Robin Hood Visits Brazil

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Robin Hood Visits Brazil Page 11

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Thanks sir and I'll report back soonest."


  Mike wanted to see the other plantation so he contacted Ferdie for time to go. James T. would do the piloting this time around. Nobody was sure if landing was possible on the old plantation and a trip by car would take forever. Indeed James T. had a helicopter, but it was in service for a few days.

  "Let's take a chance," said Mike to James T. on the phone.

  "Hey you the boss Mike," said James T.

  "We can meet you at noon if that is good for you," asked Mike

  "The plane is fueled and ready when you get here. I presume you're bringing a side kick along," asked James T.

  "He's like my shadow. We both stay alive by having four eyes instead of just two. See you soon."

  Felix stayed behind to watch the warehouse and Whymare was scheduled to fly to Tefe with the Seals.

  While everyone had left, Felix sat at the front desk thinking about what had transpired and what might transpire. Tony seemed bogged down in Belem and was working behind the scenes with the government. Tony had related to him that he was making a plan for San Paulo and Rio to take on the other drug lord, Ramon Valzez. Tony had made it clear he wanted to be in the raids concerning the Regional Hubs of Lord Perez.

  While he sat thinking about it and watching some workers sweep the floor, a native man walked in looking around rather curious as to what was going on. Felix could hear hammers pounding nails in the back. It was strange to see a native walk into the warehouse. Felix decided to find out what the middle age man wanted. Walking up to him Felix put on his best grin and said, "Welcome stranger. What can we do for you? How about a cool soft drink to ease your thirst?"

  "I'd like that," said the man sticking out his hand in western fashion and continued, "and my name is Pepe Mindez from across the river. I have coffee beans for sale and would like to know what your price or prices are sir."

  "I'm very glad to meet you Pepe. The owner is out of town as we speak so I'm not sure what the price is for coffee beans. However, if you'll give me a few minutes I'll have a number for you."

  "Right now I've about three hundred kilos ready to go. I've a small sample with me, but realize you'd need to inspect the entire lot."

  "Okay let me make a call and I'll be right back. Sit down and I'll fetch a cold drink for you."

  Felix called Nancy and she told him that coffee is purchased by the kilo bag. Usually a bag or sack is 60 plus kilos. The market fluctuates every day, but today's market for average coffee is about four Real per kilo. That's on the high end. Tell your farmer friend to not advertise that price as I'm not sure what it really is Felix. I was told that the price went up this year to 485 Reals per 60 kg bag. Tell the guy 450 and see what happens if he likes it or not.

  "I'm told Pepe that 450 Reals is the market price at this time. How's that sound to you," asked Felix.

  "I'll take it and thanks a lot. I'll have all delivered in a few days. I've one 60 kilo bag with me so if you could see your way clear to give me the 450 Reals, I can pay for my shipping costs."

  "No problem," said Felix. I'll get one of the guys to help you carry in the bag. I'll go fetch the money.

  Felix had no idea whether or not this was good or bad coffee. However, what did 450 Reals mean in what they've been spending lately. Felix had the feeling the warehouse was going to be busy very soon.

  Chapter 19

  Nancy and Wade picked up Agent Jones and Wendy at the airport in Belem just before noon. After a brief discussion they were driven to the Hilton to sleep off some jet lag. Nancy brought them both up to speed on the goings on and gave them Mike's idea of having both oversee the plantation construction.

  At six pm they were having dinner with Brad and team. Angie was there, but Tony had flown to Manaus to join forces with the Seals. Tony had two of his men with him so as they could learn from the Seals first hand.

  Nancy noticed Wendy looked a little uncomfortable in her condition. "Wendy are you doing okay with this tropical heat," asked Nancy.

  "I just need some time to adjust Nancy. It seems like I'm packing a lot of water around. I'm sure when I start sweating I'll not feel so bloated. I just wish Jones would quit fusing with me. It's like I'm the first woman in the history of earth to have a baby.

  "How do you feel about maybe going up to a remote location while construction is going on at the homestead?"

  "As long as we can have some a/c I'll be fine. I've been doing some research on the natives and their farming practices. I'd like to help them accelerate into the modern world. Let's put that drug money to good use. I've no idea how many families it would take to farm a plantation of this size that Mike is buying. Maybe it's possible to eventually hire caretakers who will see to the natives needs in education and other things. Maybe even a company store and health clinic?"

  "I hear that," said Agent Jones. "Next thing you know we'll be moving to Brazil."

  "No chance of that Jones," said Wendy. Our child will be raised as an American. Period. End of story."

  Brad said, "Let's keep you two out of harm's way and having a plantation in our growing property investments only increases our message to others. You guys have some fun and enjoy the natives. I understand we bought our first sack of coffee today. I feel a stampede coming on as the farmers defy Lord Perez for a rewarding cash crop. I've got to run now as must see the president about the other drug lord.

  By the way Billy and Alice, are you close to being able to wipe out Lord Perez? I hope we can read the sign on his door saying: "Going out of business sale.'"

  "We can do that anytime Brad. It will take us some time to complete the transactions, but after about an eight hour time frame, his assets will be transferred to various places around the world."

  "Brad the colonial house is set up and ready for occupancy anytime you want. All that's left is to install the security system," said Nancy.

  "Wade, would you like to get your feet wet and go on a mission with Tony and our Seals?"

  All eyes went to Wade whose mouth fell open revealing a pink set of lower gums complete with even white teeth. He swallowed hard and after clearing his throat, saw Brad with a smile on his face. A long ten seconds passed and he said, "I honestly thought I'd be a bench warmer for the duration of this trip. I've dreamed of this Brad and am thrilled to participate. What do you want me to do?"

  The Seals and Tony will return to Manaus in a day or two after a recon of Tefe's warehouse. You can meet Tony at Mike's warehouse at any time. Fly out in the morning if you like. Before you go, you might find some camo gear to wear. Not sure where that might be, but must be a place here somewhere," said Brad.


  Tony and his two men flew to Tefe. Tony had called Robert to let him know they'd meet up at a specific hotel. All was set as Robert and team had thoroughly checked out the heavily guarded warehouse. The plan would be after Tony was shown around; they'd fly back to Manaus to make a strike plan.

  Meanwhile, Mike had flown with James T. and Ferdie to look at the second plantation on Ferdie's listings. James T. kept up a chatter almost the entire way to the site. However, once they arrived, he turned serious and made several passes to make sure a grass landing was safe. He told them it might be a little bumpy, but hang on.

  It was true that a bumpy landing was experienced. Half way to shut down, James T. said, "I sure hope the nuts and bolts don't fall off," As a teeth rattling landing came to a safe halt.

  "Jesus James T. this is kind of rough on planes. Next guy you'd best charge double," Mike said with a chuckle as he was happy to touch ground with his feet once again.

  Ferdie was still a bit shaken up and he wondered if all of this danger was really worth the commission or not. Mike's first impression was one of disappointment as the place was really run down. However, it appeared the land was in good shape. It would take a large investment, but what the hell, he thought, Perez has lots of money.

  James T. what do you think about this piece of property
? I've a lot of money to spend so if you think we've got a winner here, let's take a risk. I want to know how many farmers are in the area and if we can entice some to work for us or would we have to go to the outside for labor?"

  "I'm sure Mike that once the word goes out, labor wouldn't be a problem. The promise of cash for labor works well with most all walks of life."

  "It does have some fine old hardwood trees around the old house. I wonder about water."

  "I'm not sure about how deep a well must be dug to have underground water. I'd think that most of the time rain would keep the plants healthy. I'll ask around and see what's what," said James T.

  "I think two would be great for starters James T. What I need is a straw boss who manages with a fair hand and not a whip," said Mike.

  Ferdie was standing by listening and he said, "There're lots of guys with families who would jump at the chance of managing a plantation such as this. There're more and more colleges graduates that have degrees in agriculture qualified for what you want."

  "Okay, let's go back and make it happen Ferdie," said Mike as they walked to the plane.


  Lord Perez had just hung up the phone from his contact man inside the government. He was well connected to the president. Perez was thinking about what his insider told him. He couldn't believe a spy might be in his employ. However, it did seem a little strange the recent attacks specifically the Belem attack on his warehouse. And why now is all of this happening when just after the president went to the USA and now an all out war is happening.

  He thought about who might be spying on him and passing on information about location and product. The only recent employee was Amanda and she didn't have access to any of his sensitive documents. Perez dug through his bottom drawer and dug out Amanda's resume. The difference between this time and the first time was he was conscience of what he read. He saw she'd graduated from the university in Manaus. Her parents were farmers. There was nothing out of the ordinary from what he could tell.

  Perez punched in his security man and informed him he had two minutes to get to his office. Perez was becoming a little angry and needed some relief. The problem with that was if Amanda was a spy, she was dead meat.

  Security came in panting. Perez said, "Call the university in Manaus and check on Amanda as concerns her time at the school. Do it now and then come back to report."

  Security ran out the door and down the hall to make the call. A half hour later he ran back to Perez. He said, breathlessly, "She checks out fine Lord. Her adviser recommended she apply with you. I'll dig a bit deeper and let you know more later."

  "Perez wasn't convinced. He pushed a button to have Amanda come in and see him. The security man and Amanda passed by at the same time the door was opened. Amanda realized something was up and told self to remain cool and not be scared.

  "Sit down Amanda," said a gruff Lord Perez. I've word that we might have a spy in our midst. I need to examine your back ground. Tell me about your family and how you came to afford the university."

  Amanda and Angie had practiced this before and now it was time to see if her story would pass muster. "Lord, my family is farmers and has been for generations. My family works for you growing coca. My father told me he saw a brain in my head from birth. For many years he tucked away a little money to have me attend a university. He told me it was for his retirement that I could repay him when he got really old. Well, he died, but my mother is alive and well. I moved her here in Belem and now I can take care of her. My brothers and sisters operate the farm. That's my story Lord."

  "I'll check it out Amanda and I want to believe you, but someone is supplying my business to the government. For your sake and mine too, let's hope you are clean and not a spy. Now is the time to show me how much you like me and working for me. Strip down and assume the position," he said while dropping his pants.

  Amanda realized this time would come eventually and she'd a condom stuck in her bra. Surprisingly, Perez didn't resist when she put it on him. He wasn't gentle, but realized it could have been worse. Amanda went to Angie in her mind hearing her words clearly: 'It's only for a few minutes and then it's over.' She met him and was convincing in her fake passion. Like Angie taught her, reach down and squeeze the hell out of the balls; they ejaculate quicker.

  Lord Perez said afterwards, "That was nice Amanda. Be real careful as there're many eyes in this building. You're excused to freshen up."

  Amanda hurried to her apartment wondering if she had escaped from death or would she pass inspection after a check out. Regardless, the pain she felt both physically and mentally kept her moving towards her goal to rid the world of an animal.

  Chapter 20

  Tony had caught up with the Seals in Tefe. He and Wade were on the same plane busy chatting away. Robert had word they were coming and was waiting at the airport for their plane to land. Lucky for the recon team a fairly large hotel had a spacious open air bar. Robert wasn't sure, but he thought because of their tourist dress, and fake laughter, they'd be viewed as raucous tourists.

  In between hoots and hollers, Robert told Tony what they'd observed and that later they'd take a cruise of the port area. Following that, they'd leave the area to plan an attack. Tony seemed pleased and asked, "How many guards did you observe and how attentive were they for watching the place?"

  "I'd say pretty typical security with guys walking around smoking and talking to each other. Bored is the word I wanted to use. These guys are plum bored and I can't blame the guards at all. But knowing that already some warehouses have taken a hit, you'd best be alert. I'm thinking these guys believe we're taking the regional centers one by one coming up the river. As this is number five, relax and put in your time until the shift is over.

  What we lack here is the Master who with a squeeze of the nerve somewhere near or on the neck put a guy to sleep for a couple hours. We've to do it the old fashion way: shoot the bastards," Robert said laughing like hell as the other guys did the same. Someone suggested a toast and glasses clinked around the table. Wade had heard every word. He was keen to do a job that would be passed on to Brad in a favorable light.

  "What do you suggest we do for an attack Robert," asked Tony.

  "The warehouse is smack dab in the middle of the long block with a warehouse on either side of it. That's to our advantage. A narrow walk way separates the warehouses on both sides. I don't think there's any access on either side, but there's a small roll up door in the back. It doesn't appear that it's used very much and only two guards are back there. In the front, five guys come and go walking around the neighbor hood area. Along the eves are vents to let the heat out. Light is evident coming from the inside. As to how many guards are in there, no idea really. I'd guess at the outside four or five.

  We're fairly sure the boss man is staying inside as nobody is staying or is around his residence."

  "Where have you stashed the chopper," asked Tony.

  "I'd say two klicks out of town. The pilot is with it and probably bored to death like the other guards around here. I'll relieve him after our chat so he can eat and relax a bit."

  At midnight Tony and Robert, along with Wade, went on a recon of the warehouse area. Tony's first impression was that it might take some long range shooting. The need for getting close would be difficult to do. Both Tony and Robert anticipated just that need. They had with them 22 caliber long rifle with suppressors. Head shots would be best; or to the neck area. A 22 is a small caliber for sure and it takes an accurate shooter to take down a full grown man.

  After being dropped off a klick away, Tony, Robert and Wade walked to the warehouse being as silent as possible. When they were about a block away, the lighted warehouse stood out like a sore thumb. They saw the guards milling around without much purpose in the security. A glance under the roof eves showed a well lighted interior. Tony whispered that he'd go around back and see what was up. Robert and Wade waited down the street.

  Thirty minutes later he came back. He mot
ioned all to leave the area. The van picked up the three men and they went to the area where the chopper was hidden. By now it was just after 2 am. Tony said, "Hell boys, what are we waiting for. Let's go take em out while the getting is good. Anybody have any objections?"

  They all looked at each other and then Robert said, "Robin led on as we merry men are ready to rock and roll."

  Arrival time was just after 3 am. When they saw the guards, five guards were leaning against the wall. They were lined up like sitting ducks. After assigning each Seal with a target, leaving Wade and Tony without a target, they Seals on a count of three fired at the same time with their laser guided scopes. Wade said later that all five men fell down at the same time.

  Tony ran across the street followed by the rest of the team members. A quick check revealed all five guards were not breathing any longer. Rifles lay carefully next to the warehouse; silenced pistols drawn, Tony on one side of the door and Robert on the other, Tony gave a rap with the butt of his pistol on the door.

  A long minute later the door opened slowly. The foolish guard stuck his head out to look around. Robert put a bullet into the back of his head while he looked at Tony. Tony caught the man and let him down carefully and quietly.

  Robert was the first in quickly followed by the other Seals and Wade. A voice was heard from the back asking in Portuguese what was going on. Wade hollered back in the same language all was well. Tony smiled and Robert gave a scratch of the head.

  All six men spread out and worked their way to the back where they found four guards sitting around a table drinking they knew not what. When the guards saw Robin's merry men, they went for their weapons. Too little too late as all four crashed to the floor breaking the wooden table while falling to the floor. Tony thought sure the upstairs area, where the boss was sleeping, would have heard the noise. Both he and Robert, with Wade tagging along, hurried up the stairs.


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