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Assassin Affairs

Page 17

by R. S. Smith

  “Take it off! Take it off!” all the gunmen began shouting. They motioned for the other prisoners to partake in the chant, and soon she was nude along with the others.

  “Now what should we do with her, Renée? Any requests?” asked Jessie.

  “Let's take her home with us tonight. I was flirting with her at the hotel pool the other day. She was too naïve to pick up on it, but did mention she's a virgin and looking forward to starting college in the fall.”

  “I kinda thought she'd be your type. Are you wet?”

  “Yes, you know me so well.”

  “Remember our tasting party with blondie?”

  “I'll never forget it,” confessed Renée, with a wry smirk.

  “What does a virgin taste like?”

  “Damn, love, I truly don't know...yet.”

  “Take a bow, darling!” Jessie called out, as she motioned for the girl to approach.

  “Now make your choice for that other entertainment, Renée,” she requested.

  “Can we get some snacks and drinks first, like we did that night at your tasting party? Maybe a few chairs for watching?” A short time later, they were ready for the show to begin. Julie sat submissively at their feet as they ate and drank.

  “Julie, you cost your family critical points,” Jessie informed her. “Now you get to watch as your mom entertains all these men.”

  “No, please no! Can I earn back points? Why not pick the woman who shouted at you instead?” asked the frightened girl.

  “Well, that's up to my friend here. I bet if you're really nice to her, she might be your friend, too. Here, come sit on her lap.” Jess led her over to Renée.

  “Oh, this is too cute,” said Jessie. “Let me go get my camera. The image of a naked virgin on your lap, you in your fatigues and side arm, is too adorable to pass up.”

  Jessie got her photo, then had one taken of the three of them together, with her holding an assault rifle to enhance the picture.

  “I choose that woman with the loud, potty mouth,” said Renée, as she fondled her new pet. “She needs to learn respect.”

  Jessie gave the signal, and everyone watched as the evening's sexual entertainment proceeded. As the festivities went on, everyone filled out paperwork listing assets and contacts. When things began to wind down, Jessie and Renée started heading to their cabin.

  “Please take me with you! I don't want to be left out here naked with all these horny men,” Julie begged.

  “We could use a cook for our dinner and breakfast,” Jessie said, “and your family does still need points. As I may have said earlier, our rules here state that one of our hostages has to die in the morning, and we'll pick from the family with the fewest points.”

  “Can I get some points back?”

  Renée put her arm around Julie, and said “Come with us, sweetie. We'll take good care of you tonight. We have some special girlie games we'd like to play with you, then in the morning we'll let you know where the family scores stand. How does that sound?”

  “That sounds wonderful!”

  The other hostages were placed into a screened tent, safe from the hoards of mosquitoes, for now.

  Once the meal was completed, Renée sat Julie on her lap again.

  “Jules, do you remember when we were chatting at the poolside a few days ago? You said you were a virgin and would be going to college. I think we can help you with your education, things a college girl should be familiar with, sexual things.” said Renée.

  “Are you talking about those girlie games?” Julie asked.

  “Yes, and the first is a girlie-tasting game. Jessie and I consider ourselves gourmet tasters. We've tasted blondes, brunettes, redheads, wives, sisters, and even daughters, but neither of us has ever tasted a virgin. Would you like to help us out, honey?” Renée asked, running her fingers through Julie's hair, first on her head, then between her legs.

  “Of course I want to help you out,” said Julie, with the hint of a tremble in her voice. “I appreciate you both letting me stay here tonight instead of outside with all those men, and I really want to earn some of those points, but I don't know exactly what you're talking about.”

  “We want a taste of your virginal juices, darling. We both want to lick your pussy, and then allow you to of course return the favors. We want you to show lots of enthusiasm over the concept.”

  “Oh my goodness. I had no idea; you're almost my mom's age.”

  “If age difference is a problem for you, you're certainly welcome to leave the cabin,” Renée said, as her hand slid suggestively up and down the girl's inner thigh.

  “Oh no, I like being here with both of you, really.”

  Renée's slid her hand a little higher, barely touching the girl's vaginal lips, but just enough to sense some wetness. “Your age comment has me wondering if you mean that. You could reassure me by taking a little initiative.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to put my finger inside you, show me that you want me. Make it convincing if you wish to stay here.”

  As Julie sat on her lap complying with the requested eagerness, Jessie came over and sat at their feet. She looked up at them submissively. All eyes were on Renée's hand as she crowded in a second finger, and the girl began showing signs of arousal. Renée whispered a suggestion to Julie.

  “Really?” she whispered back.

  She nodded yes, removed her hand and started licking her fingers.

  Julie spread her legs further apart, looked down at Jessie and said, “Lick my lips, bitch!”

  She submissively responded, “Your wish is my command, Julie.”

  Renée continued licking the taste from her fingers, as Jessie complied with the request, satisfying her own desire to taste a virgin.

  “Ohhhh my, I'm liking this game,” confessed Julie, panting.

  “Pay attention to her technique, Julie. There will be a test later, several tests, actually an all night test.”

  Julie stared into Renée's eyes as Jessie's tongue probed for that special new taste and as her arousal spiked. The two shared a kiss of intense passion, then both looked down and watched Jessie perform.

  “Julie, a lady always reciprocates,” Renée informed her. “Are you ready to move this party into the bedroom and practice what you've learned for the rest of the night?”

  “Oh yes, but....ooh.....please wait just a while longer! I feel like I'm about to explode inside.”

  “It's called an orgasm, honey, probably your first.”

  By morning, Julie had come to realize horny women can have needs the same as horny men. She stood nude and exhausted in the kitchen, preparing bacon and eggs for her hostesses.

  “Jules, we've been tabulating scores and your family has now moved up a notch, but is still only tied for last place,” said Jessie, with a concealed snicker.

  “What does that mean?”

  “That means we need a tie-breaker.”

  “Do you want me to do more of those things from last night?”

  “Yes, but no more points for that. You've earned the limit. The only remaining way to save your parents is to punish that annoying, loud-mouthed bitch,” said Jessie, as she dressed.

  “I have to kill someone to save someone?”

  “It's your mom or dad you'd be saving, and you would have to choose which one if it comes to that.”

  “Okay, I'll do whatever it takes to save them.”

  After breakfast, everyone reassembled outside. The old, European woman stood tied to a pole. Jessie put her arms around Julie and placed a loaded 45 caliber pistol into her hand. Julie's parents were forced to their knees in front of an armed Renée to inspire their daughter's cooperation. Jessie held Julie's arm firm.

  “Aim at her left tit, honey, and slowly squeeze the trigger. If you prefer, go for the head. If you don't hit exactly where you want with the first shot or two, that's fine. Let her suffer. Take your time, there's no rush. You have a full clip. Are you ready?”

; “I'm ready,” she said, squinting her eye as she carefully aimed. She squeezed slowly, as instructed, and soon there was a loud BANG. “Oh my God! Did I do it? Is she dead?”

  The woman slumped over and one of the men went to check. He gave the signal she was gone. She was untied and her body slumped to the ground.

  “How does it feel, Jules?”

  “I thought I'd hate it. I don't. It was exhilarating!”

  “She has three relatives. We can spare one more. Would you like to earn some bonus points, honey?”

  Renée gave Jess a thumbs-up signal. Both were always on the lookout for a young, new recruit.

  “What can I do with bonus points?” Julie asked.

  Renée and Jessie looked at one another, a bit dumbfounded, and one asked, “What would you like to do?”

  “Can I have the young man of my choice from the hotel and include him in our bedroom games tonight?”


  “Okay, I'll do it! Bring out the next one, please.”

  Jessie had the woman's brother brought out and secured. The routine was repeated exactly as before; the man fell dead.

  “Nicely done, Jules,” they said admiringly.

  “Thanks, you must think I'm horribly wicked and I guess I am, but I liked it. And about my bonus points, I figure I'll never see my home again, and that either you'll sell me or all those men will ravage me like that woman last night, so if I can control who will be my first, I'm going to do that,” she explained. She was then allowed to join her parents for the day.

  Renée looked over at Jessie and said, “Your comments yesterday got me thinking about Ashley, the way she risked death to meet me and killed Johnny for us. Her year with blondie must be about done.”

  “Do you want to send her that photo of you, me and Jules, or do you want to call her on the satphone?” Jessie asked. “I have her email address.”

  “It's up to you, kid.”

  “Let's just email it to her and see what happens. I'll add a little note. I've got to get back to my clerk job at the hotel. The police will probably want to talk to me, and I can learn if anyone is discussing a rescue plan. Before I go, there's one more thing I've been wanting to talk to you about, Renée. I've been waiting for the right time, but the right time may never come, so now is good.”

  “What's that, kid?”

  “With all of your aliases, I'm not totally sure which is your real last name, but I assume it's that really weird one.”

  “Yeah, and?”

  “Remember when I mentioned that I ran credit profiles on all the hotel guests to see which families could bring in the best ransoms?”

  “Yeah, and?”

  “A long time ago when we were all getting high together one night, you mentioned how your dad had abandoned you and your family when you were really young, and how you had ended up living with a man who was a child abuser as a result. Not to dredge up bad memories or anything, but I thought you'd want to know that about six months ago, there was a hotel guest with that same last name.”

  “Oh my God! I bet it was my dad, Jessie.”

  “I didn't know how to get in touch with you then, other than you were possibly in the Fiji Islands somewhere, but when I packed your stuff, I made a copy of the file for you,” said Jess. She handed her the packet of limited information as she departed for the hotel.

  Jessie came back that evening with news.

  “The owners of the hotel are really pissed, Renée. They're so disgusted with the local authorities not doing anything that they're planning to hire mercenaries to do the search and rescue. Things could get interesting. In the meantime, let's get Julie and her chosen sex partner in here for a little fun.”

  The next morning, the sexually-satiated group of females sent the young man back to be with the other prisoners. Julie prepared breakfast as the two women chatted.

  “I'm told we already received two ransom payments,” Jessie said. “We'll send those people home via Bangkok where we have some contacts. That leaves just four more families and couples. If the hotel owners follow through on this mercenary idea, we may have to pull up stakes fast. If worse comes to worst, we can sell the rest of them as a package deal in Bangkok for ten cents on the dollar.”

  “Please don't sell me or my parents!” Julie called out from the kitchen. “I'll do anything you say! My folks don't have enough money for a ransom. My dad's business is about to force the family into bankruptcy, so we planned this trip to max out our credit cards first.”

  “Jules, we are part of a partnership. We can't just let them go home for free without approval from the others. They'll want something in return.”

  “I'll do anything! Please help us!”

  Jessie went out to discuss things with Gus and returned a while later.

  “Jules, if you're willing to go the extra mile, Gus and the others are willing to go along with it. You won't like what you have to do, but your folks can go home free and you'll stay here with us. If they're still here in a day or two, it may be too late.”

  “What do I have to do?” she asked apprehensively.

  “Gus has been working on a project to photograph everyone for his sex-slave-for-sale website. In the process he's become attracted to one of the college girls named Dallas. He wants you to get up on the stage and put on an inspirational sex show for everyone, getting Dallas to come up at the conclusion and have sex with you.”

  “In front of everyone?”

  “Yes, including your parents, and you can't discuss it with them ahead of time. Gus wants you to make them think you're a cheap slut, so that they will be willing to go home without you.”

  “Oh my God, I don't think I can do that!”

  “Gus says that if you don't, he'll force your mother to do the sex show. Furthermore, he says that if your performance doesn't measure up, it won't count and we'll have to agree to sell you and your folks with the others. Trust me, you don't want that. Life in Bangkok would be a living hell, honey.”

  “What does he mean by 'measure up'?”

  “He wants to see every male hostage get an erection.”

  “Each one of them?”

  “Yes, unanimous, so you'd better hope that anyone not aroused by watching you, gets aroused by Dallas!”

  “Oh, it so sucks to be poor. I wish we could just pay you off like the others.”

  “What's it going to be, sweetheart? Gus says it's now or never.”

  “All right. Am I expected to have sex with all of them?”

  “No, just with Dallas. We'll be there to supervise and protect you. We want to save you for ourselves,” said Renée, patting her holstered sidearm.

  The pair escorted Julie out to the main area. Everyone had been assembled in front of the makeshift stage, all of the nude hostages and all of the armed guards. Gus spoke privately with the young girl, before leading her up to the platform, detailing his requirements. A moment later, she stood nude in front of everyone.

  “Hello, everybody. I've come here to apologize for my behavior the other day. I acted as though I was better than all of you by not wanting to undress with the rest of you, by not wanting you to look at me naked. I intend to make it up to each and every one of you. I stand before you all in all my nakedness asking your forgiveness, willing to do whatever it takes.”

  All eyes were upon her as she began walking back and forth on the little stage. Julie sucked on her finger as a child would with her thumb. She fondled her breasts, then turned around and wiggled her butt.

  “Do you guys like my ass?”

  The male hostages smiled accommodatingly, the armed gunmen hollered their approval, her parents looked forlorn.

  “When you see me later walking through the compound, will my fellow hostages please come over and carress me? I'd like that. I want to be your friend.”

  She turned around and wiggled her butt again, this time bending over 'til her head nearly touched the floor. She looked back at the crowd through her ankles as she stroked herself be
tween her legs.

  “Do you like?”

  Jessie poked Renée, saying “Do you see that? Look at all the woodies in her audience?”

  “I see, I see. I don't think I could get a response like that!” admitted Renée. “Where did she learn that? Do you really think she was a virgin? Uh oh, look at Gus. I don't think he's going to stick with our rules. If he tries to rape her, I'm going to shoot off his dick!”

  Gus was aroused by the performance and moved in snugly behind Julie. As he lowered his zipper, he was stopped by the sound of Renée chambering a round in her pistol. He looked over to see it aimed at his crotch and backed away.

  “You're not done yet, sweetheart,” Gus informed Julie. “Now it's time for phase two.”

  “Feeling safe from being raped, she said “Yes, Gus. I'll do anything you ask of me.”

  He startled her with a slap to her face. “What did you call me? Remember how I told everyone to address me! Only your girlfriends can call me by name.”

  “I'm sorry, Master. May I proceed, sir?”

  He nodded.

  “It's clear that everyone is aroused. I don't want to be known as a tease. I want to have sex with you so badly! Who is willing to come up here on the stage and have sex with me?”

  Nearly everyone volunteered. This pleased Gus who was trying to encourage such behavior. He looked over at Dallas and gave her a signal.

  Dallas approached the stage and got down on her knees in front of Julie. “I want to! Please choose me! I swear you won't regret it for a moment!”

  Gus had been manipulating Dallas the same as he had with Julie. He had convinced her that this whole set-up had been Julie's idea, and that if she didn't enthusiastically cooperate, Julie had threatened to kill one of her loved ones. Having witnessed the girl kill two people earlier, she believed every word.

  “Okay, come here, sweetie,” beckoned Julie.

  The pair were soon face-to-face. Julie gently caressed Dallas' face. Dallas toyed with Julie's nipples. Julie put her arm around her and nudged her closer; the two exchanged a tender kiss. The encounter started out slowly, but quickly escalated. Soon the girls were fully involved with their public sexual encounter. Julie used the skills her new friends had just taught her; Dallas had a few tricks as well. Both young women showed an impressive endurance, surpassed only by the impressive display of their eventual mutual orgasms.


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