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A Promise Broken

Page 20

by Anissa Garcia

  Aggravated them, more like. She had no idea that I was part of his stress. I was a selfish girl, always wanting things I couldn’t have and determined to get them. It was both a fault and a strength of mine. Before heading to the kitchen, I said hello to my brother and Grace. Renee was with me and demanded a selfie with Evan.

  Josh, Marla, Jaime, and Dean greeted us and welcomed Renee as if she were one of the crew. Ben approached us, and we said our hellos. Renee gave him an excited kiss. As they all made small talk, I brushed past people into the kitchen where the staff was bustling in and out with trays. They each wore a black shirt with a white logo of an oak tree and the name of the restaurant—Roots—under it. However, the man Zach spoke sternly to wore a suit. I figured it was his restaurant manager. Zach was spouting off directions to him, his voice severe. He loomed large over everyone, so commanding, so authoritative, so damn sexy.

  He wore a Greystone suit that fit his muscular body like a glove. Images of me undressing him and using that tie around his wrists inched its way into my mind. I’d tease him, devour him, slide my fingers over every part of him until he begged me for relief. Yeah, sure. He was the one who did that to me. Him and his dominant bedroom ways. My grin spread thinking about it, and it made me tingle in anticipation for the night ahead.

  A small woman interrupted Zach and his manager with a question, and Zach’s laser-like eyes bore into hers. Oh, she was in trouble. I’d seen that look before, angry eyes—except with me, they always turned to lust.

  He replied, irritation dripping from every word. She shook her head and scuttled off, more than likely ready to burst into tears. The sounds of clanging pans and dishes filled the air. Isabella, who was busy setting up a dish as if it were a painting being restored, made demands.

  “Bells, that one’s going to the food critic from the Austin Eats Magazine, right?” Zach approached her. My heart pounded as he stood behind her and studied the masterpiece over her shoulder. “Is it almost ready?”

  “Just about, boss.” She leaned back into him as he put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed.

  “Perfection. You’re amazing,” he beamed.

  My breath hitched, and I turned to exit the kitchen with fervor. One moment, I’d do any and everything for him; the next, I thought he was as bad as the rest of them. He wasn’t a commitment guy. I knew that going in. Then why did it feel different?

  A hand grasped my arm as I made my way to the dining area where people were eating. My stomach bottomed out as my eyes met familiar blue ones. “Graham? What are you doing here?”

  He pulled me close. His familiar scent that I once loved was suddenly uninviting. Some type of patchouli with vanilla. “Hilary, I’ve been trying to call you. I need to talk.”

  Dark circles ringed tired eyes. His hair was disheveled, tie crooked. “Did you fly here tonight? How did you know about this?”

  “I know everything.” He chuckled. “I’m still a part of the crew. I keep up with you.”

  “You do?” My voice sounded shocked. “Why?”

  His sad expression lingered on me. How sincere was it? “I miss you. I wanted to talk with you in person. Please, come out to the patio and chat with me.”

  “What for?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Hilary, please. I flew all the way out here to see you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine.” On the way, I grabbed a drink from a tray one of the staff carried and downed it. Renee caught my eye and looked confused. I mouthed the name Graham, and her eyes widened to the size of saucers.

  The rain hadn’t started, but sporadic flashes of lightning lit up the dark sky. Sounds of crickets and cicadas filled the air, along with distant rumbling thunder, traffic, and people chatting inside. The humidity and heat were stifling. Those elements, along with my hunger for delicious cuisine, and memories of Isabella and Zach flirting in the kitchen factored into my sudden annoyance at Graham’s presence. I realized that Zach had done exactly what he told me he would do. He’d helped me move on and forget ever missing my ex. “You’re…shorter than I remember,” I announced, fully meaning to cause offense.

  “Well, thanks.”

  “Smaller, too,” I said. His stubble was a day old, he looked rumpled, defeated, and nowhere near as handsome as Zach. How had I loved this man? This stranger? I no longer held any affection for this person in my heart. I realized I never truly knew him, and he never knew me.

  “I guess I deserve the insults.” He stuck his hands into the pockets of his ill-fitting slacks. “Although, it’s not like you ever complimented me much.”

  Here came the blame game. I wouldn’t give in. He wasn’t worth it. I tapped my fingertips against my crossed arms. “What do you want, Graham?”

  “I want you.” His incisive words caused me to half-groan. “No, listen, I want you back. Edie and I broke it off, and she realized it was because I couldn’t get over you. I need you, baby.”

  My frozen face broke into a smile, and mirth coursed through me. “Do you know how many times I dreamed you’d come back eating crow? Oh, this is too good. So, Edie broke up with you, and now you’re lonely. Let me guess, you have no place to live, right? Finding an apartment in Boston is tough.”

  “Come on, baby, we both know we’re good together. I miss you.”

  “You miss what I did for you,” I corrected.

  “What the hell is going on?” A familiar, breathless, husky, beautiful voice broke through the din, and Zach approached, his anger almost palpable. God, I loved when he got protective. His arm hugged my waist as he pulled me close, and his scent of mint, sandalwood, and man comforted me. “What the hell are you doing here, O’Leary? You weren’t invited.”

  “None of your fucking business, Zach.”

  Zach shrugged, and a grimace crossed his face. “This is my restaurant, I’d say it is my business. What the fuck do you want?”

  Zach had always intimidated Graham, but it was magnified by Zach’s new monster physique. He looked like a bull ready to charge. Graham swallowed, and his pathetic voice faltered. “I came to talk to my girlfriend.”

  I could sense the muscles in Zach’s body tighten as I looked up and saw his jaw tick. “Girlfriend?” He scoffed. “Last I heard, you were with someone else yet continuing to call the woman you were stupid enough to let go. Pathetic.” His grip tightened as if he were staking claim on me. His voice boomed with each word he spoke. “You know how badly you fucked up, don’t you? You’ve known it ever since you got caught. Or did you come here just to stir shit up because she’s no longer paying attention to you? Whatever your plan, it won’t work. She’s over you, so don’t bother.”

  Graham placed his palms out, attempting to make peace. He did that when I lost my temper. I hated it. “I came to get my girl back. That’s it.”

  “She’s not your girl. And tough shit, it’s not happening.” Zach moved forward, blocking him from me. Zach’s and my temperaments were the same, and if I didn’t placate him, a fight would soon start.

  “Graham?” I stepped beside Zach and placed my hand on his chest to assure him that I was on his side. “You’ve said all I need to hear. I think you should go.”

  Graham was silent and studied both of us as Zach gazed at me tenderly. His mouth dropped as he caught on. “Wait. Wait a minute. You two?” He pointed to us. “Collins, you hooked up with your own sister? Now that’s just fucking filthy.”

  “Watch it, Graham,” Zach whispered. I felt the anger blistering through him. His laser eyes were back, but this time, they were filled with vengeance.

  “Does Evan know about this?” I jolted, and Graham cracked a wide, wicked grin at Zach. “Holy shit, you’ll be kicked out of Evan’s little entourage, just like I was. You’ll finally see how it feels, you bastard.”

  I took Graham’s hand in mine and pleaded with him, not wanting the situation to escalate. “Please, Graham, please don’t tell Evan.”

  He snatched himself away from my touch as if I had a contagious disease.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Hilary? Him? You’re with him? The one-night stand guy? Have some self-respect, for fuck’s sake.” I was ready for my retort, but he lifted his hand up to stop me from speaking. “I could never understand you. Thanks for reminding me why you drove me away.”

  I looked at Graham, derision in his eyes. My temper grew. “How did I drive you to cheat on me?”

  “You’re closed off. You’d get close, and then you’d pull back, get close and pull back. I couldn’t take it! I never knew if you wanted me!” Graham yelled and ran his hands over his light stubble. “You didn’t give me what I needed.”

  “So, what the fuck did you need?” Zach was furious. “Someone to coddle you and give you words of affirmation? That’s not her job, buddy,” Zach shot out.

  “I needed her trust,” Graham fired back.

  “Your job was to earn that. If you had, then she wouldn’t have pulled away in the first place. You failed, dickhead. Obviously, you found trust in Edie with the fake tits, right?”

  “Stay out of this, Zach,” Graham dictated as he gripped my arm. “Hilary, you know you drove me crazy. I tried to break through to you, but you were always filling your days with school, and projects, and homework, and studying.”

  I blustered words but was cut off. “She had a life, you moron. And you were jealous. Admit it,” Zach said and pushed Graham’s hand off of me.

  “Don’t touch me, asshole.” Graham pushed Zach’s chest, but he barely budged. “And if anyone was jealous, it was you, motherfucker.”

  “Both of you, shut up. You’re causing a scene.” I tried to find words to quiet their carrying voices. If people inside heard the ruckus, it would send them out.

  Zach huffed. “Why the fuck would I be jealous of you?”

  Graham puffed out his chest and straightened, trying to reach Zach’s height, but he was nowhere near as tall. “I have a better job, a better quality of life, and I got all the girls you wanted. All of them.”

  “I let you have them, Graham.” Zach smirked and shook his head. “I didn’t want them.”

  “Oh, yeah? Even Hilary?” Graham pointed at me while Zach stood stiff, his hands curled firmly at his sides. If Graham weren’t careful, he would be pummeled. “I knew you wanted her that night she got in from Europe, and you didn’t do shit about it. Fucking coward. I had the courage to stand up to Evan and admit that I was dating his kid sister. And you? Well, you’ve always been nothing but his little bitch.”

  Before I realized my actions, I shot out my fist and hit Graham’s nose. The other fist jabbed his jaw. He lurched back and groaned. “Fuck!” His hand touched his face, and blood ran from his nostrils. Zach held me back before I went another round. “Shit, you’ve even got a woman fighting your battles, Collins.” Graham chuckled as he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and held it to his face. “Keep her. Sloppy seconds don’t appeal to me anyway.”

  Zach grabbed his shoulder and squeezed hard. His face was near Graham’s, his voice low, his eyes dark. He looked terrifying. “You’re going to get the fuck out of my restaurant right now, and never, ever contact Hilary again, you cheating piece of shit. Understood?”

  He pushed Graham away, and we watched as he scrambled off. My heart quaked as Zach cupped my face, his large palms warm. “You okay?” I nodded as he grabbed my trembling hands in his and rested both of them in his one large palm. His fingertips softly ran over my red knuckles. “You need some ice on those, Ronda Rousey.”

  I swallowed, unable to laugh or speak. I stared into his eyes, watched as they turned dark with yearning. “Remind me not to piss you off.” He lifted my hands to his lips and kissed them gently.

  “Is it true?” I uttered faintly.


  “Did you want me that night? When I came back from Europe, did you want me?”

  I held my breath as I waited for the answer. This was the moment of truth.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  · zach ·

  “Every day from that moment on,” I confessed. My stomach plummeted, my heart palpitated. I almost imagined myself collapsing on the floor from a heart attack, yet as I looked into her chocolate-colored eyes, swirls of warmth surrounded me, and a weight lifted.

  “Really?” Her voice squeaked out, tiny and wary.

  I leaned my brow against hers and tugged her close. “I don’t want you to leave,” I whispered. “Don’t go to Boston.”

  “Zach, we can’t keep this going.” She stepped back and stared, unblinking. “This is too much. I need to work. My home’s in Boston, my life—”

  “Don’t freak out on me, Hilary. This doesn’t have to end,” I pleaded. “We can keep—”

  “Keep what?” Her expression was panicked. My proclamation wasn’t taken with delight as I had hoped. “Keep hiding? Keep ignoring that this has gone way past fun territory and has crossed into extremely complicated? What would we be? Dating siblings? You said yourself, you’ll never be my boyfriend.”

  I had no safety net to land on, but the overwhelming sensation raced through me, and I was ready to fall. She turned away, and I clasped her wrist, tugging her back to face me.

  “I love you, Hilary.” My throat constricted as the words rushed out like a gust of wind. But relief filled me. My secret was out.

  Her only reaction was a small smile. “I love you, too, Zach.” She patted my hand as if I were a schoolboy with a crush on his babysitter. My declaration was taken as a typical, everyday occurrence.

  “No, you don’t get it.” I tugged her hand to mine, entwined our fingers together and gazed at her. “Hilary, I’m in love with you.” A gasp exited her mouth as if she had been sucker punched. My other hand gripped the base of her neck. “I’m in deep. I don’t want to lose you, lose this.”

  Her hands pressed against my chest, and I spotted fear in her eyes. “We can’t.” She trembled as my lips hovered over hers. “We can’t do this. We always said we’d walk away.”

  “I can’t walk away.” I took her inflexible lips to mine. She was already resisting. “I’ll talk to Evan. I’ll go to Rebecca and tell her everything.” I pressed my mouth to her pulse and felt it speed up. “I’ll make everything right. I promise.”

  A hesitant smile played on her lips as her hands traveled over my torso and around my waist. “I don’t know what to think, this is…unexpected, Zach.”

  “No, it’s not.” I pulled back to stare at her. “My whole life, I’ve waited to love someone, and you know that I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t mean it. I love you, and that’s never gonna change.” She said nothing. My thumb trailed over her plump lips. She hadn’t said the words back. I hadn’t expected them. It was my confession to make, and as petrified as I was of rejection, I wanted her to say those three words and mean them only when and if she was ready. I wanted it to be authentic. “I wish I could have all of you. I wish I could know how much of me is inside your heart.”

  “What?” Her voice trembled.

  I closed my eyes and sighed. “You’re scared.” Before she could say more, I kissed her again. “Hey, I’m scared, too.” I wiped her tears with the pads of my thumbs. “But I want long-term. I can only see you in my future. And I know it seems crazy, and I know I haven’t done this before, and I’m sure I’ll mess up a lot, but let’s hold each other through this, kid. I’ve got you.”

  “I don’t—”

  “What the hell?” The door slammed open, and Evan’s strong grip pulled me off of Hilary in an instant. His two palms shoved at my chest, the force knocking me into the wall. “Are you sleeping with my sister?”

  “Evan, cool it.” Hilary grabbed his biceps and tried to hold him back, but his hands reached over and clutched the fabric of my suit. He knocked me back against the wall, my breath leaving as I tried to find my defense.

  “Answer the question, Zach. Are you fucking Hilary?” Evan’s venomous wrath burst at the seams, his face was red all the way to his ears. Our small group of friends spilled out of the door in a
rush, and I stood motionless. I was immobile, like all those years ago when my mother shouted at me. This time was different, though. It was someone I respected. He grasped my suit tighter and knocked me against the wall again. “Answer me, Zach!”

  “Evan, let him go.” Hilary attempted to budge him, but he shrugged her away. The sounds of clicks were in the distance, then scuffles and shouts from Josh telling someone to back off. My first thought was that this would end up in a tabloid. Second thought was I didn’t give a shit.

  Evan’s hand gripped under my chin, fingers curled around my jaw, and he squeezed tight, my focus remaining on him. “Answer the fucking question,” he growled slowly between clenched teeth.

  I swallowed and nodded once. He jerked me from the wall and punched. Pain shot over my eye like a vehement fire. His fist flew toward me again, this time on my jaw. I stumbled back but stood again. Shocked faces and cries echoed around us. I waited for the next blow. Josh, Dean, and Ben pulled Evan away, while Grace, Marla, Jaime, and Renee surrounded Hilary.

  Evan shoved arms off of him and advanced. His eyes were menacing and dark. “You were supposed to be taking care of her, not screwing her. You were the one giving her hickeys, having fun with her, weren’t you? How long has this been going on?” My response was to freeze, like prey falling into the predator’s midst. Maybe if I pretended to die, he’d stop the attack. But that was unlikely. His voice boomed. “How long, asshole?”

  “Thanksgiving,” I whooshed out in a despondent exhale.

  Everyone around us gasped, while Evan’s hands curled into fists. He was ready to kill, and I’d let him. I deserved it. His response shifted from rage to grief. “I knew something was going on with you...but this? You hurt my family! You fucking lied to me.”

  “It was me, Evan,” Hilary called out, trying to step between us. “I wanted this. Zach said no, he only wanted to help me. It was all me.”

  Once again, his emotion switched to indignation as he glared at her. “What the hell is wrong with you, huh?” Veins popped out on his neck, and one stood in relief on his forehead as he shouted at his little sister. “You know he’s never been in a relationship, Hilary! He’s not the guy for you.”


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