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Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel

Page 10

by Bellus, HJ

  “You don’t know that he knows any of this. It’s all speculation, Marvel,” Challis adds.

  Marvel blows up out of his seat and possibly for the first time in his life, I hear him yell. “I’m not the fucking baby here. I’ve been talking to one of Saint’s hired men, and I know for a fucking fact he’s had spies over here and knows exactly what’s going on.”


  It’s the voice that always stops us and has since we were young.

  All three of us face Granddad. He rises from his chair with a pissed off look on his face.

  “Saint and your father have caused enough damage. Are you willing to let them do more? Run your life and the future of this ranch. Enough.”

  Granddad pauses for a moment and I know the same thought races through all of our heads…his heart.

  “Marvel, you will let those colts go and everything else as well. I can read you like a book, son. You want a fair price for them. Asking for fair and good money from Saint is like trying to eat a Popsicle in the depths of hell before it melts. Let it go.”

  I place my hand on Marvel’s shoulder, urging him to take his seat. He resists my gesture. The fire in his eyes is unmistakable. He finally nods to Granddad after several moments before he settles in his seat. Merek glances over in my direction and I nod back. It’s a silent message to watch out for Marvel. It seems he has the taste of blood and isn’t willing to give in.

  Silently, I process Marvel’s words and try to jam the puzzle pieces together. It all slowly begins to fit into place. It’s always been clear Saint hates anything Slatter for the simple fact of our old man knocking up his wife, but the sabotage has always been a mystery piece until now. It’s Saint’s final dagger to punish our dad and also to distract us from the fact that we are sitting on a gold mine with these colts.


  Granddad’s stern voice jars me from my thoughts and I know he’s reading my mind.

  “Get Ella and let’s eat.”

  I nod to him as I make my way over to her on the couch. From the conversation we just had to seeing the picture-perfect scene before me is refreshing. I don’t want to interrupt her or Jake. Instead, I’d rather curl up next to them and get lost in her sweet scent.

  “Pinks.” I kneel down, placing both of my hands on her thighs. “It’s time to eat.”

  It takes her a second to look up at me as she finishes reading a sentence.


  Her eyes twinkle with amusement and her flushed cheeks brighten up her face, and each of these features make me fall even harder.

  “Time to eat.”

  “You okay, Maverik?”

  “I’m hurting and I need you.”

  I repeat the same words to her that she told me earlier. Ella has to know how badly I want her and that I’ll do anything to keep her in my life.

  “I will love you forever and do anything to keep you. Don’t say a word, because I know you’ll say you’re leaving, but I need you, Ella.”

  “I need you too.” Ella’s hand lands lightly on my cheek. “But our time has expired, Maverik.”

  “True love never dies, second chances are real, and you will be mine again, Ella James.” I run my hand up the side of her ribs where my name is inked and smile up at her. “Bet that pisses your boyfriend off every time he sees it.”

  “What?” The shock on her face is almost cute, and I can’t help but laugh at her thinking I’m dumb.

  “I’m not an idiot. I get it. There’s another man at home, and I’m glad he has to look at my name every time he fucks you.”

  “Maverik.” She tries to swat my shoulder, but I catch her wrist before she can and pull her into a standing position, pressing her back into my chest.

  “You feel that,” I whisper into her ear and then press my hardened need into her ass.

  “Stop,” she hisses as I guide her to the dinner table.

  Using my hands, I grip her hips and pull her back into me until it’s nearly too painful. “That’s all yours.”

  She breaks from my grip, and if I thought her cheeks were flushed before, they’re crimson red now.

  “Over here, Ella, in your chair.” Granddad pulls out the one to his left that is typically empty. It was my grandma’s, then Ella’s throughout our high school years. I watch her settle easily in next to him and don’t miss her sideways glances over to me.

  I have her shook up and right where I want her. I remember Granddad’s advice to give her the chance to explain herself. I thought she was going to out in the pasture. It took everything inside of me to keep my mouth shut and just listen while giving her time. One thing is clear. Ella is in a very dark storm and I just hope she lets me in to help her out.

  “So, this wedding dinner shit is going down not tomorrow but the day after. We’re going to need help. Between Granddad and his connections, he has everything set up.” Merek shovels in a spoonful of dinner and continues to talk around it. “It will be out by the pond with food, music, and booze. Everyone is welcome.”

  Granddad sits like a proud king at the end of his table, smiling from ear to ear with pride radiating from him. I’d almost bet he staged that damn heart attack just to make this happen.

  “I’m kind of getting excited.” Challis leans over and kisses Merek.

  “After all that bitching, woman?”

  Challis then leans over and smacks him in the back of the head.

  “Now, I just need great-grandbabies.”

  We all freeze at the words, and Challis even drops her steak knife on the table.

  “What? I’m not getting any younger and need a baby to spoil.”

  “You’re quite the old demanding ass,” Merek blurts out and then abruptly changes the subject. “Rodeo tomorrow night in Fernly. You coming, Maverik?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Merek shovels his food in so fast I’m shocked he doesn’t choke, and it seems the baby issue may be a sensitive subject in his household.

  “You want to go too, Ella? Since my asshole husband is so rude and didn’t ask.”

  I watch as she shrugs her shoulders and nods her head. “Yeah, since Maverik is my babysitter for the next few days.”

  It rings in my head that just a few days is all I have with her. Tomorrow rodeo, the next day burying her mother, and then her estate sale is the following two days. My knuckles tense and I bite my lower lip until the taste of blood fills my senses and it will come down to just that…blood. I will stop at nothing for Ella.

  “I’ll help with the dishes.” I watch Ella bounce up to give Challis a hand.

  Granddad leans in on his elbows. “How’s it going, son?”

  Marvel and Merek both turn to look at me as if it’s understood what the question is about.

  I shrug. “It’s going. I’m done fighting and being angry. I’m just trying to keep her.”

  “Good boy.” Granddad nods with an approving smile. “It will all work out.”

  I don’t share how against the idea of staying in town Ella is or mention the fact she more than likely has a boyfriend back at home.

  “You bone her yet?” Merek smiles as he takes a long drink from his beer.

  “Asshole,” I mutter.

  “Is it as sweet as your first time when you lasted all of ten seconds?” Merek never knows when to stop. Granddad and Marvel erupt in laughter.

  “What’s going on?” Challis asks, drying her hands off on a dish towel.

  “Your asshole husband happened.”

  Pushing in my chair, I go to Ella and wrap her up in my side with Jake next to me.

  “Imagine that.” Challis rolls her eyes.

  “Well, you kids get out of here. This old man needs his beauty rest.”

  We all take our turns saying goodnight and giving Granddad a hug. We may be rough and tough cowboys, but family always comes first, and I’ll never be too proud to love on the old man.

  We trail out of the front door. I snag my hat on the way out and stare
up at the night sky with stars splattered about and the big ol’ moon hanging high up. Going back to the bunkhouse and fooling around with Ella sounds perfect, but there’ll be moments of silence and chances of break downs from both of us, either about the past or future. I come up with a better idea and hope to hell my brothers back me.

  “Let’s go across the tracks into Sutter County to their boot scootin’ bar.”

  “Uh?” Challis asks.

  “Why not the bar here?” Marvel asks.

  “Oh, dancing,” Ella squeals. “Let’s do it!”

  Her excitement is contagious and I watch as she begs with Marvel and Merek. After a few promises, threats, and several dares, they finally give in.

  “Let me go change, Maverik, you know I’d never be caught dead in this out in public.”

  “I know, Pinks.”

  She wraps her arms around my neck and lays a long, lingering kiss on me.

  “Thank you. This is just what I need.”

  “I know,” I whisper back on her lips. “Let’s go have some fun.”

  I slap her on the ass, causing her to squeal as she runs for my house. Challis takes off as well to change. She’s not the mini-skirt high fashion like Ella, but she damn well dresses to the western part, always in designer jeans and tight tops. I swear the tight tops are just to drive Merek mad.

  “You draw a good horse tomorrow night?” I ask Merek.

  “Yeah, a rank son of a bitch. They won Houston on him last weekend. I’m hoping the more rodeos I go to and drag Challis to she’ll ask for another horse.”

  “Don’t hold your breath,” Marvel says. “That girl won’t run barrels again.”

  “I won’t give up on her.” Merek’s voice is defensive.

  “Hey.” I swat Marvel on the shoulder. “Come with us tomorrow night. You’ve been too busy working and need to hang.”

  He only shrugs at the invitation.

  “You’ll fucking go, even if I have to tie your ass in the bed of my truck,” Merek says.

  “Fine. Let me go check the barn one more time before we leave.” Marvel walks away with a defeated stature from slumped shoulders and a hanging head.

  “He stays in one of our sights at all times.” I turn to Merek.

  “Agreed, he’s not himself.”

  “No, Saint has gotten to him.”

  Merek stares me down. “He doesn’t leave our sight. He scared me tonight. That’s not Marvel.”

  “It’s exhaustion speaking. The boy is so damn passionate about this ranch.”

  The sound of clicking grabs my attention, and I look over to see a long-legged beauty walking down the sidewalk. Hot pink high heels and a leather black mini-skirt paired with a tight white tank nearly causes me to blow in my jeans.

  “Holy fuck, Ella, get your ass back in that house before I tear your clothes off and have my way with you.”

  She giggles at my response but keeps strutting in my direction.

  “The girl still has it,” I hear Merek say in the background. I can’t focus in on anything but her.

  She stops inches from me. “You like it?”

  “Fucking love it,” I growl back at her. “But one question.”


  “How in the hell am I supposed to contain myself, Ella?”

  “Not my problem.” She giggles again and bites down on her lower lip.

  “I’d suggest you stop giggling and biting that lip.”

  “Or?” She teases, sinking her teeth deeper into her lower lip.

  I swoop in on her and throw her perfect little ass over my shoulder and head for the truck.

  “Maverik, stop.” Ella tries to talk through her giggles.

  I glide my free hand up the back of her leg and underneath her skirt, sinking my fingertips into the flesh of her ass and growl again. I’ll never make it through the night without taking her. Truck, alley, empty bathroom, any of the above stat when we hit the bar.



  Maverik’s hand doesn’t leave my exposed thigh the whole drive. Clearly it doesn’t bother him that both his brothers and sister-in-law are in the truck with us. A couple of times he roams dangerously close to my panties and the sensation is so sweet I don’t have the will to stop him.

  Marvel seems a million miles away staring out the passenger window, so I even let my hand linger in Maverik’s lap. Merek and Challis are busy arguing again in the back seat about their reception. I nearly feel sorry for Maverik and his raging boner, it has to hurt. I swear walking away from him this time will kill me.

  The deep voice of George Strait fills the cab, muffling our groping and little whimpers.

  “You know it’s not healthy to torment a man like you are.”

  I look up to Maverik, who has a shit eating grin on his face.

  “Oh really,” I reply.

  “I might go blind from this fucking hard on.”

  My hands cover my belly as I nearly pee my pants from laughter.

  “It’s not funny, Pinks.”

  “Oh, it’s funny. I’m not sure if the look on your face or what you said is funnier.” I lay my head down on his shoulder and enjoy this moment of happiness. I feel Maverik grab my hand and place it right back on the center of his boner.

  “Hold on, darling.”

  Laughter attacks my senses again and this time I can’t control it.

  “What’s so damn funny up there?” Merek asks from the backseat.

  “Maverik is being naughty.”

  The bright neon lights of the honky tonk come into view and excitement courses through me. This is one of my absolute favorite places of all time. We used to sneak in here with our fake IDs before we were twenty-one. The music is loud, drinks are cold, and the atmosphere electric. This honky tonk could be the poster child for Texas with every inch of it drenched in cowhides, horns, leather, and one hundred percent country.

  As we step inside, nothing has changed. The same welcoming smell and Texas plastered all over. It’s crowded tonight with people everywhere. The majority of the bodies are dancing, while some are bellied up to the bar and the rest occupying booths.

  “Dance with me.” I clutch onto Maverik’s wrist before he responds and tug him to the dance floor. But let’s be honest; Maverik’s a giant of a man, so he’s moving willingly.

  Redneck Girl by the Bellamy Brothers begins to thump through the speakers. Maverik laces his fingers with mine and sends me straight out from him.

  “Think you can keep up after all these years, Pinks?”

  I answer with a nod and a sexy smile. Maverik takes that as his cue and pulls me into him. Our chests collide hard and then it’s on. He whirls me around in a circle and then swings me to the side. He leads the dance like he always used to, and I follow his tugs and pulls, picking up on his pattern quickly.

  Side to side and then underneath his arms, my head spins with excitement as he doesn’t slow down, and he keeps my body hustling right along with his. The tip of my high heel only bumps into his boot a couple of times. Mentally I pat myself on the back when my feet keep up and don’t hitch once. Every step, twirl, and swing comes natural to me with my body gracing past Maverik’s but never long enough to linger.

  The song ends with a loud cheer following it. When I look up, I see the crowd of people who were on the dance floor circled around us.

  “Holy shit.” I pause to catch my breath. “Were they all watching us?”

  “Looks like it, Pinks.” Maverik tips my chin to look up at him. “We’re perfect for each other.”

  His lips crash into mine, causing the crowd to cheer even louder and me to melt into him further. A slow song begins to play and without missing a beat, Maverik lifts my arms up to his shoulders as he pulls me in and begins leading the way. We sway together seamlessly. He undresses me using his eyes with his powerful stare. Maverik’s taut muscles brush into me, causing me to shudder and forcing my eyes to shut. The music carries us both across the dance floor without a second thought. />
  My fingers rub long lines up and down the back of his neck. Maverik’s my champion, victor, and warrior all in one perfect package that I’ll never be able to have. How evil is the world when something this radiant is offered but also off limits?

  Lost in my thoughts with the only sensation of Maverik gliding his hand up and down my back, I let go and peek into my gift and let myself feel what it would be like. An imaginary diamond on my ring finger, Slatter as a last name, and Maverik always at my side.

  Standing on my tiptoes, I whisper into his ear, “I love you, Maverik. I’ve never loved anyone else.”

  I place my finger over his lips knowing he’ll be ready to fight for me, and that may be the part I’m the most in love with. I fuse my lips to his and give him every single thing I have to offer. It may not be much, but he has to know he’ll always own my heart until the day I die.

  Moments pass, the song switches to a fast upbeat one, and we stay glued to each other in the middle of the dance floor with bodies bumping into us.

  “I need you now,” Maverik mumbles into my lips.

  “You have me, Maverik, always.”

  He hoists me up around his waist. I do my best to lock my legs around his back, and he’s off the dance floor in an instant. I feel us running into several other people, but Maverik never slows down as he blows past the crowd. When we enter a dark, small room, I frantically begin tugging at his shirt and ripping off any piece of clothing I can find.

  “Slow down, Pinks.”

  Maverik sits me down on the top of a table and steps back from me. After steadying myself long enough, I realize there’s just enough light in the small room to make out his features. I watch as Maverik takes off his black cowboy hat and sets it on top of a box and then takes his shirt off the rest of the way. I mimic his actions by sliding my tank off and then slide off the table and push down my skirt.

  Sinking to my knees, I help him unbutton his pants and pull them down. Over When It’s Over by Eric Church floods the room and sets the mood. I sink my mouth down onto Maverik and begin moving up and down, swirling my tongue over the head of his cock. I only repeat this action a time or two before he pulls me to my feet and lifts me up again. My back is pressed against the wall. Maverik presses his chest into mine and grunts as he enters me hard and rough.


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