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Hard Man

Page 3

by Amarinda Jones

  “I was thinking about last night, bumblebee.”

  Ashbea held her hands up. “Don’t go there.”

  “We were pretty good together.” Harry started to move toward her.

  We were fantastic. “We were okay.” If she backed away then he would know he had gotten to her. Ashbea couldn’t have that. She needed to be in control.

  Harry had a skeptical look on his face. “Just okay?”

  “Yes.” Ashbea breathed deeply. The smell of him was making her heart pound in excitement. She had read somewhere that a woman always knew her mate by his smell.

  “I could do better.” Harry’s hands settled on her shoulders.

  Oh damn, he was touching her. Ashbea’s body heated up in response as she once more remembered his body plastered against hers as his hips thrust against her ass. “I do not believe that for a second.” Better would kill her. “I’m sure you have work to do.”

  “Yeah.” Harry didn’t move.

  Ashbea noticed that. She could have moved but her feet refused to budge and it had nothing to do with the light pressure of his hands on her shoulders. “Harry?”

  “I’m thinking.”

  “About?” And why am I even asking when I want him gone?

  “You and what other fantasies you have.” Harry’s eyes left Ashbea’s.

  Oh lordy. “I have none,” she lied to save her sanity. The man said she was a mistake. There was no point being with him again. Unless I prove him wrong…


  Ashbea jumped at the sound of that single word. “What? You want to sleep with a mistake?”

  “No.” Harry pulled her close to his body. “I want to have sex with you, bumblebee.”

  “That’s not going to happen.” Between her legs was wet just thinking about it.


  Yes. “No.”

  “What do you need?”

  Ashbea licked her lips. “A big cup of strong coffee.” Or a slap in the face to wake her up from what she was actually thinking.

  “Settle for getting fucked by a big, hard cock?” His voice was low and husky with promise.

  Yes please. “That’s hardly a gentlemanly thing to say.” But I like it. On the whole Ashbea only swore when it suited the occasion. Talking dirty with Harry was a different kind of occasion.

  “But it’s what you need.”

  “No.” Ashbea pushed against his chest. It was initially to get away from him but the hard wall of flesh made her hands start to slide a little farther down.

  “Whatever you want I will do.” Harry’s hands slid over hers. “Just ask, bumblebee.”

  If anyone had asked her later, Ashbea would have sworn blind that she had no idea what possessed her to tear Harry’s shirt open.

  Harry was unfazed by her actions. “You want it rough?”

  Yeah she did, but more than that Ashbea wanted to be in control. “I want you to lie on the ground, unzip your pants and present your cock to me.” Ashbea could hear the nuns at her old school, St Mary’s, clacking their beads together and praying for her.

  “Want to ride me?”

  “Just do it.” Fast, hot sex was exactly what she needed. Maybe it would be so terrible that she could draw a line under last night’s moment with Harry in the goodies room. That was the theory.

  Harry reached into his front pocket. “You’ll need this.” He tossed her a condom.

  Thank God one of them was thinking because it wasn’t her. Ashbea watched as Harry dropped gracefully to the floor and did as she requested. It was then that she noticed the line of scars on his ribs. Ashbea recalled the ridge of tissue she’d felt on his back the previous night. What had happened to him? Whatever it was it would have been painful. “Harry—”

  “You know the door’s not locked?”

  The idea of someone like Ida or Mitzi walking in and finding them appealed to Ashbea. “Frightened of being seen, Harry boy?” She angled her hands down her back and unzipped her dress, letting it slide to the floor. “I want to see cock, mister.” Yeah, I’m bound for hell.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  It was almost funny how fast Harry pulled his cock out. The long, hard length of it made her body tremble. That would soon be inside her and Ashbea couldn’t wait. She kicked off her shoes. “Play with your cock.”

  “What?” Harry looked at her in surprise.

  “You heard me.” She tossed her bra in the air, her panties soon followed. She kept her eyes on the man pulling on his cock as she ripped the condom packaging open with her teeth. There was something about a man running the length of his hands up his shaft that made Ashbea hotter than she ever imagined she could be. She was so turned-on by what Harry was doing that Ashbea knew foreplay was going to be unnecessary. In fact, it would only delay what she really needed. A cock between her thighs.

  Ashbea went to stand over him. Harry’s hands stilled when she put a foot on either side of his body. She was completely naked and in broad daylight and strangely enough Ashbea felt the most powerful she had in a long time. “Is that the best you can do?”

  “I can’t concentrate when you stand there like that.”

  Ashbea was pleased to hear it. “How?”

  “All beautifully wet and open just for me.”

  “Men.” She shook her head in mock despair. “You’re such terrible multitaskers.” She dropped to her knees, one on either side of his cock. She made sure her pussy rubbed against the head of his cock as she pulled the condom out of the packet.

  “Trying to kill me?”

  “You deserve it after calling me a mistake.” But Ashbea had decided she may as well get something out of this for herself. Then she would walk away and know he would never have anyone as good as her. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration but it was her fantasy and that’s what she wanted to believe.


  “Be quiet.” Ashbea leaned down and licked the tip of his cock. That was something she had never done before and she liked the way the flesh jerked and strained against her for more. Maybe this convention hadn’t been that big a waste of time. “Now be still.” She fisted his cock and worked quickly to cover the shaft. The quicker it was on the quicker he was in. And it’s all about me after all. “Done. Now how much do you want me, Harry boy?”

  “I want to fuck you now.” His voice was a low growl of need.

  Correct answer.

  “Or I’ll explode and you’ll miss out.”

  Right, he had a point there. Loath to miss out on what she knew would be a fantastic ride, Ashbea lifted up and plunged down on him in one go. The hard heat of his cock speared up inside her, pushing heat up through her veins. “Ohhh…” That was exactly what she needed.

  Harry’s hands settled on her hips. “Are you going to move?”

  “I’m savoring you.” I may stay here forever.

  “How long does that take?” Harry asked in an overly polite voice. “We have limited time.”

  That was true. She looked into his eyes, wondering why he never seemed to smile. She’d heard his chuckle last night but that was when she could not see him. Was there something he was hiding? Ashbea looked at his scars. They did not shock or scare her but she wondered what they did to him.

  “Don’t go there, Ashbea,” Harry said as if reading her thoughts.

  He was right. It was none of her business. This was a fling and nothing more. Ashbea lifted off his cock until only the head was still lodged inside her pussy. “Tell me I wasn’t a mistake.”

  “You weren’t a mistake.”


  “You’re beautiful.”

  “And.” There wasn’t another one she could think of but Ashbea was not averse to hearing more.

  “And I need to fuck you.” Harry pulled her down into his arms and rolled her over so she was underneath him.

  “Hey!” Before she could say anything else her legs were suddenly over his shoulders. “This was my game.”

  “You’re too slow, bumbl
ebee.” Harry plunged inside her and started pumping away in deep, fast strokes.

  “Oh g-g-god,” Ashbea choked out as his hips ground into her time and time again. He was like a human jackhammer. He never slowed the pace and her whole body shook. When his mouth settled on one breast and sucked she screamed and clutched him to her.

  Harry’s beeper went off. “Crap.” His mouth left her wet breast with a pop.

  “What?” Her other breast wanted the same treatment.

  “I’m supposed to be at the office to talk to the staff.” He increased his pace.

  “Fuck ‘em. Fuck me instead.” And Harry did until she was gasping for air and screaming with release as the most intense orgasm tore through her body. Ashbea had tried not to scream but that had been impossible. Thankfully there were so many screaming convention-goers that hopefully her scream would be mistaken for one of the revelers. Harry’s beeper chirped once more and Harry kept slamming into Ashbea until he growled and slumped forward in her arms.

  “Bloody hell, I didn’t want to do that.” Harry pushed back from Ashbea, untangling their bodies. He pulled out from her inside her and removed the spent condom.

  As hard as his words sounded, Ashbea wasn’t blind. His eyes were full of pain, not disdain, though regret lurked there. Oh, what is your story? Ashbea knew he had to have one. Harry was hot and caring one moment and then as cold as ice. “Why are you mad at me? Or are you mad at the world?” Ashbea had felt and seen the scars on his chest. Her fingers had run over the hard ridges of tissue on his back. What had happened to him?

  Harry stood up and went over to a trash can and disposed of the condom. “I’m not going to explain myself to you.” He reached for his trousers.

  “Why not?” She followed his lead and gathered her clothes. “You’re scared and scarred. I think I knew that without even seeing the wounds.” Even as she said the words, Ashbea knew that was true. No man could touch her so sweetly and be as cold-hearted as he was trying to sound without something deep cutting into him. She shook out her dress.

  “We’re all scarred in some way. And no, I’m not going to tell you.”

  “Because I wouldn’t understand?” Her eyes lost contact with his for one moment as she pulled it over her head. She had no idea where her bra was. “You are not Robinson Crusoe when it come to pain you know.” Ashbea located her panties two paces away flung over a chair. “And don’t tell me I wouldn’t understand. You don’t know me.” She pulled her panties up.

  “Don’t I?”

  “No, I’m more than a pair of boobs.”

  “And a great ass, bumblebee.” Harry gave a small, reluctant smile.

  Ashbea was monetarily dazzled. When Harry smiled he was beautiful. She swallowed hard. “I am a goddess and you were lucky to even look at me, let alone touch me.” She could be as tough and uncaring as he. If he wanted her then he would find her. Ashbea bent down and picked up her shoes and marched off.

  “You’ve got your skirt tucked into the back of your knickers,” Harry called out as she retreated.

  “And that’s the last look at my ass you are ever going to get, Harry boy,” Ashbea yelled back. She stomped around the corner until she was out of sight and pulled the fabric out. “Damn man.”

  Chapter Three

  “Oh there you are, Emily.” Mitzi threw up her hands in the air dramatically. “We have been waiting forever for you to show up. We need to know what orders have been placed. Where is the information?” Ida stood by her side like the obedient servant she was.

  “Where it always is.” The woman was a dumb as the heels she sold. “On the laptop.” Ashbea had been gone for an hour, back to her room to shower and change and already Mitzi was working herself up for another drama. The whole convention was a dramatic farce. Women tottering around on heels, laughing and screaming, and, as far as Ashbea could tell, having a good time. It was not her scene. She liked quieter, more organized things that did not require her to wear heels or deal with people who thought “squeee” was an adjective. Maybe it was when you were drunk.

  Ashbea wasn’t in the mood to deal with the dramatics of Mitzi. She had more on her mind. The whole thing with Harry had thrown her more that she wanted to admit. Ashbea liked to think herself cool and in control. She was anything but with Harry. The guy basically seemed to hate her yet they’d had sex twice. What was that about? Was he into the angry sex thing? But then it didn’t feel like anger. Sure, it was passionate but there was something else. It was the way Harry looked at her like she was beautiful. Or am I just dreaming that? Am I so desperate that any man who shows interest can have me?

  Mitzi waved her hands around over the laptop as if to make it work. “Do something. Emma. Press a key and show me what we have orders on and hurry up. I have important business.”

  Translation—free drinks with a lecherous plastics supplier who all Princess Mitzi staff knew the boss was sleeping with. Ashbea sighed and sat down at the laptop. The sooner she showed bimbo brain, the faster they could all leave each other’s company. Ashbea tapped her fingers over the keys, opening up folders of information that even Mitzi should be able to understand. “There.” Sales were okay, not fantastic, but okay for an out-of-town company looking to get a foothold in a national market.

  Mitzi had no idea how to use a computer let alone read a graph. “Sales are abysmal.”

  Her shrieking made Ashbea’s ears protest at the sound. Mitzi was a woman who needed a good slap to get her back to reality. If Ashbea did not have the debt she did, she would have done it then and there. Instead, as patiently as she could, Ashbea explained them to her. “Actually Mitzi, they’re quite good for the size of our company.” Ashbea ignored the look of horror Ida gave her for calling their employer by her first name.

  “Oh well,” Mitzi said, calming down somewhat. “I knew that. I was just checking that you did.”

  Idiot, moron, fool. “Of course.” Twit.

  “Come along, Ida.” Mitzi beckoned the other woman as if she was some sort of trained animal. She stopped in her tracks when Harry knocked and poked his head around the door. “Well, hello, and who might you be?” Mitzi’s eyes hungrily assessed him.

  Uh-oh. Mitzi was in hunter-gatherer mode and she was never subtle about it. Any good-looking man became a target for her. Harry, give him his due, looked her at with a polite yet cool smile. Ashbea was pleased to see she was not the only woman he did that to. She also had to admit she was relieved too. Sure, Harry was not her man. He had made that only too obvious. That was fine with Ashbea but still it would have upset her to see him transfer his interest to such an obvious bimbo after her.

  “Harry Hardman, Convention Center Manager.”

  “Oh.” Mitzi ignored the hand Harry held out to her.

  Ashbea couldn’t help the smug grin on her face. Yeah, she was pretty sure there was no significant money in managing a convention center. Although Mitzi sucked at graphs she could add up someone’s potential wealth in a second and decide whether it was worth making her move. Her body language indicated that any physical assets Harry possessed did not match his monetary ones and therefore he was not worth pursuing.

  Harry dropped his hand as if an introduction to Mitzi was of no matter to him. “Just coming to discuss some details with you.”

  “Yes, well, I would normally love to but I do have a shocking headache. I feel for sure my eyes are on fire.” Mitzi clutched at her temples as if her head was in pain.

  Ashbea would have been more than happy to see that happen and report back to the Brisbane office staff the news they had been longing to hear. “Mitzi’s head did indeed explode. Please prepare party for when I get home.”

  “But I’m a trooper so I’ll soldier on for the good of the business.” Mitzi waved her hand at Ashbea. “Tell Emma whatever it is.” She clattered off with Ida in tow.

  Ashbea looked up at Harry. “You’re waylaying her from drinks, you know.”


  “Bimbo brain isn’t the sharpe
st tool in the shed.”

  “She is a rude, arrogant bitch and she should treat you better.” Harry did not look happy.

  Ashbea did a double take. “That’s odd coming from you, Harry. One minute you consider me an error in judgment and the next you want to defend me?” She shook her head. How did anyone work this guy out? And why do I even want to? “You’re weird, man.”

  Harry shrugged his shoulders and smiled. “I know, bumblebee.”

  Lordy, the man was confusing. The husky way he called her bumblebee sent shivers down her spine. “You should smile more often. It makes me think you don’t hate me.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Really? Even though I am a mistake?”

  “I’m sorry about that.” Harry’s voice was soft with apology.

  Ashbea was not about to let him off so lightly. “That you said it or that we had sex?”

  Harry reached out and took her hand in his. “I’ll never be sorry about being with you, bumblebee.”

  His flesh was soft, warm and giving. “Oh, who are you?” One minute she wanted to hate him and the next Ashbea wanted to take him in her arms and soothe whatever problems made him act so hard.

  “I’m just a guy.” Harry looked down at their tangled fingers as if surprised to see their hands entwined.

  “Sure you are.”

  “Would you like me to say something to her?”

  Ashbea’s heart skipped a beat. She had never had anyone want to stand up for her before. “That’s sweet.” So sweet that I could easily do something dumb like fall in love with you. “But it would go to waste. Mitzi only ever hears what she wants to hear.”

  “Hmm, well, women like that—”

  “Will never change.” Harry was really most awfully nice when he relaxed. What made him so tense? Was it her or something else? As much as Harry annoyed her, Ashbea wanted to know what made him as he was. No one tried so hard to be so cold without a reason. “So to what do I owe the honor of your visit to the mad little empire of Princess Mitzi come-fuck-me shoes?”

  “You’re the only one I’ve heard call them that.”


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