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A Woman Called Sage

Page 21

by DiAnn Mills

  Wirts red face said it all. Ive been asking a lot of questions because I need to know what were up against and how not to get any of us killed. Wirt leaned forward in the rocker. My apologies for my ignorance and lack of humility. Pride has made me real disagreeable.

  Parker wavered between frustration and pity. Looked to him like he and Sage were better off alone.

  Do you even want to ride after the McCaws? Sage spoke softly, not a trickle of condescension tipped her words. You dont have to. Parker and I are riding a fools trail. We know theyre waiting for us.

  I have to prove to myself that I can be of help to you or anyone else in need. Ive talked to Mrs. Felter and Mrs. Timmons, and I hate the hardship they face because of the McCaws. Ill not hold you back, and Ill do my part.

  Taking in a deep breath, Parker added a bit of admiration to his feelings for what Wirt was about to do. He just hoped the mans inexperience didnt get any of them killed. Taking John with them made more sense. It takes a lot of guts to admit what you just did. And I wont refuse you. But remember thisthe McCaws have murdered and stolen since the war. They dont have a shred of decency. Did you fight in the war?

  No. My father paid for another man to take my place.

  A Yankee. I fought for the South just like the McCaw brothers. I saw war take a good man and turn him into a killer. Fear and panic caused brutality and disrespect for life. Many Confederate soldiers returned home to nothinghomes destroyed, a way of life gone forever. When a man is beaten inside and out, he turns to whatever he can to fill the need for significance and survival. He has to fill the hunger in his body and soul while wondering if he can exist with the nightmare of war stuck in his mind. Its impossible to forget. For those war-torn years, all of us who fought were a part of a huge group that was told when to eat, sleep, march, and fight. Its hard to go back to thinking for yourself after that. The McCaws never changed. Theyre a walking, talking, stalking, prowling, murdering gang. We are nothing to them except a way to get what theyre looking for.

  Wirt nodded. Im ready. A man has to learn sometime how to do his job.

  Parker glanced into the face of the woman he loved. Doubt brimmed her eyes, but what choice did they have? Sage?

  Wirt, I hope your lack of experience isnt your epitaph.

  Things could not get any worse.

  Sage closed her eyes and drank in the warm afternoon sun. For the first time, Doc Slader had allowed her to make her way to the porch alone, and she saw the new freedom as proof that she had taken a huge leap in her recovery. She heard her name being called and opened her eyes to see Bess and two young women standing on the porch.

  Good afternoon, Miss Sage. You look real fetching sitting here, Bess said.

  Thank you. Sage forced herself to sit up straighter. She must have dozed off, for shed grown a bit stiff. Today the good doctor let me walk out here by myself.

  Bess gestured toward the two young women. We came to visit.

  Sage realized these two must work at the saloon. However, they were dressed as conservatively as any respectable woman in Rocky Falls. Her gaze fell on Bess again, and she noticed something in the older womans hand. Oh my goodness, shes got a Bible. What next?

  Bess wrapped her ample arm around the brown-haired woman on her left. This is Faye, and this is Tillie. Both women smiled, and Sage returned the greeting.

  Bess pointed to the empty chairs. I brought my friends to help you while away the afternoon. I know how boring it gets for you.

  Oh, it does. Makes me lazy.

  The three women eased into the chairs. I usually sleep during the afternoon, Faye said, but the attractive woman failed to look at Sage straight on. Sage had always believed a person who could not give eye contact had something to hide. Maybe Faye was embarrassed about the way she earned her living.

  Im glad youre here, Sage said. A second look at Tillie filled her with compassion. The woman had the saddest gray eyes. Why had these women chosen this way of life? But then again, shed chosen to become a bounty hunter out of desperation. Life. Circumstances. Hardship. All were potential reasons for a woman to turn her back on propriety.

  I sleep most afternoons too, said Tillie, a rather plain-looking woman. I have a little girl at school. When she comes home, I want to spend all of my time with her until evening.

  Whats her name? Sage said.


  Very pretty. I had a son once.

  He died? Tillies shoulders fell, as though shed experienced more than one loss.

  Yes. This wasnt going well at all. Sage should think of something more positive to talk about. She threw a helpless look at Bess.

  Youre wearing Tillies clothes, Bess said.

  Sage glanced down at the blue-green dress. Thank you so much. Ill make sure its washed before returning it.

  Glad to be of help. For the first time, Tillie appeared to relax. It looks very nice on you.

  The uncomfortable exchange of pleasantries caused Sage to wonder who felt the most awkward. Respectable folk frowned on all of them.

  Id like to know who taught you how to track and survive in the wilderness, Faye said.

  An Indian by the name of Tall Elk. Hes from my mothers people.

  Faye glared at her as though she deemed herself a better person because of Sages heritage.

  Why did you become a bounty hunter?

  Sage didnt want to go deep into the past, but what could she say? Its a long story

  Oh, no, Bess said. Here comes trouble.

  Sage lifted her gaze to see Preacher Waller headed their way. Maybe one of his children needed Dr. Slader. She caught Besss eye and read the same apprehension. Afternoon, Preacher Waller, Sage said. Dr. Slader is on a call.

  Im not here to see the doc.

  Shed seen more emotion from a rock. Mrs. Slader is inside. Would you like for me to fetch her?

  Im not here to see her either. He stood at the foot of the porch, first giving Bess a look of disdain and then Faye and Tillie. Sage sensed the ire rising from her toes.

  What do you need? Sage kept her voice even.

  Looking for Parker Timmons. Figured he was with you.

  No, sir. He and Mr. Zimmerman planned to spend the morning at Leahs ranch. Maybe they havent returned yet. Have you tried the marshals office?

  Hes not there. No matter. Hell learn soon enough.

  Whats that? Bess said.

  Waller lifted his nose like a woman whod smelled something offensive. The godly citizens of this town have asked him to resign as marshal rather than force an election. The company he keeps has caused us to question his morals and his ability to protect our community.

  Sage wanted to spit venom more poisonous than his, but she held her tongueby biting down on it until she felt it was under control. I wont speak for him, but I do know him to be a man of high regard, a man who loves God and His people. I doubt he resigns.

  Waller laughed. You would. When you see him, tell him Ill be waiting at the parsonage.

  I thought the vote was in Parkers favor. Bess words sounded more pleasant than Sages would have been.

  He turned and walked back into town.

  Anger shook Sage to the core. Waller had no right to judge Parker without knowing the truth. But would Waller ever listen to anyone but his own pride? She shivered at the snake of bitterness crawling up her spine. Maybe she and the preacher werent that different.


  Bess, I need my clothes. Sage leaned on the registration desk at the hotel. If Bess refused, shed have to find a way to buy new britches, a shirt, and boots before heading out in the morning.

  Bess appeared to size her up, frowning and puckering her lips as though someone had given her a pickle. Looks to me like you have clothes on. Did you walk from Docs?

  I did. But I dont have shoes.

  Besss face flushed. Heaven forbid, Sage. Whats got into you? And why didnt you ask for them this afternoon?

  Sage ignored the question. Im going to prayer meetin.

Besss mouth dropped open. You must still be smartin about this afternoon.

  Yes, maam. Now, do I get my clothes?

  I suppose. Tillies dress looks more like what youd wear to prayer meetin, though.

  Probably so. But I need my own things.

  Bess reached below the desk and pulled out her folded britches, Parkers shirt, and her socks and boots. They were clean, and her boots were repaired. Not since her mother had a woman been so kind.

  Thanks for all youve done for me, Sage said.

  My pleasure.

  Parker needs to have his shirt returned.

  He told me to keep it in case you needed it. Bess continued to stare. I wonder if I should go to church with you.

  To protect Preacher Waller? Sage hid a smile.

  The corners of Besss mouth lifted. To see what youre up to. Been told hes a fair shot. Might be a real show to see him get beat.

  Calling the preacher out into the street might be the easy way out, but, in the end, Parker would be the one to suffer. This battle will be fought with the truth.

  Besss eyes widened. Sounds like youre going to do the preaching.

  God would strike her with two bolts of lightning for pretending to be friends with Him. Im going to speak my piece. Thats all. I know Parker explained his side of what happened in the mountains, but now its my turn.

  The hotel door opened, and a slender young man stepped inside. Miss Morrow, I have a response to the wire you asked John Timmons to send for you a few days ago. He pulled a folded piece of paper from his shirt pocket and handed it to her.

  Do I really want to read this? Thanks. How did you know Id be here?

  The young man, not much older than John, shifted from one foot to the other. I saw you walkin down the street. He tipped his hat and left the hotel.

  Studying the paper, Sage realized the contents would answer many of the questions piercing her heart. She opened the message. Her stomach twisted and turned.

  Whats wrong? Bess said. Youre trembling.

  Sage glanced up, her throat dry. Bad news.

  Do you want to tell me about it?

  What good did it do to hide the information? Eight years ago, the McCaw gang held up a train outside of Denver. A man who rode with them claimed to be Charles Morrow. For sure Charles must have double-crossed them, or they wouldnt have come after him.

  Im sorry. Parker told me he suspected the same.

  Another rise of deceit and betrayal settled on her like a bad cold. First Charles and now Parker. This is proof that Charles was an outlaw. She drew in a breath in an effort to calm herself. However, it doesnt change the fact that the McCaws killed my baby. And they are wanted men who need to be brought in.

  Bringing them to justice wont stop the hurt.

  Its what I have to do. Sage would contemplate what shed learned about Charles later, when no one was around to see her tears. Ill wash this dress tonight and get it back to you. She glanced around the hotel and into the saloon already filled with drinkers, gamblers, and the girls. Faye and Tillie were busy serving drinks. Their laughter was as false as the words they said to the men. Id sure like to see Faye and Tillie out of the saloon.

  Bess planted her hands on her hips. Its their decision, and they cant change unless its their idea. I have money put aside for both of them. But they will have to approach me with plans to leave town before they know of it.

  Sage would have liked to talk to them moreto let them know their visit today was appreciated. Will you tell them thanks and I wish them well?

  Of course. And dont go washing that dress. Youll set your healin back a week. Ill stop by and get it in the morning.

  Emotion tugged at her heart. After tonight, she might never see Bess again. Being a bounty hunter meant every day could be her last day. She supposed that was true of everyone, but more so when a person earned her keep with a gun. The widow had become more than a friend, and theyd shared their inmost secretsthe agony of their hearts. Youre a special lady, Miss Bess. I wont ever forget you.

  The womans eyes pooled. Youre leaving arent you?


  Parker will be upset. He thinks highly of you.

  Leah needs him. Not me.

  Bess startled. Youre wrong. So very wrong about him.

  Sage adjusted the clothes in her arms. I think Ill just slip on my boots and wear the dress to church.

  You wont reconsider?

  Sage understood Bess aimed her question at her leaving town instead of attending prayer meeting. Ive already made up my mind. I hope the girls here understand they have a gem in you. She turned and left the hotel before she gave in to all the sentiments that made her a woman.

  When Sage arrived at the church, the last of the congregation was filing inside. Already weakness from the walk had latched on to her, but she must do this for Parker. Integrity walked with him, and she couldnt leave Rocky Falls without making sure the towns respect had been restored.

  Preacher Wallers booming voice welcomed folks to the meeting as Sage slipped into the last pew and laid her bundle of clothes beside her. Midway on the left side sat Leah and her five boys, but they didnt see her. The church was larger than most and furnished with oak pews and a matching pulpit. Three windows on each side were open to allow a bit of fresh air. The July day had grown hot by late afternoonmuch like the temperature would soon rise inside this building designated as a house of God.

  Preacher Waller led them through three verses of A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. The voices rang strong, even without a piano to accompany them.

  Tonight we have some special prayer concerns, he said. Mrs. Felter has been put to bed. Ever since her dear husband was shot and killed by the McCaws, shes not been her normal self. Grief and the fact Aiden McCaw has not been arrested has made her ill. Yesterday, Doc Slader ordered her to bed.

  Last Sunday we voted to ask Marshal Timmons to resign in order to avoid public embarrassment. Since several of you thought he should be replaced, I asked him to step down. But he refused. The Bible speaks about the conduct of deacons and elders, but I tell you that Pauls mandates are for our elected officials too.

  A man shouted a hearty Amen.

  Another claimed, Thatll preach, Brother.

  As though spurred on by the affirmations, Preacher Waller stepped from behind the pulpit. Our town deserves a man who is upright and moral, a man who loves God and His laws for man. We dont have that in Parker Timmons. We will be forced to call a special election. Hes

  Sage stood and grasped the back of the pew in front of her for physical support. Preacher Waller, I dont believe you or these good people know the truth about what happened in the mountains. So Ive come to make sure all of you fine folks have an understanding about what kept Marshal Timmons and me there.

  We dont want to hear about your unrighteous behavior. Preacher Waller shook his fist at her, but shed faced outlaws and wild animals. Hed not deter her.

  Sage fought the anger threatening to unleash in a most unholy manner. After all she was in Gods house, and He honored truth, not lies. I will continue whether you like it or not. The day I brought in Aiden McCaw for the murder of Mr. Felter, Marshal Timmons had just buried his brother, who was also murdered. That night, the McCaw gang broke Aiden out of jail and beat your marshal nearly to death. Then Marshal Timmons learned his nephews John and Davis were missing. The next morning, he rode out with me to find those boys and hopefully the McCaws. He had bandaged ribs, and his face was bruised and swollen, but he had a sworn duty to perform. Not a man among you would go with him. We found the McCaws with those boys and rescued them. In the process, I was shot. Marshal Timmons could have ridden back down the mountains with John and Davis. Instead he stayed with me because he knew I was dying. Your marshal tended to my wound and prayed over me. She paused. Not a sound came from the congregation, but Wallers face blanched.

  Yes, he prayed over me more than once. The reason it took us so long to get back was because he walked beside me to make sure I didnt fall off his hors
e. Thats not a man who is immoral. Thats a man who is dedicated to preserving the law and keeping folks safe. This town and this state need more men with integrity like Parker Timmons.

  Waller raised one fist, then the other. You have no right coming into my church and blaspheming.

  Every word Ive told you is true. Sage swallowed the unfairness of his accusations. Im not an educated preacher like you, but I do know the Bible says the greatest commandment is love. Your marshal loves this town and the people in it. I think hes a man youd want to keepthe kind of man youd want your children to model their actions after.

  She felt every eye on her, and suddenly her anger subsided to pity. These people were following a man who they believed spoke for God. The truth rang in their hearts, while their preachers words echoed in their ears.

  Preacher Waller stepped down from the pulpit. Get out of my church. You have no right to be here among the righteous.

  Sage glared at the man who judged a persons character by his own standards. Is it your church or Gods church? Did you write the Bible or did God give the words to ancient prophets? Gathering up her belongings, she made her way to the door and down the wooden steps to the outside, where the air did not reek of hypocrisy.

  The angry voice of Preacher Waller bellowed from the church. Leah Timmons, if you walk out of here, you are no longer welcome in my home.

  Sage refused to turn around and interfere with Leahs decision. Besss words earlier resounded in her ears. Folks needed to decide for themselves where life would lead them.

  Leah, you heard me.

  Leah, think hard about what youre doing. You may need to be strong sooner than you wanted.

  Preacher Waller, Im grateful for what youve done for me and my sons, but I think its time we returned to our own home.

  Leahs and her sons footsteps tapped a brisk procession behind Sage. She hadnt intended to turn friend from friend, but only for the people of Rocky Falls to learn the truth about Parker. Her inability to stay out of the way of a McCaw bullet had caused the uproar, but her leaving Rocky Falls would help them all to forget the rumors and resume the peaceful life theyd known before the McCaws went on a murdering binge.


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