Assassin Affairs

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Assassin Affairs Page 36

by R. S. Smith

  Each newer team member was teamed up with several of the more experienced ones. Renée, Laura and Kacey entered the building first, as the attack choppers pulled away. It was still a few hours before dawn and everyone there had been caught sleeping. They ran down the hallway of a bedroom section, firing their automatic weapons at anything that moved. The resistance intensified. Ashley, Julie and Karlee hit another section of the interior. Samantha, Jessie and Sanford headed to the lower level. The exchange of gunfire lasted several hours, several grenades went off, then things began to quiet down. Renée clicked on her comm-device.

  “This is Mother Goose. All teams check in.”

  “Mother Goose, this is Daffy Duck, lower level is secure,” advised Jessica.

  “Team Bravo here. North side secure.”

  “Team Charlie, south secured.”

  “Team Delta here, outside perimeter secure,” responded Kristie.

  “Chopper one hovering. Area appears stable.”

  “Chopper two standing by.”

  “Okay you guys, stay alert. Initiate phase 'mop up',” Renée ordered. “Secure any computer gear, damaged looking or not. We may be able to resurrect the hard drives. Look for anything that looks like back-up computer storage devices or banking records. I'm not expecting much of a response from the authorities out here, but be prepared to move out quickly just in case. Chopper two, remain on stand-by for computer gear loading.”

  “Roger that, Mother Goose. Chopper two standing by.”

  Each team member had their own specific instructions and moved efficiently and quickly. Computer gear was retrieved and loaded, the area was double-checked for survivors. Several wounded ones were found and terminated. Casualties on Renée's team, zero.

  “Good job everyone. Let's get out of here. Chopper two, lift off when loaded. Chopper one, move in for final pick-up and departure. All are accounted for.”

  A short time later, the two choppers landed in the initial staging area. Everything was unloaded into cars and trucks and everyone scattered in different directions. The next night everyone rendezvoused in downtown Philly at one of the luxury hotels where Renée had gotten a set of adjoining suites.

  “Damn, what a rush that was!” exclaimed Kacey.

  “Welcome to the big leagues, little sister,” said Karlee.

  “My body is still full of adrenaline,” said Julie.

  “You did well for a slave-girl,” teased Kacey.

  Sanford and Renée brought each other drinks and continued their father-daughter bonding. Jessie and Dex did likewise, with Samantha at their sides. The festivities lasted into the early hours of the morning, then everyone began slowly settling into their own bedrooms.

  Over the following days, hard drives were salvaged, back-up storage devices were examined, and computer records deciphered. Kacey and Julie were put in charge of the project.

  “How's it going, Julie?” Renée inquired.

  “Good and bad. A lot of this stuff was damaged when the missiles took out the communications. My guess is that nobody got off any messages. These storage devices show promise, but it's too early to tell for sure.”

  “You seem a little down today. What's the matter? Too much work?”

  “No, it's just personal stuff between me and Kacey. We can probably work it out.”

  “Is it a slave issue or a love problem?” Renée inquired.

  “Both. Things were working out well between us when we could swap roles as submissives. This new ownership thing has her on a power-trip and is corrupting our love.”

  “Don't worry, we'll work it out. You're far too important to me to let things get out of control. If you two can't work things out on your own, I'll intervene. Don't tell her that though.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  “Can you keep another secret?”

  “Of course.”

  “You probably heard we took in quite a haul from that Samson character,” said Renée.

  “Yeah, that should fund your operations for quite some time.”

  “Not my operations, it's our operations. You're an integral part of all this, Julie.”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  “The secret is that I've decided to divvy up a big chunk of the spoils between our team members. Each of you will have to establish an offshore bank account. Any transaction over ten thousand dollars in the states gets flagged. This will have a lot more zeroes, so can't be done domestically.”

  “What are you saying exactly, Renée?”

  “You should have a lot of money already, Julie, from your earlier assignments. Did you give it all to your owner Kacey?”

  “Pretty much, yeah.”

  “I'm beginning to see what she meant when she admitted she'd been abusing you.”

  “That's just a small part of it.”

  “Well, thanks to Samson, Mother Goose is going to be dispersing a sum of one hundred million dollars to each person on her team, all seven of you. Don't tell anyone yet. I want it to be a surprise, and you are definitely not allowed to give any of it to Kacey. Understand?”

  Julie's face turned ashed and it looked like she was about to faint. She started to keel over and Renée caught her. She carried her to a nearby sofa. Her eyes opened a few minutes later as Renée peered down at her.

  “You okay, kid? You fainted.”

  “I did?”

  “Julie, I've brought a lot of suffering into your life. There's no denying that. There have been some good times too though, right? Hacking into CIA computers, missions like the other night, tasting parties, all kinds of things. Where would your life be if we'd never kidnapped you from that hotel? You'd probably be some bored housewife with a cheating husband. Very soon you're going to have an account with a hundred million dollars in it. You can diss Kacey all you want. Nobody is going to care about it, especially me. Now can I see a smile on that pretty little face?”

  “You didn't kidnap me, Jessie did.”

  “True, but Jessie is the way she is because of me, so I'm responsible for it, and I certainly contributed to your suffering while you were imprisoned.”

  “That wasn't so bad. I enjoyed myself with you two, and it kept me away from all those creepy guards there, and that night you let me choose a boy hostage for sex was fun, too. And you let my parents go home. I'm not complaining, Renée.”

  “Thanks, Julie. I'm pleased you see things that way. I still plan on giving you a hundred million dollars. Think about what some of that could do for your parents. Now repeat that sum for me please.”

  “Onnnnnne hundreddddd milllllllion dollllllars.” A long-lost twinkle reappeared in her eyes and a smile began to uncontrollably spread across her expression as the new reality of it sank in. The color came back into her face. She gasped and grabbed onto Renée in dismay. She sat up. “Oh my Gawd!”

  “That's it, that's what I wanted to see! Now remember, it's a secret.”

  The next few days were uneventful. Renée didn't really care about it being kept a secret, she was having too much fun watching Julie try to keep it. She soon made the announcement to everyone's delight, arrangements were promptly made for the needed accounts, and the transfers made. Everyone else who had participated in the attack received a million dollar gesture of appreciation.

  Wanting to show Renée their appreciation, the girls worked overtime to hack the Delilah accounts. Due to the damaged hard drives, they didn't have a lot to work with. One morning, Julie had some news for her.

  “Renée, I've been working all night on retrieving those accounts. I still have your numbers from when we transferred Samson's funds.”


  “I'm not saying. I want it to be a surprise. When you log into your account later, it may take a few days, I want you thinking one thing, though.”

  “Oh, okay, hon. What's that?”

  “The words commission or bonus should be foremost in your mind, preferably attached to the name Julie,” she added with a chuckle.

  Later that week, she he
ard a scream of excitement emanating from the computer room.

  Julie and Kacey worked things out in their relationship and announced their upcoming marriage the next time the entire team was together.

  “We're getting married in New York. It's one of the nine states that allows same-sex marriages,” said Kacey.

  “Oh, excellent, my home turf. You guys will love New York, especially upstate,” said Renée.

  “We plan on getting a really palatial home with a water view, and we've agreed that ours will be an open marriage where our teammates are concerned. We've had sexual relations with each of you, and we don't want to lose that camaraderie. We're going to sponsor an annual tasting party, and all significant others will also be invited.”

  “Does that include Randolph?” Kristie asked. “He still raves about what a good time he had with you at that one party.”

  “If that's your wish, sis, yes. He will be more than welcome to be included.” Kacey's face showed the hint of a blush.

  “Can I get my own house-key and permission to come and go as I please?” asked Renée.

  “Yes, ma'am. You will always have carte blanche with us,” said Julie.

  “Consider our home your home, Renée, our bed your bed,” added Kacey. “We'll overnight you the keys and pass codes as soon as it's a done deal.”

  “That's very nice, but let's make it more official. When you say your vows, I want to hear something like we promise to love, honor and obey one another...and Renée. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes, ma'am,” both answered.

  The two of them were sucking-up to Renée, because both expected a sizeable bonus payment to be forthcoming. It had been due solely to their amazing computer skills that a staggering sum had been transferred into the team account. Only the three of them were aware of the amount, and they had been sworn to secrecy. They idea of depositing the money into their own offshore accounts never even crossed their minds. With Renée's New York City mob ties, Ashley's unmatched tracking skills, and the vulnerability of their families, it would have been more than foolish. Plus, both were completely loyal and faithful to their leader.

  “Thank you, girls, I'll be watching for the package,” said Renée.

  “The wedding ceremony will be lavish, and of course you're all invited. To make the event an especially memorable one, at the conclusion of the reception, we'll have our first annual tasting testing celebration, details to follow. To ensure impartiality, this one will be done blindfolded. We don't want anyone who goes to the trouble of attending the wedding to feel excluded, so as a one-time experiment, this unique after-party will be open to all attendees, straight or otherwise, observing only, or participating. The invitation list will be including almost everyone we have met in the past year, so be forewarned, it could prove a bit awkward for some, but I'm sure you all can deal with it.”

  Later that night, Renée kicked back and sat alone, reflecting on the events of the prior twenty years. A lot of people had come and gone in her life, adversaries, friends, lovers, unusual relationships. Regrets? Sure, she had 'em. Who didn't, she thought, they were a part of life. On balance, hers had been a good one. She had reached a level of affluence and influence beyond her wildest expectations. She thought about her mistakes, figuring that if one over analyzes each move, one never gets anywhere. There had been failures, successes, losses and conquests. She had found her dad, and that felt like a miracle. Her years had been adventurous ones. She had put together an excellent team and looked forward to continuing the carnal pleasures of her relationships. Renée smiled as she pondered how life is not a destination, but rather a journey, and she planned to continue enjoying the trip, wondering what the future would bring.

  What she most especially looked forward to was the reaction of Julie and Kacey when they received their bonus. The sum transferred by the two of them had been so massively large that their meager share alone came to one billion dollars.

  The End

  Other Titles by R. S. Smith

  About SAM, a fast-paced page turner, tells of a housewife confronted with various family issues while busy as a secret agent, saving the free world from al-Qaeda’s misdeeds.

  Back to World War II is a historical-fiction based on my late father’s war memoirs from the South Pacific, with a dose of my imaginative fiction added for fun.

  In Blake Industries we find a willful woman who has made her fortune by divorcing husbands, while another is a person-of-interest in several suspicious suicides. A corporate jet gets into trouble, another Ponzi scheme is discovered, and a romance flourishes.

  Chloe’s Choice – a short story of a Vietnam era romance told from the woman’s perspective.

  The Diva Den – A coming-of-age, innocence-lost tale of an Amish girl on Rumspringa. Mobsters, molls, murders, mayhem, and forbidden romance, this story has them all.

  Guardians - A group of young American astronauts working on a top-secret project from Area 51 make first contact in this exciting and fun read.

  Just Rewards - bank robbery in the sixties. A young woman teller is kidnapped.

  Lost in Space-Time - Young astronauts discover how to fold space and travel great distances almost instantly. They encounter aliens and later come upon a young, kidnapped Earth woman.

  Micky Mallet, P.I. is a mystery with an ex-cop, private investigator. Several suspicious deaths occur when an egocentric billionaire desires the wife of a powerful politician.

  Pirate Queen of the Caribbean - a wicked, willful woman who evolves from an innocent spa-girl into an evil, bi-sexual Pirate Queen. Domination and sadomasochism.

  Polar Opposites - Two young, strong-willed women, polar opposites where good and bad are concerned, meet in a biker gang when each is masquerading as someone else.

  Rising Up follows the life of a young woman in a remote European village as she rises up through the political ranks, conquering her man along the way.

  The Six-Gun Saloon Girls take no grief from those rowdy characters in this spoof of the Old West. Sarah wears two six-guns and knows how to use them.

  That Old House on Delaney Street is home to Mama, who uses an ax and a buzz saw to ensure her will be done. She and Papa keep a pair of teens prisoner for special games in their dreary basement.

  The Sinclair Affair tells of a young orphan woman who survives an assassination attempt to discover she may have a twin. She travels to the big city as she attempts to find her, having many adventures along the way.

  Trouble in Toyland is a short adult fantasy tale of a wicked Queen and the young woman who defeats her.

  These stories are available individually and in the collections “Willful Women” and “Willful Women II”.

  Follow @willfulwomen on Twitter

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One Renée's Revenge

  Chapter 2 Colorado Cabin

  Chapter 3Awkward Accommodations

  Chapter 4Tasting Testing

  Chapter 5 Thailand Terror

  Chapter 6 Lethal Liaisons

  Chapter 7 Lethal Ladies

  Chapter Eight Fatal Ascension





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