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Pin Down (Men out of Uniform Book 1)

Page 6

by Hart, Kaily

  “Damn, I love to go down on you,” he murmured. “I think I’m addicted to those sounds you make, the way your breath catches in the back of your throat when I do this.”

  He flicked at her with his tongue again, over and over. She tried to get a breath, couldn’t, and instead screwed her eyes shut and hung on for the ride. Her hands fisted in the bed covers when he angled his head and his rough jaw scarped against flesh so sensitive she trembled at the contact. She gasped. Her body stiffened.

  “Fuck yeah, Lexi.”

  Her hips jerked. Once. Twice. And then sensation exploded in bright light behind her eyelids, a shaft of pleasure so intense it was almost pain between her legs. Her head went back, her body shook.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t do that for you last night.”

  The words were low, thick and she barely heard them. She tried to control her breathing—to some level of normal anyway—and failed.

  “Again,” he demanded.

  “Nash…” But already he’d slid two thick fingers inside her. God, how she ached to be filled, fucked, but properly.

  His tongue—merciless, unrelenting—flicked at her swollen clit again as he fingered her in a maddening rhythm. She grasped for his shoulders, couldn’t quite reach, dug her fingers into his scalp instead and did the only thing she could—she rocked her hips against the assault, moaning his name over and over until the pleasure became so intense she exploded, again, just like he’d demanded.

  Lexi fought for breath, aware on some distant level that Nash had already made a move to get up from the bed. He’d done good, so good, but she still ached. For him. And if the huge bulge in the front of his pants was anything to go on, so did he.

  “Nash, now.”


  “Nash, please…I want you. Inside me. Now.”


  “Nash…God, I’ll beg.”

  He closed his eyes, groaned. “You have no idea how much I want to, how much I’d love to hear that, but… It won’t matter. I gave you my word.”

  She pushed herself up on one elbow and frowned. “And you did what you said. Perfectly. Expertly. Twice. There’s no way you can feel as good as I remember.”

  One half of his mouth lifted in a smile. “Yeah?”


  He shook his head. “I’m sorry, Lexi. You have no idea how much.” Regret tinged every word, every syllable, so strong, so resounding it was almost tangible as he sat on the edge of the bed and turned away from her. “I gave you my word, and to me? That’s everything.”

  Lexi touched one hunched shoulder, keeping the contact soft, gentle. He was shaking, fine trembles he couldn’t hope to hide.


  “Just—just give me some space, okay?” he ground out. “I may be a man of my word, but I’m just a man. And right now I need to cool the fuck down.” The words were forced out, low and rough and guttural.

  “Why don’t we ah…swim?”


  “There’s a huge common pool here in the complex.”

  “I don’t have a swimsuit.”

  Oh, man. Lexi took in the width of his shoulders, the play of muscles under his skin, his lean waist. And that was a problem, how?

  “Well, I wouldn’t be complaining if you wanted to skinny-dip but I can’t speak for all the residents.”

  Actually, she probably could, the female ones anyway.

  “I have a bag of stuff in the car with some work out gear.” His head turned then, gaze locked with hers, hot and dark. “Laps might be a good idea. A few hundred should do it.”


  Lexi watched Nash swim back and forth with powerful strokes, his body cutting cleanly through the water—fast, even, economical. God, it was like watching a machine in action as he ate up lap after lap. She was tired just watching him even though the only exercise she’d had was moving her lounger so that she could soak up some of the warming sun.

  When he was done, he leveraged himself up on the side in a single powerful move, shaking the water from his hair. Some of the droplets landed on her feet. It was a wonder they didn’t start steaming.

  Nash’s thin running shorts weren’t really designed for swimming and clung to his lower body with shocking clarity. Her mouth went dry, between her legs, not so much. His cock was a thick ridge laying along the seam of his thigh. She might have seen every inch of him naked, but that didn’t lessen the impact of his body, of him. Not. One. Bit.

  When he turned and bent to pick up a towel, she held in the gasp. Barely. It wasn’t the first time she’d noticed the scars but under bright light, no shadows, nothing hidden and time to study them? They were flat-out terrifying. In a couple of places on his shoulder his skin was puckered, uneven and he had a number of what looked like slashes on his side. They stood out against his skin, lighter than the rest. And those were just the big ones.

  Pain. Danger. Warrior.

  Lexi had already seen how fast he could move, how well he could handle himself. And his confidence, she’d seen that too. Now she realized he didn’t need a weapon. He was a weapon.

  His body was lean, ripped with hard muscle and littered with the evidence of God knew how many battles. And none of them did a thing to detract from how flat out badass-hot he was. Maybe just the opposite, because a guy like Nash? He was probably used to women falling all over him, telling him how good-looking he was, how hard his muscles were, how gorgeous he was and she’d be damned if she’d fall into that same groove. Even if she was thinking all of those things. And more.

  Lexi groaned when she noticed who entered the pool area. She couldn’t remember their names, but she thought of them as the “Barbie twins”. Tall, blonde, tanned and stacked, they wore miniscule bikinis that barely covered the basics and always made her feel overdressed in her own bikini.

  They were checking out Nash and making no attempt to hide it. And why should they? They winked and giggled, giving him a small wave each. Lexi rolled her eyes. Was she friggin’ invisible? When she looked at Nash to check his reaction he wasn’t looking at them any longer, he was looking right at her.

  “I heard they’re into threesomes,” she blurted.

  Dammit. It wasn’t what she’d meant to say and as soon as the words left her mouth she wished she could call them back.

  His gaze stayed steady on hers. “Is this some kind of test, Lexi?”

  “Test?” she snorted. “I— We haven’t—I mean, we’re not—”

  Jeez, exactly what were they?

  She took a deep breath. “I don’t have any hold on you. I don’t expect any, I don’t feel entitled to any. You can do whatever you like.” She shrugged. “You more than redeemed your non-jerk status. Go for it if you want.”

  “Yeah?” He glanced back toward the two women. They noticed his interest and motioned him over. Was there a single guy alive who wouldn’t at least consider it? She should have kept her mouth shut. Why couldn't she ever keep her mouth shut? And why should she even care what he did anyway?

  Nash ran the towel in a rough swipe over his hair. “Know what I want? Right now?”

  Her stomach knotted at the look in his eyes.

  His voice lowered. “I want to go back to your place, get your hot little body under mine, have you wrap those gorgeous legs of yours around my hips and fuck until we both explode. Together.”

  Lexi’s stomach muscles clenched and her heart beat kicked up so hard and so fast she struggled to take a breath. She licked her lips, glanced over at the other women. They were still watching and motioning to him. Confident much?

  “Nash, if you wanted to…don’t feel you have to… I mean, don’t let me stop you. Really.”

  The thread of sincerity in her voice was unmistakable this time. Even she heard it.

  He held out his hand to her. “I may not be able to guarantee much, but I know this—you are the only woman I want right now. Okay?”


  “And Lexi?”


  His voice dropped, roughened. “I’m not bound by my word any longer. Just so you know. We’re all square. Got it?”

  Oh God.

  She nodded, wouldn’t have been able to form a single word if her life depended on it anyway.

  “Let’s go,” he ground out, as he urged her up and off the lounger.

  He glanced back over at the women. They were looking at her with envy as he kept her hand in his and tugged her after him.

  “Damn,” he drawled. “Threesomes you said.”

  She punched him on the arm. Hard.

  “Ow.” He laughed.

  Chapter Five

  “This is not exactly what I had in mind,” Nash forced out through clenched teeth.

  Wasn’t even close. He’d had every intention of getting Lexi flat on her back, naked, her legs wide and draped over his shoulders while he did his best to make her come with his mouth. Again.

  Except Lexi had had other plans, which is why he was the one all the way naked and spread out on her bed while she checked out his hard-on from between his legs. And man, he had the mother of all hard-ons. He’d had to hold the damn towel in front of him the entire way back up to her place and getting the wet running shorts off in his condition had been…a challenge.

  He gritted his teeth when she curled her hand around his length with a firm grip and stroked him from base to tip in a movement that was slow and smooth and downright mind-destroying. Sensation rocked through him from his dick to the soles of his feet and back again. He wasn’t much used to slow and soft, and honestly? Not altogether comfortable with it.

  “You gonna suck it or just admire it from afar?” he managed when she stroked him again.

  She raised her gaze to meet his. “You always in such a hurry?”

  Yeah. I was. Before I met you.

  He shrugged. “It’s my M.O.”

  She added a little twist this time that made his toes curl.

  “Lexi…” he groaned.

  She bent her head and his breath held but all she did was trail hot, wet kisses up his inner thighs, skirting the slice that was already mostly healed. His legs shifted, opened and he groaned, clenching his hands when her cheek brushed against his balls. And then her mouth was there, and God, her tongue.


  “You’re sensitive there,” she murmured.

  “Yeah…me and every other guy on the planet,” he all but choked out.

  She smiled and his dick twitched in response. As if it hadn’t had enough stimulation.

  “No, you really liked that.”

  “I like anything you do, any way you want to touch me, so yeah.”

  She bent, her gaze locked to his as she flicked her tongue over his balls again and the top of his head almost exploded.

  “No. You like this. A lot.”

  “So? Who wouldn’t?”

  “Nash, jeez, why can’t you just admit you love it, that it really does it for you, more than just ‘yeah, feels good’?”

  Yeah, why was that? Because that would be giving her an advantage, leaving him vulnerable, putting himself out there. Duh. Besides, no one else had ever zeroed in on his likes and wants like that, had probably never been interested enough to. He’d never kept any woman around long enough for that anyway.

  “Yeah, okay, I do love it. Know what I love more? When a woman pays attention to my balls with her mouth while she jerks me off at the same time.”

  There. He’d said it, but damn. He’d just given her enough to drive him totally and completely out of his ever-loving mind. As if he wasn’t already there.

  He ground his back teeth together as she bit her lip, considered what he’d said. She smiled, slow and sexy, and he knew he was in trouble, big-ass trouble. He’d never had anyone want to do something for him just because he specifically got off on it. Never.

  And then her mouth was hot against his sensitive skin, her tongue flicking against him, her mouth closing around him, sucking, hot and gentle. He jerked, groaned and threw his head back when she began to stroke him at the same time in a hard, even rhythm.

  Oh man.

  Nash stood it for as long as he could, until he knew one more stroke, one more lick, one more suck and he’d be a goner.

  “Lexi. Enough,” he grated, his voice rough. He put an unsteady hand over hers on his dick when she would have ignored him. “The next time either of us comes? We come together. Condom. Now.”

  Smooth, real smooth. So much for all his talk about how it was going to play out when they got up here, his plans to have her wild for him, all the things he was going to do to her. Right this minute it was all he could do to get enough air into his lungs, because if she didn’t have a rubber? He was so screwed.

  She sat back, tilted her head to the side and frowned. “You don’t have one?”

  Aw fuck.

  “No. I came here for you, remember? I had no intention of getting laid, so…”

  She reached across him to her bedside table and grabbed the small square from the drawer. So there was a God. He grabbed the rubber from her as she went to open it and said a silent prayer of thanks. As much as he wanted her to put it on him, yeah…no way. Not this time.

  He ripped open the packet with his teeth, rolled it on with a couple of quick movements and pulled her down and over him, rolling her on to her back.

  She was flushed, her lips parted, her eyes dark. Aroused, she looked aroused. He grunted with satisfaction at the realization that she’d liked what she’d been doing to him. A lot.

  She still had on the bikini so he did what he’d been wanting to do since he first saw her in it. He pulled at the ties at first one hip and then the other and did his best to ignore the tattoo.

  So she’d tattooed another man’s name on her body. It must have been serious. Lexi must have had feelings for the guy, strong feelings. He must have been something special to her. Right? Man. He was jealous of some faceless dude from her past. He knew there’d been other guys, why wouldn’t there be, so why did the tangible evidence of it burn in his gut and why did he even care? He shouldn’t. Except he couldn’t get it out of his mind. Another man’s name permanently on her body, a body that right this moment he wanted all to his fucking self.

  He pushed the fabric aside, slid his hand between her legs and was rewarded with a gasp and a jerk of her body.

  Soft. Hot. Soaked.

  The jolt that rocked him was a full-body slam. All the sex he’d had, all the women he’d been with and he’d never known. The greatest turn on of all might just be the realization that someone else had gotten off on driving him out of his mind with pleasure.

  He came down on top of her, nudged her legs wide with his own and sank into her in one smooth, easy thrust. Nash closed his eyes at the sensation, stilled, tried to draw in a deep breath. Christ, and he was trembling.

  “You feel that?” he forced out.

  She flexed her hips and they both gasped. “Oh yeah, I feel that.”

  He frowned. “No. I mean…”

  Yeah, what did he mean exactly? He began to move, couldn’t stay still any longer. She whimpered and then groaned, his thick thighs holding hers wide as he lowered more of his weight against her, pressed his abdomen to hers and began thrusting in earnest.

  Her eyes flew to his and he watched her. He pulled out and then thrust back in forcefully. It was a feast for his eyes; a sensory overload his control could probably have done without. He liked the feel of her under him, trapped as she was by his body.

  “I don’t usually fuck face-to-face.”

  Where had that come from? Funny, he hadn’t done it any other way with her.

  She reached up and put her arms around him, sliding her fingers up and into his hair and then down slowly, over the bunched muscles of his back to his ass.

  “Yeah,” she breathed. “Not a surprise.”

  She dug her nails into his ass cheeks and he felt the tightening in his balls, the feathering sensation at the base of his spine and knew he w
as close. He angled his hips so that his cock pressed and rubbed against her clit hard with each thrust.

  “Lexi…” No way was he ever coming without her again. Not a fucking option. “What else can I do to make it better for you?”

  “My nipples…lick…oh.”

  God, she still had the bikini top on. He pushed aside a triangle of fabric and flicked at a stiff peak with his tongue in a fast, even rhythm timed to his thrusts and she groaned, deep and rough. And then her breath caught. She stiffened. Her nails dug into his back and she arched into him. Oh yeah, fuck yeah, he’d found one of her hot buttons.

  He groaned, clutched at her hips and plunged into her, once, twice, before he exploded. The force of it was so great he was deaf and blind to everything around him, everything except the feel of her under him, around him, and pleasure so intense he felt it zip through every nerve ending he had.

  When he managed to open eyes he’d screwed shut, it took a moment for him to regain the ability to focus.


  “Lexi…” he breathed, his voice thick, raw. “That was fucking incredible. Or incredible fucking, however you want to look at it.”

  The bad news was he’d been so far gone an enemy could have snuck up behind him and driven a knife straight into his heart and he wouldn’t have cared. The good news? Her expression told him she was just as shell-shocked as he was and satisfaction hummed through him. This time he’d made it count in every way that mattered. And then some.

  No way.

  Lexi could have sworn Nash wouldn’t have been able to wring another orgasm out of her, not so soon. Or if he could, it would have been a baby one. Wrong. Oh God, she’d been so wrong. Maybe it was because this time he’d been buried inside her—thick and deep—because her hands were still shaking from the force of pure sensation that had lit up her entire body.

  She let out a rough breath as he leveraged himself away from her and made to get up off the bed.

  “Stay,” she murmured.

  He froze for a split second and then looked down at her, an eyebrow raised.

  “I mean…”


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