter Five

  “Stewart, I could get in trouble for this. Who is this woman and what do you want to find out?”

  “Walt, she’s the one. I’m telling you,” Stewart told his cousin over the cell phone.

  “If she’s the one then why do I need to look up her personal information for you? Just do what normal men do and ask her questions when you’re out on a date.”

  “I would do that, but she’s resistant.”


  “Not like totally uninterested, more like scared. It’s like she’s been hurt before and I get this feeling that it was a man.”

  “No fucking way.”

  “Yeah. I want to find out so I can get through to her, make her see I can protect her.”

  “I don’t know about this.”

  “Walt, didn’t I come through on the low interest rate for the mortgage for the new house? That wasn’t exactly a legit process.”

  “Shit. I knew you were going to eventually cash in on that favor. Okay. Give me her full name and what you know about her.”

  “Well, I had to look in the closed files. She’s the only one in the office that has a closed file, but I think the boss knows her aunt or something. Anyway, her name is Essie Salter. She’s twenty-four and lived in New York City. This was her address,” he said and rambled it off.

  “Okay. Give me some time to do this under the radar. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Thanks, Walt. I appreciate it.”

  He disconnected the call and leaned back on the couch. He thought about Essie. She was sweet, young, professional, and she sure didn’t need those five older soldiers ruining her reputation and her sweetness. Hell, they had to be pushing forty. Stewart was closer to her age, and he was just as big as those guys. He could probably take them if he needed to. He would wait to see what his cousin came back with, then he would make a plan to win over her heart.

  * * * *

  Helen smiled at Slayer. “So, you and your cousins really like her?” Helen asked. He nodded.

  “I saw it in your eyes immediately, and in hers. She’s so sweet and beautiful, but you should know, Slayer, I think she’s been hurt before,” Helen told him. They sat at her kitchen table talking as he found out where Essie went to lay out on the beach.

  “I think so, too. She had an anxiety attack last night at Carlyle’s,” he told her and explained about what happened and how good things had been going. Helen scrunched her eyes together with concern.

  “She added a deadbolt to the door on the apartment,” she t
old him and he squinted at her. He cared for Helen a lot and had no problem talking with her. He wished he could talk to his parents that way, but it wasn’t possible.

  “Well, what’s your plan with the guys?” she asked.

  “We’re trying to figure out how to each spend more time with her to ease her into a relationship. As she gets comfortable, we thought we would slowly add on. You know, two of us, three of us and then all of us. It’s going to be torturous, but hopefully, the best way to show her we care and are willing to take our time.”

  “I bet you won’t have to wait that long. She’s a smart woman, and the attraction was instant between the two of you. Heck, I thought you were going to kiss her that first night you met her.” She chuckled.

  “I bet your cousins had the same reaction.”

  “They did.” He played with the cup of coffee.

  “What else is bothering you, Slayer?”

  He looked at her.

  “Just thinking about Kyle and even Weiller. How if they were alive they’d be part of this, too.”

  She covered her heart.

  “Lucky little lady Essie would be. I would have set them up if he were still alive,” she said and smiled.

  “I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have said that.”

  “Are you kidding? Like I haven’t thought about the possibility the moment Essie showed up looking for an apartment? She’s so sweet, gorgeous, and very appealing. I’ve seen the way men look at her.” He narrowed his eyes at that.

  “Sorry. You should know that no men ever came to the apartment. I’ve heard her decline offers of a date from some guy at work, too.”

  “Stewart?” he asked. She squinted her eyes.

  “Actually, yes. How did you know?”

  “He was at Carlyle’s last night. Tried to act protective of her in case we were bothering her.”

  “Hmm, not competition, though.”

  “No,” he said confidently, but it added to his concerns for her wellbeing. Maybe they needed to add bumping into her at work to the list of missions to win her heart.

  “So, who is going to pop up on the beach to meet her?”

  “Max,” he said and smirked. She smiled.

  “Sporting all his muscles and tattoos, I’m sure. Good choice. And today, when she and I are jarring vegetables and cooking up tomatoes?” she asked.

  “That’s what I was going to talk to you about.”

  She smiled.

  “What do you need?”

  “Just for you to have your cell phone with you. That way I can text that I was looking to stop by and see you with Turbo.”

  “Then what?”

  “You ask her if it’s okay for us to stop by. Then we do, and we watch you ladies do your thing and just talk with her.”

  “How about help us? That would be better and more convincing, plus working side by side with a woman in the kitchen can be considered foreplay.”

  She winked.

  Slayer chuckled and felt his cheeks turn red. She laughed.

  “I’m not that old or clueless.”

  “Never said you were, ma’am,” he added.

  “Well then. It’s a plan, and I want to be posted on tomorrow’s results, too.”

  “Will do, Helen. Will do.”

  * * * *

  Essie was chopping up tomatoes and working on making the jars of sauces as Helen started chopping up the other vegetables, and even preparing to make jarred pickles, when Helen’s cell phone rang.

  Essie listened to the country music station Helen had on in the house and was enjoying the love song when she heard Helen say Slayer’s name and then Turbo’s.

  She looked at her, her hands covered in tomatoes, and listened.

  “Sure thing. I completely forgot about that. Come on over. We could use the help,” Helen said then disconnected the call.

  She was smiling and then wiped her hands and walked over to the cabinet to pull out more seasonings.

  “Everything okay?” Essie asked and washed her hands, finished up the last set of jars, and then was going to get started on slicing up cucumbers for pickling.

  “Oh, yes, just fine. Slayer and Turbo are coming over. They need to check my air condition unit in the bedroom. It was acting up and this upcoming week is supposed to be record heat.”

  “Seriously, it’s supposed to be that hot?”

  “Yes, and without proper air conditioning, it could really be brutal. How is your unit at the apartment?”

  “It’s not bad, but I do keep it at its highest level when I’m home. I don’t leave it on during the day.”

  “Oh, Essie, you should keep it on so the place doesn’t get too hot. Don’t you worry about the electrical bill. That unit doesn’t take up much,” she said, and Essie thought about how it rattled and didn’t really cool the place, but she didn’t want to bother Helen over it. Perhaps she should have the guys look at her unit, too. She felt a bit uneasy. She was trying to keep some space and be friends first. She pretty much realized she liked them and was attracted to all five men. “It’s acting up, isn’t it?” Helen asked as if reading her mind.

  “I’m sure it will be fine.”

  “I’ll have them both look at it after they help us here.”

  Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Helen called for them to come inside.

  They greeted them both, kissing Helen’s cheek and then coming over to Essie and giving her kisses to her cheeks, and caressing her hips as they greeted her.

  She didn’t know they were coming over. If she had, then maybe she would have worn something other than the short shorts and the off-the-shoulder T-shirt with AC/DC on the front.

  “It smells incredible in here,” Turbo stated and then looked over the jars they already made and then winked at Essie.

  She smiled softly and went back to cutting up the cucumbers for the pickle jars.

  “So, the air conditioner is acting up in the bedroom.”

  “We’ll look at it, Helen.”

  “Oh, and later maybe you can look over Essie’s at her place? It’s not a hundred percent, and with this heat wave coming I want to ensure she’s comfortable there in the apartment,” Helen said to them. Essie looked at Slayer, who held her gaze.

  “We’ll be happy to check it out,” Slayer said, and he and Turbo disappeared into the bedroom.

  She was quiet and couldn’t help but feel excited seeing them again. They were both so attractive, and she would be lying if she said she didn’t like seeing them.

  * * * *

  An hour later and after making several dozen jars of pickles, tomato sauce, and assorted vegetables, Turbo watched Essie take off the apron and then exhale.

  “That’s a lot of jarring,” she stated.

  Turbo placed his hand on her hip and pulled her back against his chest. She held on to his hands.

  “It sure was, and we missed the first two hours, but it was fun,” he whispered and kissed her bare shoulder. She looked casual, sexy, and smelled edible.

  She didn’t pull away. Then Helen spoke up.

  “Oh, don’t forget to check out Essie’s unit at her apartment.”

  “Well, let’s finish cleaning up here first,” Slayer said.

  “They don’t really have to look at it. I think it will be fine,” Essie stated.

  “No, I insist. I don’t want you to suffer if it breaks down. Slayer and Turbo know what they’re doing,” Helen said as Turbo released Essie and Helen winked at him

  “If it isn’t a problem and you have time,” Essie said to him.

  Turbo nodded.

  “We don’t have any other plans. It’s a relaxing day today,” Turbo told her. Turbo and Slayer carried two boxes of jarred food for Essie, and they said goodbye to Helen, then headed down the side street and along the path to the back apartment behind the gift shop.

  Turbo couldn’t help but to admire Essie’s body in the short shorts and the washed-out blue T-shirt. He had wondered if she were even wearing a bra and
then caught sight of the line of the back strap when she bent forward in Helen’s kitchen. The woman was voluptuous up top.

  As she unlocked the door to the apartment and went inside, Turbo felt the heat right away.

  “Do you have the AC on now?” Slayer asked.

  “No. I don’t like to waste the electricity for it. It only takes about fifteen minutes for it to kick in and spread out to here,” she told them, and then motioned for them to put the boxes on the counter.

  “I’ll take a look,” Turbo said, and Slayer helped her unpack the jars and put some in the refrigerator and some in the closet.

  Turbo went into her bedroom, her perfume filled his nostrils, and his eyes landed on her bed. It was a queen-size bed with a plain white bedspread and big, fluffy pillows decorating it. She didn’t have any pictures on the walls, but her room was organized, neat, and clean.

  He walked over to the air-conditioner unit in the wall and was looking for the power button but couldn’t find it.

  “Essie, where’s the power button on this unit?” he called out to her. She headed into the bedroom with Slayer close behind.

  “Oh, it’s hidden in the back on the left.”

  He reached back there. “I’m not finding it.”

  Her bed was a foot from the wall, and she had to squeeze by him, climb onto the bed, and then lift up and reach back over the unit to turn it on. It started up.

  She couldn’t pass him, and he did that intentionally as Slayer sat on the edge of her bed.

  “I don’t feel anything yet,” he said to them.

  “It will kick on,” she whispered and looked at them.

  “This is a nice set up in here. You a clean freak?” Turbo asked.

  “Me? No, I just don’t have a lot of things to clutter it up,” she said and then closed the slightly opened closet she stood by.

  Turbo sat on the edge of the bed and lifted his palm toward the unit, not feeling much of anything cool yet.

  “It takes time.”

  “It should pop right on,” he stated, and she walked closer.

  He took her hand and pulled her between his legs.


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