Assassin Affairs

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Assassin Affairs Page 35

by R. S. Smith

  “I'm not allowed to talk about that, but I sensed a moment of vulnerability in her voice, so I went for the brass ring and got it. I told her I want our relationship, yours and mine, to be permanent and complete. She has totally relinquished her ownership of you and given it to me instead. I hope you don't mind.”

  “Why would I mind?”

  “Briana spoiled both of us. I liked having a slave, Jules.”

  “Me too.”

  “This dom/sub thing we've had going has been fun, but it's over as of now, hon.”


  “I'm promoting you from on-again, off-again submissive, to full-time slave. You're my new Briana. You got a problem with that, Jules?”

  “It's not my first choice, but if it's that important to you, Kacey, it's fine with me.”

  “As soon as we get resettled, let's write up a contract. You know I love you, so this written agreement will be for your protection and to confirm your commitment.”

  “So no more reciprocation?”

  “I want total control, Julie. Do everything I say, and maybe that will happen, or maybe not. From now on whenever we are alone, address me as Mistress or Mistress Kacey, and whenever you do wish speak to me, you will first get down on your knees to do so. Now thank me for the promotion!”

  Julie got down onto her knees and said, “Thank you, Mistress Kacey. Thank you for promoting me to slave from submissive. I love you, too, and you've got me so totally turned-on. Shall I remove your slave anklet?”


  They took a break from the packing, turned on the TV to distract the baby, and moved to the bed. Ashley watched.

  Samson's home wasn't far from Hollywood, so Renée and Jessica decided to make their next stop at her mom's estate. It had been a long while since Danny had informed Renée that she was persona non grata, so they had hopes of a non-hostile reception. Jessie's Aunt Jenny was now living with the couple and sharing their bed. Jessie was curious to see how that chemistry worked.

  The perimeter gate code had never been changed, and the security guards knew both of them, so they easily made their way to the front entrance. A perky young, innocent-looking housekeeper in a skimpy maid outfit answered the door.

  “Nice legs, honey,” said Renée. “Are you wearing any underwear?”

  The startled girl couldn't come up with a response fast enough, so Jessie lifted the short skirt for a peek.

  “Very nice; you pass inspection, young lady. Now take us inside to my mom.” Jessie pushed her way inside, Renée placed her arm around the girl and dragged her along in a dominant, intimidating manner.

  “Hello, everyone. We're baaaack,” announced Jess.

  Danny, Joanna, and Jenny came out from the kitchen.

  “What a pleasant surprise,” said her mom.

  “Hello, ladies,” said Danny. “What brings you here?”

  Jenny remained silent, remembering her last time with Renée when they had shared oral sex.

  “We were in the neighborhood on business and thought we'd drop in for a short visit. Don't worry, we'll be gone soon,” said Jess. “There's an important family matter I need to discuss with mom.”

  Jessica and Joanna went into the private den. The others made themselves comfortable in the living room. Renée positioned the cute maid on her lap.

  “Mom, how come you never talked to me about my dad?”

  “That's all in the past, honey. Let's leave well enough alone. There's no need for you to know about him, especially now that you have Danny as your step-dad. I do love seeing you again, but why are you here?”

  “Renée came to take you up on your open-ended offer for the mother-daughter thing.”


  “No, I'm just kidding. I think she wants to though. I'm here because I met a special man named Dexter Douglas. I wanted to let you know that we're getting our DNA tested.”

  “Oh, honey, oh my God, where is this coming from? How did you two meet?”

  “He said you led a wild lifestyle back then and were with lots of 'special friends'. Do you remember him? Do you remember a Samantha or a Jane?”

  “Yes, I remember them both. Dex asked me to invite Jane and her family along on the RV one day. We all went to the beach years ago. It was an eventful day.”

  “We met them on their twentieth anniversary in Hawaii. Is he one of the men you had sex with?”

  “Not one of, he was the only one. I just told him that there were lots of others so as not to encourage him. My career was much more important to me back then. I didn't want any relationship getting in the way of that. If you really must know, there's no doubt, Jessica. Dex is your dad.”

  Jessie's mouth dropped open in dismay. After all these years of never talking about it, and now her mom just blurts it out. “Thanks for telling me, mom. I don't want to discuss it anymore. Let's just go out and join the others.”

  Danny was busy asking Renée about having sex with the look-alike sisters. Renée was busy fondling the petite, young maid. Jenny was sitting on the arm of Danny's chair, looking at him admiringly.

  “What a collection of dysfunctional relationships I have in my life! It's no wonder I'm so screwed up!” exclaimed Jessie as she stormed out the front door, slamming it behind her.

  Renée dropped the semi-clad maid onto the floor as she hurried to catch up to her friend.

  “I guess this means no five-way reunion today, huh? I think Danny and Jenny were up for it.”

  “You're welcome to stay and have a five-way with that maid if you want. I'm outta here, though.”

  “That's okay. I wasn't really getting into it. The chemistry just isn't there anymore. It's time to move on, and there's no way I'm letting you and that laptop leave here without me,” said Renée.

  As soon as Dex got back the positive DNA results, he became determined to learn more of the mysterious Jessica. He recalled that the only ones he had discussed Joanna with were the two temps named Kacey and Julie. They were nowhere to be found. He checked with Human Resources and found nothing. He made more inquiries. A security guard recalled seeing them together that first day in the computer lab, in the middle of the night. He mentioned the girls had kissed, initially passing themselves off as moving-helpers, and that Pepper had vouched for them. Sam and Dex began putting the pieces of information together, the 'black-ops sort of' comment, the Pepper connections; it all spelled trouble, but what sort of trouble? Sam and Dex wondered what in the world was going on. Joanna's number was unlisted. He used his CIA clout to get it.

  “Joanna, this is Dex. How have you been?”

  “Hello, Dex. Why am I not surprised to be hearing from you?”

  “You should have told me.”

  “Things would have gotten complicated.”

  “I need to speak with our daughter, Jo.”

  “I can't help you, Dex. We've become estranged. She was just here the other day, and then she was gone, slamming the door on her way out. She uses a different cell phone every time I talk with her.”

  Becoming more curious, he used his agency resources to discover Joanna had withdrawn ten million dollars from her bank account when Jessica had been kidnapped. She refused to discuss it. He assumed nefarious connections had been made.

  Sam and Dex used a sketch artist to get images of Jessie, Renée, Kacey and Julie. It wasn't long before their facial recognition software got a hit on Renée and her NYC mob affiliations. He found the FBI report on Kacey's kidnapping being passed off to then Special Agent Pepper Preston. Soon they made the connection between young Kacey and her two older, famous sisters. Both were in the CIA records as Independent Contractors. A report surfaced from foreign affairs of Julie's kidnapping from the Thailand hotel. It was all painting an interesting, but ominous picture.

  Samantha's old mentor, Renée's dad Sandy, had just returned stateside and was at Langley. They looked him up at his hotel.

  “What's going on, Sandy?”

  “Sam, do you remember when we used to specula
te about there being a higher power at work behind the scenes, some powerful, mysterious group?”

  “Yeah, but we could never prove anything. It was like chasing shadows.”

  “I don't have many details, and this is confidential between old friends wanting to help family, but it seems Vice President Preston was involved with those shadows in planning the assassination of President Durham. Our girls and their friends foiled it somehow at the last moment, seeing to it that she was the one killed instead. They're national heroes, but the mysterious people behind that plot are now after the girls for retribution and to cover their own asses. Again, this is strictly off the record, and I'll deny I ever said anything, because I sense they're at least somewhat tainted themselves, but it seems they took out one of the major players last night. I've come back stateside to see if I can help them, unofficially. You're both welcome to help me if you want, but I've lost contact with them.”

  “This is hard to believe, Sandy,” said Dex. “If Sam didn't have so much faith and trust in you, I'd think you were nuts, especially after spending twenty years in that Asian prison.”

  Sandy handed them his folder of sketchy information.

  “This is all I have on these guys. Maybe you two can use it to help them find the remaining villains. I feel like I've reached a dead end in what I can do. The girls have my number, I don't have either of theirs. They keep changing cell phones.”

  “They managed to track us down on our twentieth anniversary in Hawaii, Sandy, and they knew both my agency and private-life names. I don't know how they did that, but they're good at what they do,” said Samantha, trying to reassure both Dex and Sandy.

  “What did you mean by tainted?” Dex asked. “How tainted are they? If my kid's tainted, I'm going to want to white-wash it.”

  “Likewise. Sorry to be vague, but you'll have to ask them about that. I truly don't know, it's just the instinct of an old CIA operative.”

  “I'll trust your instincts anytime, Sandy,” said Sam. “We'll keep things on the down low. What was it you were saying about their friends? What friends? We have some suspicions.”

  “I met their group a while back in Thailand. Pepper connected us. There were five of them then. I don't know more than that.”

  “Was there a Kacey and a Julie?”

  “There was a Julie. She was young and never talked much, a new recruit at the time I think, but no Kacey as I recall.”

  “Thanks, Sandy. Keep in touch. We'll let you know if we learn anything,” said Dex.

  Renée and Jessie rendezvoused the next day with Kacey, Julie, Ashley and the baby, then got a luxury hotel suite. Julie and Kacey, two of the top computer hackers in the country, got busy on Samson's laptop. Within an hour, they had hacked another one of Samson's bank accounts. Renée once again typed in her offshore account information and transferred the funds.

  “We'll consider this a team account.” she said. Hers was the only name on it, but time was of the essence. They needed to drain Samson's accounts before his partners got wind of what was happening.

  By dinner time, they were starting on the last account and had already transferred a total of over four billion dollars into the team account. The group began excitedly high-fiving one another.

  Kacey disappeared into the bedroom and returned with her cat o' nine tails whip.

  “Renée, I've been abusive with Julie and I need to be punished,” she said.

  “Yes, you do. Go back into the bedroom, take off all your clothes, assume the position on top of the bed, and wait. I'll get there when I'm ready. It might be five minutes, it could be an hour or longer, but when I walk into that room I want to see that beautiful, bare bottom of yours pointed up into the air, ready and patiently awaiting the whip.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” she said, then disappeared again into the bedroom.

  Ashley and Julie watched Renée fidget about in her chair as they worked on the last bank account for another hour. She was clearly torn between the pleasure of hacking all of Samson's remaining funds or going into the bedroom for the pleasures that awaited her there.

  “Don't you trust us, Renée?” Ashley asked.

  “It's not that. Kacey needs to be kept waiting. It's all about anticipation, girls. The more she waits, the more we'll both get turned-on and the more receptive she'll be.”

  “Is it working? Are you getting aroused?” Jessie asked teasingly.

  “Yes, can't you tell? I can barely contain myself.”

  “And what happens after the whipping?”

  “What do you think?”

  “May we watch?” they asked.

  “Hmmm, I'll have to think about that.”

  The trio continued to needle her about it as the final transfer completed.

  “Oh, all right,” Renée relented. She headed into the bedroom, the others followed.

  By the end of the week, and with the help of Sam, Dex and Sandy, Delilah had been located. That wasn't her real name, that remained a mystery, but the nickname had stuck. It was time to reconnoiter. The foursome, with the baby in tow, took an hour drive to an area outside Philadelphia.

  “Wow, what a difference from Samson!” exclaimed Jessie. “This place reminds me of the Royal Palace in Thailand, and then some. I see security cameras everywhere.”

  Renée looked through her binoculars and said, “I can see some motion and sound detectors, too. I bet that field between here and the house is mined. This barbed wire fence looks challenging as well.”

  As the group watched, they witnessed a half-dozen armed guards and attack dogs patrolling the compound.

  “Delilah must be the top dog,” observed Ashley. “Since Samson had nearly five billion dollars, I'm betting she has lots more.”

  “Yeah, and lots harder to get to, too. We're going to need to bring in the whole team on this one,” said Renée as she snapped a few dozen photos of the area.

  Each of them had left Washington with several burner phones. Renée had all of the numbers and determined it was time for a conference call. She included Sam, Dex, and Sandy in on the conversation.

  “This place is worse than a castle with a moat,” she said, then went on to explain the details of what they had seen.

  “My husband Randolph is combat-tested and insists on joining us,”said Kristie. “His sister Janine was trained by Alexei and might come, too. I could pick those guards and dogs off with my sniper rifle. It worked before at that banker's estate.”

  “That would be good, but we think the field might be mined,” added her sister Kacey.

  Dex pitched in, “What about choppers? That worked for SEAL Team Six. I can get us the necessary gear. We obviously can't use any government resources, but Jessie, you said you could fly a helicopter, right?”

  “Yeah, but only a Vietnam-vintage Huey and not that reliably. I'd need more training, I'd need Gus.”

  “We found Gus during our initial search for information on your group,” said Samantha. “I'm sure he'd help.”

  “Jess, I went to visit your mom the other day,” said Dex. “I met Danny. He said he'd be on board if we needed him for something.”

  Then Laura chimed in, “I spoke with Alexei last week. He offered to provide as many mercenaries as we need, no questions asked. I bet he could get us some experienced chopper pilots.”

  “Damn, I think this could work,” said a smirking Renée. “I do have one more thought, and it's a big one. It's kind of an off-the-wall crazy idea, though. We'd need buy-in from everyone on this call.”

  “Well, don't keep us waiting,” one of them said.

  “If we can take Delilah by surprise, fast enough that she can't communicate with the other members, we could become both her and Samson. Pepper said the group is so secretive that they've never met one another and that they don't know each other's real names. We could covertly take over the Ruling Council.”

  “Maybe we could get Dex or Danny inside as this Samson fellow and destroy them from within,” suggested Samantha.

nbsp; “Our coffers are full,” Renée added, “so if anyone needs some funds for anything at all, just let me know.”

  “Why not just hire mercs to do the whole job?” one asked.

  “It's our own necks on the line. Do we really want to leave it up to hired outsiders when we can probably do it ourselves? Hiring professional pilots make sense though,” said Jessie.

  A number of ideas were brainstormed. In the end, they agreed on the helicopters. Night vision equipment would be used. Power and communication lines would be severed. When the generators kicked in, the power would be limited. Body-heat finders would be used in an attempt to locate the communications center. Each chopper would fire a missile into any suspected area. There were flaws, but it was a plan everyone could agree on. There was a one hundred percent buy-in on the idea to try to take over the council, as long as the goal was the safety and security of the country. It was felt that if they merely took out the group, another one would replace it.

  Danny and Ashley gave more training to the newer members of the group. As always, time was of the essence for purposes of secrecy and surprise. Final details were worked out, and the night of the assault was soon upon them.

  Everyone felt the chilly nighttime breeze on their faces as the choppers rapidly descended from a high altitude. They were running on silent mode, so the 'whop, whop, whop' sounds were barely audible. All were heavily armed and wearing Kevlar vests and night vision gear as they scurried off the two crafts in rapid order. Kristie and Randolph positioned themselves in the shadows, hidden from the outside security lights, using their sniper rifles to pick off half of the perimeter guards and their attack dogs. Janine gave them cover fire. Danny and Dex wrestled with a few more, snapping their necks. Several of the others severed the power and communication lines. The back-up generators promptly kicked it,.

  One of the choppers swung around and made a low-level pass at the mansion. A small missile screamed overhead and slammed into the side of the structure, creating a large, fiery explosion. The second chopper came in low and fast from the other side. Another bright fireball could be seen.


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