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A Woman Called Sage

Page 19

by DiAnn Mills

His church? Sage questioned how God put up with any of them. I thought it was Gods church. Doc Sladers last comment still needled her. Have Doc and the preacher had words?

  I have no idea, but I wouldnt be surprised. Bess punctuated her sentiments with a nod. Now, lets talk about something else. You, Miss Sage, nearly died on us, and look at you now. You have color in your face again.

  The simple words touched Sage. All the words and actions of these kind people would never be forgotten. As the color of my skin resembles coffee with cream, it doesnt take much to make me look healthy. But thank you.

  We all need to be expressing our gratitude for what youve done for our community. You saved the lives of two children. Those boys are our legacy, our hope for Rocky Falls. She laughed, or, rather, giggled. And none of us can ever remember Parker Timmons wearing such a broad grin.

  Sage dared not dwell on the matter, lest her own feelings show through. You make me sound like more than who I am. Its been a long time since Ive been able to call anyone a friend.

  What about your folks?

  They live in southern Colorado, but since my husband died, I havent been around them much.

  We widows have much in common, Bess said reverently.

  Do you have children?

  Three. Stillborn. Theyre buried in the towns cemetery next to their papa.

  Sage swallowed a lump in her throat. I had a baby boy, and hes buried next to his papa too. He would have been almost eight by now.

  Bess reached out and patted her arm. I understand better now why you had to find Leahs boys. What was his name?

  Sage would rather feel the pain of another bullet than the agony of remembering her familys deaths. Still, it might be good for her to talk about what walked with her night and day. Timothy Charles.

  It means more when you can name them, as though God can write it in His Book of Life, just like we can write their names in the Bible.

  Mama had said it was important to name Timothy, but until now Sage had not truly understood. What are your childrens names?

  Laura Alice, Mary Katherine, and Elijah James. I cant wait to meet them again in heaven. Bess blinked backed the tears.

  And so did Sage. She set the fork on the side of the plate and took Besss hand into hers, holding it tightly while gazing into the depths of honey-brown eyes. Thank you. Some days I want to forget about my hopes and dreams that lie buried.

  We never forget. We simply push aside the pain. All we can do is shove all that nurturin and lovin into someone who needs it.

  Like your girls at the saloon, Sage said.

  Like you did with John and Davis Timmons. And the hawk whos taken up residence on the roofand Parker.

  So Bess knew what Sage could not utter. And in the midst of the firm grip of Besss hand and the compassion of kindred hearts, Sage believed the woman also understood why she and Parker could never be together.

  I hear that in a few days, the doc is releasing you to the hotel.

  The sooner the better. I am so tired of this bed and this room.

  My girls could use someone else to talk to who isnt in the same profession as theirs. Between the two of us, we might be able to convince them to leave the saloon.

  Id be glad to talk to them. She smiled. Not sure if being a bounty hunter is much more respectable than their current profession.

  Nonsense. Id like for them to hear of your courage.

  Sage welcomed anything to keep her mind off Parker, except more bad news about the McCaws.

  Parker watched Wirt pace the floor of the jail and listened to him talk on about Sage. She was smart. She was pretty. She was everything her reputation claimed and more. One more word and Parker might lay a fist alongside his jaw. How many times had he thought the same things? Too many troubles plagued his mind and made him surly. If he werent careful, his good judgment would suffer. Widow Bess said the girls at the saloon thought Wirt was quite a catch. Did Sage think the same?

  Shes the type of woman whod convince me to settle down, Wirt said. Never has a woman caused me to think about a home and family before. Sage Zimmerman has a nice sound to it, dont you think?

  You are not good enough for her.

  As soon as shes strong enough, we need to head into the mountains after the McCaws, Wirt said. Theyve done enough killing. How many men have indicated theyd ride with us?

  Parkers mood had soured worse than curdled milk. I might get two.

  Two? Is this town full of women? Wirt laughed. If they were all like Sage, Id say we should deputize them all.

  Never can tell. Im not so sure Sage is up to a trip into those mountains again.

  Shed follow us if we left her.

  Parker realized that part was true. Weve waited too long as it is. Who knows what Aiden will do next?

  In a couple more days, Sage will get her strength back, and then we can get down to business.

  You mean weeks. She isnt up to traveling yet. Why did he let the man get under his skin? Lord, Im needing more and more help here to be godly. I think you and I can bring them in. I have an idea about

  But shes the bait. Theyre after her.

  Parker grabbed him by the shirt. We both are. And shes not to be dangled in front of them like a worm on a hook. First you talk about marryin her, then you want to put her in danger. I admit she can take care of herself, but what youre suggesting is wrong.

  Ease off, Parker. I was only joking.

  Right. You heard me.

  Youre a mite touchy about the woman. Maybe all that talk about you and hers true. What are you going to do when Waller convinces the folks of Rocky Falls to get themselves another marshal?

  Wallers rumors had spread through town like manure, and Parker had heard them alland stepped in a few piles. I dont think you need to concern yourself about me or Sage. I dont have time to explain the difference between truth and lies to every person in this town. If someone has a gripe against me, let them tell it to me face-to-face. In the meantime, I have a town to protect.

  Wirt snatched his hat from the desk. Im going over to talk to Sage right now. See when she thinks shell be fit to ride.

  You best be asking Doc Slader that question.

  Are you ordering mea US Marshal?

  Do I need to? The womans under the care of a doctor. She nearly died in those mountains, and you want her to ride back out as bait. She can handle herself better than most men, but force it?

  Wirt plopped his hat onto his head. You dont know what youre talking about. Shell tell me today when shes ready to ride, and I bet it will be sooner than Doc claims. Sage knows the longer shes laid up, the more the chances of the McCaws striking again.

  Parker couldnt argue with what Wirt claimed, and with that knowledge, he realized most of the reason the US Marshal got under his skin was his attraction to Sage. All right, but you take a long look at the shape shes in before you jump into wanting her to ride. In fact lets talk about it over supper tonight at the hotel. I want to check in with Bess again, see if anything new came to her ears last night.

  Sounds like a good idea. Are you going to church tonight? I hear Preacher Waller wants to take an informal vote about whether you should continue as the towns marshal.

  He might need a reminder about separating church and state. But I doubt if it will make a difference. And I intend to be there. Why dont you come along?

  Wirt eyed him curiously, then grabbed the doorknob. Ill make my visit with Sage short and meet you back here. Ill think about joining you for church. Might be entertaining.


  The Sunday morning hours with Bess passed much too quickly. Leah was late, but she could be busy at church or the parsonage. After all, she had five sons who needed her attention, not just one bounty hunter. Sage startled. Doctor and Mrs. Slader had nine boys. If not for the McCaws, she and Charles would have had a houseful of children. Stupid! Charles was an outlaw. There, shed admitted it.

  Sage would have cried with self-pity if she hadnt been afraid the Sladers might re
turn from church and find her behaving like awoman. Today the large family planned to check on her, then spend the rest of the afternoon at a ranchers for dinner. One of them could walk in and find the notorious Sage Morrow in tears if she werent careful. Instead, she allowed her mind to slip back to those last few days with Charles. Had he said something shed ignored? Im a fool. If only she could get out of the bed and ride out after the McCaws. If only

  A light knock interrupted her thoughts. It had better not be Parker, because if it was, she mightshe might


  Leah. Yes. Come in. She needed a diversion to take her mind off herself.

  Leah walked in carrying something that looked like yard goods. Sorry Im late. Preacher Waller was long-winded today. How are you feeling?

  Better now. Im glad youre here. Sage held her breath. Im sounding as pitiful as an old woman. She pointed to the chair where Bess had sat earlier. Make yourself comfortable.

  Leah eased down onto the chair, erect and very much like a proper lady. She smiled, an impish grin that defied propriety. I brought something for you.

  Sages gaze slid to the bundle in Leahs lap. What?

  If you have to stay here a few more days, and Bess insists upon holding your clothes hostage, then you can wear these. Leah held up a blue-green dress, one that reminded her of a mountain spruce. I know you wont try to ride after the McCaws in this.

  Sage wanted to jump from the bed. Real clothes?

  Yes, and Ill help you into them. Everythings here. I borrowed them from Bess, and I think they came from one of the girls working there. But they look respectable and should fit.

  Longing filled Sages heart. It had been years since shed looked like a real woman. You have made this the best day since I arrived in Rocky Falls.

  Friends do what friends dolove each other. Tears pooled Leahs eyes. Even if you hadnt saved my sons lives, I would treasure our times together. After a visit with you, I feel like I could do anything.

  Hidden beneath the Leah everyone saw was a real western woman, and she was stronger than she realized. You can, Leah. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Believe in yourself and dont turn back. Encourage the ones you love, and they will be able to accomplish their dreams. Sage meant her sons, but Parker crept into her thoughts.

  I want to help John manage our ranch without the help of anyone. And I want to grab the bull by the horns Leah covered her mouth. Mercy, I sound like a cowhand. Then she straightened. Why not?

  The two laughed, and it felt so good. When they quieted, Sage stared up at the ceiling. Dare she ask what was going through Leahs head? Did you see the Sladers when you came?

  They were right behind me at church with all those boys piled into the back of their wagon. Why?

  Do you suppose after Im dressed that I could get permission from the doctor to sit on the front porch? I despise this bed, and I dont care how much it hurts to sit out there. I want to reach out and touch my HawkEnjoy the sunshine.

  Ill ask him straightaway. If he agrees, Im sure he and one of his strapping sons would carry you outside. Oh, Sage, its a beautiful day. Birds are singing, and its warm, but not too warm. Before we can think twice, fall will be here. But not today.

  Hawk probably thinks Ive deserted him. She stared out her window to where her pet sat on the porch rail. I really miss him. He has a way of peering at me that makes me feel like Im his best friend.

  Leah shuddered. Not so sure Id feel the same way, but Im sure hes missing you. Hes stood guard on the roof or the porch ever since Parker brought you here. Behave yourself so you can ease the poor birds heart. She giggled, as though the two were girls ready to embark on something they werent supposed to do.

  A short while later, Sage sat on the Sladers front porch in a rocker with a pillow under her and another supporting her back. She felt awkward wearing a dress, almost naked without britches hugging her legs. A shift and ruffled drawers beneath it reminded her of the clothes packed away in a trunk in southern Colorado. Just the feel of a womans clothes caused her to recall her life with Charles, when shed been a full womanwhen it hadnt been necessary to track down his killers. Years had passed as though shed been in a fog, and the job still wasnt done. Why did she torture herself with the same grueling images? Especially when it looked like Charles had been one of them.

  But she now had names to go with those faces, and she knew where to find them. In bringing in the McCaws, shed find out the truth. Sage let the creak of the rocker soothe her troubled mind and carry her back in time. Her gaze moved to the mountains. The McCaws would not escape her again. Charles may have been an outlaw, but the gang had still murdered her baby.

  You look very pretty, Sage, Leah said.

  For a moment, shed forgotten about her friend. Thank you again for the dress and underthings. I feel like a lady.

  You are a lady. A beautiful woman.

  Eight years ago, maybe. Sage glanced down at the dress with the tiny bit of lace around the neckline and sleeves, and stretched out her bare toes beneath it. But Id rather have my own clothes.

  Whatever for?

  Those mountains are calling to me. Sage looked from the sea of dark green trees flooding the lower slopes to where the rocky crags emerged to touch the sky.

  The McCaws, Leah whispered. Remember they nearly killed you. And dont forget what happened to Duncan.

  Hawk, poised on the porch rail, turned to look at Leah as if he understood her words.

  The reminders are why I have to be going. The McCaws will try, but Im more determined.

  Leahs face paled. Let Parker and Mr. Zimmerman go after them.

  Its not entirely their fight. How could Sage make Leah understand? Dont you want to see them stopped before another woman is made a widow or another child is forced to grow up without a father?

  Leah nodded. I do, but I trust the law to bring them in. She glanced at Hawk and shivered in the summer heat. Leah was afraid of too many things. She had grand dreams, but shed need to step from her timidity to reach them.

  You can survive the tragedies of life. Once you said you could pull the trigger.

  I couldwith no regrets. Leah paused and fretted with a loose thread on her dress. I just believe a woman has her place, and men have theirs. I dont mean to be judging you like Preacher Waller

  What did he say today? Sage ceased to rock.

  Leah flushed red. Nothing worth repeating.

  I know he doesnt approve of female bounty hunters. And he doesnt approve of those who have befriended me.

  Leah clasped her hands in her lap. If I repeated gossip, then Id be no better than the rest of those loose tongues. She sighed. But I heard it, so its not gossip.

  Leah, what else?

  Preacher Waller is a strange man. He lives right by the Bible

  If you dont tell me what he said, Ill pester you until you door ask the preacher myself. Im sure hed tell me.

  Leah stared at Sage as though the decision weighed heavily on her heart. Compassion filled her face. He reminded folks about you and Parker spending those days and nights in the mountains. And the proof of it was your wearing his shirt. He said Parker admitted his sinful life to them during prayer meeting. Leah shook her head and stood. I dont believe such nonsense. You were more dead than alive when Parker brought you into town. And he didnt look much better. Besides, no one else would go after my boys.

  Sage studied the street leading to the church and parsonage. The gossip is ruining Parkers reputation as a fit marshal or a man running for office. What else happened today?

  Leah shooed away a fly. Tonight after church, Preacher Waller is asking for the men to vote on whether to keep Parker as the marshal or not.

  Anger burned in the pit of her stomach. I thought the whole town voted on who was supposed to be marshal. A legal election is not one in a church.

  Youre right. But if he gets the church on his side, then he has the majority.

  Sage understood. A legal election would be a mere formality. Waller would have his way.
So would Bob Culpepper be the new marshal since hes now the deputy?

  I dont know. Preacher Wallers been talking to a stranger whos looking to buy land. The man says he has experience with lawmen.

  All of this because Parker saved her life. The unfairness made no sense. No sense at all. No wonder Sage was finished having anything to do with God. When He had spokesmen like Waller, who needed the Devil?

  This is wrong. Sage wished she could march to the parsonage and put an end to the gossip. Is this town full of cowards?

  Leah lifted her head. Bob Culpepper said if Waller followed through with tonights vote, hed make sure the governor found out.


  The strangerhis name is Richard Edwardssaid he knew those in Denver who would back up Preacher Waller.

  A nest of rattlesnakes. This town has been in turmoil since I rode in with Aiden McCaw.

  Parker and Preacher Waller werent getting along very well before then. You came to help, Sage. Dont you dare go blaming yourself.

  But I do.

  While Leah continued to protest, Sage made a decision. Shed wasted enough time at the Sladers. Shed give herself until early Thursday morning to heal, and then shed ride into the mountains and rest there until her strength returned. Parker may have stolen her heart, but shed not steal his right to be the towns marshal or discredit his ability to lead the people of Colorado.

  Dont do anything foolish, Leah said.

  Sage widened her eyes. Do you think Im going to gun down the preacher?

  Leah covered her mouth and stifled a laugh. I shouldnt mock the man since hes provided a place for me and the children to stay until this is over. Buthe is overbearing. She peered beyond Sage to the street. Mr. Zimmerman is walking this way. He has an eye for you.

  The last thing Sage wanted was another man looking at her in the way she wanted Parker to see her but couldnt allow. I hadnt noticed.

  I have.

  As if he knew they were talking about him, Wirt waved. Hed been to see Sage a few times and talked a good yarn. She was more interested in his abilities as a US Marshal than as a potential suitorBut seeing them together might get Parker to pay more attention to Leah.


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