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This is Our Land (Emerilia Book 5)

Page 15

by Michael Chatfield

  “Maybe he has a tap into the ley lines?” Fire said.

  “I haven’t found any large disturbances into the ley lines other than the Aleph power stations.” Bob spotted Water’s brow rising.

  “With the Creatures of Power and champions restriction being used, all of the creatures I locked away are now coming out to play. I gave the forces that were actually looking to keep Emerilia peaceful time to come back and regain their former glory. When the Creatures of Power and the champions who have been locked away start roaming Emerilia, we’re going to need them to stop the planet from falling into chaos,” Bob said.

  “All of them?” Water’s face paled with the news.

  Bob nodded.

  “I thought that it was only a few of them.” Water looked shocked. “What about the angels?” Water’s voice was almost panicked.

  “They’re coming,” Bob confirmed, “though that is a later problem. The fact that the Dark Lord has enough power to make nearly a thousand champions in the space of a day is a problem we need to deal with now. We need to know where he’s getting that power and how we can cut him off from it. I can’t use my administrative powers, though I can still use my magic.”

  “This kind of power outlet—maybe he’s found a new way of harvesting Dark energy into power?” Fire said.

  “Like Dark matter?” Bob said, his voice serious. “The amount of power within Dark matter if he could somehow tap into it would be tremendous.”

  “With you not having your administrative abilities, can we do anything against him?” Water asked.

  “We might not be able to, but maybe the emperor of the Jukal Empire would like to have some more power from Emerilia. We can cite how he has a massive draw of power and then siphon it off as tribute to the empire,” Bob said.

  “Sneaky, but it could work. With the power levels he displayed, he’s more powerful than anyone else in the Pantheon,” Fire said.

  “We shouldn’t forget that we aren’t the only ones who would have picked up on this battle,” Water warned.

  “Earth and Dark have always had a close relationship. The issue with Boran-al made them tense, but now with Dark showing this kind of power, Earth will most likely make amends and they will continue to work together. Do we know what Earth has been up to?” Fire asked.

  “He’s been building up his Creatures of Power and his champions. I wouldn’t doubt that he’s spent all of his saved Mana on his creatures and champions. With his aggressive strategy, he’s going to gain rewards from his power rather quickly,” Bob said.

  Fire and Water nodded their heads, knowing the kind of power that came with investing heavily in those who would level up quickly and have such a large Mana pool as to increase the power devotions they gave to their lord or lady of the Pantheon.

  Fire and Water didn’t keep devotions that people devoted to them, drawing from their Mana and thus training up their Intelligence and Willpower. Although the rest of the Pantheon kept this power, Fire and Water gave the power right back to the POE and Players.

  If they were to keep that power to themselves and not give it back to those who gave them devotions, then their power would compete with the Lady of Light and the Dark Lord.

  “What will the Jukal Empire do with these new changes?” Fire asked.

  “I don’t know. They’ve been watching everything through the Stone Raiders’ live implants; they know that the Aleph are back—the Demons and Beast Kin as well.

  “From my feelers, it seems that they are excited for everything happening. The emperor could try and get them put away, but it would go against popular opinion. Emerilia keeps the people entertained and not thinking about their lives as drones. Making changes that would piss them off and make them look to the emperor in anger are not likely avenues. It’s harder and harder for me to talk to my friends with all of the empire tuning in to try to catch a glance of them. I have to make time while Dave is using the Mirror of Communication.”

  Fire went a little pale. Bob looked away, so as to not draw Water’s eyes.

  “You said that we couldn’t be watched by the empire, though?” Water asked.

  “Well, we don’t have the same implants as the POEs and Players. Though any interactions with Players or POEs can be recorded, your Creatures of Power cannot record this information since they’re made from your own Mana. We need to start thinking about the kind of information that we want the empire to have and not,” Bob said.

  “You’re scared that they’re going to see how powerful Emerilia’s residents are and start adding in factors to bring them back down?” Fire guessed.

  “Something like that,” Bob admitted. “We’re going to have some of the biggest fights we know happening. We’ve got a few months before portals start opening on their own to different lands. Then, we’ve got a war coming that will either destroy the people of Emerilia or have survivors who are the strongest beings we have ever seen. What do you think that the empire is going to do when the race that tore through their fleets now have power to rival the minders that they put into place?”

  “They’ll clear the slate and reseed Emerilia,” Water said.

  “They’ll try.” Fire’s determined eyes found Water’s. He nodded in agreement.

  Bob saw the fierce stubbornness in the two gods’ eyes. A smile passed over his face.

  “To quote a very old series: I love it when a plan comes together!” Bob said, getting confused looks from Water and Fire.

  Chapter 15: Revelation

  Dave woke up in a rush and tossed off the sheets that restrained him, looking for a threat, looking for the impending Demon Horde. He staggered slightly, finding that his perception of time was off once again.

  “Dave, aura.” Deia’s voice slightly was strained.

  He pulled back in his aura, suppressing it as he realized that he was in a fort that had been placed at the base of the steep path to Alkao’s keep.

  “What happened? Did the enchantment work?” Dave’s notifications bar blinked at him angrily.

  “It worked. All of the DCA fighting with us and up in the keep got those soul gems that made weapons and armor,” Deia said in a calming voice. She sat on a chair facing Dave as he sunk back onto the cot.

  “Good, good.” Dave still felt tired but his mind was a whirlwind. His higher Intelligence buzzed through his mind; information started to bleed through his memories as he made connections and began to understand more.

  “Wow, I should have done that from the beginning. I didn’t put in the right control system. I would need to have it much bigger to do that, though. Huh. I guess those mega mecha animes might have been onto something.” Dave snorted and lay back down as his mind continued to race.

  “Dave, are you okay?” Deia asked, her concern clear. Dave conjured wheels under her chair, and slid her chair forward. She let out a surprised squeak as she came to stop next to his bed.

  He grabbed her arms, smiling as he pulled her onto him and the cot.

  Their armor clinked together.

  “Better.” Dave sounded content as he wrapped her up in a hug.

  Deia rolled her eyes and kissed his forehead.

  “Though, the damn armor’s in the way. Unless there’s something you haven’t told me, I think your knee guard is jabbing me in the leg,” Dave said.

  Deia laughed, relief clear as she gave him a real kiss. Dave returned it and sighed.

  “You want to know what happened?” Deia asked.

  “One second. Need to write a few things down. Got an Intelligence high from all those stats,” Dave said, writing down notes on his interface.

  “My Dave, the ever constant crafter,” she purred, kissing his cheek and laying on his breastplate. Nothing had gotten through his Mana barrier, leaving it unmarred.

  Dave smiled and looked to her. He squeezed her gently with his left arm that was still wrapped around her. She had made him a better man and was willing to deal with his eccentric and quirky ways. He kissed her hair briefly and continued
his hurried note-taking.

  “I don’t know of anyone who had put in over sixty levels of stats into themselves in one go. Why did you do it?” Deia asked.

  Dave continued to write as he explained. “I knew that there had to be a way to change the tide of the battle. The Demon Horde was nowhere near as effective as the DCA’s soldiers one-on-one. The problem was that the Demon Horde had so many more people. Everyone underestimates the power of even simple weapons and armor. They let the user worry less about little wounds, to take a hit to take down their enemy. A sword will take down someone much faster than claws. I wanted to make weapons for everyone but just straight conjuring them would drain me of power and knock me right out. I put in the Intelligence to slow down my perception of time more, giving me the time to figure out what the hell I could do to conjure as many weapons and armor as possible.”

  “So, you came up with soul weapons? How do they work?”

  “The soul gem has inside it a set of instructions, basically a magical coding of conjuration. I built the cores, allowed our armor to channel power into them and then sent them out to the DCA. I imprinted instructions on my armor to act as a factory for the things. It created the soul gems and I picked out where they went to. Fueled with the power of our armor, the soul gems turned from just looking after themselves to carrying out the magical coding within them. They turned into armor, shields, and swords. If I did it all by myself, then I would have fallen apart. I simply made a very complex set of magical coding on my armor to make magically coded soul gems and then feed power through my armor, kind of like me sending instructions to a 3D printer to make another printer that prints a picture.” Dave closed his notepad.

  “You’re crazy.” Deia kissed Dave. “But you’re my crazy.” She looked into his eyes.

  “Wouldn’t want it any other way.” His arms encircled her in her armor. They kissed once again.

  “I’ll tell the others that you’re up, though I don’t think many people missed your aura seeping out. Make sure that you get those notifications sorted out. You’ve got two more classes you have to pick. If you’re good for it, the DCA needs people to help them hunt down the six hundred thousand remaining Demons who are trying to get over the cliffs and into Devil’s Crater.” Deia rose.

  Dave made a complaining noise and pulled her back down to him.

  “I’ll be back soon enough.” She kissed him.

  “Uh, fine, better be fast!” He pouted.

  She gave him another quick kiss and smiled at him. Dave couldn’t keep up his pout anymore, and it turned into a wide grin.

  She laughed, getting off Dave and heading out of their tent. “Remember to check those notifications!” she yelled back.

  Dave grinned and opened his notification bar.

  Active Skill: Inference

  Level: Expert Level 7

  Effect: 77% increased chance of using moves you’ve read in books.

  Active Skill: One handed and Shield

  Level: Master Level 4

  Effect: Weapons damage increased by 44%. Defense increases by 22%; shield bash is 20% more likely to stun opponent.

  Cost: 20 Stamina

  Active Skill: Spell formation

  Level: Master Level 1

  Effect: You use 25% less Mana and your spells are 80% stronger.

  Active Skill: Soul Manipulation

  Level: Master Level 4

  Effect: Tools you make to manipulate souls and their energy is 90% stronger. Able to use Soul energy to fuel spells. 20% increase to soul energies reserves (can only be used for spells; does not act as extra Willpower points).

  Cost: Dependent on creation.

  Active Skill: Magical Circuits

  Level: Master Level 10

  Effect: Upon breaking down Magical Circuits, you understand how they function. 50% Reduction of cost in making Magical Circuits.

  Cost: Dependent

  You have created a new skill

  Upon reaching the mastery of a requisite skill, you are recognized as a master of Magical Coding, a subset of Magical Circuits. For this, you gain the class:

  Skill Creator

  New Active Skill: Magical Coding

  Level: Master Level 1

  Effect: You remember every magical code you’ve made or seen and have and encyclopedic knowledge of the runes you’ve seen.

  Cost: Dependent

  New Class: Skill Creator

  You have gone beyond regular skills, mastering them in the pursuit for more. You have created a new skill in your endeavors


  Level 1


  +20 Intelligence

  +20 Endurance

  +20 Willpower

  Class: Champion Slayer


  Level 2


  Relationship with Affinities Pantheon:

  Dark: Hated

  Light: Favorable

  Fire: Trusted Friend

  Water: Favorable

  Earth: Angered

  Air: Neutral

  +2 to all stats

  Quest: Champion Slayer Level 3

  Kill 10 Champions (0/10)

  Rewards: Unlock Level 4 Quest

  Increase to stats

  Increased/Decreased reputation with Affinities

  Level 217

  You have reached level 217; you have 511 stat points to use.

  Stat Increase

  +1 Strength

  +2 Intelligence

  +1 Endurance

  +1 Willpower

  Pick a new class

  Upon reaching level 50, you may pick one more class or change your old classes.

  Pick a new class

  Upon reaching level 100, you may pick one more class or change your old classes.

  “Well, okay then.” Dave rubbed his hands together as he looked through the all-encompassing list of classes. There were quite literally hundreds of them.

  Most of the ones that could be gained by actual work increased the person’s attributes levels. The ones that could only be bought with each class had other options. There was Herb Gatherer, or Mine Manager. Each of them got a certain amount of resources from different sources. Leveling them up meant either putting in more class points or spending gold on them.

  With Dave’s burst of knowledge, he had come up with an idea, one that too many mecha animes and a love for heavy armor had brought about. Added with the functionality he remembered from Rock Breakers space suits, he was going to need a ton of resources.

  Then there’s the other fact that the Dark Lord has painted a target on my back.

  He needed options to deal with whatever the Dark Lord sent. His idea went a long way to doing that.

  With a half-second of thought, he grabbed the Miner Manager Class. He used most of his gold to put it to the second class level.

  You have earned a new class: Mine Manager

  You have become a manager of a mine! Provide more gold to this class in order to increase productivity! Items will be delivered to you once a week.


  Level 2


  Every week you gain:

  10 Steel ingots

  1 Silver ingot

  1 Ebony ingot

  Chance to get 6 random ores

  Happy with that, Dave looked to his character sheet and Affinities.

  Character Sheet


  David Grahslagg






  Dwarven Master Smith, Friend of the Grey God, Bleeder, Librarian, Aleph Engineer, Weapons Master, Champion Slayer, Skill Creator, Mine Manager




  Chaotic Neutral

  Unspent points: 511




  8.42 /s



/>   Regen:

  19.45 /s




  15.15 /s













  Affinity Levels













  “Okay, so, I’ve got one more class. My stats are high as hell and I should get some bonuses once we finish clearing out the Demon Horde. My Affinities are damn high, though my Light is low, especially if I’m going to be fighting the Dark Lord. Ugh, this is complicated.”


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