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Reece's Faith

Page 4

by T J Vertigo

  "I.. what do you mean where I hang out?"

  "Titty clubs? Honestly, I'd have figured you for a leg woman." she joked.

  "Oh god..." Faith groaned. "This is so not good." She slumped down to the floor.

  "Don't sweat it, Faith. There's quite a few of your type floating around here. Just watch yourself more carefully. Tabloids live on this kind of stuff."

  "What do I do now?" the blonde ran her hand through her red-blonde hair.

  "I'd say make this look good with James, and maybe Charles will stop birthing farm animals."

  Faith buried her face in her hands.

  "Keep the stereotype to a minimum. You're famous now babe. Image is everything."

  John ran up in a flurry of hand gestures. "Oh Louise! There's this wonderfully intimidating, yet drop dead gorgeous leather clad woman here to see you." He fanned himself dramatically. "And she's on a Harley!" he shrieked.

  Faith laid herself out on the floor. "Kill me. Just kill me."

  * * *

  Reece shifted against the bike and re-crossed her ankles. For Christ sake! I'm always waiting for this woman! She heard the loud buzz signaling the start of a scene. She was debating whether or not she should have mentioned Faith's name at all. Wonder who sissy cakes is? Token gay boy? She chuckled and shifted again. Lifting her hand to pick at her nails she noticed the blood. Ah crap. Gotta clean this. Looking around at the barren streets, she decided to slip into the studio despite her agreement with Faith not to come inside. They both figured it was better off not to feed the spark of jealousy that would surely burn out of control if Reece ever saw Faith in another's arms. Make believe or not, the tall woman got stomach cramps just thinking about that. Reasoning to herself that blood on her hands would be much more difficult to explain than getting caught, she went for it. There's gotta be a bathroom close by.

  Once inside, she peeked around a corner and saw the lounge. She snuck in quietly and took care to wash with the barest minimum of noise. On the way out, she again heard the buzzer and saw the red light go out. It sounded like a flurry of activity had begun. Just one look ain't gonna hurt.. no one seems to know I'm here anyway... Reece tiptoed to the opening in the prop wall and glanced around quickly. Everyone seemed to be scrambling around willy-nilly. Disorganized chaos came to her mind. Spotting Faith walking arm in arm, giggling almost evilly with the show's star, Michele, Reece smiled.

  They walked and talked till they came to a stop almost three feet from where Reece was hiding.

  "So, John tells me a certain someone single-handedly depleted his supply of cover-up. Anyone I know?" Michele shoulder-bumped Faith and grinned.

  Faith's hand immediately shot to her throat, and she blushed.

  "Uh huh. I thought so." the actress nodded. "So, who is he? Anyone I know? Famous?"

  "Wait a minute." Faith laughed. "Nosy much?"

  Just then two more actresses ran over, both smiling like they knew something. It made Faith nervous. Reece took the opportunity to get a good look at the women Faith was so closely associating with. All three very pretty women, but as different as night and day. I could be happy working with these chicks every day, she mused.

  "Soooo..." Alison started "Rumor has it you're family."

  "Family?" Faith repeated, desperately trying to play dumb. How the hell?

  The tall woman in the shadows winced.

  "Oh come on, Faith," Ali teased. "You know what I'm talking about. Sisters, wink wink nudge nudge?"

  "Oh, that kind of family." she swallowed nervously, not really ready for this conversation.

  Michele raised her eyebrows and grinned. Faith was just gorgeous and this information made her stomach tingle. Her fame and Emmy award forced Michele to keep her personal life hidden. So hidden, in fact, that it was nonexistent. If I could be alone with Faith under the guise of working.. well... The thought alone made her knees weak. Easy girl, it's been way too long.

  Reece did not like the look on Michele's face and made a mental note to add her to her list of chats.

  "Hey, it's nothing to be worried about, really." Sandy put her arm around Faith's shoulders and gave a squeeze. We're not going to rat you out. It's not my style anyway."

  John bounded up like a puppy, and Faith groaned.

  "What are we chatting about, girlfriends?"

  "As a matter of fact, yes. Speaking of.." Ali gave Faith a questioning look.

  "Ooo, she's??" He hit himself in the head a few times. "My gaydar must need new batteries, because you, Louise... I never even thought.."

  "Yes, our Louise." Sandy sobbed and wiped her eyes dramatically. "We're so proud," she smiled.

  Reece frowned at the women, John included. At least Faith had a crowd. That was important. But how did they know?

  "Thank you guys, I appreciate the love, but Charles is supposedly birthing large farm animals over this. What do I do?" she whined.

  "Tell him to fuck off. It works every time." Alison stated confidently.

  "Uh huh. But how do we explain the walking billboard for queer stereotypes waiting outside for our 'Miss Judith'?" John asked seriously..for once.

  Reece sneered.

  All eyes turned to Faith, who blushed furiously. "She's uhm.. that's my..."

  "Who's this?" Michele cut her off and started walking towards the exit, quickly followed by Sandy and Ali.

  "NO! Please... don't go out there and stare at her... please! Faith panicked.

  "And why not? She gonna run away? I just want to know who was lucky enough to practically eat you up alive." Mish laughed.

  John put his head down guiltily.

  "Oh? Do tell," Alison urged the makeup man.

  "Big mouth." Faith glared at him.

  John pointed all over his neck. "It was the most scandalous thing to happen here in a long time Louise. Give a bored soul a break" He batted his eyelashes and pouted.

  Happy that the women weren't coming to gape at her, Reece beat a hasty exit.

  "Oh puullease John. You'd find scandal on a toothpick given the chance." Sandy smiled at Faith reassuringly. Come on, we're almost done for tonight." She and Faith walked away from the others.

  "Does everyone know?" Faith asked.

  "I dunno, but don't worry, we're here for you. Just watch Michele, she looked hungry."

  "Thanks for the heads up. So was that the extent of the gay crowd?"

  "Yeah, but I'm not too sure about Jayme. I think even she doesn't know what she wants. Possibly asexual."

  "Pity, she's very easy on the eyes." Faith grinned. She liked Sandy.

  "So Faith, does she have a name?"

  "Reece. Reece Corbett"

  "Oh, that expression... priceless."

  "It shows huh?" Faith smiled.

  "It screams."

  * * *

  "CUT! That's it for tonight, everyone. Faith, can I see you for a minute?"

  "Yeah, what, Chucky?" She saw him wince and smirked.

  "James tells me you're not doing your best in the kissing scenes. Improve."

  "How would he know what my best was?" She was insulted.

  "Maybe you'd rather be with Travis?"

  "Why don't you have me do both?" she grumbled.

  "Look, I don't need your attitude. I'm trying to help you. We have to make this believable or you're going to be tossed into the background real quick. A piece of furniture. Can't fire you, discrimination and all..."

  "Wait a fucking minute.." Faith saw red.

  "Hey," Charles put up his hands. "I'm not the perv who's been hanging around in tit clubs." he smirked.

  "Maybe you should, you uptight mother--"

  "Faith! Can I see you?"

  "What!" she yelled at Alison, who grabbed her elbow and dragged her away from Charles.

  "Son of a bitch is smirking!" Faith was very angry.

  "Babe, no need for this. Just relax. He cannot do anything drastic to your character. 'Judith' has 40% of the female cast fan mail. You're a teenage boy's wet dream. You have the upper hand
.. use it."

  Faith calmed a bit. "I do?" she asked skeptically.

  "Yes, you do. I know how moronic Charles is sometimes, but, please, just blow him off. It makes work so much better. And he is the only one who acts like that."

  "Thanks Ali. He really pissed me off." she chuckled. "What do I do about Jim though?

  "Honey, no matter what you heard, pretend. Make believe it's your Reece."

  "I would know her mouth anywhere." She shivered at the thought of Reece's mouth.

  "OK, pretend she's drunk, or drugged." Alison shrugged. "Either way, the more real it looks, the less you have to deal with Chucky."

  "You know, it just may work." Faith grinned.

  "So she's a good kisser?" Alison winked.

  "Good? No. Fantastic, wonderful, breathtaking, amazing.." Faith shivered again.

  "Ok, ok. I'm officially jealous." she pouted.

  "With good reason, Alison. With good reason."

  "Well then, you better get going. I hear your chariot awaits."

  Faith smiled evilly. "Oh yes, my chariot." She hugged Alison and darted off.

  * * *

  Reece waited patiently--well, as patiently as Reece was capable of. Her mind was working a mile a minute processing everything she'd heard, then going through it again. She was afraid that Faith would be angry with her for showing up, but she couldn't leave now. She's gonna be pissed at me. Shit! Why did I come here anyway? By the time the door opened to let out the crew, she was more than just antsy, she was actually fretting.

  John spotted her and waved. She nodded her head and looked past him for Faith's head.

  Suddenly he was right in front of her.

  "Sooo, you're Mr. Wonderful huh?" He looked her up and down.

  Reece stood tall and folded her arms across her chest.

  "Ok.. heh heh. I'm afraid of you. No need to get all butch."

  She had to grin, however slightly.

  Michele strode by, took in the tall body and made a sour face. That reminded Reece.

  "Hey, TV star."

  Michele pointed to herself and looked around. The others took notice and stood closer.

  "Yeah, you, a word please?"

  "What." Michele stated boredly.

  "Cut the crap, girl. Find other things to fantasize about. That particular subject is off limits."

  Michele blushed. "I don't know what you're talking about. You don't scare me." She stood defiantly.

  "But I should. Spoiled brats like you get on my nerves. And I'm not so pleasant when I'm angry." Reece gave her a dangerous smile.

  Michele gulped, embarrassed in front of her peers, and stomped off.

  "Oh and sweetie? Be sure to tell all your friends," she smirked.

  Alison and Sandy stood by John, all three grinning. Reece thought they looked like those monkeys and shook her head. Leaning once again against her bike, she turned to the peanut gallery.

  "What's taking her so long?"

  "She had something to take care of, she'll be right out." Alison offered, somehow knowing that telling her the truth would have a very negative and messy result.

  Sandy stepped forward and offered her hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sandy."

  Reece shook her hand and nodded. "Reece, same here."

  "Faith's one lucky woman if you ask me." she added.

  "I didn't, but thanks." She smiled a little when Sandy frowned.

  Faith walked outside and the devious grin she had on fell off. Oh no. I hope they didnít tell her what's going on.

  Reece's relieved expression made Faith grin again.

  "It's about time. I was gonna sic the Mary on you."

  "Hey!" John huffed. "You worked me today Spike. A little less suction next time?"

  Reece and Faith both shot him a look. The shorter woman wrapped her arms around the taller one, who bent down and covered her mouth with her own.

  "Uh oh... I think that's our cue," Sandy whispered, and all three disappeared.

  "MM, missed me?" Faith mumbled against soft lips.

  "Like crazy," Reece mumbled back.

  A few heated kisses later, Reece marveled at how kissing Faith made all her troubles dissipate. All that mattered was the mouth she was tasting and the body she was holding.

  "I have a surprise for you." she whispered.

  Faith narrowed her eyes. "I always did like it when you surprised me."

  * * *

  Reece wanted to take them to a secluded little spot near Washington Square Park, but they never made it there. Putting Faith behind her on the bike wasn't the good idea she'd thought it was, and she had to pull over and put her in front. If she hadn't, they would still be idling at the stoplight in the middle of Times Square, giving a show that she thought no one should see for free. So here they were, not five minutes from the spot she had picked out, making out and groping like teenagers on a hot date.

  Reece was straddling the gas tank, facing the rear of the bike. She had one arm stretched to the limits, holding on to the sissy bar for balance. The other one was holding Faith's body up against her, as close as possible. They were moving against each other, breast against breast, mouth against mouth. Reece couldn't remember a time when she was so preoccupied with kissing. She couldn't seem to get enough of anything when it came to Faith. She mumbled into the kiss.

  "Hmm?" Faith opened her eyes.

  "I said I love you" Her blue eyes locked into the startled green ones. Even if she hadn't said it, Faith saw it plain as day.

  "Oh Reece." The actress consumed the club owner's mouth once again. The emotion she felt was too intense for words. Surprise...

  The tall woman groaned as her tongue was sucked into Faith's mouth. It made her wish another wet warm orifice was engulfing it. She shifted her position to accommodate the twinge in her crotch.

  "Babe, that fantasy..." she breathed in Faith's ear.

  The blonde shuddered.

  "Tell me about it." she purred, sucking the earlobe into her mouth.

  "You... me... bike..." Faith groaned.

  "What else?" Her mouth traveled around to meet Faith's.

  "Mmmm..." The actress hummed her approval. "This is a good start," she replied between kisses.

  "I could kiss you for hours," the club owner confessed.

  "I could let you," the actress smiled.

  "Where do you want me to kiss you?" she whispered in Faith's mouth.


  Reece slowly worked her way down into her cleavage and stuck her tongue as far down as the shirt would let her. She was rewarded by a loud moan and another thrust against her abdomen. With both hands occupied, she tried to lift the shirt up with her teeth. Faith gasped when she felt the suction on her ribcage. Unable to wait, Reece closed her teeth around Faith's hard nipple through the shirt. The blonde held Reece's head in place and started a rhythmic thrusting against her. The club owner grunted.

  "Something you want, Faith?" she teased.

  "Touch me dammit!"

  "Show me where." She knew she was playing with fire, and it was getting her so hot.

  Faith unwrapped her legs from around Reece and pulled the arm out from behind her. She fell back onto the bike seat and braced her feet on the handlebars. She shoved Reece's hand between her legs and pushed her hips up.

  "Oh, my baby's pretty horny huh?" she chuckled as Faith's crotch was practically eye level now.

  The blonde whimpered when Reece put pressure behind her hand. "Open my pants." she demanded.

  "Yeah? I thought we'd just..." Reece raised an eyebrow. Public displays were ok with strangers, but Faith?

  "Shut up and touch me... now!" Faith opened her own pants

  Reece looked around quickly. Seems deserted. She shrugged. She was still afraid they'd get caught. "Hey, c'mere. I got a better idea." She got up off the bike and sat in the passenger's seat, pulling Faith into a sitting position in front of her. She took a deep breath of Faith's neck and shivered. "I love the way your skin smells."

  Faith to
ok hold of both Reece's hands and squeezed them to her chest. She craned her neck and wet her lips. Her unusually mushy lover was making her heart swell. Reece took the bait and kissed her senseless. Faith guided one hand under her shirt, the other inside her underwear. She let out a loud satisfied sigh when long fingers found her nipple.

  The club owner slid her fingers into the slick folds and groaned. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the feelings as a rush spread throughout her body. Her fingers explored, rubbed and circled, giving her aches of empathy. She pinched and rolled with both hands, Faith bucking against her, groaning. She tried to enter her lover, but cursed her big hands as she struggled to maneuver in such a tight place. "Fuck!"

  Sensing her lover's frustration, Faith had an idea. "Just stay there baby." She drew her arms up behind her and wrapped her hands around Reece's neck. Shifting just a bit, Faith started moving herself against the long fingers.

  Reece felt her adrenaline pump. "Oh yeah," she groaned. "Do it for me Faith." She looked down the length of her actress's arched body and the visual was getting her more turned on by the second. She began to rub and pinch Faith's nipples harder.

  "That feels so good." Faith whimpered. Her slow steady movement allowed her to savor the sensations. Reece allowed this to go on until she thought her heart would explode out of her chest.

  "You feel so good... so wet..." Reece angled her hand so two of her fingers were just entering Faith but not all the way. The blonde jerked, and tried to get them inside, but couldn't.

  "God... come on!" She begged.

  "What do you want?"

  "Inside, please..." Faith gasped.

  Reece plunged her fingers inside fast, causing a long sexy moan from her lover. Faith started to ride the fingers, slowly at first, but quickly building speed.

  "Reece... oh god..." the actress whimpered.

  Reece felt an orgasm start to build. She blinked a few times and wondered how the hell that could happen when no one was touching her. "You have no idea what you're doing to me." she whispered into Faith's ear.

  "Gonna come baby..." The smaller woman impaled herself one last time and ground down onto Reece's palm. She yelled out and threw her head back. She was met with a hungry mouth and a devouring kiss. The sound of Faith's strangled cry, combined with the feeling of her silky muscles throb around her fingers, caused Reece to join her and groan loudly.


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