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Page 6

by Debi Wilder

  Warwick slithered over to Stu, reminding him of a mongoose ready to take its prey by surprise. “Im not sure what youre talking about. Care to explain?"

  "Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on whether our guest is willing to do whats asked of her.” Warwick turned and disappeared into a darkened corner of the room. Stu strained his eyes against the blackness to see what drew Warwicks attention, but lost track of his moving figure.

  "You see, Whitager, Ive got the perfect instrument to act out my intentions on. If all goes well, I could hear both of you begging for mercy. Yours, one of a relief of torture. Hers will be from being driven beyond the point of caring who makes her juices flow, as long as shes satisfied. Itll be entertaining to watch you both become sexually excited. In fact, Im looking forward to the feeling myself."

  Warwick came from the corner with a limp figure in his arms. Long dark hair hung over his arm. The body had bumps in places that indicated it to be that of a woman, her face hidden under a black hood.

  For the first time in his life, Stu was unable to help someone. He couldnt break free from the chains, and struggling just caused him more pain. All he could do was watch Warwick carry the woman to the middle of the table now just a few feet from him.

  Warwick laid the naked body on the table. He positioned the body until her ass was on the edge nearest the chair, then slipped a pad under it. He then stretched her arms out and, with pieces of material, tied each of her wrists just over the corners of the table. Next, he spread the womans legs until they dangled over the edge of the table, then tethered each ankle to a table leg.

  Warwick stepped away looking over his work, a satisfied smirk illuminated by the candlelight. “This should do nicely."

  "Care to see who our playmate is, Whitager?” Warwick pulled the hood off the unsuspecting woman.

  Re! Stus mind screamed in agony.

  "You son of a bitch. If you hurt her, Ill kill you!"

  * * * *

  "Cold, Im so cold” She tried to move her arms only to find she couldnt. Re opened her eyes, blinking several times until she saw Stu shackled to a wall without a stitch of clothing on. “Stu!” Tears seeped out of her eyes, rolling down the side of her face and landing on the tabletop. “Youre alive."

  "Dont move, Re. Hes got you tied to the table. The more you struggle, the tighter the bindings knot.” Stu cried out to her.

  "Ah, the Princess has finally awakened.” Warwick stood at the end of the table, between Res bound legs.

  She struggled only to find out she couldnt move. “Whats this all about, Warwick? For pitys sake, untie me this instant!” she demanded, continuing to struggle against the material. “Where are my clothes and why do you have me like this?"

  "Were all going to play a little game, Reola. A game that will give you a little pleasure, as well as pain.” Warwick slithered over to Stu and ran a finger down his hanging shaft causing it to jump upward.

  "Knock it off, Warwick.” Stu demanded from his position, unable to physically do anything. “Youre a sick, sick man.” Stu flattened his hips against the cold wall.

  Warwick laughed in his face, “Like that, do you, Whitager? Shall we see how our playmate reacts to the same touch?” He turned from Stu and took a couple of steps to the end of the table where Re laid.

  "Dont you touch me, you monster. Ill never respond to you, never!” she cried out, trying to make her body melt into the wood of the table.

  "Well see, well see.” Warwick stood between her legs, then reached out with a long finger.

  Re jumped at the circular pressure being placed on her clit. “No! Stop, please stop."

  "I dont think so. Look at your lover, Reola. See how his cock is growing?” Warwick licked his lips like a lion that just finished a piece of fresh meat.

  "No, I wont give you the satisfaction.” She closed her eyes tight. The pressure of one finger increased to two fingers pinching and flicking her clit. God, whats he doing to me? This cant be happening, not with Simon Warwick. I can feel my juices gathering. No! I wont let it. I wont!

  "Enough!” Stu yelled. “What do you want, Warwick?"

  "I want the location of the Colony, Whitager. Sweet and simple."

  "Oh God,” Reolas hips thrust forward as Warwick moved his fingers in and out of her cunt. “Dont tell him, Stu. No matter what he does to me, you cant tell him where to find them."

  Warwick withdrew his fingers, then stood in front of Stu sucking Res juices off them. “I think your girlfriend likes this game, Whitager.” He glanced down at Stus cock, smiled, then put his hand around Stus growing shaft.

  "Look, my love, I believe Whitager is enjoying the show. We have more acts to perform, dont we, Princess?"

  Re looked at Stus naked body. His cock grew hard and looked to be reaching out to her. If only she could do something to give him the release his body would soon be asking for. The moisture between her legs grew as she imagined herself licking and sucking his cock until he exploded inside her. She moved her hips toward him, wanting to feel his cum dripping against her clit.

  She blocked everything out of her mind except Stu and the pleasure theyd given each other. It was the only way she could tolerate what Warwick was doing to her. Shed tolerate as much as it took to keep the Colonys location a secret from him. Shed keep thinking of the tender lovemaking with Stu instead of the manipulations of Warwick.

  "God, Warwick. Stop, damn it all. Quit using Re to get to me.” Stus voice invaded her fantasy of pleasure. She opened her eyes, feeling her hips thrusting forward. Warwick stood naked beside her, his fingers pumping in and out of her cunt. With his free hand, Warwick stroked Stus cock dripping with pre-cum, his own cock growing purple and thumping slightly.

  Re watched Warwick shove his fingers deeper into her. Her body automatically arched toward his fingers at the sensation. Her deepest region screamed for release from the torture this mad man inflicted on her.

  "I told you, Whitager. I want the location of the Colony."

  Chapter 11

  "Shhhh, I can hear them,” Bailey commanded the men standing behind him. “Weve got to be close.” Moving along the wall he came upon a small stream of light, stopped, then peered through it. What he saw made his stomach turn in disgust.

  His best friend, Stu Whitager, shackled naked to the wall. Simon Warwick stood nude between Stu and a naked woman strapped to the top of a table. In one hand he had a hold of Stus male member while he finger fucked the woman on the table. Putting his ear to the opening, he strained to hear the conversation.

  "Look, my love, I believe Whitager is enjoying the show. We have more acts to perform, dont we, Princess?” Warwicks words were wicked and dripping with evil intent.

  Stus struggles against the chains were a worthless effort. “God, Warwick. Stop, damn it all. Quit using Re to get to me."

  Baileys stomach lurched downward. Re? Thats Reola on the table?

  "I told you, Whitager. I want the location of the Colony.” Warwicks demand sent despair into Baileys soul. If he and his men didnt make their move soon and find a way into that chamber, both Stu and Reola would fall victim to Warwicks own brand of torture.

  * * * *

  "What does this Colony have to do with you or us? Ive never heard of it,” Stu asked, hoping to draw Warwicks attention away from Reola. Re cant take much more before her body overtakes her mind. Shell give in to him and hell become her master, as it appears he wants. I need to find out how Warwick knows about them and what sort of connection he has to being human. “You can torture us for days and nothing will come of it, youre wasting your time with us."

  Warwick viciously jammed his fingers into Res cunt then ceased his manipulation, leaving her limp with exhaustion from fighting him. “It has everything to do with you and Princess Reola."

  Warwick turned, glaring at Stu. Deep in the blackness, his eyes lit with a dark fire. A shiver ran clean through Stus bones at what he saw in them. Evil, pure evil flickered in those dark flames. A wickedness not found in the manufactu
red beings, the look too human to be anything else.

  "How? Explain it to me and maybe we can help you in some way.” This has got to work. If I play the submissive one, maybe hell concentrate on me and spill some of the information hes hiding. He seems to thrive on the act of domination. How does he know about domination and being master to a sex slave?

  Warwick pulled the chair from the table and sat between Stu and Re. “Come off it, Whitager, we both know what your role is in all this. Or should I say, the role of the Clarks and your parents? After all, youre both a result of their sexual explorations."

  "Yes, but whats yours? You seem to be fairly knowledgeable on some of the darker side of sex games, why is that?"

  Bingo! Warwicks eyes flickered, a small smirk lingering at the corner of his mouth. If Stu ventured to look at the manhood hanging over the edge of the chair, hed probably see a reaction there as well.

  "The Clarks? What have they got to do with this sick display of yours?” Stu asked, wanting to redirect Warwicks attention from Re. He needed him to stay focused anywhere except on Reola.

  Warwick stood, moved around to the other side of the table until he neared Res outstretched arms. “Ha, you have your own parents to thank for my expertise.” He bent down, taking a nipple in his mouth, causing Re to cry out in pain from the nip.

  For the first time in several minutes, Res voice sang through the chamber. “Make him stop, Stu."

  "Begging for mercy, tsk tsk, Reola. I would never have thought youd be this easy.” Warwick tweaked the hard nipple as if driving his point home. “The times not right yet, my love. Youve got to fuel my fire again before it all can end."

  "She doesnt know anything, Warwick. She only just found out who she was,” Stu called out.

  Warwick slithered over to Stu and grabbed his now semi-hard cock, causing Stu to moan by the roughness the action caused. “Ah, but my masterful manipulations will make you talk, wont they, Whitager?” Warwick flicked a fingernail over the head, then turned back to Re. “Moments ago, you were as soft as a, whats the saying? Oh yeah, a wet noodle. Just watching me play with her excites you, I could feel it in your cock."

  A shadow caught the corner of Stus eye. He glanced sideways to see Bailey slide behind a large partition several feet away. “Youre wrong. Its the thought of getting my hands on you and cutting yours off that excites me more than anything you could do to her."

  Warwick whirled around, venom in his eyes. “In your current condition, you couldnt step on an insect. Besides, I like having you watch me show Reola the error of her ways. Ill teach her that Im the master of her body, not you."

  Stu cringed as Warwick ran the tip of a long fingernail between Res breasts. “Ill do things to her you never could. Shell want no one but me by the time were done. When her juices are dripping out of her cunt, Ill take my pleasure and spill my seed into her."

  "You still havent told me what the Clarks have to do with this. I dont recall seeing the name Warwick among my parents belongings either.” Stu noticed more shadows flitting lightly next to him. It had to be the forces from the Colony with Bailey. No one else would dare rescue a blue-blood human without knowing the consequences.

  Warwicks attention once again became focused on Re. His hand moved over her stomach, traced her birthmark, then passed through the triangle of hair between her legs. He stroked his growing cock, licking the corner of his lips as he slapped her cunt with his free hand. Res body jumped on contact and she let out a small yelp.

  Stu felt the blood rush to his own cock. Damn! If Warwick kept this up, hed have an entire army standing in the shadows with hard-ons enough to satisfy every woman on the planet ... human or uterdroid.

  Still stroking his hardening cock, Warwick turned to Stu. “Ah yes, the Clarks. They werent the only ones to know of the sex contraband. My parents happened to walk into the lab while they were in the middle of fucking each other. Miles had just slammed his cock into his wife from behind. They never knew they were being watched.” He shrugged his shoulders then walked back to Re, cock in hand. “Ive been told your mother seemed to be enjoying every minute of it too. Much the way youve been enjoying..."

  Now that Warwick was once again focused on Re, Stu closed his mind to his words but watched Warwicks every move. The cuffs around his ankles became unhitched, but remained in place. His wrists were released in the same fashion. Bailey silently removed one then another until Stu was free of the wall.

  "...the tapes on domination were the most thrilling for me. All I could think about all these years is having a slave to perform for me.” Warwick manipulated Res clit again, her hips moving with each pinch and tweak. “I knew you would be the perfect slave girl. I only regret not being the one to take you first."

  "Take me then, Warwick!” Re spat out. “I can smell the scent of cum and see the droplets on your cock. If you dont do it soon, youll never get the chance, now will you?"

  "How right you are, slave.” Warwick pumped three fingers into her cunt, then positioned himself at the end of the table. He stroked his cock faster. Reaching out, he grabbed Re by the hips and brought her up to meet his cock, now dripping with pre-cum. “Im going to fuck you, slave. Youll be begging for this over and over each and every night I have you ... Ugh!"

  Stu pulled Warwicks limp body from atop Res body. “Are you okay, Re?” He untied her quickly, then took her in his arms, her tears falling on his bare skin. “Im sorry you had to go through this, Re.” He rocked her back and forth until her sobs subsided.

  "Why, Stu? Why did he do this?” Re brushed the tears from her face.

  Stu wished he had the answers, but didnt. “Only Warwick knows, honey. Well find out."

  "Wheres your clothes? Weve got to get out of here, Stu.” Baileys words came like a whisper in the night.

  "I dont know. Try the corner over there, thats were hed hidden Re."

  Stu nodded to the now lit corner where the men from the Colony dragged Warwicks limp body. Never in his life had he wanted to kill someone. No one would ever harm his Reola again ... no one.


  One year later

  Reola sat among the lilacs and honeysuckles of the field, the sun just reaching its highest point in the sky. The lush green grass cool against her bare legs, the sun warmly kissed her once lilywhite skin. The laughter of playing children warmed her heart, but not as much as the babe in her arms.

  For the most part, the memories of the torture Warwick inflicted on her were just that ... memories. That night, Stu had brought her to the Colony and over the next year erased the acts of violation from her body. His patience and love soon filled her heart and soul.

  Now with Simon Warwick banished to Outer Siberia, she and Stu lived a peaceful existence inside the boundaries of the Colony.

  "Hes very hungry today, Stu.” Her three-month-old son suckled on a bare breast, dashing away the remnants of that nightmare.

  "Hes a growing boy. Like so many of the other children, hell be strong and healthy.” Stus hand caressed the silky black head, causing the baby to coo even with his mouth full of nipple.

  "Like his father, he thinks he can talk with his mouth full,” Reola laughed, enjoying the tickling sensation of her son suckling her breast and the love in her husbands eyes.


  Debi Wilder lives a quiet life among the pyramids of Rock Lake with her husband.

  * * *

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