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It Takes Special Forces [Love on the Rocks 9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 18

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “They’re not going to get to you, Essie. You’re mine, and I’m here to protect you.”

  “They’re not the enemy,” she screamed at him.

  “They are the enemy. You don’t know. They’re always out there waiting to attack. Waiting to take us out. I know. I’ve seen past their disguises, Essie,” he told her and he was so serious, so intense in his statement she knew he wasn’t mentally stable, but actually thought they were at war.

  “I think you need help.”

  He glared at her and then adjusted his weapon and moved toward the window.

  “Anyone who comes close to this cabin will die.”

  * * * *

  “Thank God she left those heels or we would be searching up the wrong path,” Cobra said to Slayer. They were approaching the cabin when they saw the other troopers closing in and then suddenly shots were fired. They all ducked. The one trooper went down, and two others grabbed him and pulled him out of the line of fire.

  “What the fuck are they doing?” Steel asked and hurried forward.

  “She is probably so scared right now,” Max said to them.

  “We’re here, and we’ll put together a plan. She’s smart,” Cobra said.

  “Here. I gathered what we had access to,” Ford said, and he and Turbo handed out the weapons and then gear. The troopers gave them bulletproof vests, and as they got ready to make a move, Darius told them that federal agents and the detectives from New York were coming up the pathway.

  “Like I give a fuck? They already lost their chance to help Essie. She’s in this situation because of them,” Cobra stated.

  As they approached the introductions began.

  “We’re not allowing you to take lead on this. He’s Special Forces, and we know how to think like him and get in there,” Slayer said to the agent and the detectives.

  “Is that so? Because last I checked he wasn’t dealing with a full deck. He killed a detective he had gather information for him who was also an undercover agent,” the federal agent told him.

  “We don’t have time for this shit. The longer he has her inside of there the worse it will be,” Cobra told them.

  “It’s our investigation, our case. You’re soldiers, not agents. Our team goes in first,” the agent said, and they started arguing with them.

  “You’re going to get your men killed. He just took pot shots at the state police and one guy is down. Let these men handle it like a military operation. It’s their woman Blade has in there. Let them do this,” Darius said to them.

  “We get the arrest,” the agent said, sounding like he was worried about the exposure to the agency and not saving lives.

  “No promises. You might get a body, but you’re more than welcome to put handcuffs on it and pretend,” Slayer said and walked away. Cobra followed along with Max, Turbo, Ford, Darius, and Steel.

  * * * *

  “Don’t be scared, angel. I’ll protect you with my life,” he said to her, holding her in his arms on his lap. He sat on the chair and had put the back against the wall. His long gun leaned against the corner next to him, and a huge hunting knife lay on his thigh in a holder. She was shaking, trying to come up with a plan. Would she have enough time to run if she grabbed the knife, stabbed him, and ran for the door?

  He stroked her hair and kissed her neck. Her back was against his front. She was shivering with fear and disgust as he inhaled against her neck then stroked her breasts. He ran his palms down her thighs and up under her skirt. She had to trick him. Get him to think she liked him touching her and then she would take the knife and use it. No one was coming in. She shifted, and he gripped her breast hard.

  “Oh. Please don’t hurt me. I was just going to turn around and face you,” she said to him and lay still, waiting for his acceptance.

  He released her breast and guided her as she turned. He opened his thighs wider, so she was forced between them. She stood, and he eased up and cupped her ass cheeks while he held her gaze.

  “Hands on my shoulders,” he ordered. She slowly complied, and when she touched his shoulders and felt the steel, she shivered with fear. She thought about her men. They were out there and if when they tried to break in to rescue her Blade would kill them just like he shot and probably killed the other man who tried to get in. She closed her eyes and willed the dizziness and the pain away. She had to be strong. She couldn’t be weak and fragile.

  She ran her hands up over his shoulders as he caressed her ass and then up her hips. He squeezed her so tight she gasped.

  “We should have made love that night. It went all wrong,” he told her.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. She couldn’t help it. She was petrified. She’d really begun to shake, and he noticed it.

  “I scare you still?” he asked her. She nodded.

  “I’ll make it up to you,” he said and pulled her closer to kiss her and plunge his tongue in deeply. She let him access her mouth, and she slid her hand down his shoulders and to his arm then lower to his thigh. He gripped her tighter, and she felt his other hand press between her legs under her skirt and just as his fingers grazed her panties, she made her move.

  Essie gripped the knife, pulled up, and then slammed it into his side. She pulled it out as he roared in anger and shove her hard to her throat. She dropped the knife, grabbed her throat, and looked at him hunched over, reaching for the blade.

  Run, Essie, run.

  She damned herself for hesitating and hurried to the door, pulled it open, and heard him roar. She felt the slice to her side and then she tumbled down the steps, hitting her forehead. She heard yelling and guns firing loudly.

  Then hands were on her, slowly rolling her over. “Essie. Oh God, Essie.”


  “Fuck, she’s been stabbed, and she hit her fucking head so hard when she fell forward. Jesus,” Cobra yelled, and she blinked the tears from her eyes as a shirt was pressed to her head.

  “I’ve got one for her arm,” Max said.

  “Here, Slayer, use this on her side,” Turbo stated.

  An ambulance is coming up now,” Ford said. She looked at them.

  “I fought him. I was brave, not weak,” she whispered and coughed.

  Someone touched her throat.

  “She’s bruising up here,” Ford said.

  “Where’s the fucking ambulance?” someone yelled out.

  “You sure are brave. Fucking crazy. We were making our way inside,” Max said to her.

  “He said he would kill you all.” She whispered, voice cracking.

  She heard the sirens and then saw the anger and fear on her men’s faces as they were forced to step back as paramedics arrived.

  “Don’t leave me again,” she said to them.

  “Never again, Essie. We’re here, baby. Always,” Cobra said to her.

  She closed her eyes and willed her body to relax. Blade was dead. Her men were safe and alive. It was finally over.


  Essie fixed her hair in the mirror and let the red lace, silk nighty fall into place. The top fell just barely covering her nipples. She wore no panties and no overlay. She was bringing out the big guns because her men had yet to make love to her because of the concussion and her stitches. Those stitches on her arm and side were taken out a week ago, and she was feeling ready for action.

  She slowly opened the bathroom door to the bedroom and saw them gathered around reading, looking at the laptop, watching TV, and fully clothed.

  She cleared her throat but didn’t show her attire.

  They all looked up.

  “I need something. So very badly I ache,” she said and made a pouty face. They all stopped what they were doing. Slayer scrunched his face and immediately headed toward her.

  “No. Stay right there. I have to handle this myself because I can’t count on any of you.”

  “What, baby?” Cobra asked.

  “What do you mean you can’t count on us? If something hurts or you need something we’re here for y
ou,” Max said.

  “We’ve been telling you that for over a month,” Ford said.

  “What’s this all about? Tell us, and we’ll help,” Turbo stated firmly.

  She shook her head.

  “I found my own help because you guys are slacking,” she said and then hit the button and pushed open the door revealing a thick, long vibrator in pink, and her sexy negligee. The expressions on their faces were priceless. She had to be sure to thank Precious for picking this up for her the other day and dropping it off. What a great idea.

  “Essie,” Slayer stated through clenched teeth.

  “You won’t give me what I need, so I had to improvise.” She started to lift her teddy and bring the vibrating dildo underneath when Turbo stomped across the bedroom, lifted her up, and brought her to the bed.

  She gasped and then chuckled as he removed her nighty and they all started to undress.

  She locked gazes with Turbo who now held the vibrator in his hand. Someone pulled her arms above her head and a quick glance up and she saw it was Max.

  “That’s pretty impressive, Essie, but nothing like the real deal,” Cobra stated, standing there stroking his cock.

  “I forget,” she teased, and it was on. Turbo lowered down and licked her cunt, got it all wet and made her pussy cream and then he slowly began to push the vibrator into her channel.

  “Turbo,” she reprimanded.

  “I thought you were looking for additional cock to fill you up?” he asked and the others chuckled.

  “Just your cocks. The real deal,” she said, and he smiled, pulled out the vibrator and then aligned his cock with her cunt and filled her up. She moaned and exhaled.

  “Finally,” she said.

  “Oh, she is in for a hell of a night,” Cobra said.

  “I get to spank her ass first,” Slayer told them.

  “I get to fuck her ass first,” Max said.

  “I get her mouth,” Ford stated.

  “I am going to make her beg for mercy,” Turbo promised and began to thrust so fast and deep she couldn’t help but to moan and wonder if maybe the vibrator had pushed them too far.

  Then again, their expressions on their faces were priceless, and her behavior was their fault anyway. They built up her confidence. Showed her what true love really was like, and made her fall in love with them. She was a changed woman. A woman in love with five sexy Special Forces soldiers, and there was no challenge she wouldn’t accept.

  Turbo pulled out of her cunt and flipped her onto her belly, then lifted her up as Max slid underneath her. She gripped his shoulders and immediately sank her pussy over his cock. She closed her eyes and moaned.

  “We created a monster,” he said.

  Smack. Smack. Smack.

  “Oh,” she exclaimed. Turbo pressed lube to her ass after he spanked her.

  He whispered into her ear, “How long have you had the vibrator and have you used it before?” She gulped.

  “I was trying to get my message across,” she told him and then he pulled his fingers from her ass and replaced them with his cock. He pushed right in.

  “The teddy would have done it, but the vibrator lets me know that you’re up for anything.”

  She felt a bit of fear, and then Slayer was on one side and Cobra on the other side. “Get her arms,” Turbo told them and Ford pulled her arms gently behind her back as Slayer and Cobra leaned down and began to suckle and pull on her nipples at the same time.

  She cried out her release and moaned and bucked on top of Max.

  “It’s going to be one hell of a night indeed. Let’s do her Special Forces style,” Turbo said. She tightened up and then felt her body release more cream as all the men joined in together, loving her, possessing her, claiming her. Her breath caught in her throat, and she cried out another release and wondered how she would ever repay Precious back.

  God Bless Special Forces!




  People seem to be more interested in my name than where I get my ideas for my stories from. So I might as well share the story behind my name with all my readers.

  My momma was born and raised in New Orleans. At the age of twenty, she met and fell in love with an Irishman named Patrick Riley Dwyer. Needless to say, the family was a bit taken aback by this as they hoped she would marry a family friend. It was a modern day arranged marriage kind of thing and my momma downright refused.

  Being that my momma’s families were descendants of the original English speaking Southerners, they wanted the family blood line to stay pure. They were wealthy and my father’s family was poor.

  Despite attempts by my grandpapa to make Patrick leave and destroy the love between them, my parents married. They recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary.

  I am one of six children born to Patrick and Lynn Dwyer. I am a combination of both Irish and a true Southern belle. With a name like Dixie Lynn Dwyer it’s no wonder why people are curious about my name.

  Just as my parents had a love story of their own, I grew up intrigued by the lifestyles of others. My imagination as well as my need to stray from the straight and narrow made me into the woman I am today.

  Enjoy It Takes Special Forces and allow your imagination to soar freely.

  For all titles by Dixie Lynn Dwyer, please visit


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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