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Unstable (Hooked Book 4)

Page 10

by Charity Parkerson

  “Make love to me,” Eli pled. “Take away this sickness sitting in my gut.”

  Jimmy sat back on his heels and pulled his shirt over his head. The small distance between them was too much. He wanted their haven back. In hopes of hurrying things along, he left the bed and pulled Eli to his feet. As he divested Eli of his clothes, Jimmy realized Eli wasn’t interested in sex. The man wasn’t even hard. What Eli sought was intimacy. Jimmy would give him anything he needed.

  Once they were nude, Jimmy pulled the covers back, and urged Eli onto the bed. Jimmy followed him down. He pulled the covers over them as he settled between Eli’s thighs once more. Their bodies pressed against each other. Eli cradled Jimmy’s weight. They were the perfect fit. He kissed Eli gently, allowing his lips to linger before seeking entry. Their tongues met briefly before retreating once more. Neither one sought anything beyond the other’s company. Whispered words of love passed between them each time they pulled away before going back for more.

  The sun dipped low in the sky, casting a shadow upon the room. They held each other, kissing and exchanging touches. Jimmy’s heart had never been fuller. He was at peace. Quiet filled his mind like he’d never experienced before. He didn’t need anything. Not alcohol or rage. He also didn’t miss a moment of Eli—the brush of Eli’s inner thighs against his hips. The way Eli’s feet brushed his. All of Eli’s broken pieces fit seamlessly into Jimmy’s cracked shell. Together, they created one perfect and beautiful soul. Until sleep pulled him under, Jimmy enjoyed every kiss and touch from this man who completed him.


  Jimmy’s long lashes cast a shadow upon his cheeks. Eli wanted to watch the man sleep all night. His sexy lips were swollen from Eli’s kisses. No matter how much time passed, Eli still had a hard time believing this gorgeous man belonged to him. Now Jimmy had said he loved him. Eli’s heart swelled with happiness and pride. In spite of all Eli’s flaws, Jimmy loved him. No one had ever been as lucky as Eli felt in that moment.

  His stomach growled, reminding Eli he hadn’t eaten. As much as he didn’t want to leave their bed, Eli knew there would be no sleeping until he got something to eat. Not to mention, he needed to do something about their kitchen window. Jimmy was sleeping now, but it wouldn’t be long before he’d be up, worrying over their home being unsecured.

  Eli eased from the bed, doing his best not to wake Jimmy. When Jimmy didn’t stir, Eli quickly pulled on his clothes before sneaking from the room. The scent of coffee brewing hit Eli the instant he opened the bedroom door. He found Tyler sitting at the kitchen table, reading a book with the coffee pot at his elbow. He glanced up as Eli shuffled into the kitchen.

  “You’re still here.”

  Tyler nodded. “I couldn’t leave without apologizing. Plus, I had to wait on the guys to show up and replace the window.”

  Eli’s gaze shot to the window. The mess was gone and the glass was pristine, as if nothing happened. “You had the window replaced,” Eli said—like he couldn’t stop pointing out the obvious.

  “It was the least I could do. Like I said, I owe you an apology. For almost twenty years, I’ve worked as part of a task force for endangered and exploited children. I had no business coming into your home and behaving the way I did. If anyone should know better, it’s me.”

  That was just fantastic. Tyler thought he was a head case. He was, but still. “What are you reading?”

  Tyler flipped the book over at Eli’s question. “I have no idea. Something I found on the shelf.” He focused on Eli. “Seriously, who doesn’t own a TV?”

  “Us,” Eli answered without an ounce of shame. “I don’t like the noise and Jimmy works all the time. Or at least, he used to.”

  Tyler nodded. “I see.”

  Eli had no idea what Tyler saw, but he thought it might be time to change the subject. “Jimmy tells me you took him in when no one else was willing.”

  “You said you were hungry earlier,” Tyler said, ignoring Eli’s statement. “Since I’m the reason you missed dinner, I picked you up something. It’s in the microwave.”

  Eli moved to the microwave and looked inside. A plate of chicken, mashed potatoes, and biscuits sat waiting for him. It was cool to the touch. Eli started the device and watched as the plate turned, warming the food. He didn’t know what to do with his hands. Even though he knew Tyler wasn’t watching him, Eli felt on display—exposed.

  “In the twenty years I’ve known Jimmy,” Tyler said while still looking at the book and breaking the silence, “I’ve never seen him when he wasn’t either enraged or drunk. Until today.”

  “He seemed pretty angry to me earlier.”

  Tyler chuckled at Eli’s observation. It was a low and comforting sound. It had Eli taking a closer look at the man. His brown hair curled at the ends and brushed his neck. It looked soft. In fact, the man seemed softer than Eli expected.

  “That wasn’t angry Jimmy. That was slightly-put-out Jimmy.”

  The microwave beeped, pulling Eli’s attention its way. He checked the chicken again. Finding it warm, he grabbed the plate and joined Tyler at the table.

  “Thank you for the food.”

  Tyler glanced up from the book, focusing on Eli with the lightest gray eyes Eli had ever seen. Instead of acknowledging his thanks, Tyler went back to staring at the book before saying anything else. Eli appreciated it. He didn’t like eating in front of strangers. It was as if Tyler had read the textbook on dealing with Eli and followed the instructions.

  “Almost four years ago, I got a call from a friend of mine, saying Jimmy’s name had popped up in the system. He’d been arrested on his second DUI. I waited for close to a month before dropping in to check on him, because I knew he wouldn’t appreciate it.”

  Eli ate and listened. He assumed this story had a point. All he needed was to wait for it. Tyler turned the page as if he was still reading even as he spoke.

  “When I got here, he was drunk as usual, but he was also eerily clearheaded. For once, he didn’t rage against my presence. He asked if I knew anyone on the local endangered children’s task force. I said yeah. Me. I’d decided with this being his second DUI, I needed to move closer and keep an eye on things. So I transferred.” Tyler shook his head. “Instead of being angry, as I expected, he told me an interesting story. Seems he tried helping out some homeless kid, and the boy robbed him before disappearing. I’d never seen him care about anyone other than himself. I didn’t hesitate agreeing to keep an eye out for the kid.”

  Tyler looked up again. Eli kept his face carefully blank. “I never did find him. Of course, I didn’t have much to go on besides a vague description and a first name.” Eli didn’t breathe again until Tyler went back to staring at the inside of his book. “Maybe I’m wrong to keep coming here.”

  Even though Tyler wasn’t that much older than Jimmy, Eli thought he sounded the way a parent should. He hadn’t given up on Jimmy. That said a lot about him.

  “Maybe you should try coming around without wanting anything from him. Jimmy isn’t a project. He’s a person. He doesn’t need you to try to fix him.” Since Tyler wasn’t arguing and seemed genuinely interested in Eli’s opinion, Eli didn’t stop. “No amount of yelling or bullying will make someone else’s demons go away when they live in their head.”

  “You seem to be doing something right. He loves you.”

  Heat flooded Eli’s cheeks.

  Tyler smiled. It was the kindest smile Eli had ever seen. He wasn’t sure what Tyler’s job entailed, but Eli imagined children found him comforting, even at their lowest.

  “He saved me,” Jimmy said, startling Eli. He hadn’t heard the bedroom door open. Jimmy’s arms encircled him from behind a half second before his lips landed on the side of Eli’s neck. Eli’s eyes fell closed.

  “We saved each other,” Eli whispered for Jimmy’s ears alone. When his eyes opened, he found Tyler staring at him as if trying to solve a puzzle.

  “What have the two of you been doing while I was sleeping?”
  “Tyler bought me dinner and replaced the window,” Eli said, hoping to soften Jimmy. He didn’t think he could handle any more yelling today.

  Jimmy eyed his plate. “It doesn’t look like you’ve eaten anything, but you never do.” He stole a piece of Eli’s chicken. Jimmy’s lips touched Eli’s shoulder as if that made up for taking his food before claiming the seat at Eli’s side.

  “Eli says you’re no longer working yourself to death,” Tyler said as soon as Jimmy was seated. Eli didn’t think he’d used those exact words, but it also didn’t matter.

  Jimmy shrugged. “The club in Nashville has always run itself. I just like hanging out there. Now, I’m thinking of selling it.”

  That was the first Eli had heard of Jimmy selling anything.

  “My bar here has good management, so I’m not really needed there. Not to mention, it’s easier not to drink if I’m not sitting there smelling alcohol all day.”

  “What have you been doing with all your extra time? Looks like you’ve put on some more muscle since the last time I saw you.”

  Eli hid his smile. He was grateful Tyler hadn’t remarked on Jimmy not drinking. The man could backslide any day. Eli would still love him, but he wanted Jimmy to succeed.

  “I’ve been forcing Eli to come to the gym with me.”

  Jimmy’s statement pulled a surprised bark of laughter from Eli. “He has, but I just go to watch.”

  “Don’t let him lie to you,” Jimmy said, sounding happy. “He always takes a book with him. I doubt he sees anything at all.”

  “I watch your matches,” Eli shot back in mock outrage.

  “So you’re still fighting?” Tyler asked. “How’s that going?”

  Eli watched the pair chatting about nothing. Jimmy looked more relaxed than he had in a long time while in anyone’s company other than his. Hope grew in Eli’s chest. Jimmy needed more people in his life who loved him. Maybe Tyler hadn’t been showing it, but the man did care. The world seemed a little brighter than it had a few hours earlier—like there could be a real future for them.

  Chapter 9

  “You want to hit the gym with me?”

  Eli glanced down at himself. “Am I getting fat?”

  Jimmy scoffed. “No. I have a sparring match scheduled. You’re going to cheer me on.” He hesitated before adding, “You can take your book too, of course.”

  Jimmy hadn’t needed to tack on that bit. Eli was happy to go anywhere Jimmy wanted. “Sounds great.” As Eli came to his feet, Jimmy rushed to help. It was a ploy. He pulled Eli into his arms and stole a kiss. Not that he’d needed to steal anything. That shit was free. Eli would take any of Jimmy’s touches any way he could get them. Jimmy’s thin workout shorts did nothing to hide the erection bumping Eli’s stomach. Eli licked Jimmy’s bottom lip and pulled away long enough to toss his book on the couch before going back for more. His fingers automatically went for the string of Jimmy’s shorts.

  “How much time do you have?” Eli asked against Jimmy’s mouth. He savored the way Jimmy’s hands moved down the length of his body, grabbing Eli’s ass and pulling him closer.

  “I’ll make time for anything you want.”

  Eli matched Jimmy’s stroke of tongue on tongue before pulling away and kissing the man’s throat. He hadn’t shaved in a few days. Eli savored the way the rough bristles scraped across his lips. Jimmy tilted his head back, surrendering to Eli. He loved that shit. Craved the control Jimmy always gave him. It was an illusion. Jimmy could walk away at any time, and there’d be nothing Eli could do, but he never did. He always gave Eli license to do as he pleased. Now was no different and Eli reveled in it.

  He set Jimmy’s erection free and stroked him. “I want you screaming my name,” he said against Jimmy’s throat before slipping to his knees. Jimmy tried snagging him under his arms and pulling back to his feet. Eli was having none of it.

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  Eli stared up the line of Jimmy’s body. “Yes. I do.” While holding the man’s stare, Eli leaned in and placed a light kiss to his crown. He swore Jimmy’s eyes darkened. Maybe Jimmy didn’t need this in his life, but he liked it. Eli needed to be whole for Jimmy. This was the first step. Eli’s tongue shot out, stroking the spot he’d kissed.

  “Not like this,” Jimmy said, joining Eli on the floor. “If you’re determined to do this, I won’t have you on your knees at my feet. That’s not how life with me works.” Eli nodded, even though he wasn’t sure he cared. He’d gladly set the world at Jimmy’s feet if he could. His dick throbbed with need. Jimmy was so fucking sexy. Eli wanted to make him happy. For a moment, Jimmy’s lips brushed Eli’s, before he melted to the floor, taking Eli with him. He pushed at Eli’s shorts. “Take these off. We’ll do this together.”

  The promise of pleasure had Eli rushing to comply. The instant he was nude, Jimmy snagged Eli’s thigh and urged him to straddle Jimmy’s face. Damn. It was good. The heat of Jimmy’s tongue and the pull of his mouth had Eli’s fears falling away. Taking Jimmy’s cock between his lips, Eli mimicked the man’s motions. It took all his willpower to focus on his task. Even with nothing to compare him to, Eli recognized Jimmy had talent. The man could pull off tricks everyone dreamed about.

  The way Eli’s nerve endings danced and sang held Eli’s brain captive. Saliva dripped from Eli’s lips, coating Jimmy’s dick and stomach. If there was an ounce of fear or disgust inside Eli, he couldn’t find it. All he knew was pleasure and power because it was Jimmy. Nothing wrong happened between them. They were each other’s safe zone.

  Jimmy moaned around Eli’s cock. The sound vibrated up Eli’s shaft, drawing his balls tight. His throat burned, making Eli realize how deep he’d been taking Jimmy. Without thought, Eli’s hips moved. He openly fucked Jimmy’s mouth. The sounds Jimmy made and the way he fingered Eli’s ass had Eli hanging on by a thread. Things always escalated so quickly between them. Only moments earlier, he’d been peacefully reading. Now, Jimmy’s cum filled his mouth and waves of pleasure pulsed through Eli. He’d started this with no clue where it would lead. Eli hadn’t expected Jimmy to taste delicious.

  Damn. He couldn’t stop licking the man’s dick, hunting for more of his salt. The way Jimmy pled for Eli and chanted his name added fuel to the fire. This was Heaven. Jimmy was his place in the world. Sometimes the knowledge threatened to move him to tears. Other people—normal people—might not have lived their nightmare, but those people also would never know their bliss. Love was everything.

  * * *

  “You’re late,” Ryan said with a definite bark to his tone.

  “I apologize.” Jimmy glanced over Ryan’s shoulder and shook his head, mouthing, “I’m not sorry.”

  Eli bit back a laugh.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Ryan said, getting Jimmy back on track.

  “Don’t let him fool you,” Logan said, appearing out of nowhere and claiming the seat next to Eli. “I made him late too.”

  Eli chuckled. He genuinely liked Logan, especially since he made Jimmy’s life easier at the bar. “Where’s Malik?”

  “He’s waiting for his turn,” Logan answered, nodding toward where Malik stood off to the side at the edge of the mat. “He gets the winner next. What are you reading?” Logan asked, eyeing Eli’s book.

  Eli showed him the cover. “It’s the new T.L. Crisp. Well, I suppose it’s not that new any longer, but I’m just now getting to it.”

  Logan toyed with the cover, flipping it open. “Is this the book you got in Atlanta?”

  “Yeah. How did you know about Atlanta?”

  “Jimmy talks about you nonstop,” Logan said, making Eli’s day. “I thought he got you an e-reader for Valentine’s Day? I guess I should’ve realized—if he took you to a signing—you’d get an actual book.”

  Eli shook his head. “He did get me an e-reader. Before we left the house, he made me put it in his gym bag just in case things ran long today. I still have quite a way to go in this one,” he said, flashing the book at
Logan once more. “But Jimmy always goes overboard.”

  A sexy-sounding chuckle escaped Logan. If the man didn’t already have more men than any one person should, Eli would have to hate him on principle alone. “He loves you. People always go overboard when their hearts are involved. He wants you to have the world.”

  Eli didn’t know how to respond. When he didn’t say anything, Logan looked away from the match and focused on him.

  “I don’t think I ever thanked you.”

  Against his will, Eli’s face screwed up in confusion. “For what?”

  Logan nodded toward the ring. “You changed him—for the better, of course. Jimmy, he keeps to himself and doesn’t show anyone his heart. In spite of all that, I’ve always thought the world of him. Unfortunately, I also thought he’d kill himself before too long with all the drinking. Then you came along.” Logan’s gaze moved over Eli’s face, as if searching for something. “I don’t know what you did, but you saved him somehow.”

  Eli looked away. Logan’s inspection was too much. Instead, he watched Jimmy and Ryan trying to best each other. Strands of Jimmy’s hair came loose from his bun, falling into his face. They clung to his sweat. The muscles in Eli’s stomach clenched. “He saved me.” A smile touched Eli’s lips. He could feel Logan watching him.

  “Oh, look. Ryan won.”

  Personally, Eli thought Jimmy let him win, but Eli was loyal like that.

  “It was nice chatting with you,” Logan said, coming to his feet. “I’m gonna move closer. Watching Ryan and Malik, straining against each other, always makes me hot.” Logan’s smile had Eli biting back a sigh. It really was no wonder Logan snagged two men.

  “I’d think you’d get to see that all the time at home.” As the words left his lips, horror set in. It wasn’t like him to say such things. “Oh my God. I don’t know what happened right then.”

  Laughter shone bright in Logan’s eyes, setting Eli at ease. “You’re coming to think of me as your friend. I like this new naughty side of you. You should keep it up. We’ll get along great.” The heat in Eli’s cheeks was more from Logan’s praise than embarrassment.


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