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Robin Hood Visits Brazil

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by Waggoner, Robert C.

  In case of a terrorist attack, Brad had special rooms connected with tunnels that reached in all directions. However, the main tunnels were directed to the south, north and west as attack would come from the beach not inland. One such room was similar to an old bomb shelter whereby stores and sleeping accommodations for six were available. It was there that Brad's mother would stay while the visitors were there.

  It had been decided Billy and Alice would stay in a rented motor home that was parked on Agent Jones and Wendy's place. Their gift of land materialized from getting married. They built an earth home to blend into the environment of living on the bluff overlooking the ocean. Also, they needed the room for an expanding family as Wendy was with child.

  Unfortunately Agent Jones parents weren't as happy as Wendy's folks. His parents never wanted a mixed marriage thinking their only son would marry a person of color rather than a white woman. Be that as it may, his parents had upgraded from an all black community in Vallejo to a racially mixed area in Oakland, a blessing from Agent Jones support. They had sacrificed a lot to educate Jones and he was happy to repay with his generous salary from Brad directly and indirectly from his former employer the FBI. Slowly they were coming to grips with the relationship.

  In fact, Agent Jones, Wendy, Nancy, Wade was all former FBI agents. In order to provide for their retirement and such things, all remained on the payroll of the FBI. Billy, who, when discovered, was in jail for hacking in San Diego. Brad received word from his father and subsequently, sprung Billy to work for Brad. As it turned out, Billy Ricker shined for the developing Batt Team.

  Chapter 4

  Tony and Angie were met by Brad's pilot, Dick Nornath for the short ride to Bandon. It was just after noon when they arrived. Brad was standing outside the front door chatting with Jones when they drove in. After all the handshakes were taken care of, it was time to have some lunch. While walking into the house, Brad asked, "Is everything going well Tony?"

  "I think so, but one never knows until the bell is rung to start the bout. Our people are trained and ready to take on the bad guys. My leg is healed up and stronger than ever," he laughed. Both he and Brad flashed back to the fight they had back east. Unfortunately, Tony was a little thick headed and paid the price going up against Brad Pratt in a fight to the death. After Brad broke his knee, Tony gave up. Brad offered his place for a rehab seeing the potential of having Tony and his girlfriend as part of the ever expanding Batt Team.

  Both he and Angie accepted being forever grateful for Brad and his team. It almost literally gave the both of them something truly nice to live for. While Brad and Tony traded short stories, Angie hurried in to see the kids. It had taken a long time for his knee to heal after surgery. Angie had never been around any kids and she relished the time spent with the two youngsters. Sujin complained after they left for Brazil that she'd lost a very good babysitter. Now the two women chatted about what had passed both in South America and North America.

  "I remember very well Angie that you loved our Korean dish bibinbop. You can thank Brad's mother for making it this time for all of us to eat. She added one thing we don't and that is some sliced lean ham for a topping. Also for cheese lovers, some grated cheddar or whatever you desire."

  "I'm on clean up Sujin," said Angie as they set the floor tables up for lunch.

  While they were talking, Wendy came in with some fresh mushrooms and French bread. Wendy and Angie hugged and admired each other. Angie pointed to her growing middle and both Sujin and Wendy saw a tear roll down her Asian cheek. "Maybe someday Tony and I can a little one. What I'm not sure of," as she lowered her voice, "is if some permanent damage happened when I was a captive woman."

  "We've some good doctors Angie. Whenever you have time we can make some arrangements at a known woman's clinic for you. Of course, if worse comes to worse, adoption is an option," said Wendy.

  While the women were discussing girl things, Brad asked Tony, "Who's the reigning drug lord in your neck of the woods Tony?"

  "They locals and his soldiers call him Lord Perez. He flaunts his wealth and exercises his power on a regular basis. I guess he's not any worse than others of his kind, but according to the Brazilian president, he has the wealth to manipulate the stock market and the economy. My thinking is we start or begin at the bottom and work our way up. We take out the ground men who, for example, either supply the gasoline or finance the farmers. We make him disappear and take what funds he has and give it to a small communities. If we gave it to a family, then they'd be targeted. We're here to see what you think about this idea and other ideas we need to kick around."

  "My first reaction is I like it. If we took out the Lord then he'd just be replaced by another money man. We need to advertise the fact if you are in the chain you will be dropped off one link at a time. Let's see what our other members have to say about that. I see we're getting the go signal that lunch is ready. Come let's eat."


  Not long after lunch the lead vehicle of the two presidents arrived. Soon a Batt Team van arrived with the two presidents, Nancy and Wade; along with Ana's Chief of Security, Miguel Lopez. The car behind had four Secret Service agents to make sure no bad guys were hovering around the two presidents.

  At the same time, Mike and Julie arrived making the Secret Service guys come to attention. Mike knew better than to joke around so when he was recognized, all was put at ease. From out of the driveway Rocky came bounding out to give Mike a two paw chest hug. Mike and Julie had been so busy it had been a long time since either of them had been to the Round House.

  Brad and the head of the Secret Service decided that one car with two men could be stationed in the driveway and two other agents could be stationed on the bluff area until dark. Brad nodded his agreement not wanting to argue with anyone. After meeting the Brazilian Chief of Security, Brad readily took a liking to him. He appeared capable and he'd a way of blending into the surrounding without being obtrusive.

  The second round of lunch began with the two presidents sitting on the floor gobbling up lunch with chop sticks. Both were adapt at the use of Asian utensils. A large pot of green tea made Ana's lips smack. "Sujin, this lunch is wonderful and the tea is out of this world. I'd have never dreamed in a life time what I'd be doing on this fine day on the coast of Oregon."

  "I think it might be a little cold for you Ana," said Sujin. "The weather here is always windy and kind of cold. I spend a lot of time inside and when I do go out, it's down to the beach for some vigorous exercise to keep warm. With the two kids, they keep me busy chasing after them. We've the dogs so I never worry my babies will get into trouble. They're specially trained and one is always with either Brad or I at all times. I'm told that when Brad has a meeting with the president, Rocky lays down at the feet of the president in the Oval Office."

  "That's true," said the president. "I feel safer with Rocky around than with some of the agents we've assigned to us. I don’t mean to put our agents down, but they're human and subject to distraction while Rocky or Sandy has tunnel vision to protect their master."

  "Brad, I'd a tour of the White House this morning; which seems a long time ago, and I've heard a few things about this infamous Round House. Will you tell me a little about it and then if we've time a tour would be nice," asked Ana.

  "Sure can do Ana. Here's a Reader's Digest version. Sujin save my life in Afghanistan where I was readily known. I was injured and she happened along to nurse me back to health. I spent almost a year rehab in India and China. We fell in love and that was that. Meanwhile, the Taliban put a hefty price on my head. When I returned to America, I built this house to what I consider terrorist proof. We've been attacked twice and both time hardly a scratch on our house.

  The roof is thick hardened steel with cedar shakes over the top. The walls the same and these windows you see are bullet proof and RPG resistant. Downstairs, I'll show you very soon. We're completely self sufficient for up to a year or more living underground."

  "Ana I'
ve been on the tour before and I'd say this house is more of a fort than a home. I almost feel safer here than in Colorado. Be that as it may, while you are on tour, I'm going to take Rocky and hike the beach with my shoes off. Rarely do I get an opportunity to relax. I'll see you back here later for our important meeting upcoming," said Sam.

  Mike went with Brad and Ana on the tour. Mike was a better tour director as he could embellish the conversation with some fluff. At first Sujin went downstairs to show Ana her room. After that Mike took over giving her the tour of the computer room. "This is Billy Ricker and his lady friend Alice's' kingdom. In this room is the latest and greatest of any computer system in the world. I can't tell you much more than that as I've a hard time with two finger typing myself.

  Okay, having shown you this, let's take a small back door here and watch your step as its kind of steep going down. Use the handrails and as there's only ten steps, you'll be on the floor in a jiffy," said Mike as he led the way followed by Miguel who help his president down the stairs.

  Brad had begged off and left the two Brazilians to Mike. He said, "There're many tunnels under the house and they run to the west and both north and south. We've on tunnel that leads easterly but it's only be used once. Okay, as you can see each tunnel is circular and reinforced with cement. Follow me please," as he walked a little way east to the infirmary which took the breath away from Ana. She saw an almost complete medical clinic that appeared stocked with whatever was needed. "Sujin is a RN and as we assume our medical needs are war related, she, having spent time in Afghanistan, is familiar with blood and broken bodies," related Mike.

  "Next door," as he led the twosome, "is our long term shelter that is based upon the old time theory of a nuclear bomb shelter. We've room for at least six. And as you can see, Brad's mother stays down here when company is around. She told me she prefers down here rather than upstairs as she can walk down the tunnel to the cliff to gaze out over the Pacific.

  Follow me and let's take that walk." A short one minute later Mike stopped by a room that was obviously a safe, or vault, of enormous size. He said, "Behind this door is an arsenal of weapons. Needless to say, we lack for nothing when it comes to modern weapons and of course a security system to give us advanced warning. Now let's go on down to look out over the ocean."

  Another minute walk or so brought the tour to a bunker area similar to what you might think as what was at Normandy when the Allies arrived. "Let me show you what this new modern pill box can do." He went to a plastic box on the back wall, flipped a breaker and then he turned a handle to lower a solid concrete portion of the frontal area for better viewing. "This is totally adjustable and we've very powerful lights to illuminate an area out onto the incoming or outgoing surf." Mike pointed at another back or side door and said, "Behind that door is a mortar complete with a small computer for a guidance system. Also a rapid fire large caliber machine gun can be fitted into this metal bracket in front of me."

  "As I said before, there are three other tunnels similarly fashioned as this one. Back to the east almost to the highway sits a large generator for power if necessary. The exhaust is vented into the trees and the storage tank in underground as well. Oh by the way, there are a few rooms where bathrooms are located with a complete waste disposal system. As Brad mentioned, this place is self sufficient in times of crisis."

  "I see many stairs going up Mike, why is that," asked Ana.

  "Each bedroom upstairs and just off the kitchen has stairs coming down in case of attack. We refer to those stairs as our fire escape."

  "Excuse me Mike,'' said Miguel, "I see some rooms have doors but only a slot to swipe a card is evident. Are those rooms private?"

  "Some of those rooms are for our Navy Seals who back up our team when needed. Also, Mr. Park, our transplanted North Korean, has his room down here. As you might not know, one of the two dogs is outside at night. There are short posts for them to push with their nose to alert the inside house of an intruder.

  Mr. Park doesn't require much sleep and he too prowls the ground at night. The spare German shepherd came from Brad's mother house in California. It's an off spring of Rocky and Sandy. She isn't fully trained yet. Mr. Park takes care of her. Okay, any more questions," asked Mike.

  Chapter 5

  Rocky was outside when Billy and Alice arrived. Billy loved the dogs and they loved him back. Rocky went tearing after Billy knocking him down and proceeded to give his face a good wash job. Billy was laughing and hugging Rocky while they both rolled on the ground. Alice, not used to this at all, stood back in a bit of terror thinking maybe this giant shepherd was going to eat her boyfriend. Both Mike and Brad came out to see what the ruckus was all about and stood back with their arms crossed smiling at the scene. Alice came over with a frightened look and said, "Are they playing or is Billy the shepherd's dinner?"

  "Relax Alice, they're just playing. You see some time back Billy was a heavy smoker. He'd spend a lot of time outside polluting the air. Rocky or Sandy would be with him. The dogs loved the company as wandering around at night must be boring even for a dog. Anyway, Billy loves the dogs and has a good time playing with them. Now that he quit being the Marlboro Man, they miss him at night or during the day time as well."

  "By the way Alice," said Mike, "welcome back. I for one would love to hear your story being in China with the Master."

  "I'm still reeling from the experience. I learned a lot, but I realize what I learned is just the tip of the iceberg. You know—a strange thing happened. The Master was with us on the plane and when we arrived in Portland he disappeared."

  Brad was listening and Billy had come to terms with Rocky. He dusted off his jeans and walked over to shake the boss's hand. At the same time Mr. Park walked up and whispered into Brad's ear. Brad nodded and said, "The Master is in his motor home watching TV. Mike would you ask the kitchen to send over some hot noodles and tea for him?"

  "We flew down here and he wasn't on the plane; so how did he get here so fast," asked Alice.

  "I'd say he was on the plane Alice. From North Bend he probably hitched a ride with an unknowing driver who brought him to Bandon. From there it's just a short jog down the beach to here," said Brad.

  Alice walked away and Billy said, "She's a lot to learn about the Master. Let's hope with this mission she'll see what the old feller can do. Now boss, what's first on my list of to do's."

  "We're going to have a meeting after dinner Billy. What we need is along the Amazon River they're many places or towns that line the river. People come from the jungle to do business in these towns. What do they use for transportation, where do they get the gasoline for the processing of cocaine, where do they buy goods for take home for personal use and when they purchase items for drug processing, where does it come from? I'm thinking maybe the seller of gasoline has an account with the drug buyer. Look at consumption and or major deliveries from what oil companies do when they receive their supply. Gasoline appears the best clue we have to begin our mission of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor."

  "Hi Billy," said Wendy. "You and Alice are staying with us at our place. If you'll look over there you'll see a motor home just waiting for you to enjoy." Billy looked over and then back to Alice who was standing with Wendy. He winked at her and she blushed a little.

  "Looks good from here Wendy. By the way, where's Jones?"

  "He's making sure the RV is level and such things. He told me if the baby makes too much noise, he's moving out to the motor home," she said laughing and special look only girls do with each other, at Alice. .

  "I'll be in the computer room when dinner is ready call me," he said walking with purpose to the house.

  "Okay, Mike let's see how things are going inside. I know our two presidents are taking naps. Both Nancy and Wade have been in the computer room doing some research on Brazil. I fear the logistics are a nightmare and we'll need some choppers for getting around. However, the damn things are a bit noisy and obvious in the jungle. What do you
suggest," asked Brad.

  "Let me think on it for awhile. We've got some super quiet choppers as you well know. Let me make a call to our Seals down south and see what they might suggest," said Mike. Both men walked over to the garden to watch Mr. Park, but their thoughts weren’t on the garden but many thousands of miles away on a bug invested jungle on the worlds' largest river by volume.

  Tony had been sleeping as well as the presidents. Angi was in the kitchen helping where needed. Sujin had taken out some hot noodles and green tea for the Master. He was sitting cross legged on the floor watching a Superman movie. Sujin sat the noodles down and he never acknowledged her presence. However, Sujin knew he very well recognized who brought the noodles and who bowed low when serving him.

  Also in the kitchen was Sujin's sister who was married to the local Chief of Police. They were childless and consequently, she spent a lot of time at the Round House with the kids.

  For dinner, earlier in the day Mr. Park had a giant pot of beef soup on his BBQ stove. It wasn't spicy, but red pepper was available if wanted. Sourdough bread and BBQ local fish completed the menu. Of course, a garden fresh Park salad was served at each station.

  After dinner the living room would be filled with all members to discuss the Brazil Operation. After Mike had given the tour and chatted with Brad, he left in the van with a couple of Secret Service guys to find some chairs. By Mikes count, including Mr. Park and the Master was seventeen; but his count was not official.


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