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Reece's Faith

Page 13

by T J Vertigo

  "If that thing answers you I'm leaving." Reece closed her eyes at the soft sounds of Faith's teasing voice. Why is she still here? Doesn't she want to yell and scream at me?

  "Hello? Did you fall asleep? Hon?"

  She's calling me hon?

  "Faith, if you're only being nice to me because I'm hungover, don't. Go on, tell me what you want, I can take it." The tall woman squeezed her eyes closed and readied herself.

  "Oh, Reece, you don't get it, do you?" Faith burst into tears again.

  Reece's stomach twisted at the sound. "I make you cry. I'm not good for you."

  The club owner jumped as two small hands wrapped around her middle and a kiss was placed on her back.

  "Oh? You think so? I'll be the judge of what's good for me. I didn't start living until I laid eyes on you. So, you may think you know what's good for me, but you don't."

  "I know that no one should ever make you cry."

  Reece stood up and poured the coffee into a huge mug. She didn't want to lose physical contact with Faith, so she stood there at the counter despite the way her body felt standing upright. I knew that from the first time I saw you, you were crying and it made me feel something new....intense. I know now, it broke my heart.

  "I made you cry." Reece whispered.

  "Reece, I was scared! I thought I'd lost you!" She felt the panic rise just at the thought of it. "I really thought I'd never see you again, and it scared me to death."

  "And whose fault is that?" Reece asked bitterly.

  "Both of ours. What is it that you said? It takes two to tango?" The actress turned Reece to face her.

  "But only one to fuck everything up." Reece stared into forgiving green eyes. Even red mmed, they were beautiful to her. "I'm sorry." Her voice cracked and she spun away from Faith in embarrassment.

  "What did she say? The redhead stared at her lover's back in disbelief. Well don't make a big deal of it, act normal..

  "Reece, aren't you listening to me at all?"

  "Yeah, I'm listening." She walked into the living room and sat on the coffee table, grimacing as the hot coffee burned her raw throat. She was a little angry with herself for losing it a second ago.

  Faith got on her knees at Reece's feet. It was the only way she could make the stubborn woman look at her.

  "You don't have to apologize, I attacked you. I was jealous, and I was being ridiculous. I should know better. I'm the one who's sorry. I love you so much. Please forgive me?"

  "You shouldn't have to edit what you say to me. It's not fair." The tall woman opened her teary, bloodshot eyes and saw Faith on her knees, her eyes pleading with her for forgiveness.

  "Get up. I never want to see you on your knees for me, Faith. Ever!"

  Although Reece was as serious as a heart attack, and Faith knew exactly what she meant, the actress found the topless woman irresistible. She laid her head on a naked breast and sighed with relief at the comfort.

  "Hmm, I can think of a few good reasons to be down here." Faith slid her hands up to Reece's waist.

  The club owner's head pounded. She felt like there were wads of cotton under her eyelids and her throat felt like sandpaper. Still, Faith's statement tickled her somehow, and she began to laugh.

  "Reece?" Faith was taken by surprise at this reaction. What in the world? Laughter was the last thing she expected. She looked up as the tall woman laughed and couldn't help but giggle too, it felt so good. Saving the rug from destruction, she took the coffee mug and placed it on the table.

  Reece was nearly guffawing and when she snorted, Faith winced.

  "Oh baby, that had to hurt," she chuckled reaching up and rubbing Reece's head.

  "Like hell, Faith, it hurts like hell But I can't stop laughing.."

  "Well, if I knew it was so funny, I'd have propositioned you on my knees much sooner." the redhead teased.

  "Ohhh, God.. my head..." Reece wound down and wiped her eyes. "You have no idea the torture it was riding that bike.."

  "You just remember that feeling the next time you get on that bike drunk. God Reece! Where the hell did you go off to?" Faith started to relive her fear. "What the hell were you thinking! You could have gotten yourself killed!" Her voice raised an octave and the tall woman shrank back in pain.

  "Please, not now. I've been punished enough." she whispered.

  "Yeah, well, this conversation isn't over. Come on, baby, let's get you in bed." Feeling bad about her lover's condition, she backed off the subject. Reece took the offered hand and followed Faith upstairs.

  "So, are we ok?" The actress asked hesitantly.

  Reece shrugged. "I guess so. I never really stuck around before. I don't know how this works. God, I'm so tired."

  "I shouldn't have backed you into a corner. I trust you, I was being stupid."

  Reece crawled into the big bed and sighed with pleasure when her head hit the pillow.

  "You trust me." Reece repeated. That felt good.

  "I hope you can still trust me." Faith spoke quietly.

  "I trust you Faith. I really do." She smiled. That felt good too.

  "Thank you, Reece. That means the world to me." She kissed the club owner's lips and ran her fingers through her hair.

  "Mmm. I like that." Reece yawned and moved her head into the scratching nails. "Faith?"

  "Yeah?" The smaller woman pulled the comforter over her exhausted lover.

  "Frankie would have kicked my ass for this.. for you." Sad and sleepy blue eyes melted Faith's heart.

  "I bet I would have liked this guy." She smiled.

  "I'll take you to meet him one of these days." Reece turned over onto her side and closed her eyes.

  Faith kissed her lover's ear and started to get up from the bed.

  "Don't leave." Reece whispered.

  "Oh honey, I have to go to work.."

  "No. I mean even if I'm stupid.."

  "Even if you're stupid, I won't leave you."

  "Love you." She mumbled. "I wish I could show you."

  Faith wondered about that statement from her groggy lover. Show me? What does she mean show me? Unless... Oh Reece, that's why you've been so attentive lately? You think that you have to prove it to me by making love?

  "I know you love me, baby, and you don't have to do anything but look at me to prove it."

  Faith waited til her lover was snoring, and then stopped scratching her head. The actress stretched and yawned. The big bed looked so inviting and she frowned at it. Stupid re-shoot. I look like hell today and John is going to give it to me good!

  * * *

  "Ohhh, Miss Thing!?!? You look hideous!" the make up artist hung his mouth open dramatically and ran for the under eye cream.

  "Not today, John, not today. I'm cranky. This is your only warning."

  "I have Nuprin, Aspirin, Pamprin.. all the 'prins,' sweetie."

  "John.." Faith groaned.

  "Good God! Look at your eyebags!" He reached for some other sort of remedy.

  "Ugh, what is that stuff?"

  "Hemorrhoid cream. Uh uh uh.. keep them closed, Louise, terrible things can happen."

  "JOHN! You did not just put ass cream on my face!" Faith was horrified.

  "Oh relax, Red, it's perfectly ok. How do you think Michele looks so good after a night of drunken bacchanalia?"

  "But on my eyes?"

  "Pardon me ma'am, would you like some cheese with that whine?"

  "Fuck you."

  The make up artist clutched his chest and staggered backwards, waving the tube of cream around wildly. "Oh this is it.. He gasped, "I'm coming Elizabeth.. it's the big one.."

  "Ok, ok. Cut it out." she grinned. "I told you I was a cranky bitch"

  "And I'm a hyper-sensitive queen. The twain should never meet."

  Faith was relieved at John's insistence. If anything, his antics made her chuckle and that isn't a bad thing at all.

  "So, Louise, wanna talk about it? Hmmm?"

  "Not really, but I just know that's not the right answer."
  The make up artist sucked in a loud exaggerated gasp.

  "Lord lord lord! That neck! Give me Spike's phone number, young lady! We have to talk, man to man."

  "Oh, don't ever say that to her face there, buddy." Faith snickered at the thought.

  "Oh, like she's not butch. Please, sweetheart." He rolled his eyes and snorted.

  "I'm talking about you calling yourself a man."

  "Touche. So what's with the eyes? Hormonal?"

  "We had a big fight."

  "Ok, Chatty Cathy, I see it's all up to me then."

  "We made up. Is that better?"

  "Much. It would explain the teeth marks on your shoulder that seem to be going..." He peeked down the front of Faith's shirt.

  "John! Get out of there." she slapped him in the head.

  "Ooooo! She bit your titty! She's an animal!"

  "Stop that!" She blushed. "I can't believe you looked!" Faith clutched her shirt against her chest.

  "I'll show you mine.." John lifted up his shirt and stuck out his chest.

  She couldn't help but grin at him. He really knew how to make her day more interesting. She poked him in the nipple and looked shocked when he tried to retaliate.

  "Oh, you must get over yourself, sweetheart. They're adorably perky, but they ain't in no danger from me. I'd never be biting on anything so cute."

  "Will you just stop? God!" She scolded. "Anyway, that was before the fight."

  "Oh, I see." He pursed his lips and batted his eyelashes. "So you like it like that, huh?"

  "Dunno yet, but I'll let you know the moment she ties me up and has her way with me." She gave the makeup artist an evil grin.

  "Promises, promises."

  "Watch it, wisenheimer, I'll have her come here and tell you how much she liked it herself. Maybe she'll even show you."

  "Ok. Shutting up now. Don't sic her on me, she frightens me a little." He indicated how little with two fingers.

  "She'd cut off her own hand before she hurt me. You, however.."

  "I bet she doesn't even know her own strength. She looks like she drinks her milk alright... straight from the cow."

  "Oh, now that's a pretty picture."

  "I'm just saying.." He examined her eyes.

  "John, the makeup please?" She clucked her tongue.

  "OH, that reminds me of a movie, 'Liquid Sky'. Ever see that one? 'Chicken lady with the eyebags..' HA!" He cracked himself up.

  "John." She glared daggers at him, pointing to her face.

  "Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am."

  * * *

  Cori was waiting patiently outside the studio when Faith exited the building. The dancer had agreed to meet her and the two were going to go shopping.

  The actress held up a hand signaling Cori to come over while she said good bye to her co-stars. "Hey, Ali, thanks for helping me out, I really wasn't myself. I don't know why I let that man get to me."

  "That's alright, no need to thank me. Are you feeling better than you were before?"

  "Yeah, much. I'm still beat, but now I can think of plenty to say to that moron. Man, he pisses me off!"

  "Who pisses you off?" Cori inquired.

  "Chucky, the asshole producer of this show. He started in on that pervert crap today. He came into makeup and saw a hickey or two and said something in reference to a lap dance."

  "Get the fuck outta here! What happened?" The dancer frowned.

  "She tore him a new asshole. I whisked her away before she shoved her foot into it. Was nothing really." Ali winked at Faith.

  "Alison, my hero, meet Cori, my savior." Faith winked back at her friend.

  "Savior? Really, Faith, all I did was loan you some underwear."

  Ali raised an eyebrow at Sandy, who'd only caught the last part of the conversation.

  "OK, you can't just say something like that without expanding a little bit." She offered her hand to Cori.

  "I'm Sandy, pleased to meet you. Now elaborate."

  "Cori, pleasure. See, Faith was working in a bar when I met her. Her jeans were soaked and.."

  "Oh? And what kind of bar was this exactly?" Ali inquired.

  "Hey, you guys hungry? Wanna go grab a bite? We could chat over food."

  "Yeah! The two of us were just going shopping, wanna come with?" Faith offered.

  "Sure, I'm free, what about you, Sandy?" Alison was eager to meet Faith's friend, maybe hear some embarrassing stories as well.

  "I'm game. Besides, I'm sure you have plenty of dirt for us on this one here." Sandy pointed at Faith, who was giving her a face.

  "Pretty. Posing for a new head shot?"

  Just then Michele wandered over to the crowd. Alison rolled her eyes, giving Cori the impression that the newcomer wasn't a welcome addition.

  "Hi guys. What are you talking about?" Who's this oddball?

  Faith noticed the way Michele was looking at Cori and couldn't figure out if it was curiosity or intrigue.

  "Hi, Mish, this is Cori, she's taken." Faith smirked.

  "Don't believe everything you hear, I'm not such a letch." Mish narrowed her eyes at the group, who collectively snorted. "I don't know why everyone thinks I am." She shook Cori's hand and smiled. "You know, I don't ever think I've seen hair quite that color before. It's, um, unique. And that thing?" She pointed to the tattoo winding around her shoulder. "God! It's so, so...masculine!"

  Cori glanced at her shoulder and quirked an eyebrow in annoyance, which drew Michele's attention to the piercing.

  "I can't imagine what kind of job you can hold down with all those rings in your face."

  "I do just fine, thank you." The dancer sneered at Michele.

  "Ok, well, later, Mish, we gotta get moving." Sandy pushed Alison, who pushed Faith. Cori was still glaring at Michele, and Faith had to grab her by the elbow and drag her away.

  "Oh, she's a breath of fresh air, ain't she?" The dancer said with disgust.

  "You should see her when she's on a roll. I don't know if this is insulting or not, but I think you may be the first woman to come this close to Michele that she didn't try to pick up." Sandy laughed.

  "Definitely not an insult." The dancer grinned.

  "I think you frightened her actually." Faith joined in the laughter.

  "Maybe if I would have showed her my tongue.." Cori wiggled it at the girls.

  "Whoa." Alison gasped. "Did that hurt? I've seen one, but two?"

  "Reece calls her a freak."

  "Faith, now, you know she means that as a term of endearment. She loves me, face it." The dancer teased. "Besides, she should talk."

  "Reece has a tongue piercing?" Sandy raised an eyebrow. Cori raised one back.

  "Well c'mon then, it looks like you have a few stories to tell." Ali linked elbows with Cori and the four women strolled away.

  "Starting with Faith's wet underwear." Sandy prompted.

  "Nooo, Reece's tongue!" Ali shouted.

  * * *

  Alison came out of the dressing room with a flourish and posed dramatically for Cori and Faith.

  "That is definitely a keeper!" Faith clapped as Ali twirled around and looked over her shoulder like a runway model.

  "Come on Sandy, let's go!" Cori urged.

  "No, I'm not coming out there wearing this! Uh uh, no way."

  "Sandy, if I'm wearing this, you can wear that." Alison gestured to the tiny little outfit she was hardly wearing.

  "Whose idea was it to go to Frederick's Of Hollywood anyway?" Sandy yelled from the dressing room.

  "That's it, woman.." Faith pulled open the door and everyone giggled.

  "See? I look ridiculous!" Sandy whined.

  "You were supposed to take off the sweat socks and work boots first, hon," Cori snickered. "Although the feather boa does complete the look."

  "Bite me." Sandy yanked the door closed behind her.

  "Well, that does it, she's way too butch for me." Cori teased.

  "Hey wise ass, why aren't you trying on anything racy?"

"You know, Sandy, for someone who spends most of the show in a negligee, I don't see how you can be shy?" Faith wondered.

  "That's easy, it's a character in her underwear. Not me. She does the crazy things, I don't." She opened the door and went rummaging around in a clothing rack.

  "Oh, I know that one." Ali nodded. "I do that too. It's much easier, right Faith? Isn't that how you were able to make out with Jim?"

  "Well, actually, I didn't pretend to be anyone else, I pretended that he was." Faith accepted the garments that Sandy handed her and went into the dressing room.

  "Tall, dark and gorgeous no doubt." Ali snickered.

  "She's gorgeous alright. I think I'll pretend it's her too. You don't mind, Faith, do you?" Sandy grinned.

  "Nah, it's cool, she shares." Cori answered.

  "Oh, more stories? Do tell?" Ali wiggled her eyebrow.

  "I do not share her! And no more stories, Reece's ears must be burning." Faith yelled from behind the door.

  "Don't you mean her ass? You got me daydreaming about her underwear now. Thanks, Cori."

  "Don't mention it." She grinned.

  "So? What do you think?" The redhead emerged from the dressing room wearing a little black and royal blue number with garters and all.

  "Oh baby! Faith, you are stunning!" Sandy blurted.

  "Shit yeah! Wrap it to go!" Ali nodded in agreement.

  "Reece will fall to her knees in worship if she sees you in that." Cori twirled Faith around. "Oh, I may fall to my knees in worship."

  "Cut that out, you guys. It really looks good?" Faith received six raised eyebrows in reply.

  "OK then, I'll take it."

  "Remind me to be far away from the house when you model that one, Faith. I really don't wanna see what unfolds."

  "I wouldn't mind seeing Reece on her knees, would you, Ali?" Sandy teased.

  "Not at all. As long as she was in front of me."

  "Is there one person who isn't in lust with my woman?" Faith rolled her eyes.

  "John." Three voices replied in unison.

  * * *

  Cori and Faith had some time to talk after the girls had left, so the actress filled the dancer in on the events of the day. Cori was extremely surprised that Reece managed to get herself home from wherever she had gone with that bad of a hangover. She was also very angry with Reece for driving like that in the first place. She reminded herself to lay into the boss about that.


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