Retriever of the Lost Souls (Retriever Series Book 1)

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Retriever of the Lost Souls (Retriever Series Book 1) Page 9

by Brian

  He quickly opened the door, his temper rising as he did so.

  “What do you want?” he answered harshly, his shotgun leveled at the door.

  “Whoa! Don’t shoot me, brother! I thought this was the one safe place I could come to,” Max said looking at Martin’s gun.

  “Your stupidity almost got me, and my family killed this weekend! Did you think Señor Garcia would let you get away with not paying your debts? He confronted me then threatened me and my wife and her family. Pinche idioto!” Martin looked at Max with such animosity that it made him squirm.

  “Whoa that means fucking idiot doesn’t it? That’s not nice. Martin! I am so sorry. I never thought he would do that. Please forgive me. I’ll pay him back and not talk to him again.”

  “Your debt has been paid already.”

  “I promise it won’t happen again. I —”

  Martin interrupted him. “I’ve heard THAT before Max. Too many times!”

  Max continued. “I - I am getting out of gambling and have taken a job running errands for Mr. Richards over at the saloon. I can afford to take care of my family now.”

  Martin looked at Max suspiciously as he lowered the rifle.

  “What kind of errands?”

  “It’s just delivering goods from one saloon to another. It’s a straightforward job. I came tonight to tell you that Collette is expecting again! Collin is to have a younger brother or perhaps a younger sister.” Max said with a wide grin.

  “You didn’t waste any time, did you?” Martin told him, softening for the first time since he opened the door. “It’s more important than ever to stay away from Señor Garcia. By the way Susanna and I are expecting a child as well!

  “Oh my gosh. That’s wonderful! They will be able to grow up together. As for staying away from Señor Garcia, trust me, brother, this I know.”

  Max left a brief time later, and as Martin went up the stairs, he felt in his heart that something wasn’t quite right.

  As the months passed, Martin watched Susanna’s belly swell with their baby. They had already brought the bassinet home from her father’s house and were excited to begin fixing up the baby’s room. Martin had never been happier. William and Susanna had become fast friends, and whenever Martin had to go out of town, he would ask William to stay at the house and help tend to Susanna. Martin still felt something wasn’t quite right with William but couldn’t figure out what it was.

  Susanna discovered her energy level was not what it once was, and one night, in her sixth month, she turned in unusually early. Martin was growing concerned for her and chose to do most of the paperwork at home, so he could be near her.

  That night there came a frantic knock at his door, raising the hackles on Martin’s neck.

  “Who is it?” Martin asked.

  “It’s Max. Open the door, quick!”

  Martin opened the door to let him in. The wild-eyed look on Max’s face told Martin all he needed to know. Something had gone desperately wrong.

  “What’s the matter, Max? Is Collette ok?” Martin asked, afraid of the answer.

  “Collette and Collin are out in the wagon right now. I’m leaving town. You probably won’t hear from me for a while,” Max said with fear in his voice as he quickly glanced around in all directions.

  “What the heck is going on here, Max? Why do you have to leave? What did you do this time?”

  “You remember those boxes I was delivering for Mr. Richards? I became curious and opened one of them and discovered more money than I could ever have imagined. Apparently, he has been doing a different kind of business than what he told me. So, one night, I decided to keep one of the boxes for myself. I didn’t think he would notice, but I was wrong. Now Collette and I have to leave and start a new life quickly.”

  Martin was so shocked he didn’t know what to say.

  “I’ve got to go. I can’t risk threats to Collette and Collin anymore. If you don’t know where I am going, they will leave you alone.”

  Putting a hand on Martin’s shoulder, he continued. “Brother know that I love you and that I’ll see you again someday. I’m sorry I hate to leave like this. Please take care of Mom and Dad and tell them I love them. I am sorry I won’t get to meet my nephew or niece. Goodbye, Martin.”

  He quickly gave his brother a big hug, turned and walked away. It would be the last time Martin would see his brother alive.

  For the next few weeks Martin could see that he was being watched. He was told by the post master that someone had threatened him if he would not tell them if Martin or his family had received a letter from his brother Max.

  One evening as Martin was leaving the bank, a man dressed in the finest clothing came up to him and asked if he knew where his brother and his family had disappeared to. Martin recognized him as Wilkins, the owner of the Blue Parrot bar. Martin told him honestly that he had not seen him or heard from him since he left. Wilkens looked at Martin and told him that if he heard from his brother he would have to let him know, or there would be repercussions to him or his family. Walking away, Martin shook his head understanding that even with Max gone, he was still getting him in trouble.

  Chapter 16

  A few months after Max left, Susanna was cooking dinner, when suddenly, she felt a tightening around her belly, followed by a gush of warm water flowing down her legs. She called out for Martin who was working in his home office.

  “Martin, please come NOW!” Susanna called out.

  “Yes, my love. What is the ma—”

  He stopped speaking in mid-sentence when he saw the water on the floor.

  “Is it time?”

  “Si. Por favor. Help me to our room. I have been feeling small pains in my back for a few hours now, but I didn’t realize what they were. They have become muy fuerte! They are very hard!” Susanna said, oscillating back and forth between Spanish and English.

  Martin assisted her to their room and helped her lay on the bed to make her as comfortable as possible. He sent their maid, Su Yeong, to get the doctor. A moan escaped from Susanna, indicating her contractions were intense and hard. Martin heard footsteps running up the stairs, and when the door opened, he saw it was the doctor followed by Su Yeong. Martin started to run to the home of his parents, as he knew that they would want to be there.

  “MARTIN…Please… te necessito…. I need you here. Por favor come now.”

  He ran back into the room, sporting the same wild-eyed look Max had the night he left town. As the doctor was preparing her for the birth, he spoke to Martin.

  “Martin I’ll need you over here to lift her back, so she can push the baby out. If she asks you to stop, you must continue until I tell you to stop,” he ordered.

  Martin suddenly felt very queasy. “I’ll do the best I can.”

  Turning to Susanna, he said, “Ok, start pushing now!”

  Martin began to lift her back as the doctor had ordered when Susanna screamed.

  “Ay…stop…. por favor….me duele…. Please, Martin…. stop……”

  Martin eased up on the lifting, but one look from the doctor spurred him on to continue.

  “Ok…. here comes the head,” the doctor said calmly.

  A little head came out, covered with white hair and blood. Suddenly there was a loud thump. The doctor looked up and could no longer see Martin. Looking over to the side of the bed, he saw Martin passed out on the floor and chuckled. Shaking his head, he asked Su Yeong to step in.

  A few hours later, both Susanna and Martin were resting on the bed. In Susanna’s arms lay a beautiful baby girl. She had very light-colored hair and the bluest eyes you could imagine. She appeared to be a smaller, female version of Martin.

  “What shall we name her?” Susanna asked.

  “Well, my grandmother’s name was Samantha. What if we were to name her Samantha Conchita Gohlican?”

  Susanna beamed. “Es muy bonito, I like it very much!”

  Martin smiled back at her.

  “I am very proud of you,
my beautiful wife. You’ve made me a happy man!”

  Two years later there was another thump on the floor and another child. This time a son, Jayson Salvador, was brought into the world. They couldn’t believe their blessings. Jayson had dark hair just like Susanna’s, but his eyes were just like his older sister’s.

  Then a year later another daughter was born, Martin was once again true to form as he passed out at the delivery of their third and final bundle of joy. Her name was Katherine Marie. She was a miniature version of Susanna, sporting the same dark curly hair and dark eyes. The happiness with their small family was evident wherever they went, but little did they know that soon their lives would all change dramatically in a way none of them could ever have imagined.

  Chapter 17

  William locked up the bank and headed toward Grady’s Restaurant to pick up a meal that was large enough to feed both himself and his visitor. With the meal in hand, he quickly walked back to the room he had rented the day he arrived in town for his assignment.

  Walking into his room and shutting the door, he knew she was already there. He had missed her and was glad they were working together again.


  He smiled and held out his arms. She quickly ran to him and hugged him.

  “Wilmot, how are you? I have also missed you.”

  “I am well, although this assignment is proving to be difficult. The Gohlicans are friendly people, and I like them a lot. Susanna, the wife, knows how I am and accepts me.

  Talitha looked inquisitively at him. She wouldn’t ever allow her feelings to get in the way and viewed her assignments as just a way of life. Further, if she wanted the continued comfort and protection of the council, she would do whatever they asked of her.

  “Wilmot!” She scolded. “You must not allow yourself to get close. It makes things much more difficult for both of us. Now tell me about our assignment.” She said with an air of authority.

  “The rose light is Martin. He is the one I work with at the bank. He is very kind and extremely dedicated to his wife and children. I don’t think you’ll easily seduce him. He does, however, work very long hours and travels a lot. So perhaps you might be successful if he is quite tired. His father, Charles recently went above, so now his mother lives in the house with them. The green light is his wife, Susanna. She is from Mexico and speaks both Spanish and English very well. They have three very young children, and Susanna’s Papi, Salvador, often visits his daughter and grandchildren. The Gohlicans also frequently travel to Mexico to visit her family. Do you’ve any questions?”

  “No. However my dear Wilmot, any man can be seduced given the proper incentive. I don’t think this will be difficult.”

  He looked at her with a grim face, knowing what the outcome would be.

  The next morning, when William arrived at the bank, he saw that Martin was already there.

  “Don’t you ever sleep, Martin? You left just before I did last night, and you have probably already been here a few hours this morning.”

  Volleying back, Martin said, “Yes I do! This morning I arrived at the crack of dawn because there are a few reports I must complete before the end of the day. Would you like to visit a few clients for me, so I may complete these reports?”

  William replied, “Of course! I’d be happy to visit the Elliot’s farm.” He smiled.

  “How… how did you know I was going to ask that?” Martin asked.

  “I keep track of things, and I happen to know that Mr. Elliot has been expecting his stock to arrive. Would you like me to visit the Baker farm too?”

  Martin shot him a look. William smiled and pointed to a note on Martin’s desk. It was a list of things to do that day. On it was a reminder to get a basket of eggs from Mrs. Baker.

  “Oh, yes of course,” Martin sighed. “Perhaps I am working too much. Thank you for helping me to remain on track, William. I promised Susanna I would bring them home yesterday, but I forgot. What would I do without you, my friend?”

  Grinning, William replied, “You are welcome. I’ll leave now and will be back by noon.”

  “Great, then we can both go back to the house for lunch. My wife told me to ask you.”

  “Oh, thank you. I would love that. I haven’t seen your wife or the children for far too long,” he said as he walked out the door.

  Martin looked at him and just shook his head. A few moments later, the door to the bank opened, and a young woman wearing a bonnet came in. Surprised that a prospective client was female, Martin beckoned her to a chair.

  “How may I help you Mrs.--?”

  He trailed off. This woman was incredibly beautiful. Her hair was down the length of her back, tied into a long thick braid and her eyes were soft and golden colored. As she looked at him, their eyes locked, and as hard as he tried, he couldn’t look away.

  “Delevan. Ms. Theresa Delevan. I would like to open a small sewing store here in town, but I lack the money to do so. I heard that you would give me a fair deal and that I should come here to discuss it with you. Do you think you can help me?”

  Martin was perplexed as he continued to look at her. Try as he might, he was unable to look away from her and helplessly watched as she stood up and walked around to his side of the desk.

  “I am willing to do ANYTHING to get this loan,” she said seductively.

  She inched closer and closer until she was practically on his lap, leaning in toward him. Just as her mouth was about to touch him, he was finally able to look away and backed up, nearly falling out of his chair.

  “Wha--What do you think you are doing?” he said, breathing hard. “I am a married man.”

  She continued to approach him, but since his chair was already against the wall, he could retreat no further.

  “I want to assure you,” she said in a very soft, sensual, feminine voice, “that I simply want to start my own business, and that I am willing to do anything to make it happen.”

  When their eyes locked again, Martin began to sweat. His body was responding to this woman. Finally, with as much strength as he could muster, he broke eye contact and gently pushed her away, angry with himself. If he were to fall into temptation with this woman, he would lose everything that was important to him, including his family.

  “Ms. Delevan, I am not that kind of a businessman. I beg you to take your leave now. I’ll not be able to help you. Thank you very much.”

  He walked to the door and opened it, waiting for her to walk through.

  Talitha was shocked. She couldn’t believe that he had not responded to her attempts to seduce him. It was the first time this had happened. Perhaps Wilmot was right. She would have to find another way to complete her assignment.

  “I am sorry Mr. Gohlican. I’ll leave now. Thank you.”

  She placed her bonnet back on her head and quickly walked out.

  Chapter 18

  Talitha was perplexed as she walked back to Wilmot’s room. No one had ever turned down her advances before, and certainly not one so blatant. They sat in silence as she pondered how she would complete her assignment. The Gohlicans treated Wilmot as part of their family, which was something he had never experienced before. Five hundred years earlier, when Wilmot’s father found out he was “not normal,” he had had a group of men stone him to death to rid the family and community of the shame he had brought to them. Until now, except for Talitha, nobody had ever accepted him for who he was.

  “Why don’t we go back down and tell them that we failed?” Wilmot asked, finally breaking the silence.

  She just stared at him as if he had grown a second head.

  “We can’t do that!” she snapped at him. “Don’t you know the punishment we would receive for such a failure?”

  “Then perhaps,” he said hesitantly, “you can come in with me, watch the family, and then get some ideas?”

  “Yes, that’s a wonderful idea. I can go in as you!” Talitha smiled.

  “Oh-no-no-no…they would never believe you are me. I m
eant maybe you could come with me and watch?”

  “Perhaps you are correct, and then maybe after I learn how you are with them, I can take your place.”

  Wilmot inwardly groaned. “Perhaps.”

  The next day, Martin invited Wilmot over for dinner.

  “She will be making albondigas! You will enjoy this soup. It’s one of my favorites.”

  “I’d love to, but I have to run home first. I need to return a book I borrowed from Susanna.”

  “That would be fine, but you better hurry! I may eat it all up before you get there,” Martin said laughing.

  “I’ll be sure to hurry then!”

  That evening, Wilmot hurried home as Martin was closing the bank.

  Scampering back to his room, he found Talitha waiting for him. He sat still as she lay down on the bed next to him, filling his mind with her spirit. She would now be able to see everything from his vantage point. He suddenly burst into a fit of giggles. Grabbing his sides, he cried out, “Stop it! Oh, Talitha! Stop! You know how ticklish I am!”

  When they arrived at Martin’s house, he tickled Samantha, gave Jayson a piggyback ride, and carried Katherine all around the house until she was fast asleep. Talitha was amazed at his actions, as she had never seen him like this before. She then began studying Martin. He was a very caring husband and made sure he helped Susanna with everything from making sure the children knew of his presence, to helping to put them to bed, to giving them all hugs. She could either hear or see what was happening, and she chose to see. She did deduce, however, that Martin was telling his wife how much he loved her.

  Watching him, Talitha experienced emotions that she had never felt before. Among them was jealousy. She both wanted and needed what Susanna had. Then, another pang with which she was very familiar roared through her. It was a feeling of hatred. A sudden, deep-seated hatred for Susanna, who possessed everything she had ever wanted in life or death. It was hatred so deep she knew she had to do something about it or it would destroy her.

  The more she and Wilmot visited over the next few weeks, the more these thoughts consumed Talitha. Slowly, her mind began to put together a deliciously evil idea. She would become Susanna. She began to focus her attention on watching Susanna, even when Wilmot wasn’t there. She would come into the house, sit quietly and watch the way Susanna took care of the household, the children, and her husband. She followed her when she went to visit with friends, trying to emulate Susanna’s movements.


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