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Reece's Faith

Page 30

by T J Vertigo

  The tall woman stared off in the distance, then closed her eyes and grinned, "No, I had no choice, I was in love with you from the moment I laid eyes on you."

  "See? Only it took you long enough to admit it," Faith smirked.

  "So, you're not going to decide that there's something else out there? You're not going to just one day think you're missing out and leave?"

  "Me? Need more than you?! Hardly. I can barely keep up with you on a good day."

  "Come on, I'm serious here. Are you happy with me?" Reece asked sincerely.

  "Yes, of course! Very happy," Faith smiled at the loud, relieved gust of air Reece blew out. "Love, I can't imagine not waking up next to you or at least in our bed. I am addicted to the smell of your skin. I need to see your face everyday like I need air."

  Reece heard her unspoken thoughts and feelings coming out of Faith's mouth. It gave her the strangest feelings. "Doesn't it frighten you to be that dependent, Faith?"

  Does it frighten you?"

  "A little." Reece mumbled.

  "That's okay, Reece. I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me, babe."

  "Thank you, Faith." the club owner fell forward between her lover's legs and rested her head on her shoulder.

  "Don't thank me. I had no idea what love really was all about until you."

  "Oh boy, do I know what you mean." Reece lifted her head and kissed Faith with as much feeling as she could.

  "Wow," the actress breathed.

  "Hon, what are you going to do about your job now?" she lifted her hand and let her fingers brush the underside of Faith's chin.

  Faith closed her eyes and made a contented sound, "Reece, don't you worry about that. I made my bed..." The actress slipped her hand into long silky black hair.

  "I coulda took care of it You didn't have to go and do that." Reece closed her eyes too as Faith's nails gently scratched her scalp.

  "Michele twists my panties. She pissed me off. Who does she think she is?"

  "This could cost you your job... your career," Reece said sadly.

  "Hey, look at Ellen," Faith joked.

  "Yeah, look at Ellen," Reece turned to face her lover. "Faith, this could be very bad for you. If it gets to be too much, please tell me. I'll fix it. It's my fault."

  "No, it's my fault, really, but let's worry about that another time okay? It's Christmas Eve."

  "Like I could forget," the club owner gestured at her office.

  Faith got up and stood by the tree. "You liked it?"

  "I was surprised."

  "Good surprised?" Faith smiled.

  "Very good. I especially like my hat," Reece opened her desk drawer and pulled out a disposable camera and began taking pictures of her office.

  "You look very cute, Reece," Faith said as she posed by the twinkling tree.

  "Say cheese," Reece teased.

  "Eat me," Faith laughed.

  Reece snapped the picture and laughed. "Eat me?"

  Faith shrugged. "The same amount of teeth as 'cheese', only more fun to say." She pulled out a box from under the tree and held it out to her lover.

  "Those are real?" Reece asked, taking the present from Faith.

  "Yes, these are real. They're private gifts," she smirked.

  "Ohhh, you should have told me. Mine are under our tree," she wiggled her eyebrow. "Hey, this is heavy."

  "Open it, already," Faith practically jumped up and down.

  Reece unwrapped the box and opened the lid. Her eyes went wide at the contents. "You dirty girl, Faith." Reece held up the leather items. An elaborate harness, some wrist cuffs and straps.

  "You like?" Faith purred.

  "Oh yeah, I really, really like. I was wondering when this discussion might come up."

  "Kinda nips that conversation in the bud, doesn't it?" Faith leaned into her lover.

  "It certainly does," Reece leaned into Faith, her breathing a little labored. She kissed the actress, teasing her lips with her tongue.

  "Thinking about what to do with your toys, Reece?" the actress whispered.

  "Oh yeah," Reece whispered throatily back.

  "Try on those pants for me?"

  Reece leaned away and held up the leather pants. She examined the buckles and ties at the crotch, "Kinky," she grinned.

  "The ties open up and..."

  "Oh I see that, Faith." Reece leaned back into her lover and caught Faith's bottom lip in between her teeth before sucking it into her mouth. She nipped suddenly and Faith shuddered.



  "Ooo, I like when you growl," Faith shivered.

  "I think these are gonna fit perfectly. How'd you guess?"

  "Reece, I'm practically sleeping with your leathers like a teddy bear. I think I know what size they are. Put 'em on already!"

  Reece chuckled at Faith's excitement. She unbuttoned her jeans and kicked off her boots. Faith took the pants from her lover and held them open or her to step into.

  "I can get dressed on my own, babe," Reece smiled.

  "Yeah, but where's the fun in that?"

  * * *

  "Mrs. A, they've been in there long enough for us to figure out that they're finished talking."

  "Violet, humor an old woman, please go check on them."

  "Please don't make me go in there," she whined.

  "Vi, if it'll make you feel better I'll go," Sam offered.

  "Uh, no thanks, Sarge, if anyone's gonna barge in on them, it should be me," the dancer laughed.

  "Okay, you go," Mrs. Ashford pointed to the door.

  "Fine. I'll go." Cori stood there.

  "Go on," Violet urged.

  Cori knocked on the door, then again... and again. She opened it slightly and stuck her eye in the crack. What the? Closing the door behind her, she shooed away the rest of the others.

  "What's happening?" Sam asked.

  "They're fine. Typical kiss and make up stuff," she lied. Yeah, if you call slow dancing to Christmas tunes typical of Reece.

  "You sure? You look kinda funny, Cor," Violet cornered her lover.

  "They're dancing, Vi. Reece is wearing those scrumptious pants and they're dancing," Cori said dazed.

  "Wow," the piercer mirrored the dancer's expression.

  "I never would have dreamed I'd see a civilized Reece. That Faith was a miracle."

  "Amen." The music changed in the club to a rocking version of "Feliz Navidad" and Violet grabbed her lover by the hand. "Come on baby, let,s party!" she dragged her off towards the bar.

  * * *

  "Reece! What are you doing?!" Faith squealed as her tall lover picked her up and headed out of the office, dancing and singing."

  I happen to like this song."

  "I like you like this, it should be Christmas all the time."

  "Let's not get carried away," Reece laughed at her own joke and swatted Faith on the ass.

  "Ha ha. Put me down. I can walk out there myself."

  "Nah, I like you up here," she replied while walking through the club.

  "Hey Reece! Come over here!" Cori yelled above the music.

  The two women put their heads together and sang loudly to the music as Faith squirmed out of Reece's grasp.

  "Faith, sweetheart, is everything okay?"

  "Perfect Mom. Just perfect."

  Mrs. Ashford watched her daughter's smile widen as she watched Reece dance and sing with the others.

  "This really isn't what I thought it would be, Faith. It's really not a dark and dirty place at all."

  "See? I told you, Mom. Now you stay with Violet, I'm going to get us something to drink."

  "Woo hoo! Hey little one, go on and give us a show like the last time, will ya?"

  Faith paled at the man's suggestion.

  "Excuse me?" Marsha folded her arms over her chest.

  "You should have seen her. Oh and with that freaky one over there... she can really turn up the heat, you know what I mean?" he winked and laughed.

  Reece... help!
  "Are you saying that my daughter takes off her clothes for money?" Marsha was aghast.

  "Your daughter? Cool! Yep, all of them. Damn, can she get the blood flowin'! She's got a one helluva set of... ack!"

  "Good lord!" Marsha sat on the stool heavily as she witnessed Reece carrying the man out by his throat.

  "Mom... I can explain... just let me..."

  "Is it true? Do you do this?"

  "I did. Twice. But I don't anymore."

  Marsha sat there deep in thought while Faith fought the urge to throw up.

  "Mom? Please say something."

  "Is that how you met her?"

  "Yes... no... well sort of," Faith stuttered.

  "Mrs. A, I'm so sorry you had to hear that asshole spout such crap," Reece gathered Faith in her arms and the actress buried her face in her lover's chest.

  "It's alright, Theresa. I'm not as shocked as I should be. I guess if that is how it was supposed to be, then how can I get upset?"

  Huh? Reece was definitely confused. Mrs. Ashford was actually condoning Faith's dancing?

  "Mom, thank you. This is how it's supposed to be, I'm where I should be."

  Reece hugged her lover tighter. This was all going to work out fine.

  "Let's go home. We still have your father to deal with," the club owner suggested.

  "Ugh, don't remind me."

  Faith laughed at her mother's outburst and they left the club and went home.

  * * *

  "Oh girls, that was one of the most unusual days I've had in my life!" Marsha laughed, while Reece tried to extricate her from the tiny sports car with as much grace as possible.

  Of course, the strong club owner could have simply leaned in and threw the woman over her shoulder, but she strongly doubted it would go over big, especially with her husband peering disgustedly through the front window.

  Faith knelt on the driver's seat and pushed her mother's backside with her shoulder as her lover pulled her by the arms.

  "Come... on... mom," the actress grunted.

  Violet sat between Cori's legs on the hood of the car sharing a bag of chips, looking for all the world as if they watching a Marx Brother's movie. They had no problem sitting on top of each other in the back seat with Faith or climbing over everyone to get out. However, Mrs. Ashford was having quite the time unfolding herself from the bucket seat.

  "Freak, what did you do to my car? This seat used to go back much farther."

  "I, um, well..." Cori stammered while Violet blushed.

  "Never mind. I probably wouldn't want my mother sitting there if I knew," Faith said as she poked her head over the roof of the car.

  Finally, the older woman flew out of the car and into Reece's arms with a shriek. "Faith Beulah Ashford!" Marsha yelled. "That was a horrible thing to do to your mother."

  "It got you out didn't it?" the actress smiled proudly.

  "Beulah???!!" Reece dropped Mrs. Ashford and fell into hysterics. "Buh... Bu... Beulah??!! Oh, god..." she then snorted so loudly she began to choke. Cori and Violet rushed to her aid, both biting back their own laughter.

  "Serves you right," the actress huffed. "I have you know that was my great-grandmother's name," Faith tried to sound haughty but failed to cover her embarrassment.

  "Theresa, honey," Marsha patted Reece on the back, "hands up, reach for the clouds," she sang.

  "Let's go, Mother."

  "But she's choking," Mrs. Ashford worried.

  "She'll live," Faith narrowed her eyes at her gasping lover. "Look, she's breathing already."

  "Yeah, I'm fine," Reece choked, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  "You are sooo punished," Faith whispered as she passed Reece.

  "Punished? Hey! Wait! I was caught off guard!" the tall woman protested.

  "Tsk, tsk, guess you've been cut off for the first time, eh Reece?" Violet jumped off the car.

  "Looks like you'll be sleeping alone tonight, boss," Cori teased. "Man, and you got such nice Christmas gifts, too," she shook her head with disappointment.

  "Drop. Dead. Freak." The tall woman started for the door, paying no attention to the woman writhing around on the sidewalk in a dramatic death scene.

  "Definitely Oscar worthy, hon," Violet applauded after the dancer twitched for the last time.

  "Ya think?" Cori began to get up. "See? There's more than one actress in the bunch," she snickered.

  Quinn Ashford stood tapping his foot while the women poured through the door. Marsha stopped taking off her coat long enough to put her hands on her hips and stare him down. Reece stood behind the older woman displaying one of her most menacing stares.

  "Quinn, you just keep whatever comment you may have to yourself. The girls have been through enough already without having to hear your narrow-minded gibberish," she stood there challenging him to say something.

  Quinn so desperately wanted to say something, he had seen everything on the news. Glancing back and forth between the two women, his confidence faltered. That icy cold stare and his wife's unwavering stance made him think twice.

  How can she stand there and defend that place, and that... woman? What has happened to my wife? My whole family has gone mad! What am I going to say to the guys at the country club? 'My daughter's in love with a homicidal dyke?' Jesus! I'll be blacklisted! It was killing him. He took a deep breath and saw the figure behind his wife shift her stance. He made eye contact with every intention to cow that woman into backing off. However, the look in those blue eyes caused his throat to go dry. After swallowing several times and then looking back at his wife, Quinn threw his hands up in the air, defeated.

  Marsha harrumphed. Reece turned on her heel and sprinted up the stairs. Satisfied that the man would cause no problems for the mean time, she had to see about this "being punished" business.

  * * *

  "Sweetie?" Reece knocked on the closed bedroom door.

  Faith smirked. Sweetie? Okay, that's a good start.

  "Can I come in?"

  "No," the actress sat on the bed, smiling. I'll only make her beg for a little while. Its so cute.

  "Faith? It slipped out... Beulah is really a pretty name."

  "I can hear you gagging from here, Reece."

  "I just want to tell you something."

  Faith bit her lip. Reece sounded like a little child. "What, Theresa," she tried to sound really annoyed, but giggled quietly as she heard her lover groan and bang a body part on the wall with a thud.

  "I wasn't laughing at you baby, I swear it. Can I come in?"

  "Gee, Reece, it sounded like laughter to me," the pout was evident in her voice.

  Shit, she's really upset... The club owner knocked her head on the wall again. Well, it's a funny name. I'm sure I'm not the first to laugh. Mine's kinda funky, but that's a nun for ya. She wondered what to do when Cori wandered by and snickered. Reece glared at her and Cori waved it away with a flick of her hand.

  Rolling her eyes, she gestured for the tall woman to bend down to her. "You really want to be forgiven?" she whispered into Reece's ear.

  The tall woman nodded furiously.

  Cori pointed to the floor. Reece shook her head back and forth furiously.

  The dancer pointed and glared.

  The club owner reluctantly knelt in front of the door. "I'm on my knees here, baby," Reece pled with Cori's coaching.

  "I'm not convinced."

  Cori handed her a pad and pen, but Reece had no idea why.

  The dancer shook her head in mock disgust and snatched the items away, drawing a heart and shoving it back at the club owner.

  "Faith? Look at the floor," Reece shoved the paper under the door. "I'm begging out here."

  The actress picked up the paper and smiled. "I can hear that. What else you got for me?"

  Sensing headway, Reece shooed the dancer away. "Here," she slipped another paper under the door.

  Faith picked up the smiley face and chuckled.

  "I heard that, Faith. Let me in."
r />   "I'm still not convinced," the actress fixed her hair in the mirror.

  "Now look," Reece smirked.

  Faith looked down to see the next paper, followed by another paper. She picked them up and began reading about how much Reece loved her and what she intended to do to show her. Whew! She sure knows how to describe that particular activity. "Now that's more like it," she said as she threw open the door.

  Reece fell into the room on her hands.

  "You really were on your knees," Faith laughed.

  "Apparently," Reece said as she crawled into the room, knowing how Faith would react.

  Faith regretted opening the door as she became instantly aroused at the sight of her tall lover on all fours. "You're forgiven," she said rather breathlessly and sat on the bed, patting the space beside her.

  "Is this where we kiss and make up?" Reece jumped into her spot and pushed her lover down playfully.

  "No, this is where we kiss. Making up comes later."

  Reece climbed on top of her and slowly slid her knees down until she was covering Faith's whole body, then laid down cradling Faith's head with her forearms, her hair falling onto the actress's ears, tickling them.

  Faith sucked in her bottom lip as she felt the weight of her lover slowly envelop her. "You feel so good on top of me, Reece."

  Reece kissed Faith gently at first, but both became carried away quickly. Faith, once she slid her hands down to her lover's backside, and Reece, when Faith grabbed said area and pulled her down even harder. The tall woman groaned and began a slow grind into the smaller body.

  "Reece, baby... wait..."

  "Shh... kiss... mmmm"

  Maybe making up won't be such a bad idea, thought the actress as she wrapped a leg around her lover's thighs.

  * * *

  Quinn sat back down in the recliner and flipped on the TV. He stopped at the live report from the club. They were rehashing the earlier scenes, cutting bits and pieces together randomly. They began by showing the tape of when Faith exited the club with Reece, the two strange girls and his wife.

  While he had to admit he was impressed with the way the tall woman protected his little girl, easily parting the crowd and keeping the protesters away from her, he felt Faith still had no business being there. If it wasn't for that crazy woman corrupting her, she'd have been home right now and not displaying these antics to the entire Tri-state area. In addition, home not only for the holidays... and for good. He made a disgusted sound and raised the volume on the TV.


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