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Love at First Laugh: Eight Romantic Novellas Filled with Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever After

Page 72

by Krista Phillips

  Behind Jordan, a man with long sandy-brown hair swept back in a ponytail peered at her through the lens of the large professional video camera resting on his shoulder.

  She mentally palmed her forehead. How had she forgotten they were scheduled to start filming today? No wonder Brian was out there on the rocks praying.

  Jordan’s boss had loved the idea of a documentary entailing two elderly people becoming parents for the first time, which Jordan had taken the liberty to pitch to him the same day she and Brian had set aside to pray about the matter. He gave Jordan the green light to go ahead with the project. When they told Jordan on Sunday that they were prepared to do this, he agreed to fly from Johannesburg to Durban every second weekend on a Thursday night to film their lives from Friday to Sunday. Of course, JoAnn was ecstatic that she’d get to see her son more often now. At least for the next eight months or so—perhaps longer, depending on when they brought the documentary to a close. They still had to flesh out the logistics, which was why they’d agreed to meet Jordan this morning. But she hadn’t expected to find him at her front door quite this early.

  “Come inside.” Elizabeth moved out of the doorway. “Would you like some tea? Or coffee?”

  “Coffee would be great.” Jordan took a step forward.

  “And for your colleague?” She extended her arm past Jordan, and the cameraman gripped her hand.

  “Shaun, ma’am. And coffee sounds great, thanks.”

  She turned on her heel.


  Glancing over her shoulder, Elizabeth spotted Jordan’s hand held high. She rotated to face them again.

  “Can we film a little intro at your front door first?” He eased beside Elizabeth in the doorway, urging her forward with a gentle nudge to her back.

  She folded her arms, tightening her bathrobe. “Shouldn’t we do this later? When I’m properly dressed? Maybe put on a little powder and lipstick?” Gracious, when she’d opened the door she hadn’t even thought about how her hair might look. Probably sticking up all over the place.

  She smoothed a hand over her head.

  “It’s more real to the viewers if we get these impromptu shots. Besides, you look great in that bathrobe and those fuzzy slippers. They say a pregnant woman glows.” Jordan’s eyes twinkled as he motioned for the cameraman to move a little more to their right. “I believe them. You could light up the Empire State Building, Mrs. Dunham.”

  Bit of an over-exaggeration and way too much flattery. She’d settle for being a lighthouse to the weary prayer-warrior on those rocks out front that separated the beach from the ocean.

  “Jordan, I’ve told you before—please call me Elizabeth.”

  “I’ll try to remember.” He smiled, and then tipped his head at Shaun. “Are you ready?”

  The cameraman nodded and settled his eye against the viewfinder again.

  Jordan held up a hand and counted down with his fingers. “Three. Two. One. And action.” He focused his attention on Elizabeth. “Mrs. Dunham…Elizabeth, today is a big day for you, isn’t it?”

  The air sucked from her lungs. So this is how stage fright felt. She suddenly felt ill. And dizzy. You can do this. She drew in a deep breath, filling her oxygen-starved lungs, and nodded. “I–I have my first appointment with my OB/GYN.”

  Jordan’s eyes narrowed, furrowing his brow. “OB/GYN?”

  “Obstetrician Gynecologist.”

  “Ah.” He gave a knowing nod. “Are you excited?”

  “Beyond excited, although it’s so surreal.”

  “What do you think will happen at that appointment?” Jordan leaned in closer and raised his brows. “Or better still, what are you hoping will happen?”

  “I–I guess perhaps they’ll do an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy. I’m hoping my husband and I will be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat.” A cold sweat clung to her skin. How much longer before she painted Shaun’s shoes? She really needed to run to the bathroom.

  Hang in there.

  Jordan laughed. “Elizabeth, we hope we’ll hear that little heartbeat today, too.”

  They were following her to her gynie appointment? Good heavens, she hadn’t counted on that.

  “Speaking of your husband,” Jordan said. “Where is Brian?”

  Elizabeth turned and pointed through the window overlooking the ocean. “He’s down on the rocks. He goes there to pray. It’s his special spot.” She forced a smile to her face. “I think he’ll be spending more time down there now. He’s got a whole lot extra to pray about.”

  She leaned closer to Jordan and lowered her voice. “Will this take much longer? I–I need to go.”

  “Almost done,” he whispered. “One final question, Elizabeth. How long have you been waiting for this day?”

  “A long, long time. Brian and I…we wanted to start a family the instant we were married, but—”

  “How old were you when you and Brian tied the knot?”

  Why didn’t he let her finish what she was saying? She’d get to the numbers.

  She pushed her irritation aside. “I was nineteen.”

  Jordan flashed his pearly whites for the camera. “And you are now?”

  “I turned sixty in March. Brian is sixty-five.”

  “Let me just say that you look gorgeous for a pregnant sixty-year-old. But how on earth did that happen?”

  Elizabeth let out a chuckle at the memory of the same question a week ago. “I believe your mother tried to explain that to you merely days ago. And if my old memory serves me right, you told her you knew where babies came from.”

  He cleared his throat. “Uhm, just to clarify—this is your first pregnancy?”

  “It is.” And if she didn’t run now, he and his cameraman would be feeling the effects of that pregnancy in the most unpleasant way.

  “So you’ve been waiting fo—”

  “Forty-one years. Excuse me.”

  Hand to her mouth, Elizabeth whirled and padded her fluffy slippers down the fortunately short passage as fast as she could go. The moment she passed the guest bathroom doorjamb, she lunged for the toilet, falling to her knees in front of the bowl as if in prayer. Most mornings these days saw her in this same position.

  When she’d finished heaving, she eased back and rested on her heels.

  “Are you all right, Mrs. Dunham…I mean, Elizabeth?”

  What, they’d followed her in here?

  She whipped her head around to see Jordan at the doorway, Shaun and his camera close behind. Had he videoed her heaving session?

  “Turn that off. Please.” This was going to be a long nine months. Why on earth had she and Brian agreed to this?

  Because God had sanctioned it. That’s why.

  A warm, salty breeze blew in from the sea as Elizabeth, Brian, Jordan, and Shaun sat down under the umbrella around their patio table to cups of coffee and tea. A plate filled with ham and cheese croissants waited to quell their hunger.

  Let the discussions begin. Elizabeth had a few rules she wanted to lay down on the table alongside those pastries.

  “You have an amazing view from here.” Jordan swigged his coffee then gazed out over the ocean.

  “Same view as your parents.” Brian took a bite from his croissant. Pastry flakes and bits of grated cheese fell back onto his plate.

  Jordan shook his head. “Really depends on where you’re standing in the garden, and which bush will or won’t be in your way. You’ve done this right by only having grass in your front garden.”

  “We didn’t have much choice. The garden was already laid out when we got here, and we haven’t had time to make changes or plant anything else.” Elizabeth focused on Jordan. “So, are you ready for our meeting?”

  “Almost. I’d love to first savor the view along with my coffee, and give Shaun a chance to finish his breakfast so that he can film our discussions.”

  Her heart sank. “Are you going to film everything?”

  “As much as we possibly can. You never know what
could become valuable footage.” Jordan lifted his mug in a salute and downed a mouthful of the contents.

  “Like me hurling into the toilet?” She failed to see the value in that.

  Brian smacked his cup down on the small square table. The contents swooshed over the ceramic edge. Good thing she hadn’t put a table cloth down.

  “Did they film you face down in the loo?” A crimson flush stained Brian’s cheeks.

  Elizabeth placed her hand on top of Brian’s. “It’s all right, honey. I told Jordan he only gets one shot like that.”

  “I’m sorry if what we did was offensive. You want this documentary to be meaningful to viewers. We want it to be successful. But if we’re to achieve either of those goals, we need to show all aspects of your journey.”

  Much as she hated to admit it, Jordan was right. How could they set boundaries, make the film director happy, and keep on obeying God by approaching this entire documentary with a show of love and grace?

  Elizabeth smoothed her finger around the rim of her teacup. “How long will you be filming? And will this all come to an end once the baby is born?”

  Jordan leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together. He smiled. “You want to get rid of us already, Elizabeth?”

  “No. Of course not. Just asking.” She glanced at Shaun who had already retrieved his camera. Probably that entire toilet discussion was on film. Perhaps with some luck they wouldn’t use the footage.

  “There are a couple of things we need to discuss this morning,” Jordan said. “With your permission, we’d like to continue filming up until the baby is around three months old. Perhaps again on consecutive birthdays.”

  Brian turned his head and coughed into his sleeve. When he looked back, lines crinkled his forehead. “I thought this was a documentary. If you’re planning on filming birthdays, as well, when will this film ever be released?”

  Exactly. Didn’t make sense. Elizabeth was glad she wasn’t the only one confused.

  “I’m so happy you asked that question.” Jordan folded his hands. “What the network would like to do is have a ten-minute bi-weekly slot on my show featuring your…adventure. The birthdays part will be a checking-in-on-how-your-child-isdoing slot on my show going forward. Once the baby is born, we’ll edit the footage and the shows into a ninety-minute documentary which, with your permission, will be sold to TV networks worldwide. It’s a great education funding plan for your child, and I can promise, this will be profitable for you, as well.”

  Nausea rose again, though this time not from morning sickness. The entire world would see her puking into her toilet. And goodness knows what else they would see. “What about when it comes to giving birth?”

  “Oh, I promise we’ll film from an appropriate angle.”

  The deep rumble drew Elizabeth from her thoughts. “I beg your pardon.” How could she possibly consent to that?

  Jordan smiled. “You were concerned about the filming of the birth. I promised we’d film from an appropriate angle.”

  Her cheeks warmed. She’d said that last thought aloud?

  She glanced at Brian.

  Jordan chuckled. “I know, I know… You both need to pray about the matter. And that’s totally fine. But don’t take too long to give me an answer—we’re scheduled to air the first of Life Begins at Sixty in two weeks’ time.”

  If this young man were a Christian, she would be tempted to commend him for his faith. She restrained from speaking what was on her mind. How they handled working with him over the next few months could perhaps win him, and his parents, to the Lord.

  Elizabeth leaned sideways to Brian and whispered in his ear. “I already know what God wants us to do. But if you feel you need time to pray…”

  He shook his head and whispered back. “God has also impressed on my heart what we need to do. And I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this.”

  It wasn’t about the money for them—it was about the opportunities to win souls for Jesus, to show the world God’s greatness.

  Elizabeth grinned her approval. “It’s all right, Jordan. We’ve been in constant prayer since last Friday night about all this. We both believe the way you want to proceed is what God wants for us, too. So you go ahead and schedule things the way you think best. You’re the producer and director.”

  Jordan’s eyes widened, as did his smile. He looked toward the camera and gave a thumbs-up.

  Just below the square black viewfinder, a smile tugged at the corners of Shaun’s mouth.

  Elizabeth pointed a finger at them both. “As long as you’re careful where you aim that thing.”

  Chapter 6

  Brian studied the board against the Albertino hospital wall, looking for the obstetrician’s name.

  Elizabeth leaned sideways into him. “We could just ask at the reception, honey.”

  He shook his head. “I’ll find which way we need to go. Just give me a minute.” He cleared his throat as his eyes continued to scan through the names. “Ah, there. Doctors’ consulting rooms—Ground Floor, and your doctor is in room—”

  “G105.” Jordan poked his head between Brian and Elizabeth’s. “Come this way.” He beckoned with his hand before he and Shaun rushed on ahead, Shaun walking backward so he could film.

  Brian harrumphed as they followed down the highly glossed passage. “He knows who your obstetrician is?”

  Elizabeth shrugged. “I probably told him. I don’t know…he asked a lot of questions this morning.”

  Brian sucked in air. Deep breaths. You can get through this without getting uptight with your two shadows. Except at the moment they weren’t shadowing Brian and Elizabeth…they were leading the way. And the problem was that Brian wasn’t sure he could get through this without popping a blood vessel. It seemed unfair to have to share such special moments—moments they’d waited a lifetime to experience—with literal strangers. At least by the time this was all over, Jordan and Shaun would be anything but. If things continued as they’d started out, the celebrity and his cameraman would know him and his dear wife almost as intimately as their Heavenly Father.

  Coming to a dead stop, Jordan pointed at the door on the right. “There you go. Dr. Melanie Kerr, MMed, (Obstetrics and Gynecology), MBChB, Dip (Obstetrics and Gynecology). Quite a mouthful.”

  Mouthful? He’d love to show Jordan exactly what a mouthful was.

  “Your nostrils are flaring, honey.” Elizabeth wove her fingers between Brian’s and smoothed her thumb over his skin. “Breathe in deep and remain calm.”

  As Brian did, a smile found its way to his lips. Why did the breathing thing work when his wife instructed him to do so? She knew him so well. But, after forty-one years of marriage, what else could anyone expect? He was so blessed to have this woman to love—the wife of his youth. And even after all these years, he was still totally intoxicated with her.

  Jordan held the door open for Brian and Elizabeth, entering after them.

  Brian checked his watch as they stepped up to the reception desk. Noon. Right on time.

  He glanced around the waiting room. Two women sat together in the chairs on the right, and another sat opposite them, a briefcase at her feet. Hopefully a medical rep and not another patient.

  They all looked up as Jordan and Shaun entered. Eyes focused on Jordan, their smiles were clearly not for the camera.

  “Afternoon, Ladies,” Jordan purred, obviously lapping up the recognition.

  With a bit of luck, Dr. Kerr would ban the TV staff from her consulting room, and he and Elizabeth could leave them out here while they had their consultation with some privacy.

  But what were the chances? Likely the moment Dr. Melanie Kerr recognized their entourage, she’d invite them all inside with plenty of fanfare.

  Elizabeth leaned on the chest-high reception desk to address the thirty-something brunette on the other side. “I’m Mrs. Dunham. I have a twelve o’clock appointment.”

  The receptionist smiled. “Oh yes, Mrs. Dunh
am. Dr. Kerr has been anxious for this appointment. Please, take a seat. She won’t be long. In the meantime, kindly fill out this form.” As she handed a clipboard and pen to Elizabeth, her gaze flicked toward Jordan and Shaun. “Are they with you?”

  Elizabeth’s lips gave the slightest purse as she nodded.

  She’d barely completed the form when an elegant blonde woman, about Jordan’s age, appeared from the passage beside the front desk. After speaking to the receptionist for a moment, she turned to Brian and Elizabeth, and with a smile, extended her hand. “Mr. and Mrs. Dunham. What a pleasure. I’ve been counting the days since Dr. Cummings referred your case to me. Please follow me.”

  Brian helped Elizabeth to her feet.

  Jordan blew out a soft whistle as he and Shaun rose at the same time, camera rolling.

  Had it ever stopped?

  Dr. Kerr paused. Her gaze shifted from the two young men back to her new patient, the skin above her hazel eyes creasing into fine wrinkles. “Attracted the media, already, have we?”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Oh no. They’re with us. A documentary.”

  “Ah.” Dr. Kerr tipped her head. Her eyes widened as she looked at Jordan. “Aren’t you—”

  “Jordan Stanson.” He held out his hand.

  Her lips curved into a crescent. “Of Jordan’s Journeys?”

  Oh no. Brian’s stomach knotted. No surprises though; he knew this would happen.

  Splaying his hands, Jordan grinned. “The one and only.”

  Pfft. One and only… Brian worked his jaw.

  “Love and grace, honey,” Elizabeth whispered.

  “Easier said than done, love.”

  Elizabeth offered her husband a smile. “God will be glorified in all this. You’ll see.”

  Of course He would. Still didn’t make it easy.

  Dr. Kerr beckoned to them. “Well, come along everyone.” She pointed at Jordan and Shaun. “You two included.” She chuckled as she walked down the passage to her consulting room. “This is going to be even more of an interesting case than I thought.” She glanced over her shoulder. “And believe me, from the moment Dr. Cummings called, I was intrigued.”

  A white cotton robe covered Elizabeth as she lay on the examination table in the dimly-lit room. Her feet pressed against the cool, linen sheet, and a large towel covered her bent legs as Dr. Kerr performed an internal ultrasound. She was right—it didn’t hurt, and Elizabeth had nothing to fear except for where Shaun positioned himself and that camera.


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