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Robin Hood Visits Brazil

Page 4

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "I can't argue whatever the Master says. He's so far beyond us it's even silly to think about it. By the way how are you doing with my mother living here?"

  "No problem at all. She's not one of those interfering mother-in-laws that I hear so much about. She's good with the kids and seems happy. I think she misses your father sometimes, but she's so busy cleaning, cooking and babysitting that she's no time for much else.

  I'll miss you and the rest of the team around here. It'll be real quiet and especially if Wendy and Jones go to Brazil with you. I'm thinking about visiting my parents while you're gone. I haven't asked your mother if she wanted to go with me yet. What do you think?"

  "That might a good time for her to go visit my father. I'm not sure she wouldn't be bored in South Korea after a day or two."

  "You're probably right husband. How about some loving before you go. I need something to remember our last few minutes together," said Sujin as she climbed on top of her man.


  At 40,000 feet crossing the Rocky Mountains Brad sat reading hard copies of Brazil that Billy had printed out for him. Brad had nothing against the new tablets or such things, but he really preferred flipping pages especially if he wanted to go back to check on something he'd previously read. He read that Brazil was the fifth largest country in the world. What they didn't say was the fact that getting around the country was limited to back roads that were often impassable, to the rivers that were the expressways of Brazil.

  What they needed was a dependable guide who knew the river system and the local gossip. Brad made a note to talk to Tony about that idea. Also before they left the states, make sure they'd plenty of bug spray. And Rocky would need a haircut before going to the tropics.

  Housing for the team would be left up to Nancy and Wade. Wade he realized had a great head on his shoulders. Ever since he found out about the next mission to Brazil, he'd been studying hard the Portuguese language. Billy had set him up with an I-pad to listen to online instructions.

  Brad leaned his head back to think about what else needed to happen before they left the states. His mind went to the crops the natives might replace the coca plants with. It appeared that coffee and peanuts were best for long term crops. The idea of Mike as a coffee baron made Brad smile. He made a note to have Billy compile a crash course in coffee for Mike to study.

  When he awoke it was to the sound of the pilot telling everyone to buckle up for landing. Brad had been meditating attempting to focus on the mission upcoming. Rocky buckled up next to Brad. Rocky loved to travel knowing something exciting was going to happen. Brad reached out and scratched him behind the ears. Rocky gave a small throat sound acknowledging the bond between them.

  On the ground Brad and team bid the Brazilian president and her security guy Miguel farewell. A van was waiting for Brad and team. Nancy and Wade would return to their office and make plans for leaving. Nancy had already made reservations at a hotel for the team and of course the Master. Brad told him to tag along with Billy and Alice to the hotel room.

  Brad made for his father's office in the Pentagon. The last time they were together Brad was a little put out over the "King of Serial Killer" case. The senseless killing of a madman was not in his vocabulary. Terrorists, drug lords, thieves, were fair game. His job was to take on missions that were too sensitive for government agencies to handle. It certainly wasn't his job to chase down a killer of innocent victims.

  Brad was whisked through the security to his father's office. Phil Pratt had been made aware of his son's arrival. He stood at his door waiting for Brad and Rocky to share some important information for the upcoming mission. When Rocky saw Phil he ran up for a greeting of an old friend. Brad wasn't far behind and with a smile shook hands warmly with his father. They took seats away from his large desk at a table with comfortable chairs. A file lay on top.

  Brad took stock of his father to see if the stress was too much for old feller. He saw a sparkle in father's eye and couldn’t see any new signs of stress. Brad thought he'd finally adjusted to his high position. "Father are you okay running the navy," asked Brad.

  "For the time being, I'm okay Brad. It's rather lonely around her without your mother, but as I understand it, she'll come visit soon. I hope to take a little time off if the mounting posturing in Asia doesn't get out of hand. With Japan and China at each other's throats and that screw ball dictator in North Korea constantly rattling his sword, it's difficult to get a day off around here. The days of flashing our power for determent is about over. Nobody takes stock of that maneuver anymore. What is really troublesome for me is the Russian's gobbling up the Black Sea area. In my personal opinion Putin is testing our rather weak president. With the no action in Syria, Russia saw an opportunity to flex its new power which is gas. Never mind son, let's talk about Brazil. What's your plan for down there?"

  "Simply put, we're going to eliminate the drug lords and hopefully replace the coca plants with a cash crop, such as coffee or peanuts. We need to clean house from top to bottom and keep it clean. I'm not sure how much the Brazilian government can assist us, but I think multinational interests would jump at the chance to expand their products coming from Brazil.

  I guess what we need is some stealth helicopters and the same with river boats. Also I'm thinking we need covert camps set up along the Amazon River and up some of the major tributaries. The how many eludes me with both boats and helicopters. I'd like to have some of those camps inhabited by Seals and Mike is down in Diego as we speak talking to the commander. I'm positive word will be forthcoming very soon father from the Seal commander."

  Phil Pratt sat back thinking for a long minute. He was absently stroking Rocky's head and then he said, "I think we can fix you up Brad. Those covert camps need a place cleared where a stealth chopper can land and be hidden from prying eyes. We've some real fast and quiet rubber boats that will fit the bill. Once a place is cleared we can transport what you require. In the meantime, I'll send a carrier down with supplies enough for a year. What I'll need is a map of the camp locations when you get set up down there."

  "That's a good beginning father. This mission will take some time to fruition. Once it's in place and organized, I'll turn the operation over to Tony and his team. I'll send a map of our intended sites when they're determined. Once I'm on the ground I'll know a lot more."

  "I realize it's only late afternoon, but it's your lunch time. How about I take you to a new Asian restaurant I found accidentally not long ago?"

  "I could use a little nourishment alright. This giant complex reminds me of a bloated bureaucracy that needs to go on a diet. Let's go."

  The Navy Secretary has a driver to take him around wherever he might want to go. In this particular case, the driver was a female who was all business. She frowned when she saw Rocky and Brad grinned. To egg her on, he put Rocky in the front seat with her. Phil just shook his head and said, "Marsha, pay no attention to the dog. He'll be fine unless you attack my son," he said joking.

  Brad thought his father was dead right when he said the restaurant was top notch. After a substantial tip, Rocky was allowed to sit under the table. Brad said later that the food was terrific and he'd like to come again sometime. He left the staff of five a hundred each.

  Marsha dropped Brad off at his hotel. He checked in and went to his room where he called Billy to come to his room if he wasn't busy. Billy said, "We're on the way boss. Be there in a flash."

  It wasn't thirty seconds and a bang on the door revealed a smiling twosome of computer hackers. A circle table for four had been required for Brad's room. After sitting down he said, "This is the plan for now, but always subject to change. Along the Amazon River with the best photos you can get, try to locate some land where we can covertly hide a helicopter, a couple rubber boats and a crew of say five. Let's say we need five or six of these covert sites."

  "About how far from a town or small city," asked Alice.

  "Far enough away that if we were in a boat and pulled off t
he river, the wake wouldn't be so noticeable. In other words, close but not too close. Actually, wherever a good location regardless of near a city or town."

  "The problem we'd have boss, is the canopy of trees blocking the ground. Be that as it may, we'll take a hard look. We must keep in mind the time of year too: rainy season vs. dry season. Also it might take a run up the river to locate such a place. However, that river is hundreds of miles long," said Billy.

  "Do what you have to locating a place for our team members to hide in. Meanwhile, research all that is needed to combat infections, bug bites and so on. We need medical supplies before we leave here to be sent south. Also make sure your new computers and phones work properly. When you have all you need send it by air labeled as something to not draw attention to by the locals. UPS or something like that should work.

  Okay, what else do we need before leaving the country," asked Brad.

  "Clothes shopping Brad. We need a variety of clothes to be seen in as tourists and even some nice threads to rub shoulders at a night spot," said Alice.

  "Excellent idea Alice. Let's go shopping tomorrow; or you go shopping with a no limit plastic card. Anything else?"

  Chapter 9

  Up the Amazon, quite some distance from Manaus, Jose Zeda has a farm off BR 319. The farm has been in his family for more than three generations. Like many of the native farmers, Jose was sucked into planting coca plants for easy money. However, he did hedge his bets and planted only ten hectares of his total of twenty. At the ripe old age of fifty, Jose had had enough of being cheated and robbed of his labor growing coca.

  On the same calendar day, when the Batt Team was in Washington DC preparing for a trip to Brazil, Jose was standing in his makeshift lean-to talking to Bruno the point man for Lord Perez in the region of highway or road BR 319.

  Jose said, "I quit Bruno. My family has been going backwards ever since we began this growing operation for you. It's more profitable for us to grow crops we can sell in the market place in Manaus. I've given orders to my family to pull up your plants."

  "Now Jose, don't do anything stupid. Nobody quits Lord Perez family and lives. I tell you what, you think about it for a few minutes while I look over our crop of coca," said Bruno.

  Jose had made up his mind. Inside his house his wife and off spring were looking out the glassless window. Amanda, who was the second oldest behind Ramon had a clear view of the lean-to. She realized something terrible was going to happen. The whole family had talked about it many times, but Jose was stubborn and refused to be squished under the drug lord Perez.

  She shuffled for a better look at Bruno as he strolled through the coca plants. She saw a smile cross his face. That smile could only mean trouble for the family. After a few minutes she saw him turn and hurry back to the lean-to. It was then she heard her father screaming for Bruno to get off his property. A loud roar of laughter occurred followed by two loud pops of a pistol. The voices ceased. Bruno walked out to the house continuing through the door to face a scared family.

  "Ramon," said Bruno, "you're now the head of the family. If you don't want to follow you stupid father, get to work on our plants as usual. Don't make me come back and shoot the whole family Ramon." He turned and left walking down the trail to the highway and his late model SUV. He couldn't wait to turn on the a/c. He was positive that in two weeks the Zeda family would be back producing washed coca.

  What he didn't know was that Amanda wasn't scared and as she stood over her slain father vowed to avenge his death. She decided to leave home and find Lord Perez and cut his throat.

  Word spreads fast in any jungle and the shooting death of Jose Zeda spread like wildfire. The whole area of Manaus feared they might be next. So it was that when one of Robin Hood's merry men entered Manaus he discovered many natives looking for protection.

  Amanda wasn't stupid to say the least. She first went to Manaus to seek some information as to where Lord Perez lived. She was in the market helping her aunt with her vegetable selling when Tony's number two, Felix Spanner, asked a few question in the market place as regards coca growing run by Lord Perez. As he walked through the market Amanda followed him until he came to a place where some fairly quiet conversation could take place. She approached him and said:

  "I know what you want to know about the devil Perez. Let's find a quiet place to talk. Follow me to a place I know is not part of or friendly to Lord Perez and his killers."

  She led him to her aunt's friend's small café. Another of her aunt's worked at the café. There were two rooms inside and she took Felix to the back room nodding at her aunt for coffee and privacy. Sitting down at rickety wooden table and chairs, Felix took a look at one lovely native girl. However, he was here on business to find a link in the food chain that needed butchering.

  "May I ask with whom am I talking to mister," said Amanda.

  "My name is not important young lady. What is important is my mission and that is to discover names and places where Lord Perez's soldiers are."

  "And when you find that out, what then mister," asked a stern Amanda.

  "Simply put we'd like to feed them to the crocodiles and free up the farmers from tyranny. My boss wears a green hat and seeks a friendship with the native farmers. We intend to eliminate the drug devils from Brazil. Now can you help me," asked Felix.

  Amanda thought about it and decided she had nothing to lose. "A soldier of Perez just shot and murdered my father who was a farmer some distance from here. I saw my mother almost die of grief thinking the whole family would be murdered. I left the next day leaving my mother still in her bed starring at the ceiling of our wretched house. If you promise me some information about how to find Lord Perez, I'll give you a name and location of the soldier who murdered my father."

  "It's a done deal lady. But you'd be foolish to try and get to him as he has security coming out of his ears. What I'll do is give you our address in Belem. I'll give you an introduction otherwise you wouldn't get past our security either. We need people like you in our quest to rid the country of vermin. You must have a little patience. Now my name is Felix, what's yours?"

  "I'm Amanda and the killer is Bruno who lives off of BR 319 in Porto Velho. Anybody in town can point out his house to you. Please hurry as he said he'd come back and kill my whole family unless the crop was processed."

  Felix took out a small notebook and wrote some words of introduction to Tony's team. Next he took out a roughly a hundred dollars in Brazilian Real and gave it to her for pocket money."Here this should be enough to get you down the river and to our office in Belem. You're not to worry as Bruno will not harm your family; or anyone else for that matter."

  "I can only hope you're for real Felix. Bruno is the scourge of this entire region. He's two other guys who pal around with him, so be careful. Those guys are trigger happy wanabe soldiers looking to make a mark to move up the ladder," said a happier Amanda.

  Felix told her he must be going now as he'd an appointment with a guy in Porto Velho. Amanda gave him a smile as Felix thought what a lovely young lady she was. He went out the door leaving a nice tip for the coffee as he walked swiftly to his waiting Jeep. Felix checked his fuel and decided to top it off and at the same time make sure his Glock was topped off as well.

  An hour later he was in Porto Velho that was obviously a small farmer's town. It was growing late in the day so he decided to stay the night if he could find some accommodations. He asked around and found a widow woman with a fairly large old house. She was happy to take his money and fed him a lovely dinner as well.

  It didn't take him long to find out where Bruno lived and what a bad sort he was. She also told him that the two guys with him were born killers and rapists. The younger the better she said with venom dripping from her lips. While she talked, he ate and thought about an early morning, say, around a 2 am visit, would be about right. They'd not be expecting any company and more than likely would be sleeping soundly.

  Felix was right on all accounts except the
two young soldiers had two girls with them. Both girls had metal handcuffs on that were attached to a chain from the wall to keep them from running away.

  Felix with stealth made his way to Bruno house which by the size of it was the best in town. The house was dark as was the entire neighbor hood and the town for that matter. Felix tried the front door finding it unlocked. He left his Nike's on the front step moving silently into the house. He'd been training for this moment for more than a year with Tony. He smiled, but remained cautious and not over confident. With a small pen light he went to the first closed door in the back. A single person was snoring away in bed.

  Felix went to another door and found two big lumps sleeping soundly. A dim moon from above cast some light into the room. By this time Felix had adjusted to the darkness. He saw the chains and where they led. The girl nearest to him was not asleep, but staring at him. He raised a finger to the lips and she nodded back in the affirmative.

  With his silenced Glock he put a bullet between the eyes of first one soldier and then the other one. He reminded both girls to keep quiet as he went back to visit Bruno.

  Bruno was snoring away when Felix stuck his barrel into Bruno's mouth. When he woke up Felix said, "Don't move or you're a dead man Bruno." Felix waited a minute or so for him to wake up and then he would know why he died. "Bruno, I'm a member of Robin Hood's merry men. You murdered a man in cold blood a few days ago. Shame on you. By the way, are you sorry you killed him?" He saw Bruno nod his head just a little as Felix said, "I hope you roast in hell Bruno."

  It was discovered after a day or two the bullet went through the back of his head. The other two men had their privates cut off and stuck into their mouths from the two young teenage girls after they were executed. Felix found more than sixteen thousand Brazilian Real, which he gave half to the girls and asked the girls to give the other half to the local priest. When daylight arrived, he was back in Manaus sleeping in a hotel with a smile on his face.


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