Assassin Affairs

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Assassin Affairs Page 14

by R. S. Smith

  Jen looked her in the eye, then looked over to see Danny's expression. “Are you two putting me on? Are you getting a video of this just to mock my reaction? That would be so not nice!”

  Joanna led her by the hand and sat her on Danny's lap. “Okay so far, Jen?”


  Jo gently set Danny's hand on Jen's bare thigh, then eased it slowly upward toward the hem of her skirt. Jen's eyes lit up and opened wide.

  “Still okay, Jen?”


  They all watched as the two hands disappeared under the skirt, coming to rest squarely on Jen's most private spot. Jo removed her hand and watched. Again, Jen looked each of them in the eye, not quite sure what to make of it all.

  “This is so nice. Thank you, sis. Are you sure about this? This is so surreal.”

  “Kiss him, Jen.” Jo was getting aroused too, just watching as nature began to take its course.

  “Jo, pull her panties off for her,” Danny directed.

  She moved her hands up under the skirt and soon held Jen's underwear in her hand.

  As Jenny and Danny shared a kiss of passion, his hand still where Jo had left it, he slid her skirt up as high as it would go so that Joanna could watch, he liked that. Jenny felt one finger moving inside her, then a second. Her body rose up to his touch and her tongue drove deeper into his mouth. They started removing clothes, Danny picked her up and headed for the bedroom.

  “Come and share, Jo. I don't want you left out,” Jenny said, grabbing her hand. She followed, and the trio began sleeping together on a regular basis.

  After a week of this activity, Renée, who was bisexual, got wind of what she was missing out on and approached Joanna. Jo knew that by now Danny had told her about it.

  “I hear your sister is very nice, Jo. Has she ever been with a woman?”

  “No, just her ex and Danny.”

  “Good, I'm calling in that big favor you owe me, hon. I want you to help me seduce your sister, introduce her to the bisexual lifestyle. Send Danny over to my place for the night. We three will have a girls' night out together to get us acquainted. We'll go out for dinner and drinks, emphasis on the drinks, then shop at Victoria’s Secret and each get some lingerie before all coming back to your place.”

  As always, Joanna went along with the request, and later that night the threesome returned from a fun night out and were unwinding in Joanna's living room with talk of a slumber party.

  “That was fun, you guys. Let's model our new lingerie for each other,” Joanna suggested, topping off Jenny's glass of wine.

  “That sounds fun,” said Renée. “You go first, Jo.”

  Jo pulled hers from the shopping bag and began to change in front of them. “What do you think?”

  “It looks good,” both responded.

  Renée then got hers out and did the same thing, showing off with several different poses.

  Both watched with interest to see what Jennifer would do.

  “Okay, I guess it's my turn, huh?”

  “Strut your stuff, sis. This is our girls' night out slumber party.”

  She followed suit, removing all her clothes and donning the see-through nightie. “How do I look?”

  “Gorgeous,” said Renée, with Jo nodding in agreement as she gathered up the clothes.

  “Renée, we're competitive sisters. Which one of us do you think has the softer thighs?” Jo asked.

  She ran her fingers up and down their legs, outside thighs and then the inside thighs. “Both sets of thighs are very nice. I can't decide yet, so I'll get another drink and then try again.”

  “You guys, we need to stop this, you're making me horny,” confessed Jenny. “I'm getting another drink, too!”

  After a few more rounds, Jo decided it was time to make her move. “Wearing this thing is beginning to annoy me. It's sticking to my skin. I'm taking mine off.” She removed it and stood there nude and a little drunk. “C'mon you two, don't make me be the only one.”

  “Okay,” said Renée, “me too. I wouldn't want my friend to feel self-conscious or awkward.” She removed hers as well.

  “C'mon Jen, you have to make it unanimous!” both requested.

  “Okay, but this feels so gay.” She pulled hers off, too. “This does feel better. It's refreshing in a way.”

  “Jenny has been sleeping with us, Renée. She loves it when Danny goes down on her.”

  “Jo! Don't tell people that stuff!”

  Joanna continued, “I've often wondered why Danny likes the taste so much. I'm glad he does, but I've wondered what it tastes like.”

  “Jen, you ever experienced that with another woman? Have you ever been bi-curious?” Renée asked, feigning some timidness on the topic.

  “I think each of us is somewhat curious about those things. Aren't you guys?”

  Both nodded yes, trying to look a little shy about it.

  “Renée,” Jo said, “We're really good friends, right?” She ran her fingers along her thigh as Renée had earlier with both sisters.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You've both gotten me so curious about it all. Can I have just a little taste of you to see what it's like?”

  “If you want to, I think I'd like that.” Their goal was to subtly get Jenny involved.

  Jenny watched in astonishment as her sister shifted her position and treated herself to a brief taste test. “Mmmm, that was nice. You taste really good.”

  Renée looked over at Jenny. “Jen, since we're all a bit curious, do you want to see what it feels like with a woman instead of with your ex or Danny? I'd love to get a sample taste like Jo just did. Would you mind?”

  “My ex never would do it. Danny would be hard to beat. It does sound like a fun experiment though. Are you sure you want to do that?”

  Renée moved next to her and once more stroked her inner thigh. “Is this making you horny again?” She added some gentle, thigh kisses and slowly worked her way higher, then moved in for an arousing tease. She knew just how to do it for maximum pleasure in a only a few seconds.

  “Ohhh, yes, that was nice, nice, nice. More, please.”

  “A lady always reciprocates before she asks for seconds, Jen. It's your turn for a taste test.”

  “Okay, but I've never done this before.” Jenny's start was a bit hesitant, but she soon was really getting into it. Renée pulled back Jen's hair to more clearly watch her face, and they peered into one another's eyes.

  “Go sis, go! Keep her smiling, don't stop!” cheered Jo, sipping more wine.

  Renée's body uncontrollably lurched up in ecstasy and she clenched onto Jenny's hair, holding her firm.

  Everyone's fun continued a while longer, with all soon falling asleep in a naked pile of flesh on the living room carpet, empty wine bottles at their sides.

  One hangover and a day later, Renée was back home and summoning Ashley.

  “Ash, have you got a minute? Please come to my room and close the door.”

  “Is this a sexual request, Renée?”

  “Perhaps you should curtsey when speaking to me in such a way.”

  She realized Danny had told her about the household routine. “I'm sorry, ma'am.” She curtsied and asked “How may I serve you?”

  “I was just kidding, Ash,” she said with a chuckle. “This is a brain-storming session. You can consider yourself one of us from now on, no curtsies, no more having to do whatever anyone requests. Anything of a sexual nature is now strictly up to you. I want to know where you see things going with us.”

  “Us? The group? You and me?”

  “Yes, all of the above. You've earned my respect. That's a rarity. I'm here to listen to you. The way you pushed Johnny off the hi-rise balcony for us, the way you cooperated by being Mrs. Danver's submissive maid for a year, combined with the way you pursued and found us has been impressive. Come over here and talk to me.”

  Ashley approached the bed and sat at her feet.

  “No more of this submissive bullshit, hon.
I know it's just a facade with you. You're scary good at it, too. You're going to either become a formidable foe or my greatest ally. Come up here, sit on the bed next to me and share your thoughts, the ones of a non-sexual nature.”

  “Renée, you're one of the few people in the world with connections to crime family bosses in all five New York boroughs. Had you and Danny stayed, you'd be major players now. I wonder why you left. It seems it had something to do with the gun-cartel thing, but Danny gave me the impression that's a sensitive, off-limits topic.”

  “It is, but given how taken I've become with you this past year, I'll talk about it this one time. That group tortured my lover to death. I sought out and killed all but Manuela, meeting Danny along the way. She and a nemesis of mine teamed up against me, hiring Laura to deliver me for another torture-death. I persuaded her to change sides. She, Danny and I turned the tables on those two at the last second, and they got what they deserved. I used their own tools, a chainsaw, an ax, a small blow torch, a small cattle prod and an assortment of medical cutting tools. The others left me alone with them at the end. The cattle prod made love to them both, it was a hoot, both were alive when I started dismembering them. In the end, they could only be identified by dental records. It was so gruesome, I'm embarrassed to admit to you, I got traumatized by it and took a sabbatical. That's what happens to people who fuck with me, Ashley. It's important for you to remember that as we go forward in our relationship. Any other questions, love?”

  “You guys have a great reputation. Why not capitalize more on it? You could franchise your operation. You could easily get back into New York, and then maybe expand into Miami where all the money, drug trafficking and Latin crime is. Have you ever considered it?”

  “You're a thinker. I like that. Who would I trust to run New York? I don't want to go back there. I like the warmth here. That deck on the top level is great for nude sun bathing.”

  “I don't know. We're brain-storming, and I'm just thinking out loud,” said Ashley.

  “I suppose I could speak with Mr. Cicero after you spend some time here with us, and have him take you under his wing, while you get familiar with the New York area. It would allow you the opportunity to utilize that training Danny's been giving you all year. We could work out an arrangement like the commercial franchises have. You could pay me a twenty percent commission of everything Mr. Cicero pays you. Later, we have you do the hiring of any needed assistants. We could work out similar things with them so that we both share in the rewards. Is that what you're thinking, Ash?”

  “Yes, pretty much. I can see how you graduated Summa Cum Laude.”

  “Damn, Ashley! Is there anything about me you don't know?!”

  “I'm sure. I don't know what I don't know.”

  “I've been nosing around for a year and found nothing on you. How have you stayed off everyone's radar? Have you no friends, no enemies, no arrests, no social contacts, or are you just that good?”

  “I'm good,” Ashley said with a wink. “So you're saying I'm free to have my own life, Renée?”

  “No, I still own you. That part is a lifetime thing, dear. What I'm saying is that you're free to come and go as you please. You answer to no one but me. I want to always know where you are and to always be able to contact you immediately when desired. In the future, anything sexual between us will only be when it's mutually desired, you have no obligations there. I am rethinking this curtsey thing though.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I can see the allure of it now that you've done it for me. If we grow a successful franchise, do you think I could get a hundred assassins to curtsey for me?”

  They both laughed at such a prospect.

  “Let's do this, from now on whenever we're alone behind closed doors like this, and never for the outside world to see, you do the bowing curtsey for me, even after you've become a feared, notorious New York assassin. Agreed?” said Renée.

  “As you wish, ma'am,” she responded, curtseying. “Are we finished with the conversation portion of this meeting?”

  “We are.”

  “I like what you've accomplished with Joanna, Renée.”

  “If you'd like, I could have her invite you over and seduce you.”

  “Thanks, maybe later. Your Manuela story, along with its implied threat, has me all riled up. Right now I'm only interested in dominating one person. When was the last time you were the submissive?”

  With her Brooklyn accent, she gave her the New Yorker brush-off. “Forget about it.”

  “You impress me as a woman who'll try anything once.” Ashley began stripping as she continued. “You do recall I'm an adrenaline junkie and love living life on the edge. Risking death is my high.”

  “I'm so not into that submissive stuff, Ash.”

  She approached the bed, stunned Renée with a hard bitch-slapping, clenched a fistful of her hair, and used her prior martial arts pressure points training to painfully immobilize her. She pulled her face so close that Renée's breathing moved her pubic hair.

  “Let's go up on that sundeck. I've never sunbathed nude before and it sounds like fun. Bring along some suntanning oils. You're going to express your warm hospitable welcome by providing me with multiple orgasms before sunset.” She applied a little more pressure. “Okay?”


  “Beg, bitch!”

  Renée begged.

  As sundown approached and Renée was still busy accommodating Ashley, they could hear Laura and Jessie coming up to watch the sunset for the cocktail hour.

  “Stopping is not an option for you, Renée.”

  “Oh my,” one said. “Please pardon the interruption.”

  “Please excuse our friend for not greeting you properly,” said Ashley. “She insisted on showing me a warm welcome. Sit down and watch the sunset or watch us. We're almost finished here. We're going for five....ohhh...ohhh...orgasms in a row.”

  “Can I be next?” asked Laura.

  “No dear, it's a special night for both of us, but please....ohhh...both cheer her on.”

  They did and the entertainment soon reached its climactic conclusion.

  “Jessie, would you be a dear and fetch us a couple of those cocktails? Oh, and bring Renée a face towel and some mouthwash, too, please.”

  The four housemates then sat together and enjoyed watching a stunning array of colors as the sun slipped down into the Pacific Ocean's horizon.

  “Are we good, Renée?” asked Ashley.

  “We're good.”

  A few days later, Jessie took Mikey from the basement and was using him on the top level deck. She had him address her as 'Your Highness'. Jessie had read in one of her sex magazines that semen was good for the skin and as a hair conditioner. Once he had satisfied her orally, she was experimenting with that when she noticed Laura drive up with a handsome young man in her car. Curious to find out more, she was in the process of putting Mikey away when she ran into Laura returning his twin sister Michelle to the basement, too. Each lived under the constant threat of getting the other zapped by the taser if they didn't obey quickly and enthusiastically enough.

  “Who's the young dude you brought home, Laura?”

  “That's my son Ricky. He prefers to go by Richard now, but he'll always be Ricky to me. He's about your age, kid.”

  “I wish everybody would stop calling me that. I'm almost twenty.”

  “Ricky has been overseas and when he heard that my husband and I had separated, he came home to fix things. He's going to be staying here with me a few days.”

  “What's he doing overseas? The military? Where?”

  “He wanted to join the Peace Corps, but ended up doing missionary work in Southeast Asia. He says he's spreading God's word, while he delivers medicines to remote areas in the jungle. Ricky even took a vow of celibacy. Can you believe that?! Sure doesn't sound like any kid of mine, but I figured I’d better stash Michelle away while he's here.”

  Laura's lesbian appetite bordered on ins
atiable, and poor Michelle was in a constant state of exhaustion.

  Later that evening, Jessie met the new guest up on the sunset-watching deck.

  “Hello, you must be Richard.”

  “Yes, are you a friend of my mom's?”

  “Yes, my name's Jessie.”

  “Are you a business consultant, too?”

  “We've worked on some projects together. She proved a real life saver one time.”

  “I do God's work in Southeast Asia. It's very fulfilling.”

  “I really enjoy my work, too, but I'm afraid you'd call me a sinner.”

  “You need to find God, young lady.”

  “Who says I haven't?”

  “It would give your spirit inner peace. Purge the sin from your soul, help the less fortunate.”

  Jessie was becoming annoyed and wanted to try the shock factor with him. “I help others by fucking them. That's a form of God's work.”

  “Celibacy is the path to righteousness.”

  “The human body is God's work, Richard. It goes against his ways to neglect it. The temple needs to be appreciated. He endowed us with certain passions and desires to continue that creation. We could help each other. The human body is God's work of art. While you teach me about God, I could teach you how to appreciate his art through sex.”

  “You need to read the Bible.”

  “Who says Christianity is the path? Maybe it's the Muslims who have it right, or any other religion. It's arrogant to think God talks to you more than to any other. I say we're all his creations equally. I find my spirituality in my own way. That doesn't make it any better or worse than your way.”

  “Two of our missionaries were kidnapped by terrorists a few months ago. It was a middle-aged couple. The man died after a few days, but the woman was with them six weeks before the church could raise the ransom.”

  “Oh my gosh. I didn't realize you faced threats like that. What happened to her?”

  “I don't know. She went right back to the states, but I'm sure it was a bad time for her. The village people love us. Whenever we bring the medicines and other supplies, they are very accommodating. One old army buddy of mine rents a flat there and has a live-in maid. It costs him about the equivalent of a carton of cigarettes every month.”


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