Behind Every Cloud
Page 27
On top of that, the dreadful nightmares had returned and, as a result, fearful of sleeping, she was constantly tired during the day. More and more she found herself thinking of the past, the past she’d worked so hard to blot out. She had also lost her best friend as she and Marcus could not meet without rowing over Carl. The only positive in her life was her work and she threw herself into it with fervour.
While Rachel was sunning herself on the Côte d’Azur, Ellie was talking about taking a holiday with her mother in Bordeaux. They would have preferred not to go in high season but, as Ellie was hoping to start in Sam’s wine shop in September, they felt they had no choice. Shedecided to talk to Sam about it.
“My mum and I were thinking about spending a few days in Bordeaux and I was wondering if I could finish up here a little early before I start in the wine shop.”
“Well, there’s a bit of a problem there,” he said slowly. “I’m restructuring the whole company and I’m not sure that the wine shop is quite right for you.”
Ellie’s heart almost stopped. She felt as if he’d punched her in the stomach. Was she going to be out of a job again, so soon after the last one? Her face fell and she looked at him dejectedly.
“Why not?” she asked, wondering how she could change his mind.
Sam grinned mischievously. Ellie was starting to feel angry with him. It was no laughing matter.
“Because I think you’re doing such a fantastic job here,” he said, “that you should stay on as my PA.”
Relief flooded through her. “Are you serious?” she squealed.
“Deadly,” he said, deadpan.
“Oh Sam, Sam, I love you!” she shrieked, jumping up and down before running to hug him.
“Put me down, woman!” he cried, laughing.
“Sorry,” she said, releasing him. “Oh my God, this is just the most fantastic news. Oh my God!” She twirled around the floor.
“I take it you’re pleased,” he remarked drily.
“Pleased? I’m ecstatic! This is just the best news ever. I love the job.”
He laughed at her enthusiasm. “Well, I really need you here and Sylvia has her hands full with the online business which is just about ready to roll. If you could postpone your trip to Bordeaux for a month or so, then I can see no problem with your taking some days off.”
“That suits us even better!” she cried. “We don’t really want to go in August anyway as it’s high season there.”
“I agree. It will be much nicer in September. I have to go myself then to meet with some producers. Maybe you could meet up with me there and I’ll introduce you to some of the producers you’ve been dealing with on the phone.”
“That would be brilliant! It’s always nice to have a face to put with the voice. Gosh, Mum will be delighted.”
Marie-Noelle was indeed delighted and set about checking flights for mid-September.
Ellie rang David with the good news that Sam was keeping her on as his PA.
“Well, thank goodness for that,” he said. “I didn’t like the idea of you being a shop girl at all.”
“Shop girl?”
“You know what I mean. A sales girl in an off-licence isn’t exactly the most prestigious of jobs. Most of the guys’ wives here are either lawyers or accountants too – professionals at least –”
Ellie stopped him dead. “I see nothing wrong with being a sales girl if it means I’m earning my own living.”
“Oh, Ellie, you know what I mean. I have a status to keep up here. Having a PA for a wife is much more impressive. Even you can see that!”
Ellie was seething. How dare he! He was becoming a pompous prick. This new job of his hadtruly gone to his head. She finished the call because she knew if she stayed on the line they would have another horrendous row. She sighed. That’s all they seemed to do nowadays. It seemed like David had turned into a different person since they’d become engaged. Maybe it was the stress of the wedding. She’d heard that it affected some people like that and that once they were married everything went back to normal. She certainly hoped that this would be the case.
Ronan was looking in the newspaper at ‘apartments to let’ when his phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, his stomach did a somersault. It was the phone call he’d been expecting since Louise had left. He’d known she’d be in touch sooner or later. His heart was in his mouth as he answered.
“Hello, Ronan, how are you?”
“Fine, and you?”
“I’m great, just great.”
“To what do I owe the honour?”
“Well, I have some juicy gossip for you.”
He took the phone away from his ear and looked at it. Was he hallucinating? She was calling to give him some gossip?
“Louise, my life is too busy to be listening to gossip,” he retorted angrily.
“Oh, you’ll have time for this,” she said gleefully. “Guess who’s having an affair?”
“Louise,” he said coldly, “I have no time for this or for playing games.”
“Not even when your very dear friends are involved?”
“What do you mean?”
“It concerns your friend, Mrs Perfect Politican’s Wife, Rachel Dunne. Her husband is cheating on her.”
Ronan was rocked back on his heels. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” she said, obviously enjoying herself, “that Mr Carl Dunne is screwing around.”
Ronan winced at her coarseness. “How do you know this?”
“I saw him with the lady in question.”
“Anyone we know?” he asked sarcastically.
“Well, yes, actually.” Louise couldn’t keep the delight out of her voice. “Your other friend, the pseudo-lesbian, Zita Williams.”
“That means nothing. They were probably discussing business or perhaps a TV show.”
“No, they were most definitely discussing sex.”
“I don’t believe you!”
“No? Well, I have the photos to prove it!” she crowed triumphantly.
Ronan was speechless. “I’d like to see that evidence with my own eyes before believing it,” he finally said.
“Certainly, I’ll text the photos to you. Maybe you’ll believe me then. Bye!”
Ronan was incensed after he put the phone down. It couldn’t be true, could it? He hoped not, for Rachel’s sake. Still, at the back of his mind was the niggling feeling that maybe it was. He remembered Rachel saying how alone she felt and that she hardly ever saw Carl. Could it be possible? But with Zita of all people! That was the hard thing to believe. With a shock he remembered how Carl couldn’t be at the supper and that Zita had cried off too. Oh, God. Ronan had a horrible sinking feeling in his stomach.
Ronan looked at the first two photos that Louise had sent him and felt a shiver run down his spine. It was most definitely Carl who was with a woman who was most definitely not Rachel. The woman had her back to the camera as Carl firstly stroked her cheek, and in the second photo she reached across and kissed him on the lips.
Then another photo came though. Now the woman’s face was clearly visible and with a shock Ronan saw that it was clearly Zita who was looking at Carl adoringly.
“Oh my God!” Ronan moaned aloud. Poor Rachel, he thought. That bastard has been cheating on her and with Zita of all people.
The final photo was a bit blurred but there was no mistaking that it was Carl and Zita. It had been taken outside the restaurant and they’d been caught in a passionate embrace.
He stared at the photos for a long time, wondering what to do. If Rachel ever saw these, it would kill her. God, what a dilemma! What should he do?
Rachel could see that Carl was making a huge effort. He brought her breakfast in bed, spent a lot of time with the kids during the day and bombarded her with gorgeous gifts: orchids, jewellery, a beautiful white Versace evening gown and, what really touched her, a pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes which fit her perfectl
y and were absolutely divine.
For her birthday, he hired a yacht and took her over to Monte Carlo for lunch at Alain Ducasse’s three-Michelin-star restaurant in the Hôtel de Paris. It was simply wonderful. Then on the trip home he presented her with a stunning diamond bracelet.
But at the end of the day it wasn’t about the presents. How he was behaving towards her was the most important thing and how he would continue to behave when they got back to Dublin. In the meantime she was enjoying the holiday and willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Zita was distraught. She had not had a single word from Carl and she didn’t know what to do. She’d even called his mobile and left messages on his voicemail, with no response. For a crazy moment she considered hopping on a plane to Nice and confronting him but realised that no good could come of that. She didn’t know which way to turn.
Carl, meanwhile, was terrified that Rachel would intercept Zita’s texts or calls. He blanched at the thought of that happening. How could he possibly explain it away? Rachel was no fool but he was slowly gaining ground with her. They were almost back to their old intimacy. He had to find a way to stop Zita. She was becoming a bit of a bunny-boiler. He’d thought that ignoring her was the best plan of action but now he saw that it was making her even more insistent.
At his wit’s end, he finally texted her: I’m sorry but I can’t go on with our relationship. Please stop texting and calling. Carl
Zita read his message with disbelief. Was he serious? Did he think she was like an old sock that could be discarded just like that? If so, he had another think coming. Nobody messed with Zita Williams like that and, if they did, they paid for it dearly, as someone else had found to his cost. She closed her eyes and gave a shiver as she thought of the gory scene she’d left behind all those years ago in Australia.
Two things happened that evening that almost sent Zita into orbit. The first was a newspaper photograph of Carl and Rachel at a party on a yacht in Cannes. They both looked tanned and glamorous. On either side of them werea famous actor and his equally famous wife, who were seemingly the hosts. The thing that riled her most was the way Carl was gazing adoringly at his wife who was laughing up at him. Zita banged her fist into her other open palm, seething with fury. ‘Still Madly In Love’ was the caption. Well, that was a lie for starters. She knew otherwise.
She was still furious with him when she received the call from Ronan.
Ronan had been at his wit’s end, wondering what to do with the information he’d received from Louise. His main prioritywas to protect Rachel. The best course of action would be to tackle Carl about it mantoman but that was obviously out of the question. The next best solution was to appeal to Zita. Surely she wouldn’t want word of their affair to reach the media? It could destroy not only Carl’s marriage but also his career.
He gathered his courage and rang her.
“Hi, Zita, it’s Ronan from the wine course here.”
“Ronan, hello. What can I do for you?”
“I know it’s none of my business, but certain information has come to my attention with regard to you and Rachel’s husband and I’m very concerned about what it might do to her, were she to find out.” He heard her gasp.
“What kind of information?”
“That you’re having an affair with Carl Dunne.”
There was silence on the line.
“Zita, are you still there?”
“I’m still here,” she replied, her voice cold and hostile. “You’re right, it is none of your business, and may I ask how you came by this information?”
“I was sent some photographs of the two of you together and it’s pretty obvious –”
She cut him off. “I’d like to see these photographs for myself before I comment – if you don’t mind.”
Ronan saw that he was wasting his time. He would get no satisfaction from this quarter. “I’ll text them to you.”
She hung up without saying goodbye. Ronan was troubled. He realised that Zita hadn’t denied the affair.
Zita sat transfixed, looking at the photographs Ronan had sent. There was no mistaking Carl – he was as recognisable as could be – and in the full-face photo, so was she. Nor was there any possibility that Carl could pretend it was a business dinner. He was stroking her and kissing her and there was one grainy photo of them just outside the restaurant, embracing passionately. Zita felt a pang remembering how good it had been. It couldn’t be over. They were soul-mates.They were meant to be together, forever. He said he wanted nothing more to do with her but she didn’t believe it.She had no doubt that it was that witch Rachel’s fault. She’d obviously spent the holiday wooing him back. Zita felt the hatred well up inside her against the other woman. She sat for a long time thinking of how she could get her revenge. Eventually it came to her and she grinned evilly as she planned how she would do it.
Ronan had just finished his shift and was poring over the ‘apartments to let’ section of the evening paper, circling suitable properties, when Sam came into the shop.
“What are you doing there, mate?” he asked.
“Looking for a place to rent. The problem is that by the time I get there they’re usually gone – the good ones, that is. They’re snapped up immediately.”
“Actually, I want to talk to you about that. Can you come for a pint now?”
They went into the pub on the corner where Sam ordered two pints of Guinness.
“I’ve decided to restructure the business,” Sam said. “Firstly, you should know that Fiona has told me she’s not coming back to work anytime soon.”
“I figured she wouldn’t want to leave Oisín till he’s much older.”
“No, and she’s damn right. Kids grow up so quickly. Besides, I think it would break Doris’s heart if she were to take him back to Dublin.”
“You can say that again. Doris intimated as much to me.”
“Yes, well, here’s what I’ve been thinking . . .” Sam stroked his chin as he chose his words. “I’ve decided to open a new shop in Naas and I was wondering if you would be interested in going down there as manager. What do you think?” He looked at Ronan eagerly, waiting for his reaction.
Ronan was speechless for a moment. “Me? Manager?”
“Yes, how about it?”
“Gosh, thanks, Sam! I’d be delighted to do it – if you think I’m up to it, that is.”
“I wouldn’t ask you if I didn’t think you could do it. I run a business, not a charity. You’ve learnt all aspects of the business amazingly quickly. Dermot was even saying the other day how you’ve streamlined the stock control. I think you’re more than capable. Would you like to think about it?”
“I don’t need to. I’ll take it. It will be great to get away from Raheny. It holds too many memories.” His eyes were shining at the prospect.
“The property I have my eye on has an apartment overhead, so hold your horses till the deal is finalised. You may be able to live there.”
Ronan grinned at him. “That would be fantastic. I quite like the idea of getting out of the city and it will be much easier to visit Fiona and Oisín from Naas than brave the awful traffic going out of Dublin to Blessington.”
Sam knew that Fiona and herbaby had become very important in Ronan’s life. “You can say that again. You don’t miss working as a draughtsman, do you?”
“Not in the least. I find the wine business fascinating and anyway the prospect of getting a job as a draughtsman any time soon is zilch.”
“Okay so. Let’s shake on it.”
“Thank you, Sam. I’m beginning to think you’re my guardian angel. How can I ever thank you?”
Sam roared with laughter. “Well, you can start by ordering me another pint!”
Ronan ordered another two pints and thought about his good luck. Everything seemed to be falling into place for him all of a sudden. The only fly in the ointment was what he’d learnt about Carl and Zita’s affair. He considered confiding in Sam about
it but decided not to. The fewer people that knew about it, the better. If the tabloids got hold of it they’d have a field-day. No – better to say nothing and confront Carl when he got back from France.
Ellie and David had just had another huge row on the phone. After he’d hung up, she sat thinking about their relationship and how it had changed lately. Her parents were out and she was sitting in front of the TV alone, looking at it but not really seeing it. She felt miserable. This was not how things were meant to be. She and David seemed to be drawing further away from each other instead of closer together.
It was three weeks since they’d made love because David had claimed to be too tired the last couple of times they’d spent the night together. If this was how it was now, what would it be like when they were married for a couple of years? Suddenly, she became very afraid. Were they making a huge mistake? Was David having second thoughts? He seemed to be constantly in bad form whenever they were together.He was not the same man he’d been whenshe had agreed to marry him. She blamed his job at Buckley Steadman for this. He had started to change from the time he went to work for them. He idolised Frank Buckley and seemed to be modelling himself on him. Lord forbid that he would turn out like him! For the first time Ellie wondered if they were really suited to each other at all.
Everything was pretty much set for the wedding now and Ellie had been looking forward to relaxing and enjoying the weekends with David, now that she wasn’t rushing around organising everything.
“Why don’t we go away for the weekend?” she’d suggested when he rang her the previous week.
“Sorry, Ellie, I can’t. I have to work this weekend.”
“Well, maybe we could just go down to Wicklow on Saturday night and stay over.”
“Ellie, you’re not listening. I have to work. I’ve been given an important new client and this is my chance to prove myself.”