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Rock Her Heart (A Bad Boy Rockstar Romance)

Page 11

by Megan West

  He called Claire and she was outside in less than a few minutes. As she approached the passenger door, Kurt was too caught up in admiring how stunning she looked to even think about stepping out to open the door for her. She was wearing a casual dress, only this one was much tighter than the one she had worn to the party.

  It was a soft pink color with thick straps and a square neckline that did a great job of showing a good amount cleavage. Her breasts, tanned like the rest of her, looked especially alluring against the soft pink fabric of the dress. It hugged the curves of her small waist and ample hips. Being a bit shorter than the dress she had worn to his party, it revealed even more of her long, toned legs. It was a plain dress made of cotton, but damn did she look hot in it. And she had paired it with simple white wedge sandals.

  When Claire opened the door and leaned forward to place her purse in the space between the driver’s seat and passenger’s seat it took all Kurt’s self-control not to keep his eyes glued to her breasts, and her legs, and every other part of her. She gave him a wide smile before slipping in the passenger’s seat.

  “Nice ride,” she said with a giggle. His stomach churned.

  He started driving toward the town’s biggest square. He knew it was the best bet for them to find something to do. Plus, he hadn’t been there in years so he figured it would be fun to take a stroll around the area with Claire. He parked the square’s central parking lot and met her at the front of the car. He looked into her eyes and chuckled somewhat nervously.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  The smile hadn’t disappeared from her face since she had gotten in the car, but he still wasn’t that used to seeing it. She was absolutely stunning from head to toe and he kept recalling old times and how much fun they had together.

  It was no surprise he had fallen in love, really.

  “It’s just weird. It’s weird to be here with you,” Kurt said, eyes quickly glancing down.

  “I hope only because it had been so many years?” Kurt nodded and ruffled the hair at the back of his head. She reached out and placed her hand on his forearm.

  “Just think of it like old times!” she said enthusiastically.

  His stomach tightened as soon as the soft skin of her fingers made contact with his arm. He chuckled and turned to start walking aimlessly, but his mind was stuck on the same spot. It wasn’t as easy for him to think of it like old times.

  He had been in love with her and that had made everything more difficult. Old times together were much different from his perspective than they were from hers.

  “Kurt, why has it been so long?”

  “I don’t know,” it was an automatic response. It was almost as if he was running on autopilot when that sort of question came up, something that had happened more than a few times at his party.

  “I like where I live. I like what I do. I don’t know why, but I don’t much like coming back here,” he said. Then he turned to look at her, hair gleaming under the glow of the streetlamps. “At least I didn’t,” he added as his eyes remained fixed on her. Claire turned to look up at him and their eyes met. There was electricity between them for a brief second before she turned away and kept looking forward.

  “I see,” she muttered.

  Kurt could tell she was wrapped up in her own thoughts. He wanted to ask what she was thinking, but decided against it. There were still other lingering questions he hadn’t asked her at the party. Maybe they weren’t the best questions to ask, but he couldn’t stop his curiosity enough to ignore them.

  “Claire,” he started. He could feel her turn to look at him as he stared at the ground. “Can I- I mean; would you mind if I ask you something?”

  “About Tyler?”

  Kurt turned to look at her surprised. She gave a single laugh and shrugged. “First of all, you didn’t say or ask anything when you found out. Second of all, I can’t even begin to tell you how many times people have started off like that.”

  “Sorry,” he said, genuinely feeling like he should have waited or at least started in a better way. He couldn’t even imagine how tiring it must have been to answer an endless sea of questions after things ended with Tyler, especially since they were actually engaged.

  “It’s okay,” she said. “You can ask me pretty much anything.”

  He stopped walking for a second before quickly starting up again. He didn’t understand why she emphasized the word ‘you’ or what she could even mean by doing so. He let it go.

  “When did it end?”

  “I’ll give you the basics,” she said, but then she stopped talking. She also stopped walking. Kurt turned around to face her with an eyebrow raised in question. Claire reached out and grabbed his hand to pull him in to a little park area with benches they had been walking by. There was nobody there. She pulled him onto a bench and he felt her knee knock against his before she moved away just a couple inches and turned to face him, one of her legs draped over the other.

  “You know we were together since senior year. Well, it was after five years of being together that he proposed. We had fights, of course, but nothing major. We loved each other and that was the direction our relationship was heading. It all made sense.” She paused and looked at Kurt before neatly placing one of her hands over the other and resting them on her thigh. “But, I don’t know, after some time it started to make sense that was about all there was to it. And I wanted more out of life.”

  “What do you mean that was all there was to it?”

  “You know, like it was what made sense so we were doing it. We loved each other, but there was no intensity, no craving. It sometimes didn’t feel like I was in love, at least not after the first year. It just felt like we got used to each other, cared for one another, had really good sex… It was like two really close friends who had gone intimate and weren’t sure how to go back? So we just kept going. Neither of us were unhappy, but I don’t think we were entirely happy either. We were just going through the motions.”

  “Oh,” Kurt said, trying to push the idea of her enjoying sex with Tyler as far out of his mind as possible. “Did he feel the same way?”

  “I think so,” she said, “Only he didn’t realize it until after the breakup so.”

  “So he was a bit more torn up about it when it happened?” Kurt felt excitement course through his veins. If they had been broken up for a while, she had ended things, and she had really felt the ways he was describing now then it was perhaps really okay for him to make a move. He got the feeling she was single. He wanted to ask, but since they were talking about Tyler, he figured that could wait.

  “I mean, we were both torn up but yes, he took it a bit harder initially. That happened a little over a year ago, though, and we’re okay now. We still talk casually, but hang out rarely. I guess that’s just the way these things go.”

  Kurt cleared his throat and placed his hand on his knee. His finger twitched. He wanted to reach out and snatch up Claire’s hand to feel her slender hand swallowed by his. He looked into her eyes before his gaze drifted down to her pretty, pink lips which she applied a light coat of gloss too.

  He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to do things with her he had always dreamt of doing. But he doubted if she felt the same way, particularly given there was no way it could actually amount to anything. And that was something that tugged on him a bit too. He had been so madly in love with her that he didn’t know if he could just have sex with her and skip town without some kind of lingering desire to explore an actual relationship with her. But as his gaze moved back up to look into her hazel eyes and he remembered the way her cleavage had looked as she started leaning forward in the car, he felt a slight stirring in his pants. He cleared his throat again and shifted in his seat.

  “Well, I’m glad it wasn’t anything terribly heart-wrenching. I know it hurt, but you know what I mean.”

  “What? Like Tyler cheating on me? I forgave him for that years ago,” she responded coolly.

  “What?” Kurt looked a
t her with wide eyes.

  Claire giggled and scooted closer to him to bump her shoulder against his. “I’m kidding,” she told him. Then she stopped giggling and stared into his eyes.

  Kurt could feel his heart slowly thudding faster and faster, like a train picking up speed. His breathing slowed and suddenly everything around them went quiet. If ever there was a moment he felt was the perfect time to kiss her, it was right then. The way she was looking at him made it hard for him not to lean in, so he did, but only slightly. As soon as he did he realized what was happening and he turned to pretend he was scratching an itch on his shoulder on the opposite side. He shut his eyes and exhaled. As much as he wanted to kiss her he didn’t know if the moment for it was right after talking about her ex, that very one who had taken his chance from having a relationship with her.

  Now that he had the courage the timing was off.

  But when he turned around to face her again he found that she hadn’t moved an inch and she was still staring him down in the same way. It was almost as if she were challenging him.

  He took the bait.

  He did what he had wanted to do all night, what he had wanted to do since she walked into the party at his house. In fact, it was what he had wanted to do from his teen years in his final year of high school.

  He leaned forward and placed his hand on her cheek before gently pressing his lips against hers.

  Chapter Four

  When she didn’t back away, Kurt placed his hand at the back of her head and started kissing her. She kissed him back deeper. He parted his lips slightly to run the tip of his tongue along her lower lip and she readily parted her lips so he could deepen the kiss. Claire shifted her body so she could kiss him more comfortably and Kurt responded by placing his other arm at the top of her back, slowly pushing her in toward him.

  They kissed for a while, slowly the entire time, before finally breaking to take in some air. Claire’s eyes were glittering even under the dull lights of the little park. Kurt’s heart was racing. He had spent years fantasizing what that would feel like and nothing he could have thought up matched the reality of it. He moved his hand from her back to the curve of her waist and brushed a few strands of her hair off her face with his other hand. He wanted to tell her how long he had wanted to do that, but held off on it. He was going to go into this thing strong. He wasn’t going to make the mistakes the teenage version of himself made.

  He stared into her eyes for a couple minutes before suddenly moving in and kissing her again. This time he held her face between both hands and kissed more passionately. She leaned in to it after taking a couple seconds to catch up. Kurt thought of her revealing that there had been no intensity or craving in her relationship with Tyler. He wanted to show her what it was like to be with someone where those things existed in abundance. He craved every inch of her with an unmatched intensity and it wasn’t just about sex. It was about Claire; it was entirely about all of her. As soon as he started to lament the fact he wouldn’t be able to explore all that, he kissed her harder. It was the only remedy he could think of in the moment.

  Finally, he broke the kiss and drew in a deep breath, dropping his hands to rest on her shoulders. Claire was breathing harder than normal. He could see her breasts heaving slightly from the corner of his eye. He felt another stir in his pants and gulped. The last thing he wanted was to wind up with a situation out there at the park during his first hang out with Claire in years. Sure, they had kissed and it had been quite amazing, but that didn’t mean she wanted to see a bulge in his pants already.

  Kurt stood up and reached out. She looked at his hand and looked up at him. Biting her lower lip and nodding, she stood up and slid her slender hand in his. They walked back out to the main street, hand in hand, something he could have only dreamed of as a teenager. But now it had come so much more easily to him. He had spent the party talking to her and, before she left, easily asked her to hang out. But still, even with the newfound confidence only adulthood could bring, all the feelings of his teenage years came rushing back.

  Now he had taken initiative and kissed her. It was almost too good to be true, at least for his younger self still lingering in his mind. If she were any other girl this would have been completely normal to him. But Claire wasn’t just any woman and he was very well aware of that. He had never forgotten just how much she meant to him. He still recalled the stinging pain when he found out she was with Tyler and how he hated the feeling in his gut when he heard the news of her engagement. But now they were strolling about, almost as if they were an actual couple.

  It was almost exactly like old times as they walked around and looked through the windows of old shops that had been there for years, some in dire need of an update. They shared memories from their youth and talked about how they had grown and changed.

  “You’re certainly less timid,” Claire said suddenly as they rounded the corner after looking at the stonework of the local library’s architecture. “I mean, you weren’t exactly timid back then but you seem a lot bolder now.”

  Kurt turned to smirk at her. It was true. He had truly broken out of his shell when he left his hometown for good. He had always been a little more timid and shy. That all changed when he went to college and only continued to change from there. Once he joined the Army he really came into his own as a leader and that helped him earn his way up to Corporal in as quick of time as possible. After he joined the Army he really felt like he had found his place and he couldn’t imagine doing anything else. He loved being a soldier and that was something he made sure to mention to Claire.

  “That’s really good,” she said as they walked down the street. The street beside the library was a bit darker than the others since they were now on the edge of the main square and there were no houses or apartments in the area. “I’ve always admired soldiers.”

  Kurt smiled with pride. He squeezed her hand, “What do you want to do now?” They had been walking aimlessly for a very long time, completely lost in conversation. Kurt turned just in time to see her shrug. He pursed his lips together and started brainstorming ideas of what they could do when he heard her clear her throat.

  “Come visit my house?”

  “But your parents-”

  “I don’t live with my parents, silly. See what happens when you never come around?” Claire nudged his arm. “My parents moved to a house across town. I convinced them not to sell the old one and I kept it. In exchange, I pay half their current mortgage.” Claire grinned and he looked at how happy she looked. He felt his chest swell. That was a pretty sweet deal, but he couldn’t help but notice the difference between them.

  He had left his house the first chance he got and Claire had instead convinced her parents to let her stay in the house she grew up in. She was never in a rush to leave, though. That was something he always knew about her. She had always been much more comfortable and happy in this place than he was. She had also had much more of an emotional attachment to the people she lived around and the town in and of itself.

  “So you’re going to give me the tour of your place? I think it should look quite different now that it’s all yours,” he told her trying to sound as casual as possible. The truth was the idea of going back to her house and being there alone with her was exciting. It was invigorating. Then his mind flashed back to the pillows he had seen on the bench swing on the porch and it all made sense. They had definitely more her style.

  Claire turned around and pulled him in the direction of where they had parked, soon arriving at the car. They got in and he sped off toward her house, blasting some old tunes they liked from high school days as they went along. Kurt listened in amusement as she enthusiastically sang along to some of the lines and then burst into laughter. The wind flowed freely through the cars windows and the stars looked like little dots in the night sky. In his mind’s eye this looked like a dream scenario from when he was younger. He pulled into her driveway behind her car and the two of them stepped out. He watched her hips
sway as she walked ahead of him on the walkway and then leapt daintily up the stairs to her front door.

  Claire unlocked and opened the door before sticking her hand inside and switching on the entrance light. Then she turned to face him with a large grin.

  “Welcome to my humble abode!” She grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. She reached around to close and lock the door behind him, the side of one of her breasts grazed his arm momentarily and sent the stirring into his pants once again. Claire let go of his hand in favor of walking forward and flipping on the living room light. It was a somewhat small, but cozy space filled with lots of colors. She had decorated in a modern yet welcoming manner, all the mish mash of colors was actually pleasing to the eye. It was clear she had a knack for what looked good, right down to what looked good on her.

  She kept walking forward and walked through an archway into the dining room. It was very simple and less colorful but the colors she had decorated with popped. Then they kept walking to get into the kitchen. Kurt noticed she had completely taken out the den and expanded the kitchen to make one worthy of a budding home chef.


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