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Robin Hood Visits Brazil

Page 8

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  At just past 4 am half the guards were sitting on the ground leaning their backs against the walls sleeping. The other half were anything but vigilant in duty. Tony decided that tomorrow morning at 3 am they'd take out the guards first and then Calo Monais.

  They made a quiet circle of the house once more and then left the area. When they arrived Whymare was wide awake on the job. Tony and Felix each took a shower while Whymare fixed something to eat.

  Afterwards, Whymar took the first watch while Tony and Felix slept till noon. Then he slept till 6 pm. It had been decided that right after the attack on the house, they'd make a quick trip to the warehouse to check it out. Word had already been passed down that only two guards were on the warehouse security detail.

  That night it was the same plan: hit the house at 3 am, the warehouse at 4 am and out of town by 6 am. At 9 pm one of Felix's men came by with a battery powered tattoo gun with instructions. Tony smiled and they practiced on Whymare's foot. All laughed like hell thinking about leaving a green colored: "Robin was Here" calling card on Calo Morais chest.

  It was just a little after 2 am when Tony and Felix slipped out of the house following the same trail or path as before. Again no wind and only the occasional sound of a gung ho rooster were heard. Whymare was in the vehicle as before. Both men carried silenced Glock hand guns. When they arrived it was just like the night before, but now it appeared even more lax than before. Inside Calo was sleeping like a baby thinking he was fully protected. He hated to sleep alone so he'd a favorite staff member that slept with him in his a/c bedroom.

  It had been decided that Felix would take the front three guards while Tony would take the backyard guards. They decided that at precisely 3 am they would take the guards out.

  Tony went around the back to find two guards sitting on the ground with their backs against the wall. The other one was standing leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette with smoke rising or drifting up without a breeze to carry it away. Tony was behind some trees and the house was well lighted, but he was out of the light just about 10 meters away. He could almost smell the sweat on these men being so close.

  A look at his watch said he had two minutes to go. He'd decided to take out the smoker and then the other two following. After that he'd enter the back door and let Felix in the front door. Because the structure was a two story affair, the boss man was sleeping upstairs as Tony could hear the a/c running.

  At three am he pulled down and put a bullet into the throat of the former smoker. He fell sideways away from the other two sleepers with only the sound of a body hitting the ground. The two other men never heard the body falling to the ground; Tony moved silently closer and from 3 meters away, drilled both between the eyes. They never knew what hit them. Tony checked each one and then entered the house walking silently to the front door. Felix was waiting for him. Without a word they climbed the side of the wooden stairs to the second floor.

  Both men could hear the a/c running behind the last door down the hallway. Tony slowly turned the door knob finding it unlocked. Without a sound they approached the sleeping Calo Morais. His bed mate was also sleeping soundly. Felix went around the bed to make sure the girl didn't make any noise. Very quickly Felix put his hand over her mouth and whispered for her to be silent. She blinked in acknowledgement.

  Tony, meanwhile stuck the barrel of his pistol into the mouth of Calo. Calo came awake instantly. It struck him strange that his men hadn't stopped this guy from entering his house. However, he heard a voice say: "Calo, you chose the wrong profession. Just so you know before you die, I'm Robin Hood. I've no time to chat so say your prayers, but I doubt He's listening to scum like you." And the girl said later she heard a piffist sound and felt Calo give off a few spastic shudders. Felix let go of the girl and quickly came around taking out the tattoo gun from his pack. He wrote in big letters: 'Robin Hood was Here'.

  Ten minutes later they were driving towards the warehouse. Tony said, "Drive right up to the front door and when a guard comes out, shoot the bastard Whymare. The other guard will follow suit. One of us, or both will put him in a long sleep."

  It went as expected and both guards lay dead at the warehouse door. Tony and Felix hurried inside. Felix to check on the goods stacked around seeking the best place for a fire. Tony had a small wad of plastic to blow the safe with. In another few minutes he'd cleaned out the safe and on his way out took the secretaries computer.

  Tony gave Felix the nod to start the fire and soon all three men were flying back to Manus. Later they'd word that the warehouse fire hadn't spread, but the entire contents of said warehouse was lost.

  Chapter 15

  Mike shook each guys hand saying, "Damn fine job Robin and merry men. After you rest up let's have a small celebration."

  However, in Belem, at Lord Perez's office, after he was informed of what happened in Parintins, he went ballistic. Amanda had arrived at work right on time. Perez introduced her to his secretary that ran the outside office from his main office. His secretary, Jessica Santos had seen many pretty girls come and go. She thought Amanda was just another in a never ending line of flesh for his Lord's pleasure. However, after an hour or two, Jessica decided Amanda had a brain and she'd best beware not to lose her job.

  At just before noon, they heard shouting from Perez's office. Both girls ran into his room to witness Perez on his cell phone screaming about something they couldn't understand. Later they found out a massacre had happened in Parintins with a fire that destroyed their warehouse full of product.

  He really came unglued when he found out his regional boss had Robin Hood tattooed on his chest. In Perez's mind this was the straw that broke the camel's back. It time for war if that's what they wanted, he'd oblige the Robin Hood gang of merry men.

  After he sat down and calmed down, Amanda moved around behind him gently massaging his shoulders and neck. He grunted his approval and patted her hand. She whispered in his ear if he'd like a glass of some spirits to drink.

  "Yes, my dear Amanda, you'll find some rum in my bar over there. Make it a double please. After that please continue the massage. I need to think about what has happened. You know whoever did this killed eight men plus my regional boss. Also they destroyed my warehouse that contained product and chemicals. The loss is in the millions Amanda. I need to take measures to protect my other regions. Ah, thanks for the drink. Please continue the massage while I sip the nectar of the rum gods."

  "Do you have a plan of sorts Lord Perez and how can I help you in anyway. I'm not a soldier, but from behind the lines I can make guys happy," Amanda said.

  "Well, thanks Amanda for the offer. The first thing I need is some real soldiers to protect my investments. The second one is, if I'm not being to forward, a massage below my belt would be extremely appreciated. That action will be duly rewarded in hard cash."

  "Your wish is my command," said Amanda as she reached down and gently squeezed his privates. Perez was standing up in a heartbeat with a quick shucking of his pants he laid backwards onto his desk top revealing a standup unit for Amanda to play with. Amanda went to work closing her eyes and mind to what she was doing. A few minutes later she was cleaning his unit with a warm washrag thanking Angie for her great instructions. Perez was slowly recovering.

  "Amanda, you're just what the doctor ordered," he said while peeling five hundred Real from his money clip.


  The remainder of the day was spent overseeing the construction process and waiting for a report on the covert site progress. Just at quitting time Ramon and his friend came into the warehouse with a report. "Mike we located two more good sites up river."

  "Good job men," said Mike. "I've two guys at my hotel that will go with you to examine the sites. They only speak English and with Whymare with you, that shouldn't be a problem."

  Mike made a call to have the Seals meet Ramon at the dock area. Even if it was an overnight job, so be it. Mike gave Ramon some money to take care of the river boat and supplies.
  An hour before dark, a runner came in to report that a luxury boat had been located. Felix and Mike, along with the runner, went to an outlying area where a lovely home was sitting next to the river, but up high in case of flooding. Sitting at the dock was a yacht about 15 meters long. It had a flying bridge and what appeared a large back deck for relaxing.

  The owner was from France, but spoke good English. The reason the yacht was for sale was because he needed the money to support his family back home in France. They'd been hit by hard times; like so many people around the world.

  The owner gave Mike an inspection just completed and told him his asking price. Mike did a quick once over and just as the sun went down, wrote out a check for his new yacht. He told the owner he'd send someone over tomorrow to pick it up.

  Felix asked, "Mike is that a lot of money for a yacht like that?"

  "I'll tell you the truth Felix; I've no idea what its worth. Furthermore, beings Lord Numnuts is paying for it, I could care less."


  Pedro Sanchez sat in Lord Perez's office listening to his new employer tell him what he wanted. Pedro was known throughout South America as an assassin who once assigned to a job, finished it satisfactorily.

  Just looking at him send chills down most people's spine. He left no doubt that he was a cold blooded killer. His fee was justified by his success. "Lord Perez, I want five million USD in my account. I'll accept responsibility for hiring men. From what you've said, I need a map of the locations to protect. I'd guess it would take me a few weeks to have everything in place. At the end of the job, another five million will be deposited. If you agree, I'll start immediately."

  "I agree Pedro. I want this Robin Hood guy dead, skinned alive hanging on my office wall. Remember to leave the farmers alone as they make my product. None of your men will seek to molest any girls or women. Hire some whores flown in at my expense; I don't care about the money. Now how many men do you thing you'll need at the regional hubs of my business?"

  "It's not how many Lord Perez, but how well trained they are. I'm guessing but I'd think ten at each location would be all I could round up quickly. That would be sixty soldiers total with six of my captains as leaders. I assuming the boss man of each region live in a house. If so, then my men have to find a place to stay while we guard the grounds. I presume you have warehouses at each region?"

  "Yes, we do Pedro. The security force could stay there as that would be easier to guard than a house. I'll notify each boss to set up dorms inside each warehouse. I'll hire helicopters to ferry cots and such things necessary for living fairly comfortably. We can fly in supplies as necessary. Some of the locations have ample goods and services. Also some have airports where we fly in cargo. I'll transfer all product to our central warehouses."

  "Are those warehouses secure Lord Perez?"

  "Let's increase security at those as well. Here, let me write down the location of our central warehouses," said Lord Perez as he took his new pencil and legal pad up to write in heavy letters the address of three warehouses in the Belem region. Lord Perez was a little reluctant to give out that information, but he need to protect his product first and foremost. He'd commitments on down the line that demanded product or they'd go elsewhere. He handed the sheet of paper to Pedro and said, "Memorize and destroy the paper Pedro."

  "Okay senor, now when I see the deposit I'll begin my job. Either give me a map noting the region or give me the coordinates of each location."

  Lord Perez escorted Pedro out the door and nodded to Amanda to come in. Like a good employee, Amanda took her note book in and shut the door behind her. Perez said, "Amanda would you give me an instant replay of yesterday please. That guy that just left cost me ten million US. Instead of going forward I'm going backwards."

  "I'm here Lord. Just relax and let me release the tension from your body," as she saw the legal pad on his desk with heavy marks of his previous writing. Amanda realized that if that visit with the scarcest man she'd ever seen, cost him 10 million dollars, then whatever was written on the legal pad was worth finding out. Now she had to be clever to either take the sheet of paper or run a pencil across the lines to highlight it. It'd be best to high light it and destroy it in the shredder. But first she must distract him while she found a time and place to do the job.

  She went to work on his unit all the while wondering how to secrete the sheet of paper. After he released his fluid he said, "Amanda I'm going to take a shower now. Will you fix me a rum and order in some lunch please?"

  As if God was looking down upon her. She waited until the water was running and after she'd fixed a drink, took his pencil and highlighted the writing. There were three addresses and she memorized all three. Then she went out to shred the sheet of paper. His secretary was absent at lunch. She got lucky this time. She wished it would hold repeatedly.

  After work as she walked down the street she called into Angi using code with the addresses.


  The next day, after the two Seals went with Ramon to look at some covert sites and Felix went with an experienced skipper of the yacht, Mike wasn't expecting a visitor, but here was Ferdie Perez smiling like he'd just won the lotto.

  "Hello Mr. Brimstone, I'm Ferdie Perez at your service. I understand you're looking for some coffee plantations. Well, I just so happen to have two for you to look at."

  "Nice to meet you Ferdie. Sorry the mess, but we're just getting going here. I've an office of sorts so come with me please. Actually there were two offices and a small one for just this type of meeting was perfect. The larger one was for team meetings.

  "Like I said Mr. Brimstone, I've two really excellent plantations to choose from. One is 600 hectares with an old colonial house that needs some work, but has potential. The workers would need new housing as this place has been vacant for many years. That's an asset because the land had lain fallow for a long time. The asking price is 1000 Real a hectare." Ferdie let that sink in and then continued, "The other one is smaller at just over 400 hectares and they're asking the same price per hectare. If you need some time to think about it, that's fine with me. Let me ask you this Mr. Brimstone, what's your first reaction?"

  "What about access and do they have an airport of sorts, roads or what," asked Mike.

  "Both have roads and the bigger of the two has a grass airport for smaller planes. The smaller one does have a flat place not far from the old house where an airport could be had. The old house isn't much, but these owners would take less, I'm positive," said an eager Ferdie.

  "Let's charter a small plane for a fly over Ferdie. I'm a bit busy today, but how about tomorrow," asked Mike.

  Ferdie nodded his head yes and asked, "What time is good for you?"

  "Let's say 10 am and how far away are they from here," asked Mike.

  "By air about thirty minutes at the outside," said Ferdie as his eyes saw dollar signs dangling in front of him.

  Mike was laughing when he got a call from Felix saying they were at the dock if he wanted a test run in his new yacht. Mike said he'd be right there soonest he could.

  Mike was introduced to the skipper. Cid Delano who was around his late forties, Mike guessed. He seemed to carry himself well with confidence. He was the former skipper under the French man and was in need of a job Mike said, "Let's go Cid and if you can pilot this yacht in and out of port, the job is yours. I ask if you're married or not because I'd like the skipper to live on board if possible."

  "I'm single Mr. Brimstone. I can live onboard very easily. Because this craft is or has sensitive radio gear, thieves are always a problem. I'd like for you to hire some security if you can see your way clear to providing some extra watchmen."

  "We sure can do that Cid. While in port let's figure two men to guard the craft. Now let's take her for a spin."

  An hour later Mike was happy with the craft and its skipper. Now it was party time and he knew two guys who probably jump at the chance to take a night cruise with pretty girls serving good food and

  He told Felix to change the name to: "Coffee Mocha" Also to make sure the craft had adequate refrigeration storage for parties and company. Have the new skipper make the arrangements and give him 20,000 Real for expenses.

  Felix passed the word and the new skipper smiled nodding in the affirmative.

  That night the two Seals came back to report their findings. It was only 6 am when they found Mike in the restaurant eating breakfast. They joined him. "We found two good ones about a hundred miles up the river Mike. We're good to go from there. I'm suggesting we clear a place and set up camp. From there it would be much faster to take a high speed boat upriver to locate some more sites. Ramon says we should have no problem finding places such as we desire."

  "Good idea Robert. I'll tell Brad to have what you want ready. I suggest you fly down to Belem reporting to Brad. Now have something to eat. I can't complain about the food here. So far so good," said Mike.


  Lord Perez swiped his phone off. He thought about what his friend told him about a guy named Mike Brimstone from Chicago. Paulo Silva told him this guy was in process of buying coffee beans on the open market and actively looking for land to plant coffee. He told Perez this guy was throwing money around like no tomorrow as he'd leased a warehouse. It was being remodeled with a giant sign up as buyer of various products for export. He also was looking at large plantations for sale. Last thing Paulo told him he'd purchased a yacht for cruising the river. As a matter of fact, the first cruise was scheduled for the upcoming weekend and Paulo and Diego were guests.


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