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Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel

Page 16

by Bellus, HJ

  Two more doctor appointments before I’m out of the woods with this pregnancy. I cover my belly with both palms and feel the worry build up instantly. Did Maverik stop to think about me or the health of the baby? Giving birth to Mav at such a young age tore me up. I was told for years that he was a miracle baby and never to expect another. Doctor after doctor told me I’d never have another child. It’s not like I was out looking to be knocked up again—no, it was the months of pain and agony after delivering Mav.

  I swear to God that I’d love to beat Maverik over the head with a broom. The situation fucking sucks and yet just because I didn’t hop in that truck with him and leave, he’s threatening my ass with a lawyer. I guess he missed the damn ‘For Sale’ sign in my front yard and the half-empty boxes all around the house.

  I have plans of going back home, but on my damn terms, not his. I pick myself up from the living room floor and go to clean up the kitchen. As I stand, a sharp pain shoots through my abdomen, feeling like it’s just tore me wide open. I reach for a wall to steady myself as three or four more rip right through me with no warning.

  A warm liquid pools between my legs and when I finally look down, I see blood everywhere. Crawling to my phone, I call Maverik. He doesn’t answer and sends me to voicemail after two rings. I keep calling him back as the pain worsens and the pool of blood leaks onto the kitchen floor.


  “Come back.” The pain cuts off my words, making it hard to explain.

  “Ella, I don’t think there’s anything else I can say.”

  I scream into the phone as another wave of pain attacks me. “I’m bleeding. I need help.”

  I drop the phone, clutching my belly, rolling around on the floor in pain. I lose track of time as I go in and out of consciousness.

  “Ella.” Maverik’s deep voice rings through the house.

  “In here.” I try to yell as loud as I can.

  When he rounds the corner, the scene isn’t pretty. That much I can tell from his face.

  “Did you call 911?”


  “Jesus, Ella.”

  He pulls his phone from his pocket and dials the number. As he waits for an answer, he falls to his knees next to me. I grab onto him, trying to grip onto hope.

  “They’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  “The house is for sale. I’ve been packing for three months to come home to you, Maverik. I’m fucking trying.”

  Sobs wrack my whole body. The pain has disappeared as I lay on the kitchen floor in a pool of my own blood.

  “God dammit, I’m trying as hard as I can. Doing what I think is right. I fucking love you, Maverik.” I pound on his chest, not worrying how hard I hit him. “Don’t you ever fucking threaten me with a lawyer or talk to me that way again, you selfish asshole.”

  The sirens of an ambulance near us. Maverik has me cradled in his arms, rocking me back and forth. I feel his kisses on the top of my head as I yell and scream at him.

  “I’m sorry, Ella. I’m sorry.”

  I place my palm on his cheek. “We have to stop fighting, Maverik. I’m coming home to you, just let me do it on my own.”

  Paramedics rush in and take me from Maverik’s hold. They ask me several questions as they load me into the back of the ambulance and then one paramedic searches for a heartbeat. After several minutes of dead silence, I simply want to check out of life right now.



  The last few weeks have been nothing but absolute torture. I’d relived the ten years without Ella in my life and no promise of her returning instead of the hell I’m stuck in now.

  “Maverik.” Merek’s booming voice startles me, pulling me back to the job at hand. When I look up, a two-ton bull is storming down the alley right toward me. I hop up on the fence just in time to avoid a major wreck. His broad shoulders slam into the back of my legs, racking both of my knees into the panel.

  “Get the fuck out here.” Merek throws his hands up in frustration.

  We’re sorting cattle in the corrals and this hasn’t been my first fuck up today. In fact, there’s been several over the last few weeks as my mind only whirls around Ella.

  “You’re going to get killed or get someone seriously hurt.”

  “I’m fine, Merek. Let’s just get this done.”

  He hops two fences before he’s right up in my face. “I refuse to stand here and watch my older brother get killed because his head isn’t screwed on right.”

  “You can’t take this away from me, Merek. What am I supposed to do? Go sit in the house and rot away?” I take my hat off and scrub the top of my head.

  “On her time, Maverik, on her time. Have faith.”

  “I’m fucking over having faith and about to go fucking mad.”

  “No shit.” Merek throws his hands up and I steady myself, waiting for the asshole to knock some sense into me. I’ve been miserable to my family.

  “Get the fuck out here now, Maverik.” He steps up to my chest. “We don’t need any damn accidents on the ranch and you clearly can’t focus right now.”

  “Listen to him, Maverik.” Challis steps up behind Merek.

  “Fuck,” I hiss out and punch the green panel. Of course Challis would get involved. It’s how the whole last month has been. I get into it with one brother, then Challis or the other brother joins. I fly off the handle, punches get thrown, and then Granddad gets involved. I’ve been getting better about just walking away.

  “By all means you’re the fucking hero, Merek.” I turn my back on him and walk away. I know he’s only looking after me, but it’s getting fucking old. And I’m even getting more frustrated with myself that I can’t control my own emotions erupting from me.

  When I slam the gate to the corrals, I notice Granddad on his bottom step making his way out to us. I wave him off and head for my house. The hinges on every single door have been shattered multiple times over the last few weeks. I turn on a straight hot shower.

  I don’t even recognize the man staring back in the mirror. Overgrown stubble, hollow cheeks, and sad eyes. Not one feature recognizable on me. Time is the culprit to all of it. The fucking time Ella needed. I see a monster looking back at me in the mirror and send my fist flying toward his cheek. The mirror shatters all over the place.

  The hot water does nothing for my foul mood and I know whiskey is the last thing that will help. But I pour myself a whiskey on the rocks and walk over to Granddad’s porch with my bottle.

  “Drink, old man?” I hold the bottle of whiskey up.

  “No, I’ll stick to this.” He flashes me his soda can. “Having a rough day again, Maverik?”

  “Typical.” I shrug and down the whiskey in one gulp.

  “Your knuckles.”

  “Yeah, didn’t like the man staring back at me in the mirror, so I took care of it.”

  Granddad shakes his head. “Get your shit together, son.”

  “I try every morning when I wake up, but then I’m consumed by her and it spirals from there.”

  “You should be damn proud of Ella.”

  “I am.”

  “Then have patience, asshole.”

  I pour another drink. Granddad snatches the bottle before I can even get the cap on it. “This poison won’t solve any of your problems.”

  I shrug and sip on this drink knowing as a grown ass adult, my granddad just cut me off.

  “Have you seen Marvel?” he asks me.

  “Yeah, last night he was going out with Weston. Why?”

  “He never came home.”

  “Must have found a ripe bunch of pussy.”

  “Must have.” Granddad rocks in his chair with worry covering his face.

  “He’s fine, old man. I’m sure hungover as hell somewhere with some good stories to tell.”

  “He’s not like you and Merek. He’s a homebody.”

  “I know. Probably just working out some frustration he has going on.” I finish off my last drink and stand. />
  “Look there, old man, dust rolling down the lane. He knew you were worried about him.”

  I stumble a bit on the uneven porch as I open the door and make my way to the bathroom. Thank God for Granddad. He’s been my saving grace and the only person who can calm me down by just talking to him. My knee is stiff as hell and when I pull down my pants, it’s also black and blue from the bull. I shake my head, knowing Merek was right once again.

  The one thing I’ve perfected is apologizing for being a dick. I check my phone to see if Ella has texted and I’ve received nothing from her. She’s been really good about sending a daily text or calling with the boundary line drawn of no talk of moving here.

  Mav wasn’t impressed when I missed his rodeo, but it wasn’t my choice. Ella asked me to give her some distance and time. And that’s just what I’ve done. I hear Jake barking on the porch and find it odd.

  When I push open Granddad’s screen door, I feel my knees buckle and my head spins in confusion.

  “Didn’t think you’d want to be drunk for this.” Granddad stands and pats my shoulder.

  “You knew she was coming home today?”

  “Sure did, son.”

  Their crappy two horse trailer hitched to her, the old white pickup truck is parked in front of Granddad’s house with dust still swirling around it from the dirt road. Mav hops from the passenger seat first, waving like a lunatic. It takes Ella a bit longer to climb out of the truck and around the front of it.

  “Well, go get your family, Maverik.” He slaps me on the back, nudging me forward. Once my feet start, I don’t slow down as I run down the stairs and sidewalk to Mav. I pick him up and bear hug the shit out of the boy. Overwhelming joy stings my eyes and I don’t even try to contain the tears.

  “You’re here.” I set him down and ruffle his hair.

  “Mom said it was time we go home.”

  I look over to Ella with her rosy cheeks and smile.

  “Is this it, Pinks? Is this really happening?”

  She flips her hair over her shoulder and I realize that bright golden hue is my favorite color in the world. “Yes, I told you I needed time to wrap things up at our place. I’m here, Maverik. I’m here for you and only you.”

  Mav walks past me, up the sidewalk, and onto the porch with Granddad. Ella and I both watch him take a seat. Granddad passes him a soda and they fall into an easy conversation.

  I drop to my knees in front of Ella and raise her shirt up. Her belly has nearly doubled in size since I saw her last. Both of my palms spread out to try to cover every single inch of her flesh. I take my time placing kisses all over her. Her bleeding on the floor of her kitchen was the scariest moment of my life. I was able to leave her side when the doctors confirmed a heartbeat.

  “Thank you, Ella, thank you.”

  She grabs my chin and forces me to look up to her. “No, thank you for everything, Maverik. I need you and always will.”

  “How’s the baby doing?”

  She quirks an eyebrow up at me. “You mean babies.”


  “Yes, twins.”

  Ella erupts into laughter and I know it’s from my dumbfounded face. “Are you kidding?”

  “No, Maverik, I’m not.” She grabs her belly as she lets out more laughter. “I thought it would be a nice little surprise for you. I found out at the check up after my scare. You should’ve seen my face when they found the second heartbeat.”

  I kiss her belly again then look up to her. “Boys or girls?”

  She shrugs both shoulders. “I don’t know but we can find out at my next appointment. That’s why I came home. It’s going to be us from here on out.”

  I stand, clutch her face in my hands, and kiss the hell out of her. I hear Merek and Challis pass us, making their way up to the porch. I nudge Ella back into the fender of her truck, deepening our kiss as my hands roam all over the place.

  “Maverik, slow down.”

  “I can’t.” I move from her lips down to the flesh on her neck and lick, suck, and bite. Ella tilts her head, allowing easy access and even lets out a light moan, then pushes me back.

  “We have an audience.” She nods toward the porch. “And one of them is my son.”

  I place my finger on her mouth, stopping her. “You mean our son. He’s mine just as much as you’re mine.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Yes, I meant our son, silly. Now quit dry humping me in public.”

  “Fine.” I clutch her hand in mine and am reminded how perfectly we fit together. “We’re having twins.”

  I shout it so loud that I’m sure it could be heard two counties over.

  “Oh my hell.” Challis races off the porch and wraps up Ella.

  “Twins,” I repeat again, still in shock.

  Granddad claps his hands together. “Good deal, this ranch needs some new cowboys and cowgirls.”

  I walk Ella up to the porch and force her to sit down in a rocker. It’s clear she’s used to taking care of herself. The girl better be ready to be taken care of the rest of her life. A loud whinny hushes our conversation.

  Mav sits up proud in his chair. “That’s Arsine.”

  “Who’s Arsine?” Challis asks.

  “It’s his Teebaby,” Ella whispers, rubbing her swollen belly.

  “Mom bought him for me and we’ve been kicking…” He pauses, searching for the right word. I step up and do the manly thing and help him fill in the blanks.

  “Ass. They’ve been kicking ass at rodeos. Mav is one hell of a roper. Could probably out rope all of us fools.”

  “Well, let’s see this beauty.” Granddad sits up a little taller in his chair.

  Mav is up and out of his seat before any of us can blink. My heart swells two sizes watching him open the trailer and unload the horse.

  “Ella, you raised a damn good boy.” Granddad reaches over and pats her thigh.

  “I tried my best. Modeled my parenting after the only family I ever had.”

  “Damn, he sure is a little Slatter, isn’t he?” Merek shakes his head from side to side watching Mav walk his horse up to us.

  “He sure is a gorgeous buckskin there, kid. You should be awfully proud.” Granddad beams back at Mav and his horse.

  “He’s a good one.” Mav pats his neck and I can’t help but laugh at him. He’s so grown up. Challis races down the steps to love on the horse.

  “When are we buying you a riding glove and rigging?” Merek asks.

  “Merek Slatter.” Ella shoots him a dirty look.

  Mav’s smile grows even bigger. “I’m dying to ride.”

  “You’re in good hands, kid,” Merek replies.

  “So is your full name Maverik?” Challis asks.

  “Yes, but my mom always calls me Mav.”

  “Okay, so we have Mav and Maverik.” Challis starts braiding the mane of Arsine.

  “Just call him Junior,” I add as I place my hand back on Ella’s stomach, covering the back of her hand.



  I’ve never seen Mav so happy in his life. Not even the biggest buckle he won has produced a smile like this. He never had a second thought when I pitched him the idea of moving, leaving behind his friends and childhood home. His bags were packed before mine, but I told him the house had to sell first and I had to be cleared by the doctors before we could actually make the move.

  I could’ve left that day with Maverik and uprooted everything, but I fought for ten long years to get what I had and I was doing things on my terms for once. The harsh reality of life had forced every single one of my decisions up until now. I know it killed Maverik as Granddad kept me up to date on everything. I reach down and clutch the old man’s hand and give it a gentle squeeze.

  Now here I know everything is right in the world. No doubts or regrets linger in my mind. It took me a long time to find the courage to love myself after being attacked. My son helped heal my broken heart, but there was always a piece missing and that was Maverik. He’s g
iven me the courage to come back home to him. The stares I’ll receive in town don’t even threaten me anymore because I have the love of a man who’ll never turn his back on me.

  “My mom wears high heels to my rodeos. It’s so damn embarrassing.”

  “Language,” I warn Mav.

  The Slatters erupt in laughter as I’m sure none of them are shocked that high heels and mini-skirts were one thing I kept over the years.

  A cloud of dust comes up the lane and when it all settles Marvel hops out of his truck. He looks exhausted and like he had one hell of a night out on the town.

  “What do we have here?” he hollers out as he walks up the sidewalk. “Holy shit, Ella James is home.”

  He beelines straight for me. I stand as he wraps me up in a hug. “Welcome home, Sis,” he whispers in my ear.

  “Thank you.”

  “What’s this?” He takes a step back and touches my belly like it might bite him back. “Been eating too much watermelon?”

  “Ass.” I smack his shoulder.

  Marvel walks past me into the house, whistling a happy tune.

  “He seems extra happy,” Merek says.

  “Strange.” Granddad scratches his head.

  I nudge Maverik on the shoulder. “We should get some stuff unloaded for tonight.”

  I try to hold back my yawn, but the damn thing wins the battle. Carrying twins is way more tiring than one baby. It’s nearly kicked my ass.

  “Now, I knew Ella was coming tonight. I have your mom and dad’s place ready for you two with new paint and everything,” Granddad announces.

  “No, you don’t have to.” I clutch his hand a little tighter.

  “Now, no bullshit here. You two get that house. You’ll have three kids and need the most space.”

  “What about our mom?” Maverik asks. Sadness drenches his voice.

  “She’s not coming back, son. Now do as you’re told. Merek, go help them unload and gather up a few men.”

  His words are final and no one argues with him. Merek, Marvel, and Maverik start packing up his house while Challis, Mav, and some hired hands start unloading the cab and bed of the truck. Every time I get up to help, I get yelled at by Challis, followed by the death glare and threat of getting Maverik.


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