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Reece's Faith

Page 19

by T J Vertigo

  "God, what did I do to deserve this?" The actress looked to the heavens for an answer.

  "Honey, I wish you wouldn't take the Lord's name in vain. You did enough of that last night."

  "Mother..." Faith groaned. "Why don't you go and get dressed... please." She begged.

  "Sure, dear, I'll get out of your hair."

  Faith made a face at her mother's back, then threw herself into a chair and groaned.

  "Wow, Faith! Your Mom's the shit!" Violet gushed.

  "Why? What did she do to you?"

  "Nothing, babe!" Cori replied. "She's just cool is all."

  "My mother?" Faith was still unconvinced.

  "Yeah, she told us she practically forced you guys to fuck. And did you know she watched Reece's pornos?"

  "What?!" The club owner dropped her coffee. "Shit!"

  "Baby, be careful!" Faith rushed to her aid.

  "SHE WATCHED THEM?" Reece shouted.

  "Yeah, she told us she learned something too." Cori snickered.

  "Oh no." Reece looked horrified.

  "Reece, why the face? So she watched some pornos.."

  "I'm in some of them, Faith." The club owner looked at her feet.

  The room fell quiet.

  "You're in them, in them?"


  The silence was deafening. Cori and Violet were watching Reece, who was staring at the floor.

  "Well, I'm assuming this was before I came into the picture." The actress narrowed her eyes.

  "Yes. Way before." Reece couldn't take the scrutiny, and started for the door.

  "Don't you dare walk away, Reece!"

  The club owner stopped in her tracks and turned around to face her lover.

  "If you'd rather we left..."

  "No, Cor, it's ok." Faith smiled.

  "Reece?" Violet asked.

  The tall woman shrugged and half smiled at Faith.

  "So, did the women know they were being filmed?"


  "Are you um...on the receiving end of .."

  "It's all just me doing them." Reece grimaced and closed her eyes, waiting for the attack. When none came, she peeked open an eye and saw Faith standing there with a smirk.

  "So, no one's touching you then?" Faith's eyebrow went up.

  "Well, I didn't say that...what I mean is..." The tall woman began sweating.

  "Nah ah ah.. you don't have to go there. I know what you mean."

  Again, the room sat silent until Faith spoke up.

  "So, you're fucking them?"

  The club owner glanced at her lover. "Some."

  "That I wouldn't mind too much." Faith smirked.

  "Huh?" Cori, Violet and Reece questioned.

  "Well, I could watch that. As long as no one was doing you." The actress grinned.

  There was a collective sigh of relief.

  "Can I watch too?" Violet wondered. Cori backhanded her in the stomach.

  "Faith? Are you serious?" Reece was dumbstruck.

  "Yeah, totally. I wanna see them." She hugged her lover and smiled. "I just gotta see that ass in motion..." Faith squeezed her lovers butt and mmm'd.

  "Why don't you just put mirrors on the ceiling?" Cori asked.

  "I can't keep my eyes open long enough, let alone focused." Faith grinned.

  "You'd be surprised." Violet winked.

  "You have mirrors?" Reece wondered.

  "Yeah, and it's great. You can watch the top of Faith's head when--"

  "Whoa there. I'm getting horny." Faith held up her hand.

  "My girl just loves to watch." Reece teased.

  "Well, you sure are something to look at." Faith licked her lips appreciatively.

  "You're hormonal." The tall woman smirked.

  "And horny." The actress kissed Reece's collarbone.

  "Wow. You must take after your mom, because you're cool." she teased.

  Faith smirked and stretched up for a proper kiss. The liplock was broken by a throat clearing.

  "Sorry." Faith blushed.

  "S'okay. We kinda got used to the public ravishings." Violet joked.

  "Me too. Although I'll never get used to this." Marsha agreed, holding up a dildo.

  Cori gasped. Reece and Violet turned red. Faith felt faint.

  "It was in my nightstand. I was looking for a pen."

  The older woman handed the toy to Reece and made herself a cup of tea. "By the way, that one feels so real." She added as she sat down.

  "It's supposed to, Mrs. A." Reece smirked, putting Harley in her bathrobe pocket.

  Faith had to sit. The thought of her mother actually knowing what a real penis felt like made her queasy. The fact that she was comparing the two made her lightheaded.

  "Well, pardon me for being naive, but why? If you don't want to have sex with a man, why?"

  "It's not the umm, part, Mrs. Ashford, it's the person it's attached to." Cori offered.

  Marsha contemplated that for a moment. "I see." She sipped from her cup quietly. "You wouldn't happen to know where I can get one of those, would you?" She asked the tall woman.

  Faith put her head between her knees when she began to hyperventilate.

  "Babe? Take it easy." The club owner knelt at her lover's side.

  "So, what's on the agenda today, Reece?" Cori changed the subject.

  "Oh, Faith dear, I nearly forgot! A man named John called while I was on the phone with your father." She chuckled. "That's why I needed a pen."

  "Welll..." The actress prompted.

  "He said that they postponed shooting today due to all the latest, what was the word he used? Yes, scandal. He will call you back this afternoon."

  Faith groaned. What do I do with Mother today?

  "Hey, why don't you let me take your mom for the afternoon?" Cori smiled.

  "Thank you. Would you?" Faith breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Of course. What would you like to do today, Mrs. Ashford?"

  "Oh I don't know, girls. How about you show me around? And please call me Marsha."

  "Cori, I want my mother in one piece." Faith teased her friend.

  "No problem. Come on, Marsha. What do you say we all go get pampered today."

  "We're going to have a spa day. Sound good?" Violet added.

  "Oh yes! That sounds wonderful!" Marsha was visibly pleased.

  "Great idea, Cori." Faith smiled. "You be careful with her."

  "Will do, Faith." Violet winked as the three women filed out the door.

  "If Dad could see her now.." Faith laughed.

  "Let's hope he doesn't." Reece embraced her lover.

  "Hey, you're right. I don't want her back here again." Faith nudged Reece's pocket with her hip. "I wanna try that one."

  "Come on then, what are we standing here for?"

  "Reece, I can't. Not now." Faith gestured to her lower half.

  "Oh babe, I don't mind. Harley don't mind.."

  "I mind."

  "Please..." Reece begged as she reached down and caressed Faith's inner thigh.

  "Oh god.. don't beg." The actress already felt the tingles.

  "Pretty please?" The club owner slid to her knees and kissed her lover's mons.

  "Reece..." Faith warned, even though she knew she was losing the fight.

  The tall woman nudged between the actress's legs with her nose and breathed hot breath all over.

  "Let me make love to you, Faith. I want to so badly." She groaned.

  "Get up from there. Doesn't it smell funny?"

  "No, not at all." Reece rubbed her cheek on her lover's pubic area.

  Faith shuddered.

  "Pleeease?" Reece pouted.

  "Oh, you're going all out, aren't you?" The actress ran her fingers through the long black locks.

  Reece nodded. "I won't use my mouth if you don't want," she bargained.

  "You don't think that's gross?"

  "Not you I don't." Reece nudged into the warmth again with her nose.

  "Did you ever...?" Faith squatted
down to look at her lover.

  "Nope. But I always wanted to earn my red wings." Black eyebrows wiggled.

  "You're a pig." The actress slapped her playfully on the ass.

  "Oink oink." Reece leaned in and started kissing Faith's neck.

  "Baby.." Green eyes closed in pleasure. Even as she protested, Faith knew she was a goner.

  "Hmm?" The club owner's lips sucked in a bit of flesh behind her ear.

  "Oh Reece..." Faith shivered, Reece cheered silently. "You really want this, don't you?"

  The tall woman groaned her reply and nipped the skin she was sucking.

  "Aahhh..." Faith fell bonelessly into her lover's arms.

  "Yessss!" Reece shot up to her full height and practically threw Faith over her shoulder.

  "Hey! At least let me shower!" Faith giggled.

  "Absolutely, as long as I can wash you."

  "Oh, I don't know why I even try to say no to you, Reece Corbett."

  "Because you like to hear me beg."

  "Oh yeah." The actress growled.

  "So you wanna make a tape?"

  * * *

  Faith was getting antsy. She had been sitting in this room, arguing, bargaining, and bitching with the cast and crew of her show.

  Without Michele, Faith was thrown into the starring role, a position she didn't want. Jayme, the new producer and writer, was gesticulating frantically. The actress had no idea what she was saying; she'd tuned them all out a while ago.

  Okaaay. I have way better things to do. One of which is probably waiting for me in my favorite leather trenchcoat.

  Faith sighed loudly, expelling a large gust of breath that got Jayme's attention.

  "I'm sorry, Faith, are we keeping you awake?" she said sarcastically.

  "Actually, yes." she grumbled.

  "Look," Sandy butted in, "We have to shoot 5 more episodes for this season. Why don't we just have Mish's character on some sort of vacation, and work all this out over the break?"

  "I think it's a great idea. Right now it's too stressful to get anything good done. I don't want to force Faith into a responsibility she isn't comfortable with. With Mish gone, 'Campus' is all about Faith," Jayme agreed, looking to the rest of TPTB.

  "Ok, I give up." Faith threw her hands up. "I've been sitting here listening to all your suggestions, but no one's asked me!"

  All eyes were on Faith.

  "So, tell me what you want then." Jayme plopped down in her chair.

  "Well, for starters, I don't want Judith to have an affair with the professor, that's way too 90210 for me. Besides, have you seen him? I'd rather sleep with Travis."

  "Cool!" Travis high-fived Jim.

  "You know what I mean, you idiots." she smirked at the guys.

  "Please. I know I don't stand a ghost of a chance with that woman of yours lurking around." Travis shook his head grimly.

  "Speaking of said woman, are we done yet?" Faith stood up.

  "Alright, I don't see why we have to keep the actors any longer, let's call it a night and we'll just edit the scripts we already have. We'll cross the Michele bridge during break." Jayme stood up too, to the relieved looks on the actors' faces.

  * * *

  Outside the studio, Sandy and Ali waited with Faith for Reece.

  "Yeah, so it was shaky for a while, but she finally left."

  "I can't believe she's that adjusted to Reece already. She must be something." Ali nodded to herself.

  "Yeah, I mean as far as mother's go, Reece isn't exactly the type they'd want their daughter to fall in love with." Sandy nodded too.

  "She really surprised me there." Faith admitted.

  "Isn't it awful when your mother is there? You can't have sex."

  "Who says?" Faith grinned.

  "Oh you lucky dog." Ali laughed.

  "Wait, weren't you all cramped out last week? Cuz I know I was and we get it at the same time." Sandy wondered.

  Faith just blushed. When the two women gave her curious looks, she changed the subject.

  "So about what you said before, you really think Mish will be a bitch?" Faith asked Sandy.

  "Well, she doesn't have to try hard, I'm just saying watch out."

  "Yeah, who knew?" Ali shrugged. "Charles I can see, but her?"

  "You know, Reece thinks I was a threat to her, but she's biased."

  "Oh no, she's right." Sandy argued. "Since you came along, the ratings have doubled, the fan mail has tripled, and it's been all about Judith."

  Faith heard the distant rumble of a Harley and her stomach tingled in anticipation. "How come I don't see any mail? I mean, not that I am eager to read it, but still?"

  "Oh, they have people to read and answer them for us. If you want, you can snitch mail anytime. But be careful, I read some mail that positively terrified me," Sandy warned.

  Faith's eyebrow shot up in question.

  "Yeah, be prepared for some sick sexual requests." Ali agreed.

  "Speaking of sick sexual requests..."

  "Stop that!" Faith backhanded Sandy in the belly, watching the bike approach.

  Reece cut the engine and glided to a stop in front of her lover. She took off her thick winter riding gloves slowly before lifting off her helmet and running her fingers through her hair. The show was intended for Faith, but the other women sighed as well.

  "Hi, babe, miss me?" The tall woman winked at the actress, throwing a long leg over the bike and sitting sidesaddle.

  "I knew you'd wear that coat." Faith narrowed her eyes seductively. "And you will be rewarded for it."

  "I'm counting on it." The club owner grinned ferally.

  "How's it hangin', oh tall one?" Sandy teased.

  "A little to the left." Reece stood, opened her trench, and rearranged her crotch. "There, that's better." She smirked.

  All three actresses gaped at the bulge.

  "What? It was her idea." Reece pointed at Faith. "It goes with the trenchcoat."

  "REECE!" The redhead closed her eyes as the hot blush crept up her neck.

  "God, Faith, I don't think I've ever been so jealous in my life." Ali admitted.

  "C'mon, Ali, lets go get drunk and play 'guess what they're doing now'."

  "Oh, ha ha. Goodnight, ladies." Faith turned up her nose playfully and sauntered away.

  "Well, I'd stay and chat but.." Reece gave her cockiest grin and followed her lover.

  Sandy groaned.

  "What are you bitching about? I'm not getting any either." Alison frowned at the couple mounting the bike.

  * * *

  Faith released the skin from between her teeth and poked her sweaty face out from inside the trenchcoat to look at her panting lover.

  Reece immediately leaned heavily on her, blowing warm gusts of breath on her neck.

  The taller woman had one leg on the handlebar, the other on the floor, and both legs were shaking from the strain she'd put on them moments before. Faith squeezed her legs tightly around her waist and twitched slightly, causing Reece to groan.

  "Jesus Christ, can't possibly want more?!"


  Reece tilted her head back and blue eyes stared in disbelief.

  "Easy there, tiger, just kidding. I was merely attempting to get the feeling back in my legs."

  Reece reached behind her and unlocked Faith's ankles. The actress's legs fell heavily on top of her still-trembling thighs. Faith grunted as she fell forward, still entirely filled.

  "You know, babe, when you're on top, you can at least try and do some work." Reece scolded playfully.

  "I was, but then you started moving and it felt too good."

  "Cook up anymore fantasies yet?" The tall woman shifted her weight and Faith hissed through her teeth.

  "Take it out, Reece. Now."

  "Shit, Faith, I forgot...I didn't mean to hurt you." The tall woman babbled.

  "Hurt me?" She wiggled and licked the sweat off of the glistening neck in front of her. "Hardly."

  "Ohhhh." Reece under
stood. Her lover was trying to save her life. One more ride like that and Reece was sure she'd be crippled.

  The tall woman gathered her strength and lifted the smaller woman up and off of her lap. Faith sat down again and sighed contentedly, the heat on her inner thighs from the dildo snuggled between them making her shiver.

  "Cold, babe?" Reece put both feet on the ground and wrapped her trenchcoat tighter around them.

  "No. It's perfect." Faith nestled her head into her lover's neck and yawned.

  "Faith, you can't fall asleep like this. What will Pepe think?"

  "Honestly, Reece, with the wad of money you threw at him, Pepe isn't going to be around for days."

  "That, or he's laying face down on some bar. Hey, what are you complaining about? He let us fuck in the garage." Reece rubbed her cheek in Faith's hair.

  "True, I'd have froze my tits off outside. God it's cold!"

  "Now that you mention it, I lost feeling in my ears and my hair is starting to freeze. Wanna blow this taco stand?" The club owner reached between them to force Fatboy back in her pants, but her hand was halted by a smaller one.

  "No. Stay right there."

  Faith twisted around under the leather coat and faced forward. Still holding hands, she scooted up towards the handlebars, and Reece had no choice but to follow.

  "Ooo, I like this." Reece leered down at her lover.

  "Thought you would." Faith gave a leer of her own. Feeling their toy press up against her back, she made a happy noise.

  Reece bent her head to speak into Faith's ear. "I guess I'm not done with you yet, Faith Ashford." She growled, then grinned as she felt the shudder run through the smaller frame.

  Faith reached her hand behind her neck and pulled the dark head closer.

  "You better never be done with me, Reece Corbett." she whispered.

  "Never." Reece swore, and started the engine.

  * * *

  The club owner sat up in bed and sneezed. "Ow." she groaned. Everything hurt. She blew her nose as hard as she could but only managed to clog her ears. Faith had said she looked pale the night before, but Reece shrugged it off as being tired.

  "Fucking great." she grumbled.

  Shuffling into the bathroom, the tall woman ran the shower and prepared to step in when she noticed her reflection in the mirror.

  "Ugh.." she stuck out her tongue at herself. "I look as horrible as I feel." She rummaged around in the medicine cabinet to no avail.


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