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Hard Man

Page 6

by Amarinda Jones

  “No, make that for two please.”

  Ashbea whirled around to see him. She felt ridiculously happy. “Harry.” I love you.

  “What?” His smile was crooked and full of amusement.

  “Nothing.” Ashbea was not a clingy woman and she wasn’t about to start now especially not with a man who viewed women as he did.

  Harry hooked his arm around her waist and guided her to a table. “Thought I’d left you like a thief in the night?”

  “Yes.” Why lie? It was the truth.

  “I would never do that. Ashbea, I—”

  “You don’t have to say anything.” She sat down on the chair he pulled out for her. Ashbea didn’t want him feeling guilty. She was a grown woman, responsible for her actions. Though, maybe a little guilt would be okay.

  “I want to talk to you about us.” Harry sat down on the chair opposite.

  There’s an “us”? “Look, Harry, I know it’s just sex between us.”

  “It’s not just sex.” He reached over and took her hand. “You know it and I know it.”

  “Is this a rebound thing?” The words were out of Ashbea’s mouth before she could think.

  “You’re not the first woman I’ve had sex with since the accident, Ashbea.” Harry didn’t look taken aback or offended. “But you’re the first one I have touched more than once and you’re the only one I have slept with and yeah, I did get up early as I have a job to do.” He stroked her hand, his eyes on hers. “But I wanted to stay.”

  Ashbea swallowed hard. It was exactly what she wanted to hear. “What is this, Harry? What are we doing here?”

  “Do you really have to ask, Ashbea?”

  “Harry, I w—”

  “Ashbea, yoo-hoo!”

  She turned her gaze in the direction of the high-pitched summons. “Oh holy crap, it’s the Barracuda.” Louise was heading straight for them, wobbling on orange spiked heels. She was dressed in a lime-chartreuse jumpsuit and had a large white bandage covering the left side of her forehead “What the hell is she doing here?” Last time Ashbea had seen her she had been flat on her back in the hospital.

  “The woman with the bandage on her head?” Harry stood up as she approached.

  “Yeah, she fell into an open grave selling shoes—don’t ask, it’s a crazy business we’re in. Louise.” She was the last person Ashbea wanted to deal with. Adding her to the other two Princess Mitzi nutcases was completing the triumvirate of madness.

  “I hear you need me.”

  Like the proverbial hole in the head. “How?” Louise didn’t look good. Her eyes were glazed and she swayed back and forward.

  “Mitzi rang and told me of the dramas down here so I hopped the first plane out of Brisbane yesterday, er, I mean today…yes, today. I am here today because Mitzi needs her number one salesperson to help her.”

  It sounded like something Mitzi would do in a panic. Ashbea looked at Louise. She was three sheets to the wind and couldn’t remember what day it was. Lovely. I must leave this job. I am sick of the drama. Ashbea introduced Harry to Louise. He steadied the lime-green apparition as she swung against him.

  “She’s drunk,” Harry whispered to Ashbea.

  “Probably.” It was not unusual for Louise to be three sheets to the wind. Normally she would have blamed it on a business lunch. But Ashbea suspected it was several neat gins on the flight down. Louise was not one to worry about things like mixing her alcohol and meds. If Louise wanted something she did it regardless of consequence.

  “Come on back to work, Ashbea.”

  In a pig’s eye. Ashbea had already made up her mind to leave Princess Mitzi shoes and as Louise was now here, Ashbea was not needed at the convention. She could go home. Ashbea looked at Harry. And I leave him behind. Realistically that was what she had to do. It didn’t mean Ashbea liked it. “I’m having breakfast.” She was determined to spend whatever time she could with this man.

  “It’s okay, Ashbea,” Harry told her.

  “No it’s bloody not.” The smile he gave her was one thousand times more valuable than any money she could get in her job. “Mitzi and Ida will be somewhere in that direction.” Ashbea waved her hand vaguely. “Listen for the wailing and worrying.”

  Louise looked uncertain. “Well, okay. I guess I’ll go find Mitzi.”

  “You do that.” Ashbea and Harry watched her weave her tipsy way from them.

  “Do many people deny the Barracuda?” Harry resumed his seat.

  “No, most end up buying shoes from her to shut her up.” Her feet touched his under the table. As their time together was short, Ashbea wanted whatever contact she could have with this man.

  “Will you get in trouble?”

  “Nah, they’ll have a new drama by the time I see them.”

  Harry chuckled and reached once more for her hand. “You know that your job is not normal, don’t you?”

  That he needed to touch her as much as she did him made her heart beat faster. Maybe I can stay in Melbourne, sell my house, move my entire life down here. “Yeah, but it pays the bills.” Snap out of it. I don’t even know if the man wants me.

  “What do you really want to do?”

  “Go to an island and relax.” Be away from everyone and everything except Harry. Pipe dreams, while good, were not realistic. As if to underscore that, her cell phone rang in her purse. Ashbea kicked it farther under the table.

  “Yeah, I’d like that too. Are you going to answer that?”

  “Nope. So, Harry…”

  He leaned in close to her. “Yes, Ashbea?”

  Beautiful, sexy man. “What do we have here?” What can we have?

  “What do you want?”

  “Everything.” Ashbea put it out there. Whatever happened she did not want to say she did not try for more.

  “Let’s work on that.” Harry leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “I want to.”

  Oh, that smile. It made her heart flip-flop. “I do love it when you smile.”

  “I never had much reason to until you came along.”

  “And fell on you.”

  “And then I accused you of being drunk and desperate for a man.”

  “Ah, the good times. I’m starving.” With the workout she had been having with Harry, Ashbea was sure she had to have lost pounds and she could afford to eat bacon and eggs guilt free.

  Harry laughed. “That’s what I like about you, Ashbea. You say what you mean.”

  Chapter Six

  Mitzi was moaning once more and Ashbea was reluctant to venture any farther into the room. She was feeling full of good food and sweet love and dealing with fools was not on the top of her list of things to endure.

  Ida rushed over to Ashbea and pulled her into the room. “We have a problem.”

  “Jeez, when haven’t we had a bloody problem?” Out of the four women she was the only relatively sane one. She was also the shortest, having kicked off her clodhoppers and donned flats.

  “All the shoes have been stolen. The boxes are empty.” Mitzi wailed once more as Ida told Ashbea the news. The Barracuda was asleep in the corner, snoring. “It happened during the night.”

  Ashbea laughed. “Damn, I wish it had happened earlier. I wouldn’t have bothered sticking all those heels back on.”

  “This is serious, Ashbea. Mitzi collapsed.”

  Again. “Probably from nicotine withdrawal.” The woman smoked liked a chimney. It was how she stayed so thin. Mitzi, to Ashbea’s knowledge, never ate.

  “What do we do?”

  Why me? “Have you called the cops?” That was the obvious thing to do for insurance purposes. Though why bother? The whole idea of coming to Melbourne to sell shoes had been to create an opening in the market for Princess Mitzi shoes. All they had managed to do was waste time and energy watching Mitzi go into hysterics. They could have done that back home in Brisbane.

  Ida nodded. “Yes, but who would steal them?”

  “Only a drunken pack of transvestites,” Ashbea murmu
red in response.

  “Oh my goodness!” Ida looked horrified.

  And then the cavalry arrived. “I heard.” Harry went straight to Ashbea, bypassing the prostrate owner.

  Yay! Finally someone rational to talk to.” Yeah, it’s been a laugh a minute.”

  His arm went around her waist. “Are you okay?”

  Ashbea leaned into Harry. It was so good to have someone who cared enough to ask. “I’m tried of the drama.”

  “I can understand that.” He started to move her away from the other women. “Let’s go.”

  “I can’t leave them.” They were useless twits whom she felt she had to help, although she knew if positions were reversed their help for her would be limited.

  “They’re not children, bumblebee. They will have to deal with this without you.”

  Mitzi jerked upright suddenly. “Bees? I’m allergic to bees. I could swell up and die.”

  Ashbea arched her eyebrows. “One can only hope.”

  “You shouldn’t have brought in bees,” Ida admonished her. “What happens if Mitzi dies?”

  “The hounds of hell will come for her and the staff will throw a party—though not necessarily in that order.” Harry was right. It wouldn’t matter if she stayed or not.

  “Look at them.” Ashbea turned to Harry. “A vestal virgin, a gin-soaked harpy and a vulture who sells shoes to grieving relatives.”

  “Yeah, they’re weird but they can look after themselves.” Harry took her hand in his. “I want to look after you.”

  Ashbea was gobsmacked. If he handed her a million dollars right then, it could not have competed with his sweet words. Harry meant more to her than anything she thought ever could. And maybe, just maybe that feeling was mutual. I pray it is so. Ashbea didn’t want to get all clingy over great sex but his love would be like winning the lottery. “Yes, Harry.” Whatever he wanted to do with her at that moment he could. It was probably silly and old-fashioned and yes, she was more than capable of looking after herself but, damn, it felt good to have a man to rely on.

  “‘Today is my day off. Let me show you Melbourne.”

  And Harry did. They walked the length and breadth of the city and his hand never left hers as they jumped on and off trams and sipped coffee at the eclectic Federation Square before relaxing on a ferry down the Yarra River. The highlight of the trip was watching Harry get yelled at like a criminal by a pretend sergeant at the historic Old Melbourne Jail. Ashbea laughed and talked and just loved being with Harry. It was the best time of her life.

  “I’m knackered,” Ashbea declared as they neared the entrance to their Collins Street hotel. No sooner had the words come out of her mouth before Harry scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the foyer. Ashbea gasped with laughter. “Put me down.”

  Harry did as commanded. He brushed the hair from her eyes and stared at her for a moment.

  “Do I have a black spot on my nose or something?” Ashbea felt a shiver run down her spine at the intensity of his gaze.

  “I love you, bumblebee.”

  Ashbea staggered and would have fallen if Harry’s hand had not reached out to catch her. “Uh-oh.” It was everything she wanted to hear and yet was this too soon? Sure, she loved him but he had been through so much.

  “Uh-oh? I have to tell you it’s not what I expected to hear.”

  “Love’s a huge thing.”

  Harry guided her into the hotel lobby and toward the elevators. “I know.” He punched the button. “And what do you know?”

  Ashbea licked her lips. “I love you back but—” Harry’s mouth descended on hers and whatever “but” she had in mind disappeared under the sweetness of his kiss. The elevator doors opened and Harry walked them inside, oblivious to anyone else around them. Thankfully the car was empty.

  “I have waited forever to hear you say that,” Harry told her as he broke off the kiss.

  “Forever? We only met a couple of day ago.” The elevator started moving.

  Harry slammed his hand down on the stop button. “‘Wanna have sex in here?”

  Oh hell yes. “What if someone sees us?”

  “‘I’m the convention manager and I’m in charge of keeping guests happy.”

  That certainly sounded not only reasonable but delightful. “So you’ll do anything I want?” Who was she kidding? While Ashbea felt the need for a token amount of hesitation, the truth was she wanted Harry like a hormonal woman wanted the satisfaction of sweet, luscious chocolate.


  “Excellent.” Ashbea dropped to her knees and reached for his zipper. As it slid down, his cock popped out. “‘A good man is hard to find’ or is that ‘a hard man is good to find’?” She fisted his cock and licked the tip.


  “Yes, Harry?” She licked the tip once more in quick catlike stokes. The skin was spongy yet hard. Ashbea wanted to taste the rest. “Better speak now before I have my mouth full and it’s rude to talk while eating.” Ashbea could have sworn he grew another inch at her words.

  “I adore you.”

  “That’s the correct thing to say right now, Harry boy.” Before he could speak another word, Ashbea sucked his cock into her mouth. She felt Harry’s hands on her head as he groaned deep and low. Although a novice at cock sucking, Ashbea was eager to drive Harry wild so she experimented with her lips and tongue as her hands went ‘round to hold his taut, flexing ass. She did what she had longed to do a day ago—she licked the long, thick vein that went from the base to the tip of his shaft, up and down again. She sucked until she felt sure he was close to coming. Ashbea swirled her tongue ‘round the tip once and looked up at him.

  “Want to bury that bad boy somewhere hot and tight?” They had made a specific stop at a chemist store to buy several more packets of condoms during their day spent together.

  “Oh hell yes.” Harry helped her to her feet and then scrabbled around for a rubber in his pocket.

  The warning sound of bells made Ashbea blink. “Bells?” Suddenly the car they were in started moving up.

  Harry stopped what he was doing instantly. “Oh crap. I forgot the lift starts moving again ten minutes after being stopped.” He jabbed at the red button to once more halt the elevator. Unfortunately someone had hit the request button on another floor before Harry did. The doors opened.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Ashbea swore when the doors opened and Mitzi and Ida appeared.

  Mitzi’s and Ida’s bodies stopped the elevator doors from shutting. Ida was agog at the sight of the two lovers. “Oh my goodness!” Her eyes went even wider as she caught a glimpse of his firm, bouncing cock.

  Ashbea stood in front of Harry. “Why do you two have to plague me like this?”

  Mitzi was not the slightest bit interested in her angst. Or Harry’s cock. “Where have you been, Angela?”

  “Let me guess? There’s a crisis?” Ashbea heard the zipper slide back up on Harry’s trousers. Bloody useless women. I wanted an orgasm. Now it will be your fault I’m pissed off.

  “Louise has disappeared.”

  Ashbea raised her eyebrows? Care factor? “So? Have you checked if there are any funeral services nearby?” Ten to one the Barracuda was trying to sell some grieving widow a pair of lime green spiked heels.

  Ida shook her head. “No. We discovered Louise stole all our sensitive company information off the laptop and sold it to Polly’s Perfect Pins.”

  “Bummer.” Not surprising. Only Ashbea and Louise knew where to find any company information. That it was gone meant absolutely nothing to Ashbea.

  “That means she probably stole the shoes as well,” Harry murmured against her ear.

  Ashbea thought back to when Louise first arrived, stumbling over her recollection of what day it was. It wasn’t just the alcohol that had Louise hazy. It was probably guilt as well. Harry was right. Flying into town and maniacally cutting all the heels of shoes in a fit of pique was something the irrational Louise would do. Ashbea shook her he
ad. “These people are so weird.”

  “Yeah,” Harry murmured as he placed a light kiss on her cheek.

  The warmth of his breath made Ashbea cranky for what she was missing out on.

  Mitzi raised her hand to her forehead dramatically. “I’m going to faint.”

  “Oh snap out of it, Mitzi.” Ashbea had endured more than enough with these people.

  “How dare you, Aileen!” Her employer shrieked so loudly that people passing by stopped and looked inside the elevator, before moving on to wait for the next available car as if they were unsure what was unfolding in that one and not wanting to be a part of it.

  “My name is Ashbea and you heard me. For once in your spoiled life get some guts and face a situation, Mitzi. Falling to the ground and having people pandering to you is not going to cut it.” Ashbea turned to Ida. “Set up a meeting with Polly.”

  Ida looked from Ashbea to her boss. “Why?”

  “Because you, Mitzi, are going to sell her the business.”

  “What!” Mitzi staggered as if she had been hit.

  “Oh my goodness.”

  “There is never going to be goodness in any of this, Ida, so snap out of it.” Ashbea turned her attention back to Mitzi. “You suck at this business. Clear heels with cigarettes in them? Swizzle sticks? It’s tacky, dumb and completely classless.”

  Mitzi opened and shut her mouth several times in shock. “But I—”

  Ashbea held her hand up. “Let’s cut the crap, Mitzi. What do you really want to do?” Everyone had a dream. What was hers?

  Her employer hesitated for a moment. “I want to run an animal shelter.”

  Whoa. That came out of left field. The only animals Ashbea had seen with Mitzi were the furry, dead rodents she wore as stoles around her shoulders in winter. Had they been fake? “Seriously?” Was it possible under all the yellow Mitzi cared about someone other than herself? Ashbea traded glances with Harry. He just winked in amusement.

  “Yes, but Mummy and Daddy say there is no money in it.”

  “Stuff ‘em. You’re thirty-seven years of age. You have your own money and you’ll get more on the sale if you screw Polly over.” And Ashbea would be more than happy to do that. Trust Polly to act so underhandedly. It was only fair she got equal treatment back. “Sell up and go live your own life.”


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