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Reece's Faith

Page 66

by T J Vertigo

  "Mmmm," Faith hummed, turning her head and rubbing her cheek against Reece's skin.

  "Yeah," Reece agreed, lifting her head off the rim of the tub, then ducking it down to kiss blonde hair.

  "Cancun," Faith mumbled.

  "Hmmm?" Reece opened her eyes and furrowed her brows.

  "For our vacation, let's go to Cancun."

  "Oh. Is that where you want to go?"

  "Why? Did you have something else in mind?" Faith slipped away, turned around to face her lover and wrapped her arms around her neck.

  "Nope. Honestly, I was going to ask Cori to find out where you wanted to go and surprise you," Reece's mouth slanted in a lopsided grin.

  Faith rested her forehead against Reece's. "I love you. I'll follow you wherever you go."

  "Loyalty is so hard to come by these days," Reece teased, pursing her lips and waiting for a kiss.

  "Is that why you like Smudge so much?" Faith teased back and then gave Reece her kiss. "He'll follow you anywhere too."

  "Ah, but he won't hump me anymore. Care to take over?"

  "With pleasure, sexy," Faith giggled and made humping gestures.

  Reece raised both eyebrows. "You keep that up and we'll never get out of this tub."

  "And that's a bad thing?" the actress smiled and batted her eyelashes.

  Reece batted hers back demurely and it struck Faith as hysterical. The club owner pretended to pout at her lover's outburst. "Fine, laugh at me, see if I care."

  When Faith finally stopped laughing, she kissed Reece and stood up, causing the tall woman to stop pouting and start leering.

  "Come on out, honey, I'm starved."

  "Well, now that you mention it," the club owner stood, too.

  "Oh yeah, I'll follow you anywhere," Faith muttered as she drank in the naked, wet body.

  * * *

  Faith wanted to go out for dinner, but Reece didn't want to leave Smudge home alone. The actress knew she'd have no chance in an argument against it, so they called Cori and Violet and asked them to pick up a pizza on their way. The four women lounged around the living room laughing, talking and eating, while Reece kept a protective eye on her still slightly groggy pup. At one point, Smudge stood up and yawned, making a small high-pitched sound and the tall woman nearly ran over to see if he was alright. Cori raised both eyebrows at Faith and pointed at the tall woman with her elbow. Faith shook her head and grinned as Reece gathered him up and brought him back to the floor where she was sitting.

  "Reece, you're spoiling him. Let him be, already," the actress said around a mouthful of pizza.

  "So? He was traumatized today. He deserves to be spoiled. Don't ya, little guy?"

  Cori rolled her eyes.

  "Oh, and I'd like to see how you handle it when they tear the insides outta Thelma and Louise, tough guy."

  "Reece! We're eating!" Faith reprimanded.

  The tall woman shrugged, "Well... I'm just saying..."

  "OKAY, we get the picture," Violet held up her hand. "I'm sure I'll be a nervous wreck."

  Reece stuck out her tongue triumphantly and gave some crust to Smudge who took it in his mouth and began to gnaw on it, holding it down against the tall woman's outstretched leg with his paw.

  "Reece, dogs don't eat pizza," Cori scolded.

  "This one does. See?"

  "Geez, Faith, she's a lost cause!" Violet laughed.

  "Tell me about it," Faith said with mock exasperation.

  "Soon, he'll be sleeping in the bed and you'll be on that smelly thing in the corner of the living room," Cori pointed to Smudge's bed.

  "Maybe she'll throw me some crust if I'm good," Faith teased.

  Reece stood up with the pup. "Come on, little man, let's go get a beer and leave the wash women to themselves."

  All three women in the living room laughed at that. Once in the confines of the kitchen, Reece pulled the divider down and lifted up the pups tail to inspect. Hmm... nothing much to see here. She put him down on the floor and he scampered to his water dish to wash down the crust. "I see you feel better," she told him. She cocked her head towards the living room and smiled, hearing the three women giggle and talk. Funny... she thought, it didn't piss me off when they teased me. The tall woman opened a beer and drank slowly. I'm completely at ease with a couple of freaks. Smudge scratched at Reece's leg and she automatically picked him up. "They're right, you know. You are totally spoiled," she said and kissed his head. Faith's laugh resonated into the kitchen and Reece felt her belly warm. God, I am so in love with her. She looked around the large space and took in all the changes Faith had initiated in the room. Place mats, frilly curtains, cute little potholders hanging from decorative hooks and even new pots hanging from the pot rack. What did it look like before her? The tall woman couldn't remember. In fact, she could hardly remember what anything was like before Faith. She tried to imagine life without Faith. A twinge of panic shot through her insides and she felt dizzy. Lord! Let's not do that again! she scolded herself. You have got to be the luckiest woman alive, Corbett... Faith's voice cut through her thoughts.

  "Reece? What are you doing in there?"

  The tall woman opened the divider and stuck her head through. "Just thinking how incredibly lucky I am that you love me."

  Faith's mouth dropped open. She just said that in front of everyone?

  "Faith, hon, you're gonna catch a fly," Cori nudged her with her shoulder. Truth be told, Cori had just closed her own mouth when she noticed Faith's.

  Reece reappeared in the living room with a beer for everyone. All three women looked at her strangely and it made her a little uncomfortable. "What?"

  "So, tell me more about this vacation Faith mentioned," Violet changed the subject, much to Reece's relief.

  "We're going to Cancun," the club owner smiled.

  Faith chuckled at the lack of information. "I called the travel agency today and made arrangements. We're going to a really cool resort... right on the beach! Reece is stopping in tomorrow to pick up brochures, but the web site they gave us showed enough to hook me," she said excitedly.

  "And they have all kinds of water sports. I can't wait to get on a jet ski!" Reece said just as enthusiastically as Faith.

  "Sounds like a great time. You guys need it," Cori nodded as she spoke.

  "So do we get to watch the golden boy?" Violet pointed to the pup lounging across Reece's lap.

  "Yeah, congratulations," Faith snickered.

  "No problem, I'd be glad to. I'm sure the girls would love to have him over."

  "Hmm, I don't know. What if he starts telling them how good he's got it back here? They'll want to move in here with that one," Cori pointed at Reece.

  "Very funny, Freak," Reece grinned, knowing it was completely true. Smudge had her trained well.

  * * *

  Later that night, Faith sat on the couch with Reece on the floor in front of her, the tall woman's head resting on the couch between the actress's legs. Faith was combing her fingers absently through the thick, dark hair while she watched television. Reece had conked out a long time ago, but Faith wasn't sleepy and she didn't want to stop touching her lover, so she slipped the remote out from Reece's limp fingers and flipped on her favorite channel. It had been too long since they shared lazy moments like this and Faith knew the minute she started scratching Reece's head, the woman would be history, but she didn't mind. She loved giving the attention to her deprived lover as much as the club owner enjoyed it herself. Glancing down at the relaxed face between her legs, Faith smiled. I can't believe how much I love her. She kissed her fingers then placed them on Reece's lips. The club owner licked her lips in her sleep and Faith giggled. Returning her hand to the dark hair, she heard a small sigh escape the tall woman's lips. "And I say you spoil Smudge," she whispered.

  "Guilty as charged," Reece whispered back.

  "I thought you were asleep," Faith said quietly.

  "I was, until you tickled my lips," Reece's mouth curved into a smile and she rubbed her ch
eek against Faith's thigh.

  The actress stared at her lover's face, suddenly struck with the realization of how much Reece had changed... how she had become completely at ease with the relationship. The trust, the comfort that her face showed right now overwhelmed Faith. The tall woman had grown in ways neither one of them thought possible in the beginning. Faith felt a sort of powerful responsibility for the transformation. "Thank you."

  Reece opened her eyes and tilted her head back to see her lover. "For what?" she asked in confusion.

  "For everything. God, Reece, I love you so much," Faith bit back tears.

  Reece became alarmed and she turned around completely, getting up on her knees to look directly in Faith's eyes. "What happened just now? Why are you crying?"

  The actress wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Reece's hair was absolutely hilarious after she had spent the last two hours messing it up. Instead, she attempted to smooth it down while she explained herself. "I know how much you gave up to be with me. I see how you've changed... for the better, mind you, and I know I'm responsible for a lot of those changes. I just wanted you to know that I love you, for everything. You mean the world to me, Reece. If you ever went away, I'd be devastated."

  Reece grinned knowingly. "Don't you worry about me going anywhere," she leaned in and kissed the actress's cheek. "I thought I'd never say this, Faith... in my whole life... these thoughts never crossed my mind, but... I can't leave you. I need you in my life. You make it better. There's no one else in this world I'd want to spend my life with."

  Faith's smile threatened to take over her whole face, even though tears were welled in her eyes. Was that almost a proposal??? "I wouldn't dream of leaving you. My life started the second after you kissed me."

  Reece rested her head on Faith's shoulder. Jesus... that almost sounded like a proposal. The tall woman sighed with contentment. Would that be such a bad thing?

  * * *

  "I swear, Cori! It sounded like she was going to propose to me!" Faith tried to convince the dancer that she wasn't going crazy and that Reece really sounded like she meant it. She'd been dying to tell someone and called her friend the second she got to the set. Cori wasn't thrilled to be woken up so early, but the news Faith had given her thrust her into full awareness.

  "She wasn't drunk?"

  "I told you, no." By now, Faith was aware that Violet had picked up the extension.

  "Okay, what exactly did she say, word for word."

  "She said, 'I need you in my life. You make it better. There's no one else in this world I'd want to spend my life with.'"

  "Oh, my god! I think you may be right!" Cori said, stunned.

  "See?" Faith practically yelled into the phone. "What do you think, Vi?"

  "I think you may have something there. What happened before that made her say that?"

  "We were lying around in the living room, she fell asleep and, when she woke up, I told her how much I love her and that I wouldn't be able to live without her."

  "Well, it sounds like the feeling is mutual. I'd take that for what it's worth, honey. I think you guys are destined to be together forever," Violet offered.

  "But I can't believe Reece said that! Like, when she all of a sudden said how lucky she is that you love her? I think she's been thinking about this a lot, Faith. She may just propose to you yet," Cori said excitedly.

  "Yess! I knew it! Can you imagine?" Faith gushed.

  "I'll try to find out more at work, babe, okay?"

  "Please do, Cori, I'd appreciate it!"

  "Okay, now that I'm wide awake," Cori chuckled, "me and the woman have some business to take care of."

  "Ooo, you go right ahead," Faith snickered and hung up the phone.

  * * *

  Reece climbed off of her bike and pulled off her helmet as she walked purposefully towards her destination. Once there, she paced back and forth for a few moments as she gathered her thoughts. "So there we were, in the dark, in the living room and I don't know what happened, 'cuz all of a sudden I wanted to ask her to marry me. What the hell is going on? Me? Marriage? What the fuck is that all about? Okay, so, I can't remember life without her and I can't imagine a tomorrow without her in it. But marriage?" The tall woman stopped pacing and looked at her feet. "Would it really make a difference in our lives if I did propose? I mean, she's gotta know that I love her more than life. I kinda told her that I can't live without her last night. Can that one question make such a big difference?" She squatted down and dusted off the headstone, "Tell me, Uncle Frankie."

  * * *

  Faith came home from the set and practically dragged her ass to the couch. She sprawled out on it and lifted her feet up, dropping them noisily, shoes and all, onto the coffee table. She blew out a breath and let her head fall back heavily. "God, two more days... just two more days and I'm a free woman."

  Smudge heard the commotion and came running down the stairs, skidding into the couch. "Yap!"

  "Hiya, sweetie," Faith watched the excited little dog leap up and down with his tail whipping back and forth. "I suppose you want me to lift you up here."

  Smudge panted, walked backwards and attempted a running jump, missing his goal by a few inches.

  "You do realize that I have to move in order to pick you up, don't you?"

  The dog began barking frantically. Faith sighed heavily and leaned forward, grabbed the dog and flopped back into the comfortable cushions. She was thanked with a full facial licking. The actress couldn't help but giggle. "Thanks buddy, I needed that." She cuddled him to her face and slid down sideways until she was lying on the couch. Smudge curled up in the space between her shoulder and her neck with a happy little sigh. "Hey, take off my shoes, will ya?"

  * * *

  It was nearly morning when Reece trudged up the front steps. The club owner got home later than usual tonight, there had been a fight at the club involving one of the dancers and the girl wanted to press charges. Of course, it all happened right about closing time, too. The cops couldn't resist giving Reece a hard time, so when the lights came on, they took their own tour of the place, inspecting every crevice for trouble. They turned up with nothing out of place, but the tall woman's nerves were shot. All she wanted was to curl up in bed with her lover and sleep.

  Reece walked into the house and waited. She frowned. Why isn't he coming to say hello? She flipped on the hallway light as she took off her boots. Glancing into the living room, she was surprised to see Faith asleep on the couch and tiptoed into the room. As she got closer, she noticed the reason of her lack of greetings tonight. Smudge was curled up in a ball nestled against Faith's neck. I don't blame you, little guy, best seat in the house. She squatted down next to her sleeping lover and kissed her softly on the temple.

  Faith made a tasting sound and turned over; Smudge squeaked in protest, stretched and adjusted his position.

  The tall woman shook her head in sympathy for Faith. Two more days, baby. Count 'em. One, two. Reece slipped off Faith's shoes and climbed onto the couch behind her, snuggling up into her back. She was asleep before her arm wrapped itself around the smaller body.

  * * *

  The club owner woke up to the most unusual sensation. She tried to make out what it was without opening her eyes, but she couldn't figure it out. Something was tickling her bicep; it was warm and soft, and feather light. It seemed to be tracing her tattoo. Reece's foggy brain took a moment, but when it registered, she grinned and flexed her arm. "Does it taste good?" she said in sleep-deepened voice.

  "Uh huh," Faith replied, her tongue still tracing.

  "You must have been beat last night, babe," Reece reached over with her free arm and tucked Faith's hair behind her ear.

  The actress put her hand over Reece's mouth. Once she was through with her tattoo tasting, she removed it, propped up her elbow and leaned her head on her hand. "I'm done. You were saying?"

  Reece smiled, amused at her lover's good mood despite her obvious exhaustion. "Rough day yesterday?"
r />   "Oh god, you don't even know. We have to be done in two days and we have four days of work to do. I made so many costume changes yesterday... make up changes..."

  "How come?" the club owner asked, skimming her fingertips down Faith's back and under her shirt.

  "We had to re-shoot some scenes that we did earlier, sometimes months earlier. I tell you, John was near tears last night."

  "Poor guy." Reece meant it, it just didn't sound like it. She was preoccupied with the feel of Faith's skin.

  "Yeah... Reece, I'm getting all goosepimply."

  The club owner glanced down at her lover's nipples and smiled, "I see."

  "Mmm, well, before you go any further, I need to shower. I have six pounds of cover-up on my face."

  "Come on, Faith..." Reece begged.

  "No one said you can't join me in the shower," Faith smirked and jumped out of the couch.

  "Woo hoo! Wet sex, I love it," Reece said as she started stripping off last night's clothes.

  "Reece, did I mention how sweet it was that you joined me on the couch last night? It was wonderful to wake up with you all wrapped around me."

  "I missed you," Reece shrugged, kicking the pants off her feet.

  "I know, I'm sorry. Two more days." Faith hugged her near naked lover.

  "I can't wait. Come on, get naked, you have to be at work soon!"

  "Baby, maybe we should skip the shower, I want to take my time worshipping you. I'm tired of quickies."


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