Retriever of the Lost Souls (Retriever Series Book 1)

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Retriever of the Lost Souls (Retriever Series Book 1) Page 10

by Brian

  One day, Talitha made a very unusual request by contacting the Inner Council to request a meeting with both herself and Wilmot, and since the Council had been anxious for a report on how the assignment was progressing, they agreed. She felt that once she laid out her plan, they would have no choice but to approve it.

  When they both arrived at the coven that evening, Talitha knocked at the door of the Inner Sanctum.

  “Come in,” Jasmina called out.

  “Thank you for seeing us, your Highness,” Talitha said bowing first to Jasmina, then to the rest of the council. Wilmot followed suit.

  “What is the meaning of this? It is quite unusual for a Seeker to request a meeting with the Council,” Jasmina said acidly. She was aware, however, of how many souls Talitha and Wilmot had brought down both separately and together, so listen she would.

  “I have already tried to get Mart-- excuse me-- the Rose Light to come below, but it didn’t work. So, I have formulated another plan, and I seek your approval before I proceed.”

  “Go on, what is this plan that you speak of?”

  “I would like to take over the Green Light, the woman. I believe if I were to do so, I would succeed in bringing both down. I know that they are significant people, and I feel if given the opportunity, I’ll be successful. It will take a while to accomplish this, almost a lifetime, but the reward would be worth the wait.”

  Jasmina stared at her, narrowing her eyes and trying to read Talitha’s thoughts. However, she had perfected the ability to block attempts from the council to read her thoughts. She knew if they did, she would be subjected to the seed of confusion once again. Jasmina was desperate to bring both down because a prophecy foretold that if they failed, their coven would fall.

  Jasmina took a vote of the council members while Talitha and Wilmot remained quiet.

  “Very well, go on with your plan, but know that we will be keeping a very close eye on you.”

  “Thank you, your Highness. I won’t let you down.”

  She grabbed Wilmot’s hand and backed out of the room, for she knew never to turn her back on anyone.

  Chapter 19

  Talitha continued her observations over the next few weeks, watching and learning as Susanna cooked, cleaned, and interacted with the children. Most of all, she observed how she acted around Martin and became completely enthralled with their interaction.

  Finally, the day came when Talitha decided she was ready to take over Susanna for a day. That morning, after Martin left, Susanna was about to get up when she suddenly felt very lethargic and was unable to move, as if something or someone was holding her down. She was right of course, for Wilmot held her down, as Talitha slipped inside. He hoped with everything inside of him that Susanna would never know of any of this.

  Susanna’s body convulsed for a moment as Talitha took over her body, standing up, Talitha found herself very dizzy. Once she oriented herself, she then walked over to Samantha’s room.

  “My lamb, my sweet lamb, it is time to get up. You must get ready for school.”

  “Okay mama, I will.”

  Sam looked up, not noticing anything different, and kissed her mother on the cheek. Next, she walked to Jayson’s room and began to tickle his feet.

  “Levanta te mijo, before I tickle you even more.” She heard a giggle.

  “I don’t want to get up. I want to stay in bed.”

  Talitha grabbed his feet and began to tug at them.

  “Ok, Ok I’ll get up!” He giggled.

  He had been begging to go to school with Sammy for a couple of years and was now finally old enough to do so.

  Lastly, she went into the baby’s room. Katherine was lying there quietly, playing with her toys. As Talitha neared the crib, Katherine looked up and began to cry.

  “Oh my,” Talitha said, panicking as she quickly picked up the baby and took her to the kitchen. She placed her in a small chair, so she could eat, but Katherine wouldn’t stop crying. Finally, Talitha gave her a bottle, grateful for the silence that ensued.

  The day was long and hard for Talitha who hadn’t realized just how easy Susanna made things look. By the time Martin had come home, there had been three battles with the baby, all ending up with Talitha walking out of the room to settle her nerves.

  Martin looked around, surprised to see the house in disarray since Susanna had always kept it immaculate. Looking at her he could see the stress on her face, so he put his arms around her and just held her. Talitha sighed at the comfort of this moment and felt very loved.

  “Are you ok, my love? Martin asked tenderly.

  “Yes, it has just been a tough day. I need your arms around me, and then I’ll feel better.”

  “I’ll put the children to bed tonight. You sit down and rest.”

  Talitha was very relieved that Martin had not noticed anything was amiss. She sat back and waited for him to return. A few minutes later, Martin sat down next to her.

  “The children are asleep, and the house is quiet. Now tell me, my love, are you all right? You seemed a bit disturbed when I got home.”

  “I’m fine. It was a very trying day because Katherine was very active. I felt like I couldn’t keep up with THAT child,” Talitha remarked.

  Martin suddenly sat up, puzzled with Talitha’s outburst.

  “She is just at a difficult age, but it will get better,” he said, smiling at her.

  Talitha looked at Martin, as a fire smoldered in her loins. She put her arms around him and kissed him lustily. Martin quickly pulled back and stared at her, not understanding.

  “Are you ok?” Martin asked hesitantly.

  “Yes. I want to be with my husband right now. Is that wrong?”

  “Uh, no, of course not. I was just caught by surprise is all.”

  Martin stood up and announced that he had to use the outhouse.

  “I’ll be back in just a moment,” He said, his voice quivering.

  While Talitha sat waiting for Martin to come back, Wilmot spoke to her.

  “Talitha, you can’t do this until you’ve completely taken over,”

  Reluctantly, Talitha agreed with him. Taking a deep breath, she left Susanna’s body. However, she was in such a hurry to go that she forgot to leave any memories with Susanna.

  When Martin returned, he saw Susanna’s body lying motionless on the sofa. He quickly knelt beside her and tried to wake her up. Finally, her eyes opened, and she looked at him strangely.

  “Wha-- what are-- you doing here? Should you not be at work?”

  Martin looked at her strangely. “I have already come home from work, are you alright?”

  Susanna shook her head.

  “I feel as if I have been nipping the brandy. I don’t seem to remember anything except for waking up this morning.”

  Martin stood up.

  “I am calling the doctor; something is wrong with you.”

  Susanna quickly interjected. “No. No. I am fine but exhausted. Please help me to bed.”

  Martin relented and picking her up into his arms, he carried her to their bedroom. He helped her into her bedclothes, and she quickly curled up and went back to sleep. Martin was worried. Susanna had never behaved this way before, and despite her insistence that nothing was wrong, he told himself that he would make sure that she would see the doctor the next day. Lying down next to her, he took her in his arms, and then he too quickly fell asleep.

  When Talitha returned to Wilmot’s room, he was waiting for her. She smiled at him, feeling exuberant at the prospect of a full takeover. She knew that she would only need to watch Susanna for a short while longer before she would be able to complete her plan.

  “How did it go?” Wilmot asked hesitantly.

  “It was wonderful! I’ll soon be Mrs. Martin Gohlican!” Talitha said as she danced around the room.

  “You’ve got to be very careful, Talitha. If you do anything other than what is normal for Susanna, Martin will become suspicious.”

  “He won’t know. He already
craves me, but he does not yet understand it. Once he has a taste of my wares, he won’t even remember Susanna!” Talitha stated excitedly.

  “How soon do you think it will be before you take over?”

  “Very soon, Wilmot. Very soon,” Talitha answered with total delight.

  Chapter 20

  Talitha played the waiting game by standing next to Susanna and trying to imitate, then anticipate her subsequent movements. Talitha did this for a few more months until she was entirely sure that she could handle taking care of everything.

  The only drawback was when she would catch Katherine staring at her. Talitha knew the baby could see her. Then, just a week after Katherine turned two, Talitha decided it was time and told Wilmot that she would take over the following morning. He looked at her with sorrow on his face.

  “Are you sure you still want to do this?” He asked.

  “Oh yes! I am ready. I want to get this done and over with, so we can bring them both down and have another victory to celebrate.”

  Talitha was a woman on a mission, and for the first time, she put her personal needs and wants above those of the coven.

  Susanna was still in bed when Martin left for work the next morning. Wilmot and Talitha stood outside Martin and Susanna’s bedroom door in their spirit form.

  “Are you ready?” Talitha asked anxiously.

  With a heavy heart, Wilmot answered, “Yes, I am.”

  He truly loved Susanna and was ashamed and saddened by his actions.

  They walked through the closed door and into the room. Wilmot held on to Susanna as Talitha prepared to enter her body. Susanna’s eyes suddenly opened as she struggled to sit up, but Wilmot held her down. Susanna began to cry, as she knew something was wrong. As Talitha entered her body, tears started streaming down Susanna’s face as her eyes opened. She could see Wilmot holding her down, as Talitha filled her body. Just before the takeover was complete, she looked at Wilmot.

  “Why? I thought we were friends?”

  It was more than Wilmot could take, and he released her just as Talitha fully engulfed Susanna’s body and mind. Overcome with such remorse and regret, Wilmot broke down in tears after the deed. Then, the room lit up with the spark of Susanna’s green light as it descended to the depths of the underworld.

  “Goodbye my friend,” Wilmot muttered.

  Talitha stood up but was very unsteady. Wilmot watched as Talitha became acclimated to her body again.

  She smiled and said, “I feel wonderful! Now and forever, I’ll be Mrs. Martin Gohlican.”

  Wilmot looked at her, tears pouring from his eyes.

  “I must go,” he said, departing without another word. Talitha was astounded with both her feelings and Wilmot’s emotional response. Her delight, however, couldn’t be held back.

  She was able to handle the household chores with ease, sending Samantha and Jayson to school without problems. She even put together an excellent meal. The only thing out of Talitha’s control was Katherine, who refused to look at Talitha and would run away screaming.

  “No! You, not my mommy! Go away, you not my mommy!” Katherine told her in no uncertain terms.

  That evening, when Martin arrived home from the bank, he told Talitha that Wilmot had declined their offer of dinner.

  “He said he wasn’t feeling well.”

  Responding as Susanna would, Talitha expressed concern for his health as she tried again to pick up Katherine. However, she once again yelled at her and told her to go away.

  Martin looked at Talitha strangely, who held her breath.

  Talitha quickly explained, “I punished her earlier, and she is still angry with me.”

  Martin began to laugh. “Come here, young lady. Come to daddy.”

  Katherine ran to him, putting her arms up. After he fed her and changed her into her nightclothes, he put her to bed. Samantha and Jayson went to bed at the same time as well.

  When he came down the stairs, he saw Talitha, sitting on the sofa, waiting for him, the kitchen cleaned and the house immaculate.

  Sitting next to her, he put his arms around her and hugged her. Overjoyed at his loving touch, she lifted her head up so he could kiss her. When he leaned forward to her lips, passion took over, and Talitha’s hands were all over him. Martin was nervous at Talitha’s forwardness, but at the same time also found it enticing.

  “Are you ok?” Martin asked.

  “Of course, I am! I have just been craving my husband’s touch all day,” she answered.

  Upstairs in their room, Martin began to undress Talitha the way he always did with Susanna. This time, however, she started to undress him as well. Pleasantly surprised, he allowed her to do so. As each piece of his clothing came off, she would trail kisses down his body, leaving him in ecstasy. When both had removed their clothing, Talitha pushed Martin onto the bed and gave him a look that told him to be quiet. Climbing on top of him, she began to rain kisses all over his body, starting at his temple, working her way down to his neck, his chest, then, quite to his surprise, she took his manhood entirely into her mouth. It completely overloaded his mind. That evening was a night that neither would soon forget.

  Chapter 21

  Talitha couldn’t get enough of Martin and again subjected him to her wiles before he left for the bank. Once he had gone, she roused the children from bed, she fed them, kissed them, and sent them off to school. When Talitha walked into the baby’s room, Katherine began crying as usual, but this time she was armed with a plan. She picked Katherine up, put her on the floor, then walked to the opposite corner of the room to play with some dolls. Katherine watched from across the room, sniffling, but no longer crying. Talitha continued to play quietly with the toys, employing a trick she had learned from watching Susanna. Katherine slowly inched closer to see what Talitha was doing, and even though it took two hours, Talitha’s patience finally paid off when Katherine walked the rest of the way, picked up a doll and began to play with Talitha.

  The next few years went by quickly and uneventfully. The only thing that marred Talitha’s happiness was that she would never be able to have a child of her own. Samantha and Jayson were very special to her, but the bond between her and Katherine was fierce. Nobody in town ever knew any difference between Susanna and Talitha, but Salvador did and would bring up memories of Susanna as she was growing up to see if she could answer his questions quickly and with complete accuracy. Talitha was able to access Susanna’s memories rather swiftly and was seamlessly able to answer any question put to her. Still unconvinced, Salvador pulled away, which caused a rift that Martin would never understand.

  A couple of years later, Talitha was cleaning the house one day when there was a knock at the door. Opening it, she saw a sad and forlorn Wilmot.

  “Wilmot, what are you doing here?” Talitha asked, surprised to see him in the middle of the day.

  “It is time for me to go. I must go back to the coven. My time here is over.”

  “You are needed here. I need you. Jasmina can’t take you away! Please ask again, so you may be able to stay.”

  “I have been fighting it now for a few weeks, but to no avail. They have given me until tomorrow to leave here and return,” Wilmot told her.

  “Oh Wilmot, I am sorry. I don’t know what I’ll do without you.” Talitha said softly. They had always worked well together, and Talitha was going to miss him.

  “You are smart and resourceful and will do fine without me. I’ll be informing Martin that today is my final day.”

  “Please come to dinner tonight, so the family and I can say goodbye to you.

  ” I’ll see you later, my dear.” He said, then turned and walked away.

  Wilmot felt like crying when he returned to the bank. Martin motioned for him to sit down.

  “Martin,” he said, “I am going to have to leave town.”

  “Leave? When do you plan on coming back?” Martin asked.

  “I won’t be coming back. I have just received a letter that my father has tak
en ill and needs me to take over the business. I am very sorry for not giving you sufficient time to find someone else, but I must leave tomorrow.

  “Well, son, I understand, although this does come as a surprise. I had thought you would be here always.”

  Reaching over the desk, he hugged Wilmot.

  “Please come to dinner tonight.”

  “Susanna has already invited me. I would like to tell the children goodbye as well.”

  “Go ahead and take the rest of the day off. Thank you for the many years of service and friendship.”

  As Wilmot turned and left, Martin thought he heard him crying.

  That evening the mood was quite light. The children were in a talkative mood, telling the three adults about their day. Samantha related a funny story about how one of the boys fell into a horse’s trough when he tried to chase her and steal a kiss. Jayson excitedly told about finding a plant that had some medicinal purposes but was very hard to find. He had been talking about becoming a doctor for quite a while. Kathryn recounted how her friend Sara had shared some of her candy with her. Even though everyone had a fun day, Martin and Talitha were somewhat reserved knowing Wilmot’s announcement was going to make to them sad.

  Wilmot cleared his throat.

  “I have to tell you all something.” The room became deathly quiet as if they sensed that something terrible was about to come.

  “I just received a letter that my father has become ill, and I am needed back home to run the business. So, I am leaving tomorrow.” Wilmot said sorrowfully.

  The children looked at him stunned. “Noooooooo, you can’t go!” Katheryn yelled. “I won’t let you!”


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