Assassin Affairs

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Assassin Affairs Page 15

by R. S. Smith

  “So this place has guns, ransoms, rapes, easy access to servants and accommodating people where you work?” Jessie asked, getting more interested.

  The banter continued at length as the sun set and darkness engulfed them. Two people who could not have been more opposite, began to feel a chemistry. After midnight, his mother came looking for him. Laura peeked out the door and was amazed the two were so wrapped up in conversation, so she quietly turned around and left. The next day, he and his mom left to spend a few days with his dad to try resolving family issues. When he returned to his missionary work at the end of the week, he and Jessie agreed to correspond.

  That night at dinner, Jessie made a suggestion to the group as the twins served the meal.

  “Richard gave me an idea while he was here. Since our business has been slow, why don't we take some initiative and make our own work? We could kidnap someone for ransom.”

  “Who and how, kid?”

  “How about one of those big fat banker's trophy wives?”

  “Those homes are all in gated communities, many with tight security,” said Laura.

  “We could stake out one of those high-end malls. You know, the ones with the ten thousand dollar handbags. If the wife spends that for a purse, the hubby will have enough for a ransom.”

  “Those bags are more like eighteen thousand lately. Okay, I'm up for it,” said Renée. “Let's leave Danny out of it and make it a girls' night out. We can go to the Coach store. Let's wear hoodies so that security cameras can't pick us up clearly, and appear like we're not together. If you three can agree on someone, follow her out to the parking lot and I'll be waiting in the SUV. Keep me posted via the cell phone which parking aisle you're by. If we get a chance to jump her when no one else is around, I'll drive up without my headlights on, and we'll grab her. Sound good?”

  The four of them agreed enthusiastically and began perusing the store shortly after nightfall. It was near closing time when they agreed on their person-of-interest. Renée was alerted, the parking lot relatively empty. To better blend in, each carried a shopping bag, and each flanked her from separate parking aisles. When it was clear no one else was nearby, Renée sped up in the SUV, lights out, the group converged on their victim, easily snatched her and threw her onto the vehicle's floorboard, their weight holding her down. No one spoke as they sped off.

  Fifteen minutes later, they were back in Renée's garage, escorting their guest into the living room. To add to her intimidation, each displayed a knife, along with a pistol and its silencer, as Ashley positioned her in the center of the room.

  “Who are you people? What do you want?”

  Renée gave her the traditional slap. “Speak only when spoken to, bitch! Now let us take a good look at you. What have we got here?”

  “Look at that necklace. Are those real diamonds?” Jessie asked. “Take it off! How about that wedding ring? That's as fancy as the one Misty had. Give us that, too!”

  The foursome passed around the items admiringly.

  “Here's the deal, honey,” said Renée, “We're going to hold you for a large ransom. This jewelry will cover your rent while you're here, along with our fee for entertaining you.”

  “While you all get acquainted, I'll go get us some cocktails and snacks,” said Ashley.

  Renée walked around behind her, setting her hidden taser at its lowest setting. The others positioned themselves comfortably on the couch and chairs. “I see from your driver's license that your name is Sherry. I also have your home address and social security number. If and when we return you home, never reveal our names or descriptions to anyone, Sherry. We're so elusive the authorities will never find us, but we'll find you again, and next time you won't be returning home.”

  “Which one of us is closest to your type, Sherry?” asked Jessie.

  “I don't know what you mean.”

  “This is our girls' night out. We like to get playful with one another. Lose the dress and choose which one of us you want to play with.”

  “Go to hell.”

  Renée zapped her from behind and she fell to her knees. She then unhooked the dress and lowered the zipper on its back.

  “Sorry, Sherry, but you made me do that. I did have it on the lowest power setting. Each time you force me to use it like that, it goes up a notch. Tomorrow we'll talk business and numbers, tonight we're going to get better acquainted. You're the entertainment,” she said, sipping her wine. “Now stand up and let that nice dress slip to the floor, underwear, too. Show more enthusiasm!”

  She soon stood nude for them as they munched on their chips and sipped their cocktails. They chatted with her awhile in order to get acquainted, then Renée asked her a question.

  “On our ladies-night-out we tend to get a little wound up sexually, Sherry, but we didn't pick-up any guys tonight, only you. We all like sex. How about you, Sherry?”

  She nodded a yes.

  “Good, good, well here we are with four horny ladies and poor you standing before us with no clothes on. If you cooperate, we won't hurt you anymore. Any suggestions?”

  “I suggest she come over here and taste my pussy,” said Laura. She spread her legs and wiggled her tongue.

  “Eww, that's disgusting. From now on we should call it Ladies-night-out and Laura, too. Sherry will prefer to taste a more elegant lady such as myself,” said Ashley.

  “Or maybe the fresh taste of youth,” added Jessie.

  They started arguing amongst themselves as they ate and drank.

  “Sherry, I bet you're not the kind of woman to play favorites. Are you?” asked Renée.

  She shook her head no.

  “Did you guys see that? She wants a taste of each of us! We're going to try a new sex-game tonight, Sherry. We'll call it the tasting game. Think of it as a wine tasting party, only different. Now get back on your knees, blondie.” She motioned for her to resume the position.

  Ashley chimed in, “Let's get undressed too, ladies. We don't want our naked guest feeling self-conscious.” Soon all five were unclothed.

  “Sherry, we need an unbiased opinion as to which one of us tastes best. We've all had relationships with one another, so it's hard getting an objective judgment. If you prove to be a good taster, we'll let you live. It's a tasting test. Let's call it your 'tasting testing'. Is this okay with everyone?”

  Each nodded her approval.

  “You seem like a nice lady, Sherry. Are you sure?” asked Renée, still holding the taser in a threatening manner. Then she repeated, “Show enthusiasm.”

  Her Swedish accent appeared for the first time as she said, “Yes, I want to eat some pussy tonight, lots of pussy.”

  “Lots and lots? And we prefer the word taste in this household.”

  “Yes, lot and lots,” she said, resigned to her fate.

  “Good girl, that's the spirit! Maybe later we'll get out our toy-box for more fun. I love your attitude and I love the way you have your hair, Sherry, short and blonde, with a cute little curl that turns in.” Renée sipped her wine with one hand, with the other she toyed with the curl. “You have nice facial bone structure. You look like a Tiffany model.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Let's set a time limit so that no one gets bored. I'll set the timer for fifteen minutes. When it dings, Sherry moves on to the next in line. Here, hon, have a sip of my wine.”

  “Jessie, get something for Sherry to cleanse her palate with afterward, so that she can make a fair judgment.”

  “Okay, Sherry, I'll be first. Get into position and keep eye contact with me while I watch you tasting. Think of it as French kissing my G-spot. Listen for the bell, then move on to this pretty lady on my left, and so forth. Let the game begin!”

  Each watched with anticipation, eagerly awaiting her own turn. Just over an hour later, they all sat back smiling. When the game concluded, Jessie was the first to speak.

  “We need to rate her on a ten scale, then combine that with her rating of us. Highest total score wins. I wa
sn't paying attention for doing a rating though, so we'll need to start all over. Would that be okay with everybody?”

  Drinks were refilled and snacks replenished, as each prepared to proceed to round two. Later, they argued over the totals and agreed on using the best two out of three. Exhausted, they eventually deferred the final tabulation, gave Sherry back her dress and parked her in the basement for the night.

  The next morning, she was brought back upstairs to join the foursome for breakfast.

  “Help yourself to some cereal, Sherry, and join us at the table. We've been tabulating last night's scoring, and we're here to say 'congratulations'! You scored tens across the board! Have you picked the taste contest winner yet?” Renée asked.

  “I was trying to decide during the night. In a way, it's like it is with coffee for me. I love four different flavors, but I can't determine which is my favorite, so I keep rotating which one I drink. You are all winners.”

  “You're quite the diplomat, hon. The four of us figure that you deserve an award for last night. We've been discussing it and have come to an agreement as to what it will be. First, we need to discuss your ransom. Laura thinks we can get five million for you.”

  “That's too much. My husband sees me as just a dumb-blonde, trophy wife, easily replaceable. How about one million? You've already got my half-million dollars worth of jewelry.”

  “How about one million and you agree to a redo of last night in one year?” suggested Laura.

  “I was chatting with my fellow prisoners, and I learned that your credo here is 'a lady always reciprocates'. You all referred to yourselves as ladies last night. How about one million dollars and I come back for that?”

  “I think we'll call hubby from your cell phone and ask for two million.”

  “No one even knows I'm missing yet. My husband is out of town on business. If you do that, the authorities will get involved and things would get complicated. How about this, you let me go, I get the million dollars and bring it back to you?”

  “You really are a dumb blonde, honey. That's not the way things work.” They all laughed at her.

  “I know you killed the twins' mom. I suspect that's just the tip of the iceberg for you guys, and I know you would come after me if I reneged. I already know where you live anyway.”

  “How is that possible? You were down on the floorboard the entire trip here, and you've been in the basement all night.”

  “Does '1615 Ocean View Lane' ring any bells? Someone left a sex magazine downstairs, someone named Jessica Jennings. I thought the kid looked familiar, now I remember why. Jessie was on network news when she got abducted.”

  “Now I guess we may just have to kill you instead of ransom you. You should have kept your mouth shut,” said Jessie. “You truly are dumb.”

  Sherry's response surprised them all. “I want to hire you. I'll consider the money as an upfront payment.”

  “Go on,” said Ashley, intrigued.

  “My husband gave me seed money a few years ago to start a boutique. I partnered with another woman and we expanded it into a profitable chain, doing much better than my husband ever realized. Unfortunately, my partner Wanda recently cleaned out the corporate bank account and told me to 'piss-off'. I think it was an international transfer. Rumor has it she's shopping for a yacht. I've been postponing legal action, because I don't want my husband to know the mess I let things get into.”

  “That wasn't very nice of Wanda.”

  “We had mortgaged to the hilt for our planned expansion. If I don't get the money back soon, I'm sunk. It's almost ten million dollars. I want to hire you four to recover the funds. The business is titled in 'Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship', so if my partner dies in the process, and it's clear I had no hand in it, I become sole owner, plus the business has a two million dollar life insurance policy on each of us. You can see why I need you.”

  “She's not so dumb after all, kid,” observed Ashley. “Okay, we'll check out your story. If we go for it, it will be another million on completion plus the two million from the insurance.”

  “Okay by me. Now tell me about this award of mine,” said Sherry. “I bet you were each lying in bed last night wondering what an elegant Swedish lady tastes like. Am I right?”

  “We feel that since you experienced the submissive side of things, your award should be that you get a taste of the dominant side, too,” said Ashley.

  “I don't need power in a relationship. I prefer chemistry,” said Sherry.

  “You can't know for sure until you've tried it, though. Your prize, should you decide to accept it, is your choice of any one of us for the night. You will have complete control, no request can be denied. If it is, let the other three of us know in the morning and we'll punish her. We love punishing. You'll be what we call the puppet-master and be provided with a taser locked on its lowest setting. Several of us are proficient in the martial arts, so you don't want to abuse the offer, but we've all agreed you can have one or two zaps if desired for your pleasure. You could choose Renée and get back at her for when she zapped you, with no fear of retribution. In fact, you are encouraged to use it at least once, strongly encouraged, but not required. Since it is locked on low, we'll survive. If you don't make a choice, we'll draw straws.”

  “No straws needed. It's a generous offer. You're right, I guess, I can't know unless I try it. I don't want to choose based on taste or appearance. Let me spend the day with you all, then I'll decide tonight,” Sherry requested.

  The group spent the day going about their usual routine and investigating Sherry's story regarding the boutique business. They whispered among themselves trying to determine who would be chosen. Late that evening, everyone assembled in the living room. The four hostesses stood together in a line.

  “We've decided to accept your contract, Sherry,” said Ashley.

  “Here's your special taser, Miss Sherry,” said Jessie, sucking up to her with a bowing curtsey that Ashley had recently taught her.

  “Please make your selection, Sherry. You will have the master bedroom at your disposal. In the morning, or whenever you determine you are finished, we will take you to your car at the mall, then await your return with the money,” said Ashley.

  Sherry paced back and forth like a Drill Sergeant doing inspection. Each stood anxiously, wondering what the night might bring. She switched on the little taser and it went 'bzzzzt'. “Oh cool,” she said. “Nobody move, I'm about to reveal my decision.” She walked around behind them. Several clenched their fists nervously as she teased them with another 'bzzzzt'. Sherry then came around and stopped in front of Ashley.

  “Take me to bed, bitch!” The request was promptly followed by a hard slap, just as Renée had done to her the first night.

  It was dinnertime the next night when the pair finally emerged.

  “Well?” one asked. “Do we need to punish her?”

  “No, it's all good. I liked it, I liked it a lot!” beamed Sherry. “Thanks for pushing me into doing it. I never realized I’m such a bad girl. Ashley's going to cook me a thank you dinner before taking me back to my car.”

  “Tell us more!”

  “I used up both of my allowed zaps. I did it to her once, then had her give me a thank you curtsey and beg me for another zap. What else could I do but comply? I think I'd like to try it with a man sometime.”

  “Have you ever asked your husband to let you be like that?” asked Jessie.

  “Well, no. I guess maybe I should and see what he says.”

  “You can use Mikey if you want to. There's no zap limit with him,” offered Jessie.

  “Thanks, kid, but he's not my type. I did get Ashley to sign this I.O.U. though. Here, read it out loud, Jessie.”

  “I.O.U. thirty minutes of cunnilingus, payable on demand, anywhere, anytime....and she signed it! I want one of these, too, Ash!”

  “If I ever run into her at the mall and I'm feeling frisky, especially if I'm with my husband, things could get really intere
sting really fast.” They all chuckled.

  Ashley was a woman of extremes, either very domineering or very submissive. Today she was still in submissive mode. As she served Sherry her dinner, she began massaging her shoulders and said “If you don't like to drive at night, hon, we could continue our session until tomorrow.”

  “I want two more zaps.”


  Ashley returned Sherry to her car in the morning, and Sherry returned with the million dollar payment the next day.

  “Here's the information on my partner. She just upgraded to a hi-rise condo. This is her address, the names of her kids and husband, and a few other tidbits of information. Please get my money back, as much as you can anyway, and make sure I have an alibi when you kill her. Okay? If you have to call me, use one of those throw-away phones. I don't want any record of our contacts.”

  “Sherry, I've been thinking about it, and there's a problem with this plan. We never leave witnesses to murder, and if there are multiple deaths, the authorities will investigate that much more. If they find all that money going into your account at the same time she's killed, they'll consider it more than a coincidence, no matter how solid your alibi.”

  “You're right, Ashley. We should postpone the killing for six months. I'll set up a new corporate account that she can't access alone. As soon as the money comes back into the old account, I'll move it over. Can you wait that long for the insurance money?”

  “We're flexible.”

  Late the next week, the four mercenaries managed to get into the woman's twentieth floor unit. They each wore a hood over their face and stuck with their established, successful routine of terrorizing and promising no one would get hurt if everyone cooperated. Wanda appeared to be around age fifty and was standing with her family.

  “Where's the safe, lady?”

  “There is no safe,” she said dismissively.

  “We're here to recover the money you stole from your company. Where's the ten million dollars?”

  “I don't keep that kind of cash lying around, you stupid tart!” she arrogantly responded. The foursome was more than happy knowing they were about to take her down a notch.


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